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The interaction of Leucine-enkephalin (Leu-enkephalin) with reactive nitrogen species has been investigated. Reactive nitrogen species are capable of nitrating and oxidizing Leu-enkephalin. HPLC analysis shows the formation of two major enkephalin derivatives by peroxynitrite. The tyrosine amino-terminal residue of Leu-enkephalin is converted either to 3-nitrotyrosine thus producing nitroenkephalin and to dityrosine by dimerization with the production of an enkephalin dimer. The evidence of the formation of the nitroenkephalin and of the enkephalin dimer—dienkephalin—was achieved by electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry. In addition to peroxynitrite, the methylene blue photosensitized oxidation of enkephalin in the presence of nitrite leads to the formation of the nitrated peptide. Moreover, the nitropeptide can be also obtained by peroxidase-generated nitrogen reactive species.  相似文献   
The mRNA-capping process starts with the conversion of a 5′-triphosphate end into a 5′-diphosphate by an RNA triphosphatase, followed by the addition of a guanosine monophosphate unit in a 5′-5′ phosphodiester bond by a guanylyltransferase. Methyltransferases are involved in the third step of the process, transferring a methyl group from S-adenosyl-l-methionine to N7-guanine (cap 0) and to the ribose 2′OH group (cap 1) of the first RNA nucleotide; capping is essential for mRNA stability and proper replication. In the genus Flavivirus, N7-methyltransferase and 2′O-methyltransferase activities have been recently associated with the N-terminal domain of the viral NS5 protein. In order to further characterize the series of enzymatic reactions that support capping, we analyzed the crystal structures of Wesselsbron virus methyltransferase in complex with the S-adenosyl-l-methionine cofactor, S-adenosyl-l-homocysteine (the product of the methylation reaction), Sinefungin (a molecular analogue of the enzyme cofactor), and three different cap analogues (GpppG, N7MeGpppG, and N7MeGpppA). The structural results, together with those on other flaviviral methyltransferases, show that the capped RNA analogues all bind to an RNA high-affinity binding site. However, lack of specific interactions between the enzyme and the first nucleotide of the RNA chain suggests the requirement of a minimal number of nucleotides following the cap to strengthen protein/RNA interaction. Our data also show that, following incubation with guanosine triphosphate, Wesselsbron virus methyltransferase displays a guanosine monophosphate molecule covalently bound to residue Lys28, hinting at possible implications for the transfer of a guanine group to ppRNA. The structures of the Wesselsbron virus methyltransferase complexes obtained are discussed in the context of a model for N7-methyltransferase and 2′O-methyltransferase activities.  相似文献   
A population of Chironomus riparius from a Po river station near Moncalieri (a trace-metal polluted station) was studied. In this population was established a great variability of band structure of polytene chromosomes as well as paracentric heterozygous inversions, deletions, deficiencies, partial breaks, diploid chromosome fragments, and changes in functional activity and appearance of heterochromatin. In arms A through F, some bands had an increased size compared to the standard chromosomic map. Some bands appeared in a heterozygous or normal homozygous state or were amplified. In all arms, many condensed stable bands appeared in the decondensed state when compared to the standard map. Asynaptic zones in arms E and G as well as heterozygous Balbiani rings and NORs were established. Very often the 4th chromosome was almost completely heteropycnotic and looded like a pompon chromosome. For the first time in this species, a high frequency of ectopic pairings of different arms was observed. Telomeric regions involved in ectopic pairings had a granular appearance, as did some centromeres. The hypothesis is advanced that such a high frequency of structural rearrangements could be correlated with genomic distribution of specific mobile elements.  相似文献   


Homeodomain interacting protein kinase 2 (HIPK2) is an evolutionary conserved serine/threonine kinase whose activity is fundamental in maintaining wild-type p53 function, thereby controlling the destiny of cells when exposed to DNA damaging agents. We recently reported an altered conformational state of p53 in tissues from patients with Alzheimer''s Disease (AD) that led to an impaired and dysfunctional response to stressors.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here we examined the molecular mechanisms underlying the impairment of p53 activity in two cellular models, HEK-293 cells overexpressing the amyloid precursor protein and fibroblasts from AD patients, starting from recent findings showing that p53 conformation may be regulated by HIPK2. We demonstrated that beta-amyloid 1–40 induces HIPK2 degradation and alters HIPK2 binding activity to DNA, in turn regulating the p53 conformational state and vulnerability to a noxious stimulus. Expression of HIPK2 was analysed by western blot experiments, whereas HIPK2 DNA binding was examined by chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis. In particular, we evaluated the recruitment of HIPK2 onto some target promoters, including hypoxia inducible factor-1α and metallothionein 2A.


