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The microsporidium Pleistophora crangoni n. sp. is a common parasite of Crangon franciscorum, C. nigricauda, and C. stylirostris in the vicinity of Yaquina Bay, Oregon. Characteristics of the parasite are described. Skeletal muscle was the only host tissue infected. The seasonal prevalence and intensity of the parasite in crangonids are described, based on examination of 1556 C. franciscorum, 3877 C. nigricauda, and 1674 C. stylirostris collected at monthly intervals from June 1975 through June 1976. Prevalence in C. franciscorum and C. stylirostris increased through the autumn and reached winter peaks of 30.3 and 41.0%, respectively, then decreased in the spring. Prevalence in C. nigricauda remained below 8% through the year. Intensity increased with size of the shrimps in the three species. Infection experiments and field observations suggest that only very young shrimps are susceptible to infection during a relatively short period during the summer months. Following natural infection, the parasite spreads within the host, indicating repeated schizogonic cycles. Parasitic castration was indicated by the absence of gravid infected female shrimps and was confirmed by histological examination. Ovaries of infected shrimps did not develop beyond a very early stage. A shift in sex ratio toward females in infected shrimps indicates that the parasite may influence sex determination. Shrimps showed little cellular response to infection. Only rarely in heavily infected shrimps was encapsulation of parasite cysts observed; necrotic tissue was occasionally observed. Infected shrimps usually succumbed before uninfected shrimps when subjected to oxygen stress. The collection of infected shrimps that were unusually large may indicate that these individuals grew faster or lived longer than uninfected shrimps.  相似文献   
Resistance to two cultured lines of murine embryonal carcinoma was studied in F1 hybrids constructed between the tumor-syngeneic mouse strain 129/J and several allogeneic strains. Three of four such hybrid strains were significantly more resistant to the multipotent embryonal carcinoma line PCC3 than the tumor-syngeneic 129/J parent strain. All hybrid strains tested showed significantly higher resistance to the nullipotent embryonal carcinoma line F9 than the syngeneic strain.Hybrid resistance to embryonal carcinoma lines does not require a hybridH-2 complex.Several kinds of evidence indicate that this hybrid resistance has an immunological basis.  相似文献   
South-Central European fossil hominids dated to the Upper Pleistocene exhibit a distinct morphological and metric continuum in supraorbital form from early Neandertal (Krapina), through late Neandertals (Vindija), to early Upper Paleolithic hominids. The supraorbital morphologies pertinent to this continuum are documented, and the alterations in size and morphology are discussed ralative to the function of supraorbital superstructures and their relationship to overall craniofacial form. It is concluded that this continuum most likely reflects localized transition between Neandertals and modern man in this region of Europe.  相似文献   
The grana-fretwork system was reconstructed from serial sections representing 0.5 μm slice, in profile view, from the midregion of a chloroplast of Nicotiana tabacum. Reconstructions show grana in multiple strata. The fretwork integrates the grana in all three dimensions. Large grana are visualized as complex structures consisting of two or more eccentrically stacked solids that vary in height and diameter. The close spacing and overlapping positions of grana in the plastid explain why phase microscopy cannot be used to demonstrate adequately the numerous strata of grana within a chloroplast. The grana are not far enough apart to allow for successful optical sectioning of a plastid in face view. In profile view no distinct grana can be resolved because the grana-fretwork system has the aspect of a “honeycomb.” Thus, observations with a light microscope are not adequate to determine the arrangement of grana in a chloroplast, and the recently-proposed model showing all grana of a plastid to be arranged in a single spiral ribbon must be rejected as incompatible with properties of real plastids.  相似文献   
