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Echinococcosis is a complex zoonosis that has domestic and sylvatic lifecycles, and a range of different intermediate and definitive host species. The complexities of its transmission and the sparse evidence on the effectiveness of control strategies in diverse settings provide significant challenges for the design of effective public health policy against this disease. Mathematical modelling is a useful tool for simulating control packages under locally specific transmission conditions to inform optimal timing and frequency of phased interventions for cost-effective control of echinococcosis. The aims of this review of 30 years of Echinococcus modelling were to discern the epidemiological mechanisms underpinning models of Echinococcus granulosus and E. multilocularis transmission and to establish the need to include a human transmission component in such models.

Methodology/Principal Findings

A search was conducted of all relevant articles published up until July 2012, identified from the PubMED, Web of Knowledge and Medline databases and review of bibliographies of selected papers. Papers eligible for inclusion were those describing the design of a new model, or modification of an existing mathematical model of E. granulosus or E. multilocularis transmission. A total of 13 eligible papers were identified, five of which described mathematical models of E. granulosus and eight that described E. multilocularis transmission. These models varied primarily on the basis of six key mechanisms that all have the capacity to modulate model dynamics, qualitatively affecting projections. These are: 1) the inclusion of a ‘latent’ class and/or time delay from host exposure to infectiousness; 2) an age structure for animal hosts; 3) the presence of density-dependent constraints; 4) accounting for seasonality; 5) stochastic parameters; and 6) inclusion of spatial and risk structures.


