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Summary The conjugative plasmid pDI-21 (63 kb) from Streptococcus cremoris encodes genes which are responsible for lactose utilization and protein degradation. Restriction mapping and hybridization using heterologous probes have localized these genes to regions of 12.5 kb and 4.4 kb. The tagatose-6-phosphate pathway genes were closely linked and were assigned in the order; galactose-6-phosphate isomerase, d-tagatose-6-phosphate kinase and tagatose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase. The Lac-PTS genes and the phospho--galactosidase gene were mapped approximately 1 kb from the tagatose-6-phosphate genes.  相似文献   
A new metabolite profiling approach combined with an ultrarapid sample preparation procedure was used to study the temporal and spatial dynamics of the wound-induced accumulation of jasmonic acid (JA) and its oxygenated derivatives in Arabidopsis thaliana. In addition to well known jasmonates, including hydroxyjasmonates (HOJAs), jasmonoyl-isoleucine (JA-Ile), and its 12-hydroxy derivative (12-HOJA-Ile), a new wound-induced dicarboxyjasmonate, 12-carboxyjasmonoyl-l-isoleucine (12-HOOCJA-Ile) was discovered. HOJAs and 12-HOOCJA-Ile were enriched in the midveins of wounded leaves, strongly differentiating them from the other jasmonate metabolites studied. The polarity of these oxylipins at physiological pH correlated with their appearance in midveins. When the time points of accumulation of different jasmonates were determined, JA levels were found to increase within 2-5 min of wounding. Remarkably, these changes occurred throughout the plant and were not restricted to wounded leaves. The speed of the stimulus leading to JA accumulation in leaves distal to a wound is at least 3 cm/min. The data give new insights into the spatial and temporal accumulation of jasmonates and have implications in the understanding of long-distance wound signaling in plants.  相似文献   
Stem cells are the only proliferating cells in flatworms and can be eliminated by irradiation with no damage to differentiated cells. We investigated the effect of fractionated irradiation schemes on Macrostomum lignano, namely, on survival, gene expression, morphology and regeneration. Proliferating cells were almost undetectable during the first week post-treatment. Cell proliferation and gene expression were restored within 1 month in a dose-dependent manner following exposure to up to 150 Gy irradiation. During recovery, stem cells did not cross the midline but were restricted within lateral compartments. An accumulated dose of 210 Gy resulted in a lethal phenotype. Our findings demonstrate that M. lignano represents a suitable model system for elucidating the effect of irradiation on the stem cell system in flatworms and for improving our understanding of the recovery potential of severely damaged stem-cell systems.  相似文献   
Cullin proteins, which belong to multigenic families in all eukaryotes, associate with other proteins to form ubiquitin protein ligases (E3s) that target substrates for proteolysis by the 26S proteasome. Here, we present the molecular and genetic characterization of a plant Cullin3. In contrast to fungi and animals, the genome of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana contains two related CUL3 genes, called CUL3A and CUL3B. We found that CUL3A is ubiquitously expressed in plants and is able to interact with the ring-finger protein RBX1. A genomic search revealed the existence of at least 76 BTB-domain proteins in Arabidopsis belonging to 11 major families. Yeast two-hybrid experiments indicate that representative members of certain families are able to physically interact with both CUL3A and CUL3B, suggesting that Arabidopsis CUL3 forms E3 protein complexes with certain BTB domain proteins. In order to determine the function of CUL3A, we used a reverse genetic approach. The cul3a null mutant flowers slightly later than the control plants. Furthermore, this mutant exhibits a reduced sensitivity of the inhibition of hypocotyl growth in far-red light and miss-expresses COP1. The viability of the mutant plants suggests functional redundancy between the two CUL3 genes in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   
