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We have previously shown that the extracellular nucleoside triphosphate-hydrolyzing enzyme NTPDase2 is highly expressed in situ by stem/progenitor cells of the two neurogenic regions of the adult murine brain: the subventricular zone (type B cells) and the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus (residual radial glia). We explored the possibility that adult multipotent neural stem cells express nucleotide receptors and investigated their functional properties in vitro. Neurospheres cultured from the adult mouse SVZ in the presence of epidermal growth factor and fibroblast growth factor 2 expressed the ecto-nucleotidases NTPDase2 and the tissue non-specific isoform of alkaline phosphatase, hydrolyzing extracellular ATP to adenosine. ATP, ADP and, to a lesser extent, UTP evoked rapid Ca(2+) transients in neurospheres that were exclusively mediated by the metabotropic P2Y(1) and P2Y(2) nucleotide receptors. In addition, agonists of these receptors and low concentrations of adenosine augmented cell proliferation in the presence of growth factors. Neurosphere cell proliferation was attenuated after application of the P2Y(1)-receptor antagonist MRS2179 and in neurospheres from P2Y(1)-receptor knockout mice. In situ hybridization identified P2Y(1)-receptor mRNA in clusters of SVZ cells. Our results infer nucleotide receptor-mediated synergism that augments growth factor-mediated cell proliferation. Together with the in situ data, this supports the notion that extracellular nucleotides contribute to the control of adult neurogenesis.  相似文献   
The effects of 2'- and 3'-O-(4-benzoylbenzoyl)-ATP (BzATP) on intracellular Ca2+ mobilization and cyclic AMP accumulation were investigated using rat brain capillary endothelial cells which express an endogenous P2Y1 receptor, human platelets which are known to express a P2Y1 receptor, and Jurkat cells stably transfected with the human P2Y1 receptor. In endothelial cells, BzATP was a competitive inhibitor of 2-methylthio ADP (2-MeSADP) and ADP induced [Ca2+]i responses (Ki = 4.7 microM) and reversed the inhibition by ADP of adenylyl cyclase (Ki = 13 microM). In human platelets, BzATP inhibited ADP-induced aggregation (Ki = 5 microM), mobilization of intracellular Ca2+ stores (Ki = 6.3 microM), and inhibition of adenylyl cyclase. In P2Y1-Jurkat cells, BzATP inhibited ADP and 2-MeSADP-induced [Ca2+]i responses (Ki = 2.5 microM). It was concluded that BzATP is an antagonist of rat and human P2Y1 receptors and of platelet aggregation. In contrast to other P2Y1 receptor antagonists (A2P5P and A3P5P) which inhibit only ADP-induced Ca2+ mobilization, BzATP inhibits both the Ca2+- and the cAMP-dependent intracellular signaling pathways of ADP. These results provide further evidence that P2Y1 receptors contribute to platelet ADP responses.  相似文献   
A previous study around adenine nucleotides afforded the reference N(6)-methyl-2'-deoxyadenosine-3',5'-bisphosphate (1a, MRS 2179) as a selective human P2Y(1) receptor antagonist (pA(2)=6.55+/-0.05) with antithrombotic properties. In the present paper, we have synthesized and tested in vitro various 2-substituted derivatives with the goal of exploring the 2-position binding region and developing more potent P2Y(1) receptor antagonists. Thus, we have adopted a novel and versatile chemical pathway using a palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling reaction with the 2-iodinated derivative 7 as a common intermediate for a very efficient synthesis of the 2-alkyl-N(6)-methyl-2'-deoxyadenosine-3',5'-bisphosphate nucleotides 1e-i. The biological activity was evaluated through the ability of compounds to inhibit ADP-induced platelet aggregation, intracellular calcium rise and to displace the specific binding of [(33)P]2-MeSADP. 2-Ethyl and 2-propyl groups appeared to be tolerated, whereas a bulky group or a C(3) linear substituent dramatically decreased potency of antagonists. The 2-ethynyl derivative 1h (pA(2)=7.54+/-0.10) was significantly more potent (10-fold) as an antagonist when compared to the reference 1a, revealing a potential electronic interaction highly favorable between triple bond orbitals and the P2Y(1) receptor at this position.  相似文献   