This review discusses the conditions under which these mechanisms may be important for inclusion in models of Echinococcus transmission and proposes recommendations for the design of dynamic human models of transmission. Accounting for the dynamic behaviour of the Echinococcus parasites in humans will be key to predicting changes in the disease burden over time and to simulate control strategies that optimise public health impact.  相似文献   
We have investigated the prospective association between excess gestational weight gain (GWG) and development of diabetes by 21 years post-partum using a community-based large prospective cohort study in Brisbane, Australia. There were 3386 mothers for whom complete data were available on GWG, pre-pregnancy BMI and self-reported diabetes 21 years post-partum. We used The Institute of Medicine (IOM) definition to categorize GWG as inadequate, adequate and excessive. We found 839 (25.78%) mothers gained inadequate weight, 1,353 (39.96%) had adequate weight gain and 1,194 (35.26%) had gained excessive weight during pregnancy. At 21 years post-partum, 8.40% of mothers self-reported a diagnosis of diabetes made by their doctor. In the age adjusted model, we found mothers who gained excess weight during pregnancy were 1.47(1.11,1.94) times more likely to experience diabetes at 21 years post-partum compared to the mothers who gained adequate weight. This association was not explained by the potential confounders including maternal age, parity, education, race, smoking, TV watching and exercise. However, this association was mediated by the current BMI. There was no association for the women who had normal BMI before pregnancy and gained excess weight during pregnancy. The findings of this study suggest that women who gain excess weight during pregnancy are at greater risk of being diagnosed with diabetes in later life. This relationship is likely mediated through the pathway of post-partum weight-retention and obesity. This study adds evidence to the argument that excessive GWG during pregnancy for overweight mothers has long term maternal health implications.  相似文献   
Prostaglandins A2, E1, E2, methylated E2s and F2α affected erythropoiesis and/or erythropoietin (Ep) production. This action is indicated in the exhypoxic, polycythemic mouse where radioiron incorporations into RBC increased after administration of these compounds. The kidney and liver have been indicated through previous studies, to actively participate in Ep production. By the removal of one of these active sites in a murine system treated with prostaglandins it is shown that a response is reflected in Ep levels. Interference of the action of prostaglandins (PG) is altered by the removal of one of these target sites of Ep production. The erythropoietic responses elicited by PGA2, E1, and perhaps the methylated PGE2s act through the liver whereas PGE2 may operate through a renal pathway for its response. PGF reveals no effect on erythropoietic activity and is no different than that observed for vehicle-treated controls. The prostaglandins tested appear to act primarily through the kidney or liver but the possibility exists that some yet undetermined organ site may also be involved.  相似文献   
Some case-control genome-wide association studies (CCGWASs) select promising single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) by ranking corresponding p-values, rather than by applying the same p-value threshold to each SNP. For such a study, we define the detection probability (DP) for a specific disease-associated SNP as the probability that the SNP will be "T-selected," namely have one of the top T largest chi-square values (or smallest p-values) for trend tests of association. The corresponding proportion positive (PP) is the fraction of selected SNPs that are true disease-associated SNPs. We study DP and PP analytically and via simulations, both for fixed and for random effects models of genetic risk, that allow for heterogeneity in genetic risk. DP increases with genetic effect size and case-control sample size and decreases with the number of nondisease-associated SNPs, mainly through the ratio of T to N, the total number of SNPs. We show that DP increases very slowly with T, and the increment in DP per unit increase in T declines rapidly with T. DP is also diminished if the number of true disease SNPs exceeds T. For a genetic odds ratio per minor disease allele of 1.2 or less, even a CCGWAS with 1000 cases and 1000 controls requires T to be impractically large to achieve an acceptable DP, leading to PP values so low as to make the study futile and misleading. We further calculate the sample size of the initial CCGWAS that is required to minimize the total cost of a research program that also includes follow-up studies to examine the T-selected SNPs. A large initial CCGWAS is desirable if genetic effects are small or if the cost of a follow-up study is large.  相似文献   
Zhao J  Huhman D  Shadle G  He XZ  Sumner LW  Tang Y  Dixon RA 《The Plant cell》2011,23(4):1536-1555
The majority of flavonoids, such as anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins, and isoflavones, are stored in the central vacuole, but the molecular basis of flavonoid transport is still poorly understood. Here, we report the functional characterization of a multidrug and toxin extrusion transporter (MATE2), from Medicago truncatula. MATE 2 is expressed primarily in leaves and flowers. Despite its high similarity to the epicatechin 3'-O-glucoside transporter MATE1, MATE2 cannot efficiently transport proanthocyanidin precursors. In contrast, MATE2 shows higher transport capacity for anthocyanins and lower efficiency for other flavonoid glycosides. Three malonyltransferases that are coexpressed with MATE2 were identified. The malonylated flavonoid glucosides generated by these malonyltransferases are more efficiently taken up into MATE2-containing membrane vesicles than are the parent glycosides. Malonylation increases both the affinity and transport efficiency of flavonoid glucosides for uptake by MATE2. Genetic loss of MATE2 function leads to the disappearance of leaf anthocyanin pigmentation and pale flower color as a result of drastic decreases in the levels of various flavonoids. However, some flavonoid glycoside malonates accumulate to higher levels in MATE2 knockouts than in wild-type controls. Deletion of MATE2 increases seed proanthocyanidin biosynthesis, presumably via redirection of metabolic flux from anthocyanin storage.  相似文献   
Changes in the technology of food preparation over the last few thousand years (especially cooking, softening, and grinding) are hypothesized to have contributed to smaller facial size in humans because of less growth in response to strains generated by chewing softer, more processed food. While there is considerable comparative evidence to support this idea, most experimental tests of this hypothesis have been on non-human primates or other very prognathic mammals (rodents, swine) raised on hard versus very soft (nearly liquid) diets. Here, we examine facial growth and in vivo strains generated in response to raw/dried foods versus cooked foods in a retrognathic mammal, the rock hyrax (Procavia capensis). The results indicate that the hyrax cranium resembles the non-human primate cranium in having a steep gradient of strains from the occlusal to orbital regions, but differs from most non-anthropoids in being primarily twisted; the hyrax mandible is bent both vertically and laterally. In general, higher strains, as much as two-fold at some sites, are generated by masticating raw versus cooked food. Hyraxes raised on cooked food had significantly less growth (approximately 10%) in the ventral (inferior) and posterior portions of the face, where strains are highest, resembling many of the differences evident between humans raised on highly processed versus less processed diets. The results support the hypothesis that food processing techniques have led to decreased facial growth in the mandibular and maxillary arches in recent human populations.  相似文献   
Since the nineteenth century, researchers have noted that Neandertal and modern human adults differ in mental foramen position, although the ontogenetic changes in the position of this feature have only recently come under the scrutiny of paleoanthropologists. Research on mental foramen position has focused on whether this feature is inferior to a particular tooth. However, tooth position may not be a reliable indicator of mental foramen position because of variability in tooth size within and between taxa and during eruption events. As opposed to observing the mental foramen with respect to the postcanine teeth, we examined linear distances from the mental foramen to other mandibular landmarks. Modern human adults may appear truncated, or paedomorphic, in mental foramen position with respect to Neandertal adults. However, infants of the two taxa differ substantially in anterior mandibular form. The initial differences in the shape of the mental region may be related to the embryological position of the mental foramen in modern humans and its role in the development of the mental trigone. The shape changes that accrue thereafter, possibly from faster mandibular growth rates in Neandertals, further distinguish the adults from one another. Although mandibular shape differences exist from early infancy onwards, adults of the two taxa are broadly similar in bi-mental foramen breadth with respect to mandibular size. For this reason, qualitative assessments of mental foramen position may provide less taxonomic information than previously thought.  相似文献   
The effects of Mo-hydroxylamido complexes on cell growth were determined in Saccharomyces cerevisiae to investigate the biological effects of four different Mo complexes as a function of pH. Studies with yeast, an eukaryotic cell, are particularly suited to examine growth at different pH values because this organism grows well from pH 3 to 6.5. Studies can therefore be performed both in the presence of intact complexes and when the complexes have hydrolyzed to ligand and free metal ion. One of the complexes we examined was structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography. Yeast growth was inhibited in media solutions containing added Mo-dialkylhydroxylamido complexes at pH 3-7. When combining the yeast growth studies with a systematic study of the Mo-hydroxylamido complexes' stability as a function of pH and an examination of their speciation in yeast media, the effects of intact complexes can be distinguished from that of ligand and metal. This is possible because different effects are observed with complex present than when ligand or metal alone is present. At pH 3, the growth inhibition is attributed to the forms of molybdate ion that exist in solution because most of the complexes have hydrolyzed to oxomolybdate and ligand. The monoalkylhydroxylamine ligand inhibited yeast growth at pH 5, 6 and 7, while the dialkylhydroxylamine ligands had little effect on yeast growth. Growth inhibition of the Mo-dialkylhydroxylamido complexes is observed when a complex exists in the media. A complex that is inert to ligand exchange is not effective even at pH 3 where other Mo-hydroxylamido complexes show growth inhibition as molybdate. These results show that the formation of some Mo complexes can protect yeast from the growth inhibition observed when either the ligand or Mo salt alone are present.  相似文献   
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