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Tropical scleractinian corals are considered autotrophic as they rely mainly on photosynthesis-derived nutrients transferred from their photosymbionts. Corals are also able to capture and ingest suspended particulate organic matter, so heterotrophy can be an important supplementary trophic pathway to optimize coral fitness. The aim of this in situ study was to elucidate the trophic status of 10 coral species under contrasted environmental conditions in a French Polynesian lagoon. Carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotopic compositions of coral host tissues and photosymbionts were determined at 3 different fringing reefs during wet and dry seasons. Our results highlighted spatial variability in stable isotopic compositions of both coral host tissues and photosymbionts. Samples from the site with higher level of suspended particulate matter were 13C-depleted and 15N-enriched relative to corals and photosymbionts from less turbid sites. However, differences in both δ13C and δ15N between coral host tissues and their photosymbionts (Δhost-photosymbionts 13C and Δhost-photosymbionts 15N) were small (0.27 ± 0.76‰ and 1.40 ± 0.90‰, respectively) and similar at all sites, thus indicating no general increases in the heterotrophic pathway. Depleted δ13C and enriched δ15N values of coral host tissues measured at the most turbid site were explained by changes in isotopic composition of the inorganic nutrients taken up by photosymbionts and also by changes in rate of isotopic fractionation with environmental conditions. Our results also highlighted a lack of significant temporal variations in δ13C and δ15N values of coral host and photosymbiont tissues and in Δhost-photosymbionts 13C and Δhost-photosymbionts 15N values. This temporal stability indicated that corals remained principally autotrophic even during the wet season when photosymbiont densities were lower and the concentrations of phytoplankton were higher. Increased coral heterotrophy with higher food availability thus appears to be species-specific.  相似文献   
Human disease-related mutations in cytochrome b studied in yeast   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several mutations in the mitochondrially encoded cytochrome b have been reported in patients. To characterize their effect, we introduced six "human" mutations, namely G33S, S152P, G252D, Y279C, G291D, and Delta252-259 in the highly similar yeast cytochrome b. G252D showed wild type behavior in standard conditions. However, Asp-252 may interfere with structural lipid and, in consequence, destabilize the enzyme assembly, which could explain the pathogenicity of the mutation. The mutations G33S, S152P, G291D, and Delta252-259 were clearly pathogenic. They caused a severe decrease of the respiratory function and altered the assembly of the iron-sulfur protein in the bc(1) complex, as observed by immunodetection. Suppressor mutations that partially restored the respiratory function impaired by S152P or G291D were found in or close to the hinge region of the iron-sulfur protein, suggesting that this region may play a role in the stable binding of the subunit to the bc(1) complex. Y279C caused a significant decrease of the bc(1) function and perturbed the quinol binding. The EPR spectra showed an altered signal, indicative of a lower occupancy of the Q(o) site. The effect of human mutation of residue 279 was confirmed by another change, Y279A, which had a more severe effect on Q(o) site properties. Thus by using yeast as a model system, we identified the molecular basis of the respiratory defect caused by the disease mutations in cytochrome b.  相似文献   
1. We report patterns of temporal variation in the recruitment of roach ( Rutilus rutilus ). The data consist of the annual abundance of the first 2 year-classes, 0+ and 1+ fish, at four sites in the Rhône River (France) between 1987 and 1997. Over this 11-year period both 0+ and 1+ fish fluctuated strongly.
2. Cross-correlation indicated high spatial synchrony in 0+ dynamics, although correlations among sites in 1+ dynamics were weaker. No clear pattern was apparent in the relationship between the level of synchrony and distance between pairs of sites.
3. The spatial synchrony in 0+ fish could be attributable to large-scale variations in weather, influencing water temperature. Total body length of 0+ roach was correlated with water temperature (expressed in degree-days over 12 °C), and water temperature was the main factor explaining inter-annual variation in 0+ cohort size. Monthly variation in abiotic factors (measured by standard deviation in water temperature and discharge) did not influence 0+ fluctuations. Correlations with June water temperature suggest that year-class strength was mainly determined by abiotic factors during the first few months of life.