Replication protein A (RPA) is a highly conserved heterotrimeric single‐stranded DNA‐binding protein involved in DNA replication, recombination, and repair. In fission yeast, the Rpa1‐D223Y mutation provokes telomere shortening. Here, we show that this mutation impairs lagging‐strand telomere replication and leads to the accumulation of secondary structures and recruitment of the homologous recombination factor Rad52. The presence of these secondary DNA structures correlates with reduced association of shelterin subunits Pot1 and Ccq1 at telomeres. Strikingly, heterologous expression of the budding yeast Pif1 known to efficiently unwind G‐quadruplex rescues all the telomeric defects of the D223Y cells. Furthermore, in vitro data show that the identical D to Y mutation in human RPA specifically affects its ability to bind G‐quadruplex. We propose that RPA prevents the formation of G‐quadruplex structures at lagging‐strand telomeres to promote shelterin association and facilitate telomerase action at telomeres.  相似文献   
Nine leaf traits (area, fresh weight, dry weight, volume, density, thickness, specific leaf area (SLA), dry matter content (LDMC), leaf nitrogen content (LNC)) from ten plant species at eight sites in southern mediterranean France were investigated in order to assess their variability along a climatic gradient and their ranking congruency power. After examination of trait correlation patterns, we reduced the nine initial leaf traits to four traits, representative of three correlation groups: allometric traits (dry weight), functional traits (SLA and dry matter percentage) and Leaf Thickness. We analysed the variability of these four leaf traits at species and site level. We observed that between species variation (between 64.5 for SLA and 91% for LDMC) is higher than within species variation. Allowing a good congruency of species ranking assessed by spearman rank correlation () and a good reallocation of individuals to species by discriminant analysis. A site level variability (between 0.7% for Dry weight and 6.9% for SLA) was identified and environmental parameters (altitude, temperature, precipitation, nitrogen, pH) were considered as probable control factors. We found significant correlation between SLA, LDMC and the average minimum temperature (respectively r=0.87 and r=-0,9) and no correlation for the other traits or environmental parameters. Furthermore, we conclude that two leaf traits appear to be central in describing species: specific leaf area (SLA), percentage of dry matter (LDMC. While, SLA and LDMC are strongly correlated, LDMC appears to be less variable than SLA. According to our results the Dry Matter Content (or its reversal Leaf Water Content) appears the best leaf trait to be quantified for plant functional screening. Leaf thickness appeared to be rather uncorrelated with other leaf traits and show no environmental contingency; its variability could not have been explained in this study. Further studies should focus on this trait. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Purified membrane proteins are ternary complexes consisting of protein, lipid, and detergent. Information about the amounts of detergent and endogenous phospholipid molecules bound to purified membrane proteins is largely lacking. In this systematic study, three model membrane proteins of different oligomeric states were purified in nine different detergents at commonly used concentrations and characterized biochemically and biophysically. Detergent-binding capacities and phospholipid contents of the model proteins were determined and compared. The insights on ternary complexes obtained from the experimental results, when put into a general context, are summarized as follows. 1), The amount of detergent and 2) the amount of endogenous phospholipids bound to purified membrane proteins are dependent on the size of the hydrophobic lipid-accessible protein surface areas and the physicochemical properties of the detergents used. 3), The size of the detergent and lipid belt surrounding the hydrophobic lipid-accessible surface of purified membrane proteins can be tuned by the appropriate choice of detergent. 4), The detergents n-nonyl-β-D-glucopyranoside and Cymal-5 have exceptional delipidating effects on ternary complexes. 5), The types of endogenous phospholipids bound to membrane proteins can vary depending on the detergent used for solubilization and purification. 6), Furthermore, we demonstrate that size-exclusion chromatography can be a suitable method for estimating the molecular mass of ternary complexes. The findings presented suggest a strategy to control and tune the numbers of detergent and endogenous phospholipid molecules bound to membrane proteins. These two parameters are potentially important for the successul crystallization of membrane proteins for structure determination by crystallographic approaches.  相似文献   
