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淹水胁迫下江南牡丹生长及光合特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以3年生江南牡丹品种‘凤丹白’为材料,利用盆栽淹水法,设置正常管理、轻度胁迫和重度胁迫3个水平,研究不同淹水胁迫水平对牡丹生长和光合特性的影响。结果表明:经过30 d胁迫后,正常管理、轻度胁迫和重度胁迫下的江南牡丹苗高生长量分别为3.6、1.1和0.73 cm,地径生长量分别为0.21、0.11和0.06 cm,植株总生物量增加量分别为7.0、3.0和2.75 g,淹水胁迫和正常生长差异显著,淹水胁迫严重影响了江南牡丹的生长。同时,在正常管理时,牡丹总叶绿素含量升高,而在淹水胁迫下呈下降趋势。淹水胁迫不同时间根系活力均呈下降趋势且随着胁迫程度的增加下降越大。正常管理下光合速率逐渐增加而胁迫条件下光合速率逐渐降低。同时胁迫条件下,牡丹蒸腾速率、气孔导度均明显下降;轻度淹水胁迫下胞间CO2浓度先升高后降低;而重度胁迫下胞间CO2浓度呈现逐渐升高的变化趋势。淹水胁迫对牡丹根系活力、茎段生长和叶片光合特性影响较大。该研究结果为江南牡丹耐涝胁迫机理研究奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   
2018年已缤纷落幕,2019年带着对未来的期许纷至沓来。回顾过去,展望未来,本文整理了2018年世界乃至中国感染病界的几项重大事件与进展,并进一步梳理了该领域的发展趋势。  相似文献   
The epithelial Nachannel (ENaC) plays a critical role in the active reabsorption ofalveolar fluid at the time of birth or during pulmonary edema. Althoughrat (r) ENaC is regulated by glucocorticoids during fetal development,there are no data regarding the influence of gender hormones on ENaCexpression or function. We report higher levels of mRNAs encoding the-rENaC subunit or the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductanceregulator (CFTR) in the lungs of nonpregnant adult female relative toadult male Wistar rats. Combined, but not separate, administration ofprogesterone and 17-estradiol increased mRNA levels encoding-rENaC, -rENaC, and CFTR within 24 h. We also found adose-dependent increase in rENaC functional activity (as assessed bythe amiloride-sensitive short-circuit current across primary monolayercultures of alveolar epithelial cells mounted in Ussing chambers) aftera 5-day incubation of cells in medium containing progesterone and17-estradiol. These findings suggest a gender-dependent influence onthe lung's ability to recover from pulmonary edema and on the degreeof airway fluid hydration in cystic fibrosis.

Cyclic AMP levels in primary monolayer cultures of epithelial cells prepared from mid-pregnant mice are stimulated by prostaglandin E1 and E2. Prostaglandin F and F have only a slight effect upon cyclic AMP levels. In the absence of phosphodiesterase inhibitors the rise in cyclic AMP produced by PGE1 is only transient and the levels return to normal within 30 minutes. High concentrations (16 mM) of theophylline are needed to prevent this decline, suggesting that the phosphodiesterase activity of epithelial cells in culture is high. However, theophylline alone produced only a small increase in basal cyclic AMP levels even over a 2-hour period indicating that basal cyclic AMP is turned over more slowly than cyclic AMP produced in response to stimulation with PGE1.Both PGE and PGF synthesis were monitored using radioimmunoassay procedures previously reported. The observed levels were found to decrease as cell density increased and were sensitive to the addition of agents such as collagen and naproxen.  相似文献   
分子伴侣GroE系统能量传递机制的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用SwissPDBViewer软件对分子伴侣GroE系统与底物的相互作用进行了模拟 ,结果表明 :GroEL顶端结构域在GroES和靶蛋白结合之后发生了明显的变化 ;GroEL的cis环上有与三磷酸腺苷ATP相结合的位点 ,ATP水解之后形成的ADP与活性中心的残基相结合 ,而这种结合除导致残基Thr30的构型发生了变化之外 ,其它残基的空间位置和构型基本保持不变 ,暗示其它残基在能量传递过程中形成了刚性骨架 ,而与ADP分子磷酸键结合的残基Thr30则是能量传递的力点。  相似文献   
