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The O(2)(-) generating NADPH oxidase complex of neutrophils comprises two sets of components, namely a membrane-bound heterodimeric flavocytochrome b which contains the redox centers of the oxidase and water-soluble proteins of cytosolic origin which act as activating factors of the flavocytochrome. The NADPH oxidase can be activated in a cell-free system consisting of plasma membranes and cytosol from resting neutrophils in the presence of GTPgammaS and arachidonic acid. NADPH oxidase activation is inhibited by phenylarsine oxide (PAO), a sulfhydryl reagent for vicinal or proximal thiol groups. The site of action of PAO was localized by photolabeling in the beta-subunit of flavocytochrome b [Doussière, J., Poinas, A, Blais, C., and Vignais, P. V. (1998) Eur. J. Biochem. 251, 649-658]. Moreover, the spin state of heme b is controlled by interaction of arachidonic acid with the flavocytochrome b [Doussière, J., Gaillard, J., and Vignais, P. V. (1996) Biochemistry 35, 13400-13410]. Here we report that the promoting effect of arachidonic acid on the activation of NADPH oxidase is due to specific binding of arachidonic acid to flavocytochrome b. Elicitation of NADPH oxidase activity by arachidonic acid is in part associated with an increased affinity of flavocytochrome b for O(2), an effect that was counteracted by the methyl ester of arachidonic acid. On the other hand, the affinity for NADPH was not affected by arachidonic acid. We further demonstrate that PAO antagonizes the effect of arachidonic acid on oxidase activation by decreasing the affinity of the oxidase for O(2), but not for NADPH. PAO induced a change in the spin state of heme b, as arachidonic acid does, with, however, some differences in the constraints imposed to the heme. It is concluded that the opposite effects of arachidonic acid and PAO are exerted on the beta-subunit of flavocytochrome b at two different interacting sites.  相似文献   
Mus81 is a highly conserved endonuclease with homology to the XPF subunit of the XPF-ERCC1 complex. In yeast Mus81 associates with a second subunit, Eme1 or Mms4, which is essential for endonuclease activity in vitro and for in vivo function. Human Mus81 binds to a homolog of fission yeast Eme1 in vitro and in vivo. We show that recombinant Mus81-Eme1 cleaves replication forks, 3' flap substrates, and Holliday junctions in vitro. By use of differentially tagged versions of Mus81 and Eme1, we find that Mus81 associates with Mus81 and that Eme1 associates with Eme1. Thus, complexes containing two or more Mus81-Eme1 units could function to coordinate substrate cleavage in vivo. Down-regulation of Mus81 by RNA interference reduces mitotic recombination in human somatic cells. The recombination defect is rescued by expression of a bacterial Holliday junction resolvase. These data provide direct evidence for a role of Mus81-Eme1 in mitotic recombination in higher eukaryotes and support the hypothesis that Mus81-Eme1 resolves Holliday junctions in vivo.  相似文献   
Adherence of pathogenic microorganisms to the cell surface is a key event during infection. We have previously reported the characterization of Listeria monocytogenes transposon mutants defective in adhesion to eukaryotic cells. One of these mutants had lost the ability to produce Ami, a 102 kDa autolytic amidase with an N-terminal catalytic domain and a C-terminal cell wall-anchoring domain made up of repeated modules containing the dipeptide GW ('GW modules'). We generated ami null mutations by plasmid insertion into L. monocytogenes strains lacking the invasion proteins InlA (EGDDeltainlA), InlB (EGDDeltainlB) or both (EGDDeltainlAB). These mutants were 5-10 times less adherent than their parental strains in various cell types. The adhesion capacity of the mutants was restored by complementation with a DNA fragment encoding the Ami cell wall-anchoring domain fused to the Ami signal peptide. The cell-binding activity of the Ami cell wall-anchoring domain was further demonstrated using the purified polypeptide. Growth of the ami null mutants constructed in EGD and EGDDeltainlAB backgrounds was attenuated in the livers of mice inoculated intravenously, indicating a role for Ami in L. monocytogenes virulence. Adhesive properties have recently been reported in the non-catalytic domain of two other autolysins, Staphylococcus epidermidis AtlE and Staphylococcus saprophyticus Aas. Interestingly, we found that these domains were also composed of repeated GW modules. Thus, certain autolysins appear to promote bacterial attachment by means of their GW repeat domains. These molecules may contribute to the colonization of host tissues by Gram-positive bacteria.  相似文献   
Phylogenetic analysis of the tribe Bovini using microsatellites   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
The objective of the present study was to determine if the generally accepted phylogenetic relationships in the tribe Bovini correspond to a phylogenetic scheme derived from polymorphisms at 20 bovine microsatellite loci. This study comprises 17 representative populations: eight Bos taurus, two Bos indicus, one Poëphagus, one Bibos, one Bison, three Bubalus and one Syncerus. Phylogenetic analyses using (δμ)2 and chord (DC) distances revealed substantial divergence among species. Neighbor‐joining trees with both distance measures showed only minor differences. Bos taurus and Bos indicus grouped first, followed by Bos frontalis (Mithan) and Bos grunniens (Yak), Bison bison branched off next and Bubalus bubalis and Syncerus caffer emerged as the two most divergent species from the Bos clade. These findings would suggest that Bos, Poëphagus, and Bibos should be integrated into the Bos genus with each group classified as a subgenus. On the other hand, Bison, Bubalus and Syncerus should each be considered a separate genus. Direct estimates of the divergence times were calculated using the (δμ)2 genetic distance. Bos taurus and Bos indicus were estimated to have diverged 0·31–0·82 MYA, Bos and Poëphagus: 0·57–1·53 MYA, Bos and Bibos: 0·57–1·52 MYA, Bos and Bison: 0·46–1·23 MYA, Bos and Bubalus: 1·85–4·93 MYA and Bos and Syncerus: 0·98–2·61 MYA.  相似文献   