At the end of oogenesis, Xenopus laevis stage VI oocytes are arrested at the G2/M transition (prophase) waiting for progesterone to release the block and begin maturation. Progesterone triggers a cascade of phosphorylation events such as a decrease of pK(a) and an increase of maturating-promoting factor activity. Progression through meiosis was controlled by the sequential synthesis of several proteins. For instance, the MAPK kinase kinase c-Mos is the very first protein to be produced, whereas cyclin B1 appears only after meiosis I. After the meiotic cycles, the oocyte arrests at metaphase of meiosis II with an elevated c-Mos kinase activity (cytostatic factor). By using a two-hybrid screen, we have identified maskin, a protein involved in the control of mRNA sequential translation, as a binding partner of Aurora-A, a protein kinase necessary for oocyte maturation. Here we showed that, in vitro, Aurora-A directly binds to maskin and that both proteins can be co-immunoprecipitated from oocyte extracts, suggesting that they do associate in vivo. We also demonstrated that Aurora-A phosphorylates maskin on a Ser residue conserved in transforming acidic coiled coil proteins from Drosophila to human. When the phosphorylation of this Ser was inhibited in vivo by microinjection of synthetic peptides that mimic the maskin-phosphorylated sequence, we observed a premature maturation. Under these conditions, proteins such as cyclin B1 and Cdc6, which are normally detected only in meiosis II, were massively produced in meiosis I before the occurrence of the nuclear envelope breakdown. This result strongly suggests that phosphorylation of maskin by Aurora-A prevents meiosis II proteins from being produced during meiosis I.  相似文献   
By performing cDNA AFLP on pre- and early parasitic juveniles, we identified genes encoding a novel type of ubiquitin extension proteins secreted by the dorsal pharyngeal gland in the cyst nematode Heterodera schachtii. The proteins consist of three domains, a signal peptide for secretion, a mono-ubiquitin domain, and a short C-terminal positively charged domain. A gfp-fusion of this protein is targeted to the nucleolus in tobacco BY-2 cells. We hypothesize that the C-terminal peptide might have a regulatory function during syncytium formation in plant roots.  相似文献   
Abstract A 4.4 kb Eco RI DNA fragment of the Streptococcus lactis H1 plasmid pDI1 was cloned into the Escherichia coli plasmid pACYC 184. The recombinant plasmid expressed d -tagatose 1,6-bisphosphate aldolase activity in E. coli . Enzyme activity was at the same level as in the original S. lactis host but was not repressed by glucose.  相似文献   
Expression of atrial natriuretic factor gene in heart ventricular tissue   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
A novel peptide hormone, atrial natriuretic factor (ANF), was recently isolated and characterized in mammalian atria. This hormone has potent natriuretic, diuretic and vasorelaxant activities. Since ANF bioactivity was initially found in atria but not in ventricles, it was assumed that the ANF gene is specifically expressed in atria. We now report that ANF mRNA is present in ventricular tissue as well as in atria. This is clearly demonstrated by in situ hybridization and by Northern blot analysis. Rat ventricular ANF mRNA concentration is a hundred-fold lower than in atria. As in atria, the 126 amino acids precursor form of ANF is predominant in ventricles and it is present at a thousand-fold lower concentration. The ten-fold discrepancy in the ratio of ANF mRNA to immunoreactivity between atria and ventricles could reflect a higher rate of peptide release in the latter. Thus, ventricular ANF production may be physiologically significant in view of the much larger ventricular mass.  相似文献   
The human erythrocyte contains an abundance of the thiol-dependant peroxidase Peroxiredoxin-2 (Prx2), which protects the cell from the pro-oxidant environment it encounters during its 120 days of life in the blood stream. In malarial infections, the Plasmodium parasite invades red cells and imports Prx2 during intraerythrocytic development, presumably to supplement in its own degradation of peroxides generated during cell metabolism, especially hemoglobin (Hb) digestion. Here we demonstrate that an irreversible Prx2 inhibitor, Conoidin A (2,3-bis(bromomethyl)-1,4-dioxide-quinoxaline; BBMQ), has potent cytocidal activity against cultured P. falciparum. Parasite growth was also inhibited in red cells that were treated with BBMQ and then washed prior to parasite infection. These cells remained susceptible to merozoite invasion, but failed to support normal intraerythrocytic development. In addition the potency of chloroquine (CQ), an antimalarial drug that prevents the detoxification of Hb-derived heme, was significantly enhanced in the presence of BBMQ. CQ IC50 values decreased an order of magnitude when parasites were either co-incubated with BBMQ, or introduced into BBMQ-pretreated cells; these effects were equivalent for both drug-resistant and drug-sensitive parasite lines. Together these results indicate that treatment of red cells with BBMQ renders them incapable of supporting parasite growth and increases parasite sensitivity to CQ. We also propose that molecules such as BBMQ that target host cell proteins may constitute a novel host-directed therapeutic approach for treating malaria.  相似文献   
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