The estuarine portion of the Swan–Canning riversystem runs through the centre of Perth,Western Australia's capital city, with apopulation of approximately 1.4 million people. Little is known about impact of chemicalsentering the estuary via road runoff andstormwater drains on biota inhabiting thesystem. Black bream (Acanthopagrusbutcheri) were collected from seven sites inthe Swan–Canning estuary during August andSeptember 2000, at the end of the winter (wet)season. Serum sorbitol dehydrogenase (s-SDH)was unaffected by the sex of the fish and nosignificant differences were observed betweenthe sites indicating that the measuredethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD)activity was not hindered by hepatic tissuedamage. The black bream were in an advancedstage of gonad maturation, which affected ERODhepatic activity with lower EROD activity infemale compared to male fish. EROD activityand bile metabolite levels were significantlyhigher at the site closest to the Perth CentralBusiness District, while most downstream sitewas the least impacted, which may be due totidal flushing of the lower estuary by marinewaters. The ratio of naphthalene-type tobenzo(a) pyrene (B(a)P)-typemetabolites suggests that the source ofpetroleum hydrocarbons within the river systemis a mixture polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) from pyrolytic origin and from unburntfuels. Biomarker levels in the black breamindicate that major roads and drains aresignificant contributors of mixed functionoxygenase (MFO) inducing chemicals includingpolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) into theSwan–Canning estuary and that there is noupstream or downstream gradient in biomarkerresponse.  相似文献   
Activation of the fourth component of complement (C4) by C1s results in the generation of a reactive acyl group, able to react with putrescine, and in the release of a free thiol group that cannot be detected in the native haemolytically active molecule. Both the reactive acyl group and the free thiol group have been shown to reside in C4d, a fragment of the alpha'-chain of C4b derived from digestion of the molecule with the control proteins C3b inactivator and C4-binding protein. Peptides derived from CNBr digestion of [1,4-14C]putrescine-labelled and iodo(2-14C]acetic acid-labelled C4d have been obtained and used to establish a continuous sequence of 88 residues from the N-terminus of the molecule. The thiol and reactive acyl groups are contained in an octapeptide that shows near identity with the equivalent sequences reported for alpha 2-macroglobulin and C3. Other adjacent short sections also show homology of sequence between the three proteins, and it is highly likely that they contribute to the overall structure that gives a unique reactivity to the thiol ester bond postulated to exist in the native forms of the three proteins.  相似文献   
禽流感病毒H5N1 NS1蛋白是一种非结构蛋白,在病毒感染过程中发挥着重要的作用.构建基因截短的重组蛋白,可为进一步研究NS1不同结构域与宿主蛋白间的相互作用奠定基础.在成功克隆禽流感病毒H5N1全长NS1基因并测序的基础上,将部分截短基因序列克隆到表达栽体pET28a(+)上,构建基因截短的重组表达质粒pET28a-NS1-RBD和pET28a-NS1-ED,转化大肠埃希菌BL21(DE3),阳性重组质粒经IPTG诱导表达后进行SDS-PAGE检测,获得预期蛋白的表达,然后利用Ni-NTA树脂蛋白纯化系统对重组蛋白进行纯化,并通过Western Blotting进一步确认NS1及截短体蛋白的表达.结果表明,实验成功构建禽流感病毒H5N1亚型的NS1蛋白截短体,并在大肠埃希菌中高效表达,这为进一步研究NS1蛋白不同结构域与宿主蛋白的相互作用提供了实验材料,为深入研究NS1蛋白的生物学功能奠定了坚实基础.  相似文献   
目的初步分离和鉴定力竭运动诱导的大鼠睾丸金属结合蛋白(testis metal-binding proteins,TMB-Ps)。方法 8只雄性SD大鼠一次性力竭游泳运动(8只对照)后6 h取睾丸和肝脏组织,用镉饱和法测定TMBPs和肝脏金属硫蛋白(metallothionein,MT)含量,用tricine-SDS-PAGE方法分离镉饱和法提取液的TMBPs组分和肝脏MT,用液相色谱-串联质谱法(LC-MS-MS)鉴定TMBPs分离条带。结果力竭运动组大鼠TMBPs水平(113.71±11.72)nmol Cd/g testis显著高于安静对照组(87.14±12.72)nmol Cd/g testis(P0.01),肝脏MT表达量(64.70±14.89)μg/g也显著高于安静对照组(7.32±3.31)μg/g(P0.001)。LC-MS-MS对tricine-SDS-PAGE分离的蛋白条带的鉴定结果为:TMBPs含有泛素、铜-锌-超氧化物歧化酶、酪蛋白样磷蛋白等蛋白质,另外还应包括MT。结论TMBPs由一组具有金属结合性、耐热性和诱导性的蛋白质所组成,主要有泛素、超氧化物歧化酶和酪蛋白样磷蛋白。镉饱和法并非测定金属硫蛋白的特异性方法。  相似文献   
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