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Purification and amino acid sequence analysis of a proteolytic fragment of fibronectin (FN) from transformed human cells demonstrated that a high percentage of these FN molecules contains an extra amino acid sequence which is present only in a very low percentage of FN molecules from normal fibroblasts and is undetectable in plasma FN. This new amino acid sequence introduces into the FN molecule a site very sensitive to a number of proteolytic enzymes. By analyzing the cellular mRNA and genomic clones, we have demonstrated that this sequence derives from a differential splicing pattern of the FN mRNA precursors, which leads in transformed cells to a high-level expression of an extra type III homology repeat (ED-B) coded for by a previously unobserved exon. Here we also report the complete sequence of this new exon. These results demonstrate that in malignant cells the mechanisms regulating the splicing of FN mRNA precursors are altered.  相似文献   
In this study, the meiotic role of MEIOTIC CONTROL OF CROSSOVERS1 (MCC1), a GCN5‐related histone N‐acetyltransferase, is described in Arabidopsis. Analysis of the over‐expression mutant obtained by enhancer activation tagging revealed that acetylation of histone H3 increased in male prophase I. MCC1 appeared to be required in meiosis for normal chiasma number and distribution and for chromosome segregation. Overall, elevated MCC1 did not affect crossover number per cell, but has a differential effect on individual chromosomes elevating COs for chromosome 4, in which there is also a shift in chiasma distribution, and reducing COs for chromosome 1 and 2. For the latter there is a loss of the obligate CO/chiasma in 8% of the male meiocytes. The meiotic defects led to abortion in about half of the male and female gametes in the mutant. In wild type, the treatment with trichostatin A, an inhibitor of histone deacetylases, phenocopies MCC1 over‐expression in meiosis. Our results provide evidence that histone hyperacetylation has a significant impact on the plant meiosis.  相似文献   
Trans-4-hydroxyproline (Hyp) in eukaryotic proteins arises from post-translational modification of proline residues. Because the modification enzyme is not present in prokaryotes, no natural means exists to incorporate Hyp into proteins synthesized in Escherichia coli. We show here that under appropriate culture conditions Hyp is incorporated co-translationally directly at proline codons in genes expressed in E. coli. The use of Hyp by E. coli protein synthesis machinery under typical culture conditions is not adequate to support protein synthesis; however, intracellular concentrations of Hyp sufficient to compensate for the poor use are achieved in media with hyperosmotic sodium chloride concentrations. Hyp incorporation was demonstrated in several recombinant proteins including human Type I collagen polypeptides. A fragment of the human collagen Type I (alpha1) polypeptide with global Hyp for Pro substitution forms a triple helix. Our results demonstrate a remarkable pliancy in the biosynthetic apparatus of bacteria that may be used more generally to incorporate novel amino acids into recombinant proteins.  相似文献   
Genotype analysis is becoming more and more useful in clinical practice, since specific mutations in tumors often correlate with prognosis and/or therapeutic response. Unfortunately, current molecular analytical techniques often require time-consuming and costly steps of analysis, thus making their routine clinical use difficult. Moreover, one of the most difficult problems arising during tumor research is that of their cell heterogeneity, which depends on their clear molecular heterogeneity. SSCP analysis discriminates by means of aberrant electrophoresis migration bands, mutated alleles which may represent as little as 15-20% of their total number. Nevertheless, in order to identify by sequencing the type of alteration revealed by this technique, only the mutated allele must be isolated. The advent of laser microdissection is a procedure which easily solves these problems of accuracy, costs, and time. The aims of this study were to perfect the system of laser pressure catapulting (LPC) laser microdissection for the assessment of the mutational status of p53 and k-ras genes in a consecutive series of 67 patients with colorectal carcinomas (CRC), in order to compare this technique with that involving hand-dissection and to demonstrate that since the LPC system guarantees more accurate biomolecular analyses, it should become part of clinical routine in this field. The LPC-system was perfected with the use of mineral oil and the LPC-membrane. To compare the techniques of hand- and LPC-microdissection, alcohol-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue from 67 cases of CRC were both hand- and laser-microdissected. In either case, dissected samples were analyzed by SSCP/sequencing and direct sequencing for k-ras and p53 gene mutations. LPC-microdissection made it possible to pick up mutations by direct sequencing or SSCP/sequencing, whereas hand-microdissection mutations were identified only by means of SSCP followed by sequencing; direct sequencing did not reveal any mutation. In the 67 patients examined by either method, 36% (24/67) showed p53 mutations, 32 of which identified. Seventy-eight percent (25/32) were found in the conserved areas of the gene, while 12% (4/32) were in the L2 loop, 50% (16/32) were in the L3 loop, and 12% (4/32) in the LSH motif of the protein. Moreover, of the 67 cases examined, 40% (27/67) showed mutations in k-ras, with a total of 29 mutations identified. Of these, 14 (48%) were found in codon 12 and 15 (52%) in codon 13. The modifications which we brought to the LPC system led to a vast improvement of the technique, making it an ideal substitution for hand-microdissection and guaranteeing a considerable number of advantages regarding facility, accuracy, time, and cost. Furthermore, the data obtained from the mutational analyses performed confirm that the LPC system is more efficient and rapid than hand-microdissection for acquiring useful information regarding molecular profile and can therefore be used with success in clinical routine.  相似文献   
We identified two new variants in the third exon of the α-globin gene in families from southern Italy: the Hb Rogliano, α1 cod108 ACC>AAC or α1[α108(G15)Thr→Asn] and the Hb Policoro, α2 cod124 TCC>CCC or α2[α124(H7)Ser→Pro]. The carriers showed mild α-thalassemia phenotype and abnormal hemoglobin stability features. These mutations occurred in the G and H helices of the α-globin both involved in the specific recognition of AHSP and β1 chain. Molecular characterization of mRNA, globin chain analyses and molecular modelling studies were carried out to highlight the mechanisms causing the α-thalassemia phenotype. The results demonstrated that the α-thalassemia defect associated with the two Hb variants originated by different defects. Hb Rogliano showed an intrinsic instability of the tetramer due to anomalous intra- and inter-chain interactions suggesting that the variant chain is normally synthesized and complexed with AHSP but rapidly degraded because it is unable to form the α1β1 dimers. On the contrary in the case of Hb Policoro two different molecular mechanisms were shown: the reduction of the variant mRNA level by an unclear mechanism and the protein instability due to impairment of AHSP interaction. These data highlighted that multiple approaches, including mRNA quantification, are needed to properly identify the mechanisms leading to the α-thalassemia defect. Elucidation of the specific mechanism leads to the definition of a given phenotype providing important guidance for the diagnosis of unstable variants.  相似文献   