4. The absence of spatial synchrony in 1+ fluctuations suggests little correlation between survival and abiotic conditions during the first year of life, other factors influencing survival.
5. Survival in the first year was density-dependent. Intraspecific competition within the 0+ cohort could thus influence the fluctuations in recruitment to older age-classes.
6. The implications of age- or stage-dependent synchrony in temporal variation for species with complex life histories are discussed. Studying spatial synchrony for the different life history stages could enhance our understanding of the population dynamics of spatially structured species.  相似文献   
A highly efficacious DNA vaccine against a fish rhabdovirus, infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV), was used in a systematic study to analyze vaccine tissue distribution, persistence, expression patterns, and histopathologic effects. Vaccine plasmid pIHNw-G, containing the gene for the viral glycoprotein, was detected immediately after intramuscular injection in all tissues analyzed, including blood, but at later time points was found primarily in muscle tissue, where it persisted to 90 days. Glycoprotein expression was detected in muscle, kidney, and thymus tissues, with levels peaking at 14 days and becoming undetectable by 28 days. Histologic examination revealed no vaccine-specific pathologic changes at the standard effective dose of 0.1 μg DNA per fish, but at a high dose of 50 μg an increased inflammatory response was evident. Transient damage associated with needle injection was localized in muscle tissue, but by 90 days after vaccination no damage was detected in any tissue, indicating the vaccine to be safe and well tolerated.  相似文献   
The rapid expansion of the use of passive acoustic telemetry technologies has facilitated unprecedented opportunities for studying the behavior of marine organisms in their natural environment. This technological advance would greatly benefit from the parallel development of dedicated methodologies accounting for the variety of timescales involved in the remote detection of tagged animals related to instrumental, environmental and behavioral events. In this paper we propose a methodological framework for estimating the site fidelity (“residence times”) of acoustic tagged animals at different timescales, based on the survival analysis of continuous residence times recorded at multiple receivers. Our approach is validated through modeling and applied on two distinct datasets obtained from a small coastal pelagic species (bigeye scad, Selar crumenophthalmus) and a large, offshore pelagic species (yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares), which show very distinct spatial scales of behavior. The methodological framework proposed herein allows estimating the most appropriate temporal scale for processing passive acoustic telemetry data depending on the scientific question of interest. Our method provides residence times free of the bias inherent to environmental and instrumental noise that can be used to study the small scale behavior of acoustic tagged animals. At larger timescales, it can effectively identify residence times that encompass the diel behavioral excursions of fish out of the acoustic detection range. This study provides a systematic framework for the analysis of passive acoustic telemetry data that can be employed for the comparative study of different species and study sites. The same methodology can be used each time discrete records of animal detections of any nature are employed for estimating the site fidelity of an animal at different timescales.  相似文献   
Single nanopores attract a great deal of scientific interest as a basis for biosensors and as a system to study the interactions and behavior of molecules in a confined volume. Tuning the geometry and surface chemistry of nanopores helps create devices that control transport of ions and molecules in solution. Here, we present single conically shaped nanopores whose narrow opening of 8 or 12 nm is modified with single-stranded DNA molecules. We find that the DNA occludes the narrow opening of nanopores and that the blockade extent decreases with the ionic strength of the background electrolyte. The results are explained by the ionic strength dependence of the persistence length of DNA. At low KCl concentrations (10 mM) the molecules assume an extended and rigid conformation, thereby blocking the pore lumen and reducing the flow of ionic current to a greater extent than compacted DNA at high salt concentrations. Attaching flexible polymers to the pore walls hence creates a system with tunable opening diameters in order to regulate transport of both neutral and charged species.  相似文献   
Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) can cause acute fatal disease on all continents but was never detected in Africa. We report the first detection of LCMV RNA in a common European house mouse (Mus musculus domesticus) in Africa. Phylogenetic analyses show a close relationship with North American strains. These findings suggest that there is a risk of the appearance of LCMV acute encephalitis cases. This is a perfect example of virus dissemination by its natural host that may have dramatic public health consequences.  相似文献   
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