These results support the existence of a novel amyloid-based pathogenetic mechanism in AD potentially leading to the survival of injured dysfunctional cells.  相似文献   
We have previously identified Ser201 of Sic1, a yeast cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor, as an in vitro target of protein kinase CK2. Here we present new evidence, by using specific anti-P-Ser201 antibodies and 2-D gel electrophoresis coupled to MALDI mass spectrometry analysis, that Sic1 is phosphorylated in vivo on Ser201 shortly after its de novo synthesis, during late anaphase in glucose-grown cells. This phosphorylation is also detected in Sic1 immunopurified from G1 cells. In agreement with these data we also show that the catalytic alpha' subunit of CK2, whose function is required for cell cycle progression, is detected in Sic1 immunopurified complexes, and that phosphorylation on Ser201 is reduced after CK2 inactivation at the non-permissive temperature in a cka1delta cka2(ts) yeast strain. These data strongly support the notion that CK2 phosphorylates Sic1 in vivo.  相似文献   
The study presented here aimed at identifying a new class of compounds acting against Leishmania parasites, the causative agent of Leishmaniasis. For this purpose, the thioether derivatives of our in-house library have been evaluated in whole-cell screening assays in order to determine their in vitro activity against Leishmania protozoan. Among them, promising results have been achieved with compound RDS 777 (6-(sec-butoxy)-2-((3-chlorophenyl)thio)pyrimidin-4-amine) (IC50?=?29.43?µM), which is able to impair the mechanism of the parasite defence against the reactive oxygen species by inhibiting the trypanothione reductase (TR) with high efficiency (Ki 0.25?±?0.18?µM). The X-ray structure of L. infantum TR in complex with RDS 777 disclosed the mechanism of action of this compound that binds to the catalytic site and engages in hydrogen bonds the residues more involved in the catalysis, namely Glu466', Cys57 and Cys52, thereby inhibiting the trypanothione binding and avoiding its reduction.  相似文献   
Rapid auditory processing and acoustic change detection abilities play a critical role in allowing human infants to efficiently process the fine spectral and temporal changes that are characteristic of human language. These abilities lay the foundation for effective language acquisition; allowing infants to hone in on the sounds of their native language. Invasive procedures in animals and scalp-recorded potentials from human adults suggest that simultaneous, rhythmic activity (oscillations) between and within brain regions are fundamental to sensory development; determining the resolution with which incoming stimuli are parsed. At this time, little is known about oscillatory dynamics in human infant development. However, animal neurophysiology and adult EEG data provide the basis for a strong hypothesis that rapid auditory processing in infants is mediated by oscillatory synchrony in discrete frequency bands. In order to investigate this, 128-channel, high-density EEG responses of 4-month old infants to frequency change in tone pairs, presented in two rate conditions (Rapid: 70 msec ISI and Control: 300 msec ISI) were examined. To determine the frequency band and magnitude of activity, auditory evoked response averages were first co-registered with age-appropriate brain templates. Next, the principal components of the response were identified and localized using a two-dipole model of brain activity. Single-trial analysis of oscillatory power showed a robust index of frequency change processing in bursts of Theta band (3 - 8 Hz) activity in both right and left auditory cortices, with left activation more prominent in the Rapid condition. These methods have produced data that are not only some of the first reported evoked oscillations analyses in infants, but are also, importantly, the product of a well-established method of recording and analyzing clean, meticulously collected, infant EEG and ERPs. In this article, we describe our method for infant EEG net application, recording, dynamic brain response analysis, and representative results.  相似文献   
The gD, gB, and gH/gL glycoprotein quartet constitutes the basic apparatus for herpes simplex virus (HSV) entry into the cell and fusion. gD serves as a receptor binding glycoprotein and trigger of fusion. The conserved gB and gH/gL execute fusion. Central to understanding HSV entry/fusion has become the dissection of how the four glycoproteins engage in cross talk. While the independent interactions of gD with gB and gD with gH/gL have been documented, less is known of the interaction of gB with gH/gL. So far, this interaction has been detected only in the presence of gD by means of a split green fluorescent protein complementation assay. Here, we show that gB interacts with gH/gL in the absence of gD. The gB-gH/gL complex was best detected with a form of gB in which the endocytosis and phosphorylation motif have been deleted; this form of gB persists in the membranes of the exocytic pathway and is not endocytosed. The gB-gH/gL