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The receptors for polypeptide growth factors and proteins coded by oncogenes of the src family are endowed with protein kinase activity and share the uncommon property of autophosphorylating at tyrosine residues. It is unclear whether the tyrosine kinase activity is also directed towards other targets of physiological significance. In this work, phosphotyrosine antibodies were used to detect, by Western blots and immunoprecipitation, proteins phosphorylated at tyrosine in fibroblasts either stimulated by growth factors (PDGF and EGF) or transformed by oncogene-coded tyrosine kinases. In stimulated cells the antibodies detected the autophosphorylated receptors, but only trace amounts of other proteins phosphorylated at tyrosine. In fibroblasts transformed by retroviral oncogenes (v-src, v-abl, v-fps or v-fes) proteins other than the corresponding oncogene-coded kinase, were found. A p70 was found to be heavily phosphorylated in fibroblasts transformed by v-src, v-fes and v-fps. A p130 and a p36 were found in cells transformed by v-src and v-abl. A unique p70 was phosphorylated in v-abl-transformed fibroblasts. These proteins were also phosphorylated in vitro in an immunocomplex kinase reaction. This reaction was blocked by the specific kinase inhibitors. These data strongly suggest that tyrosine kinases phosphorylate protein targets other than themselves. These targets are barely detectable in normal cells stimulated by growth factors, where the kinase activity is triggered rapidly and transiently. By contrast, a number of intracellular proteins phosphorylated at tyrosine accumulate in cells transformed by v-onc-coded kinases, endowed with constitutive and non-regulated enzymatic activity.  相似文献   
Nucleid acid metabolism in the LAM of the rat, both before and after castration, and during testosterone treatment, was investigated. RNA synthesis was increased by testosterone treatment, to varying degree, in adult and in prepubertal castrated rats, and was not merely dependent on the degree of hypertrophy of the LAM. The DNA content and the incorporation rate of formate-14C into DNA showed a characteristic profile under the same conditions: the atrophy of LAM following castration and its subsequent restoration appeared to be accompanied by variations in nuclei number. The possible role of testosterone in DNA duplication and in cell mitosis is hypothesized here; further investigation must be integrated by careful morphometric observation.  相似文献   
Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) activity was studied in 17 regions of six human brains. Duration and conditions of the postmortem period did not affect enzyme activity. Specific activity ranged between 103 and 377 nmoles/min/mg protein at 25 degrees C and it was 10-fold higher than that found in leukocytes. Apart from exclusively white matter regions (corpus callosum and centrum ovale), there was a moderate regional distribution (2.5-fold variation), with highest values in the inferior olive and hypothalamus, and lowest in the cerebellum and lenticular nucleus. With alpha-ketoglutarate (alpha-KG), NADH, or NH4+ as variable substrate, the apparent Km values in human brain were Km alpha-KG = 1.9 X 10(-3) M, KmNADH = 0.21 X 10(-3) M, and KmNH4+ = 28 X 10(-3) M, and in leukocytes they were Km alpha-KG = 1.7 X 10(-3) M, KmNADH = 0.24 X 10(-3) M, and KmNH4+ = 28 X 10(-3) M. The effects of cofactors, inhibitor, and pH were similar in brain and leukocyte GDH.  相似文献   
Physiological profile of world-class high-altitude climbers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The functional characteristics of six world-class high-altitude mountaineers were assessed 2-12 mo after the last high-altitude climb. Each climber on one or several occasions had reached altitudes of 8,500 m or above without supplementary O2. Static and dynamic lung volumes and right and left echocardiographic measurements were found to be within normal limits of sedentary controls (SC). Muscle fiber distribution was 70% type I, 22% type IIa, and 7% type IIb. Mean muscle fiber cross-sectional area was significantly smaller than that of SC (-15%) and of long-distance runners (LDR, -51%). The number of capillaries per unit cross-sectional area was significantly greater than that of SC (+ 40%). Total mitochondrial volume was not significantly different from that of SC, but its subsarcolemmal component was equal to that of LDR. Average maximal O2 consumption was 60 +/- 6 ml X kg-1 X min-1, which is between the values of SC and LDR. Average maximal anaerobic power was 28 +/- 2.5 W X kg-1, which is equal to that of SC and 40% lower that that of competitive high jumpers. All subjects were characterized by resting hyperventilation both in normoxia and in moderate (inspired O2 partial pressure = 77 Torr) hypoxia resulting in higher oxyhemoglobin saturation levels in hypoxia. The ventilatory response to four tidal volumes of pure O2 was similar to that of SC. It is concluded that elite high-altitude climbers do not have physiological adaptations to high altitude that justify their unique performance.  相似文献   
