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A Drosophila cell-free system was used to characterize proteins that are required for targeting vesicles to chromatin and for fusion of vesicles to form nuclear envelopes. Treatment of vesicles with 1 M NaCl abolished their ability to bind to chromatin. Binding of salt-treated vesicles to chromatin could be restored by adding the dialyzed salt extract. Lamin Dm is one of the peripheral proteins whose activity was required, since supplying interphase lamin isoforms Dm1, and Dm2 to the assembly extract restored binding. As opposed to the findings in Xenopus, okadaic acid had no effect on vesicle binding. Trypsin digestion of the salt-stripped vesicles eliminated their association with chromatin even in the presence of the dialyzed salt extract. One vesicles attached to chromatin surface, fusion events took place were found to be sensitive to guanosine 5'-[gamma-thio]triphosphate (GTP gamma S). These chromatin-attached vesicles contained lamin Dm and otefin but not gp210. Thus, these results show that in Drosophila there are two populations of nuclear vesicles. The population that interacts first with chromatin contains lamin and otefin and requires both peripheral and integral membrane proteins, whereas fusion of vesicles requires GTPase activity.  相似文献   
Saccharomyces cerevisiae accumulates l-malic acid through a cytosolic pathway starting from pyruvic acid and involving the enzymes pyruvate carboxylase and malate dehydrogenase. In the present study, the role of malate dehydrogenase in the cytosolic pathway was studied. Overexpression of cytosolic malate dehydrogenase (MDH2) under either the strong inducible GAL10 or the constitutive PGK promoter causes a 6- to 16-fold increase in cytosolic MDH activity in growth and production media and up to 3.7-fold increase in l-malic acid accumulation in the production medium. The high apparent K m of MDH2 for l-malic acid (11.8 mM) indicates a low affinity of the enzyme for this acid, which is consistent with the cytosolic function of the enzyme and differs from the previously published K m of the mitochondrial enzyme (MDH1, 0.28 mM). Under conditions of MDH2 overexpression, pyruvate carboxylase appears to be a limiting factor, thus providing a system for further metabolic engineering of l-malic acid production. The overexpression of MDH2 activity also causes an elevation in the accumulation of fumaric acid and citric acid. Accumulation of fumaric acid is presumably caused by high intracellular l-malic acid concentrations and the activity of the cytosolic fumarase. The accumulation of citric acid may suggest the intriguing possibility that cytosolic l-malic acid is a direct precursor of citric acid in yeast. Received: 22 January 1997 / Received revision: 14 April 1997 / Accepted: 19 April 1997  相似文献   
In Escherichia coli and mitochondria, the molecular chaperone DnaJ is required not only for protein folding but also for selective degradation of certain abnormal polypeptides. Here we demonstrate that in the yeast cytosol, the homologous chaperone Ydj1 is also required for ubiquitin-dependent degradation of certain abnormal proteins. The temperature-sensitive ydj1-151 mutant showed a large defect in the overall breakdown of short-lived cell proteins and abnormal polypeptides containing amino acid analogs, especially at 38 degrees C. By contrast, the degradation of long-lived cell proteins, which is independent of ubiquitin, was not altered nor was cell growth affected. The inactivation of Ydj1 markedly reduced the rapid, ubiquitin-dependent breakdown of certain beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) fusion polypeptides. Although degradation of N-end rule substrates (arginine-beta-gal and leucine-beta-gal) and the B-type cyclin Clb5-beta-gal occurred normally, degradation of the abnormal polypeptide ubiquitin-proline-beta-gal (Ub-P-beta-gal) and that of the short-lived normal protein Gcn4 were inhibited. As a consequence of reduced degradation of Ub-P-beta-gal, the beta-gal activity was four to five times higher in temperature-sensitive ydj1-151 mutant cells than in wild-type cells; thus, the folding and assembly of this enzyme do not require Ydj1 function. In wild-type cells, but not in ydj1-151 mutant cells, this chaperone is associated with the short-lived substrate Ub-P-beta-gal and not with stable beta-gal constructs. Furthermore, in the ydj1-151 mutant, the ubiquitination of Ub-P-beta-gal was blocked and the total level of ubiquitinated protein in the cell was reduced. Thus, Ydj1 is essential for the ubiquitin-dependent degradation of certain proteins. This chaperone may facilitate the recognition of unfolded proteins or serve as a cofactor for certain ubiquitin-ligating enzymes.  相似文献   