The DNAs from two virilis group species of Drosophila, D. lummei and D. kanekoi, have been analyzed. D. lummei DNA has a major satellite which, on the basis of CsCl equilibrium centrifugation, thermal denaturation, renaturation and in situ hybridization is identical to D. virilis satellite I. D. kanekoi DNA has a major satellite at the same buoyant density in neutral CsCl gradients as satellite III of D. virilis. However, on the basis of alkaline CsCl gradients, the satellite contains a major and a minor component, neither one of which is identical to D. virilis satellite III. By in situ hybridization experiments, sequences complementary to the major component of the D. kanekoi satellite are detected in only some species and in a way not consistent with the phylogeny of the group. However, by filter hybridization experiments using nick-translated D. kanekoi satellite as well as D. lummei satellite I and D. virilis satellite III DNAs as probes, homologous sequences are detected in the DNAs of all virilis group species. Surprisingly, sequences homologous to these satellite DNAs are detected in DNAs from non-virilis group Drosophila species as well as from yeast, sea urchin, Xenopus and mouse.  相似文献   
The antitumor protein agent auromomycin was found to degrade chromatin structure primarily by inducing strand scissions in linker regions. The reaction was stimulated by dithiothreitol. The chromophore form of the drug caused similar effects on chromatin, but it appeared to function at a more rapid rate. There was no evidence that auromomycin could cause breakage in core regions of chromatin.  相似文献   
The in vitro degradation of microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP-2) and spectrin by the calcium-dependent neutral protease calpain was studied. Five major results are reported. First, MAP-2 isolated from twice-cycled microtubules (2 X MT MAP-2) was extremely sensitive to calpain-induced hydrolysis. Even at an enzyme-to-substrate ratio (wt/wt) of 1:200, 2 X MT MAP-2 was significantly degraded by calpain. Second, MAP-2 purified from the total brain heat-stable fraction (total MAP-2) was significantly more resistant to calpain-induced hydrolysis compared with 2 X MT MAP-2. Third, MAP-2a and MAP-2b were proteolyzed similarly by calpain, although some relative resistance of MAP-2b was observed. Fourth, the presence of calmodulin significantly increased the extent of calpain-induced hydrolysis of the alpha-subunit of spectrin. Fifth, the two neuronal isoforms of brain spectrin (240/235 and 240/235E, referred to as alpha/beta N and alpha/beta E, respectively) showed different sensitivities to calpain. alpha N-spectrin was significantly more sensitive to calpain-induced degradation compared to alpha E-spectrin. Among other things, these results suggest a role for the calpain-induced degradation of MAP-2, as well as spectrin, in such physiological processes as alterations in synaptic efficacy, dendritic remodeling, and in pathological processes associated with neurodegeneration.  相似文献   
Overall, the probe map fromDXWas70 toAmg encompasses 72 cM and includes 103 loci. Eight of these have been designated reference loci (see Table 2 and previous section) on account of their wide usage that would enable the cross reference of independent maps created in different laboratories. Reference loci are to be readily available and easily used probes for Southern hybridization. By and large, they will be STSs, regeneratable by PCR, and correspond to a known gene. In addition, on the mouse X Chr, there is a reference locus from each of the known conserved linkage groups found between the mouse and human X Chrs. All the loci, barDXWas31, represent conserved sequences. Committee Members: D. Adler, P.J. Barnard, Y. Boyd, N. Brockdorff, J. Derry, C. Disteche, C. Faust, M.F. Lyon, S. Rastan, M. Seldin and L. Siracusa.  相似文献   
The current recognition that chemical measurements are uncertain indicators of biological consequences of pollution has shifted the emphasis away from assessing environmental chemistry alone toward the inclusion of measurements of the health of organisms. Effects of pollutants begin with the individual, have subsequent repercussions on population level processes, and ramifications for community structure and functions. Pollutants act at a molecular level and the biochemical lesions is the first step in the manifestation of effects. Technologies that operate at the cellular level assist in elucidating toxicity. Higher levels of integration include an organism's capacity for growth. Laboratory bioassays andin situ research can monitor physiological incapacities and assist in predicting population level effects. A yet higher level of organization is that of the ecological community.  相似文献   
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