Hemoglobin is encapsulated in liposomes of different lipid composition. The resulting dispersion consists primarily of multilamellar liposomes (hemosomes) of a wide particle size distribution (diameter ranging mainly between 0.1 and 1 micron). The encapsulation efficiency is significantly larger with liposomes containing negatively charged lipids as compared to liposomes made of phosphatidylcholine. The integrity of the phospholipid bilayer is maintained in the presence of hemoglobin. The reaction rate of CO binding to encapsulated hemoglobin is reduced compared to that of free hemoglobin, but it is still greater than that observed in red blood cells. Hemoglobin encapsulated in liposomes made from negatively charged phospholipids is less stable than hemoglobin entrapped in isoelectric phosphatidylcholine. The instability of hemoglobin is due to the protein interacting with the negatively charged lipid bilayer. This interaction leads in turn to hemoglobin denaturation, possibly involving the dissociation of the heme group from the heme-globin complex. The nature of the negatively charged phospholipid is important in promoting the interaction with hemoglobin, the effect being in the order phosphatidic acid greater than phosphatidylinositol congruent to phosphatidylglycerol greater than phosphatidylserine. The presence of equimolar amounts of cholesterol in the phospholipid bilayer has a stabilizing effect on hemoglobin. This effect is pronounced with saturated phospholipids, but it is also observed, though to a lesser extent, with unsaturated ones, indicating that the bilayer fluidity has a modulating effect. The presence of cholesterol possibly interferes with secondary interactions following the binding of hemoglobin to the negatively charged lipid bilayer.  相似文献   
In the present research we have extended our work on the presence of binding sites for prolactin in the rabbit brain focusing our attention on the brain areas with high dopamine cell bodies density. Among these areas the hypothalamus showed the highest specific binding of labeled ovine prolactin (oPRL). Clearly detectible specific binding was observed also in substantia nigra, whereas in other brain regions the specific binding was very small, except for the striatum where a low but not negligible binding was found in female rabbits. The binding of 125I-oPRL showed a hormonal specificity and Scatchard analysis of the binding showed no clear difference in dissociation constant (Kd) between hypothalamus, nigra and striatum.  相似文献   
Fibronectins isolated from human plasma (pFN) and from the conditioned media of normal (N-cFN) and tumor (T-cFN) human cells were compared by cathepsin D digestion followed by immunostaining of released fragments with the monoclonal antibody 3E3, specific for the cell binding site. Two different staining patterns were obtained, one specific for pFN and N-cFN, the second common to fibronectins from the 3 different kinds of tumors studied. This indicates structural differences between N-cFN and T-cFN in the cell binding region of the fibronectin molecule.  相似文献   
Analysis of fluorescence quenching of ribosome-bound virginiamycin S   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The two virginiamycin components VM and VS interact synergistically with bacterial ribosomes in vitro and in vivo. Ribosome affinity for virginiamycin S increases about 10-fold upon incubation with virginiamycin M. This effect has been previously traced by spectrofluorimetric measurement based on the enhancement of virginiamycin S fluorescence upon its binding to the 50 S ribosomal subunit. In the present work the action of two virginiamycin S fluorescence quenchers, acrylamide and iodide, has been explored to gather information about the accessibility of ribosome-bound virginiamycin S and the variation of the accessibility level in the presence of virginiamycin M. Both acrylamide (non-ionized quencher) and iodide (ionized quencher) proved powerful quenchers of free virginiamycin S solutions. Since a comparable effect was obtained on 3- hydroxypicolinamide , the latter was indicated as the part of the molecule involved in the fluorescence effect. Fluorescence quenching by either agent was of the dynamic, i.e. collisional, type. Such an inference was based on the fact that these quenchers merely modified the emission spectrum (not the absorption spectrum), the bimolecular rate constant for the quenching process decreased linearly with the viscosity of the medium (static-type quenching is viscosity-independent), and that linear Stern-Volmer plots were obtained. The quenching ability of both agents underwent a sharp decrease in the presence of ribosomes; however, the Stern-Volmer equation was followed only in the case of acrylamide, whereas Lehrer 's relationship had to be applied in the case of iodide. When ribosomes were incubated with virginiamycin M, the fluorescence quenching ability of acrylamide and iodide was significantly reduced. Conclusions are as follows: a) the 3- hydroxypicolinyl residue of virginiamycin S is buried within an open well on the ribosome surface and is likely to be involved in the interaction with the binding site; b) the accessibility to the well is partly controlled by electrostatic forces; c) interaction of ribosomes with virginiamycin M entails a conformational change whereby the access to the well is reduced. These findings provide a molecular explanation for the previously observed increase of the association constant of virginiamycin S to ribosomes incubated with virginiamycin M which was found to be due to the decrease of the dissociation rate constant (the association rate constant remains practically the same).  相似文献   
Summary This paper reports that the opaque-6 (o6) mutation of maize, which causes seedling lethality and interferes in the endosperm with the synthesis of zeins and b-32 protein, is a proline requiring mutant functionally allelic to proline-1 (pro-1). Furthermore, immunological studies on the b-32 content of ten independently originated o6 and pro-1 alleles demonstrated that four alleles contain an apparently normal b-32 protein while the others are either devoid of it or contain trace amounts of cross-reacting proteins of lower molecular weight.  相似文献   
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