Functional diversity is at the heart of current research in the field of conservation biology. Most of the indices that measure diversity depend on variables that have various statistical types (e.g. circular, fuzzy, ordinal) and that go through a matrix of distances among species. We show how to compute such distances from a generalization of Gower's distance, which is dedicated to the treatment of mixed data. We prove Gower's distance can be extended to include new types of data. The impact of this generalization is illustrated on a real data set containing 80 plant species and 13 various traits. Gower's distance allows an efficient treatment of missing data and the inclusion of variable weights. An evaluation of the real contribution of each variable to the mixed distance is proposed. We conclude that such a generalized index will be crucial for analyzing functional diversity at small and large scales.  相似文献   
Aim This paper presents a probabilistic method of pollen spectra analysis. The method relies on a pollen taxon characterization using biotic and abiotic plant attribute modes, and their occurrence in a given pollen spectrum at a specific site. This type of analysis can provide an interpretation, which can lead to the reconstruction of the biome and, to an extent, of the abiotic conditions at the site. Methods The analysis has been carried out at the European scale using data provided by the European Pollen Database for about 1000 sites. This dataset contains about 50,000 pollen spectra from the last 21 ka. In these spectra, each pollen taxon has been characterized by a set of 10 chosen attributes. These have been selected with regard to their relevance in biome reconstruction, but also on the basis of available literature. By using the probability of occurrence of each taxon in a given pollen spectrum, it is possible to calculate an affinity index for the spectrum to the attribute considered. To overcome difficulties caused by pollen identification in low diversified pollen spectra, a co‐occurrence concept has been used to give more information. Results The method has been validated on a set of 1327 modern surface samples by comparing the results to the major climatic and environmental variables that control the distribution of the vegetation. A reconstruction exercise on various characteristics of the plants was then carried out on a 6‐ka dataset. This confirmed previous studies by showing a strong dominance of deciduous forest over most of Europe, related to a milder climate than at present in the north and a wetter and colder climate than at present in the south. By analysing the change in pollen/seed dispersion strategies and the light requirement, we show that the history of vegetation dynamics in relation to human influences can be assessed using this method. Main conclusions Our results show that the probabilistic method is an objective tool for pollen assemblage analysis. It allows reconstruction of various characteristics of the vegetation at the continental and global scale for periods and sites with significantly different climate conditions. This method can also be used to compare maps of vegetation attributes for the validation of the new generalized dynamic ecosystems models.  相似文献   
Genome-wide association studies linked single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at the MYH9 locus to chronic kidney disease among African-Americans, particularly glomerular diseases such as HIV nephropathy and idiopathic focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS). However, these MYH9 SNPs are intronic, and despite extensive sequencing, a causal variant remains elusive. To investigate the role of MYH9 in kidney disease, we selectively deleted Myh9 from mouse podocytes and found that mutant C57BL/6 mice did not develop renal insufficiency or proteinuria compared to control littermates, even when the mice were aged for 9 months. To explain the surprisingly normal phenotype, we considered genetic redundancy with the paralog Myh10 in podocytes, but we found that Myh10 was not expressed in podocytes in Myh9-deficient or control mice. We tested whether Myh9 podocyte deletion predisposed mice to glomerulopathy in response to injury by doxorubicin hydrochloride (Adriamycin), and we found that Myh9 podocyte-deleted mice developed proteinuria and glomerulosclerosis, while control mice were resistant. In summary, Myh9 podocyte deletion in C57BL/6 mice results in susceptibility to experimental doxorubicin hydrochloride glomerulopathy. We review evidence that MYH9 dysfunction in humans results in similar susceptibility and place our data, the first examination of Myh9 kidney disease in experimental animals, in the context of recent findings in human kidney disease, including the role of APOL1.  相似文献   
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