Striatin is an intracellular protein characterized by four protein-protein interaction domains, a caveolin-binding motif, a coiled-coil structure, a calmodulin-binding domain, and a WD repeat domain, suggesting that it is a signaling or a scaffold protein. Down-regulation of striatin, which is expressed in a few subsets of neurons, impairs the growth of dendrites as well as rat locomotor activity (Bartoli, M., Ternaux, J. P., Forni, C., Portalier, P., Salin, P., Amalric, M., and Monneron, A. (1999) J. Neurobiol. 40, 234-243). Zinedin, a "novel" protein described here, and SG2NA share with striatin identical protein-protein interaction domains and the same overall domain structure. A phylogenetic analysis supports the hypothesis that they constitute a multigenic family deriving from an ancestral gene. DNA probes and antibodies raised against specific domains of each protein showed that zinedin is mainly expressed in the central nervous system, whereas SG2NA, of more widespread occurrence, is mainly expressed in the brain and muscle. All three proteins are both cytosolic and membrane-bound. All three bind calmodulin in the presence of Ca(2+). In rat brain, SG2NA and striatin are generally not found in the same neurons. Both localize to the soma and dendrites, suggesting that they share a similar type of addressing and closely related functions.  相似文献   
Vegetation in tropical Asia is highly diverse due to large environmental gradients and heterogeneity of landscapes. This biodiversity is threatened by intense land use and climate change. However, despite the rich biodiversity and the dense human population, tropical Asia is often underrepresented in global biodiversity assessments. Understanding how climate change influences the remaining areas of natural vegetation is therefore highly important for conservation planning. Here, we used the adaptive Dynamic Global Vegetation Model version 2 (aDGVM2) to simulate impacts of climate change and elevated CO2 on vegetation formations in tropical Asia for an ensemble of climate change scenarios. We used climate forcing from five different climate models for representative concentration pathways RCP4.5 and RCP8.5. We found that vegetation in tropical Asia will remain a carbon sink until 2099, and that vegetation biomass increases of up to 28% by 2099 are associated with transitions from small to tall woody vegetation and from deciduous to evergreen vegetation. Patterns of phenology were less responsive to climate change and elevated CO2 than biomes and biomass, indicating that the selection of variables and methods used to detect vegetation changes is crucial. Model simulations revealed substantial variation within the ensemble, both in biomass increases and in distributions of different biome types. Our results have important implications for management policy, because they suggest that large ensembles of climate models and scenarios are required to assess a wide range of potential future trajectories of vegetation change and to develop robust management plans. Furthermore, our results highlight open ecosystems with low tree cover as most threatened by climate change, indicating potential conflicts of interest between biodiversity conservation in open ecosystems and active afforestation to enhance carbon sequestration.  相似文献   
Dispersal is a key life‐history trait governing the response of individuals, populations and species to changing environmental conditions. In the context of global change, it is therefore essential to better understand the respective role of condition‐, phenotype‐ and genetic‐dependent drivers of dispersal behaviour. Although the importance of immune function and pathogen infestation in determining patterns of dispersal is increasingly recognised, no study to our knowledge has yet investigated the influence of immune gene variability on dispersal behaviour. Here, we filled this knowledge gap by assessing whether individual heterozygosity at five immune gene loci (one from the Major histocompatibility complex and four from encoding Toll‐like receptors) influences roe deer natal dispersal. We found that dispersal propensity was affected by immune gene diversity, suggesting potential pathogen‐mediated selection through over‐dominance. However, the direction of this effect differed between high and low quality individuals, suggesting that dispersal propensity is driven by two different mechanisms. In support of the condition‐dependent dispersal hypothesis, dispersal propensity increased with increasing body mass and, among high quality individuals only (standardized body mass > 18 kg), with increasing immune gene diversity. However, among poor quality individuals, we observed the opposite pattern such that dispersal propensity was higher for individuals with lower immune gene diversity. We suggest that these poor quality individuals expressed an emergency dispersal tactic in an attempt to escape a heavily infested environment associated with poor fitness prospects. Our results have potentially important consequences in terms of population genetics and demography, as well as host–pathogen evolution.  相似文献   
Individual body mass often positively correlates with survival and reproductive success, whereas fitness costs of growing large are rarely detected in vertebrates in the wild. Evidence that adult body mass progressively declines with increasing age is accumulating across mammalian populations. Growing fast to a large body can increase the cellular damage accumulated throughout life, leading body growth in early life to be negatively associated with the rate of body mass senescence. Moreover, the onset of mass senescence may strongly depend on both sex‐specific reproductive tactics and environmental conditions. Assessing the timing and the rate of body mass decline with increasing age thus offers an opportunity to look for costs of having grown fast, especially after a poor start during early life, in both sexes and in different environments. Using a unique dataset including 30 years of longitudinal data on age‐specific body mass collected in two roe deer Capreolus capreolus populations subjected to contrasted environmental conditions, we looked for potential costs of high post‐weaning growth rate in terms of steeper rate of body mass senescence. Our analyses of body mass senescence accounted for the potential variation in the onset of senescence and allowed explicit comparisons of this variable between sexes and populations. Higher growth rates late in the growing period (after weaning) were associated with a steeper rate of body mass senescence, regardless of early mass (gained before weaning), but at different extents depending on sex and environmental conditions. Body mass senescence occurred earlier in males than in females, especially in the population facing limiting resources. In the wild, although heavy individuals generally survive better than small ones, the costs of growing large late in the growing period only became apparent late in life through mass senescence.  相似文献   
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