interaction was detected both in whole transfected cells by means of a split yellow fluorescent protein complementation assay and, biochemically, by a pull-down assay. Results with a panel of chimeric forms of gB, in which portions of the glycoprotein bracketed by consecutive cysteines were replaced with the corresponding portions from human herpesvirus 8 gB, favor the view that gB carries multiple sites for interaction with gH/gL, and one of these sites is located in the pleckstrin-like domain 1 carrying the bipartite fusion loop.Entry of herpes simplex virus (HSV) into the cell requires a multipartite apparatus made of a quartet of viral glycoproteins, gD, gB, and the heterodimer gH/gL, and a multistep process that culminates in the fusion of the virion envelope with cell membranes (5, 6, 10, 25, 36, 41). gD serves as the receptor-binding glycoprotein, able to interact with alternative receptors, nectin1, herpesvirus entry mediator (HVEM) and, in some cells, modified heparan sulfate (9, 13, 30, 39). It can also be engineered to accept heterologous ligands able to interact with selected receptors present on tumor cells and thus represents a tool to redirect HSV tropism (21, 28, 29, 42). The heterodimer gH/gL and gB execute fusion and constitute the conserved fusion apparatus across the Herpesviridae family. gB structure in the postfusion conformation shows a trimer with a central coiled coil (19). gH shows elements typical of type 1 fusion glycoproteins, in particular, helices able to interact with membranes, and two heptad repeats potentially able to form a coiled coil (12, 15-18). The discovery that a soluble form of gD enables entry of gD-null virions revealed that gD serves the additional function of triggering fusion and led to the view that the major roles of gD are to sense that virus has reached a receptor-positive cell and to signal to gB and gH/gL that fusion is to be executed (8). Biochemical and structural analyses showed that the C-terminal region of the gD ectodomain, containing the profusion domain required for fusion but not for receptor binding, can undergo major conformational changes (11, 24). Specifically, it binds the gD core and masks or hinders the receptor binding sites, conferring upon the molecule a closed, auto-inhibited conformation (24). Alternatively, it may unfold, conferring upon gD an open conformation. It was proposed that the C terminus of gD unfolds from gD core at receptor binding and recruits gH/gL and gB to a quaternary complex. A key feature of the model was that complexes among the glycoprotein quartet were not preformed, but, rather, they would assemble at the onset of or at fusion execution.Central to understanding HSV entry/fusion has become the dissection of the interactions that occur among the members of the glycoprotein quartet and their significance to the process. A first evidence of a gD-gH/gL interaction was provided in coimmunoprecipitation studies (35). Interactions between gD and gH/gL and between gD and gB were subsequently detected by split green fluorescence protein (GFP) complementation assays, implying that gD can recruit gB and gH/gL independently of one another, a result that argues against a stepwise recruitment of the glycoproteins to gD. In agreement with the proposed model, the interaction between gH/gL and gB was detected in the presence of transfected or soluble gD (1, 2). However, further studies highlighted levels of complexity not foreseen in the initial model. Thus, pull-down analyses showed that the interaction sites in gD with gB and with gH/gL lie in part outside the C-terminal portion of the gD ectodomain, that resting virions contain small amounts of gD in complex with gB and with gH/gL prior to encountering cells, and that de novo gD-gB complexes were not detected at virus entry into the cell (14).A major objective of current studies was to analyze the interaction of gB with gH/gL. We documented the interaction by two independent assays, i.e., by a complementation assay of split yellow fluorescent protein Venus (herein indicated as YFP) (31) in whole cells and, biochemically, by a pull-down assay. The latter was applied recently in our laboratory and is based on the ability of One-Strep-tagged proteins (e.g., gH) to specifically absorb to Strep-Tactin resin and thus retain any protein in complex (14). To preliminarily search for gB regions critical for the interaction with gH/gL, we engineered chimeric forms of HSV-1 and human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) gB in which the cysteines were preserved. While none of the chimeras was completely defective in the interaction, the interactions in the chimeras carrying substitutions in the pleckstrin-like domain 1—the domain that carries the bipartite fusion loops—were hampered. Altogether, the results underscore the ability of gB to interact with gH/gL in the absence of gD and favor the view that sites in gB for interaction with gH/gL involve multiple contacts, one of which is located in the domain that carries the fusion loops.  相似文献   
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