Sortilin, a member of the Vps10p-domain receptor family, has been demonstrated a key regulator in mediating cellular response to pro-neurotrophins. In the present study, we investigated the role of sortilin in the apoptotic pathway of vascular smooth muscle cells.

Methods and Principal Findings

Immunohistochemistry revealed that sortilin was barely detectable in human and rat normal young vessels, while its expression was increased in human fibroatheromatous plaques. Sortilin immunodetection was also marked in the neointima of the rat aorta fifteen days after ballooning. In vitro, rat aortic intimal cells expressed higher sortilin levels than normal media SMCs; sortilin was distributed in the cytoplasm and in correspondence of the cell membrane. After 48 h, pro-nerve growth factor (proNGF) induced the strong dose-dependent increase of intimal cell apoptosis and the accumulation of sortilin protein. ProNGF was a more potent apoptotic inducer than equimolar or even higher concentration of NGF, whereas brain derived neutrotrophic factor was ineffective. Targeted interfering RNA-mediated sortilin reduction counteracted proNGF-induced apoptosis without affecting p75NTR expression. ProNGF-induced apoptosis was associated to NF-κB down-regulation and bax increase. Inhibition of NF-κB activity increased intimal cell apoptosis that did not further increase with the addition of proNGF.


Our results indicate that sortilin expression characterizes human atheromatous lesions and rat aortic post-injury neointima, and suggest that sortilin represents an important regulator of proNGF-induced SMC apoptosis and arterial remodeling.  相似文献   


Polyploidy has long been recognized as playing an important role in plant evolution. In flowering plants, the major route of polyploidization is suggested to be sexual through gametes with somatic chromosome number (2n). Parallel Spindle1 gene in Arabidopsis thaliana (AtPS1) was recently demonstrated to control spindle orientation in the 2nd division of meiosis and, when mutated, to induce 2n pollen. Interestingly, AtPS1 encodes a protein with a FHA domain and PINc domain putatively involved in RNA decay (i.e. Nonsense Mediated mRNA Decay). In potato, 2n pollen depending on parallel spindles was described long time ago but the responsible gene has never been isolated. The knowledge derived from AtPS1 as well as the availability of genome sequences makes it possible to isolate potato PSLike (PSL) and to highlight the evolution of PSL family in plants.  相似文献   


Early events leading to intrauterine infection and fetal lung injury remain poorly defined, but may hold the key to preventing neonatal and adult chronic lung disease. Our objective was to establish a nonhuman primate model of an early stage of chorioamnionitis in order to determine the time course and mechanisms of fetal lung injury in utero.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Ten chronically catheterized pregnant monkeys (Macaca nemestrina) at 118–125 days gestation (term = 172 days) received one of two treatments: 1) choriodecidual and intra-amniotic saline (n = 5), or 2) choriodecidual inoculation of Group B Streptococcus (GBS) 1×106 colony forming units (n = 5). Cesarean section was performed regardless of labor 4 days after GBS or 7 days after saline infusion to collect fetal and placental tissues. Only two GBS animals developed early labor with no cervical change in the remaining animals. Despite uterine quiescence in most cases, blinded review found histopathological evidence of fetal lung injury in four GBS animals characterized by intra-alveolar neutrophils and interstitial thickening, which was absent in controls. Significant elevations of cytokines in amniotic fluid (TNF-α, IL-8, IL-1β, IL-6) and fetal plasma (IL-8) were detected in GBS animals and correlated with lung injury (p<0.05). Lung injury was not directly caused by GBS, because GBS was undetectable in amniotic fluid (∼10 samples tested/animal), maternal and fetal blood by culture and polymerase chain reaction. In only two cases was GBS cultured from the inoculation site in low numbers. Chorioamnionitis occurred in two GBS animals with lung injury, but two others with lung injury had normal placental histology.


A transient choriodecidual infection can induce cytokine production, which is associated with fetal lung injury without overt infection of amniotic fluid, chorioamnionitis or preterm labor. Fetal lung injury may, thus, occur silently without symptoms and before the onset of the fetal systemic inflammatory response syndrome.  相似文献   
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