Dual blastomere biopsy and independent blastomere analysis dramatically improved preimplantation diagnostic reliability as confirmed by testing the remaining biopsied eight-cell mouse embryo. The autosomal dominant trembler mouse point mutation was selected as a model for human preimplantation diagnosis because: (1) single cell assay failure is predicted to be the highest when testing autosomal dominant mutations; (2) point mutations represent the most common of all mutation categories and the most demanding mutation to assay reliably; and (3) the trembler mouse point mutation in peripheral myelin protein 22 (Pmp22) is a model of human Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 1A disease. Mathematical models predict our experimental results assuming amplification of 80% of each target allele as well as trembler sperm DNA contamination in 1 of 44 normal biopsied single blastomeres. Single blastomere analysis correctly predicted the genotype in only 84% of embryos that would have been implanted as normal. In contrast, when independent tests of both biopsied blastomeres agreed, test results were confirmed in 20 of 21 (95.2%) of the remaining six-cell biopsied embryos designated as normal. Thus, biopsied six-cell embryo confirmation demonstrated that dual biopsied blastomere analysis improved test reliability remarkably. Received: 20 November 1996 / Accepted: 4 April 1997  相似文献   
Shigella pathogenesis involves bacterial invasion of colonic epithelial cells and movement of bacteria through the cytoplasm and into adjacent cells by means of actin-based motility. The Shigella protein IcsA (VirG) is unipolar on the bacterial surface and is both necessary and sufficient for actin-based motility. IcsA is inserted into the outer membrane as a 120-kDa polypeptide that is subsequently slowly cleaved, thereby releasing the 95-kDa amino-terminal portion into the culture supernatant. IcsP, the major Shigella protease that cleaves IcsA, was identified and cloned. It has significant sequence similarity to the E. coli serine proteases, OmpP and OmpT. Disruption of icsP in serotype 2a S. flexneri leads to a marked reduction in IcsA cleavage, increased amounts of IcsA associated with the bacterium and altered distribution of IcsA on the bacterial surface. The icsP mutant displays significantly increased rates of actin-based motility, with a mean speed 27% faster than the wild-type strain; moreover, a significantly greater percentage of the icsP mutant moves in the cytoplasm. Yet, plaque formation on epithelial monolayers by the mutant was not altered detectably. These data suggest that IcsA, and not a host protein, is limiting in the rate of actin-based motility of wild-type serotype 2a S. flexneri .  相似文献   
Ophryotrocha diadema is a simultaneous hermaphrodite polychaete worm with a brief protandrous phase. Its mating behaviour was investigated in order to elucidate the relationships between mating system and reproductive biology. A genetically determined yellow or white coloration of the eggs and body walls made it possible to distinguish the egg releaser from the fertilizer. The following main features of the mating system were established. (1) Pairs are formed preferentially between simultaneous hermaphrodites, one partner releasing eggs and the other fertilizing them. There is no selfing. (2) The partners attain spawning synchronization by means of close mutual contact during a fairly time-consuming courtship. (3) Partners regularly alternate sex roles, usually with the same partner more than once in succession. (4) Both partners care for their eggs and protect cocoons of neglected eggs spawned by other pairs.  相似文献   
The heterotrimeric guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory proteins (G proteins, Galphabetagamma) mediate the signalling process of a large number of receptors, known as G protein-coupled receptors. The C-terminal domain of the heterotrimeric G protein alpha-subunit plays a key role in the selective activation of G proteins by their cognate receptors. The interaction of this domain can take place at the end of a cascade including several successive conformational modifications. Galpha(s)(350-394) is the 45-mer peptide corresponding to the C-terminal region of the Galpha(s) subunit. In the crystal structure of the Galpha(s) subunit it encompasses the alpha4/beta6 loop, the beta6 beta-sheet segment and the alpha5 helix region. Following a previous study based on the synthesis, biological activity and conformational analysis of shorter peptides belonging to the same Galpha(s) region, Galpha(s)(350-394) was synthesized and investigated. The present study outlines the central role played by the residues involved in the alpha4/beta6 loop and beta6/alpha5 loops in the stabilization of the C-terminal Galpha(s)alpha-helix. H(2)O/(2)H(2)O exchange experiments, and NMR diffusion experiments show interesting evidence concerning the interaction between the SDS micelles and the polypeptide. These data prompt intriguing speculations on the role of the intracellular environment/cellular membrane interface in the stabilization and functionality of the C-terminal Galpha(s) region.  相似文献   
Five symmetric (bis-substituted) and asymmetric (mono-substituted) analogues of E-stilbene and EE-1,4-diphenylbutadiene, where one or both the side aryls are 2'-thienyl or 3'-thienyl groups, have been studied by stationary and pulsed fluorimetric techniques, laser flash photolysis, conventional photochemical methods and theoretical calculations. The results obtained for these compounds and the comparison with those previously reported for three other compounds of the same series, allowed the effects of the position of the heteroatom and of the extension of the olefin chain on the excited state relaxation properties to be understood. The presence of one or two thienyl groups and their positional isomerism affect the spectral behaviour, the relaxation properties (radiative/reactive competition), the photoisomerization mechanism (singlet/triplet) and the ground state rotamerism. For the dienes containing the 3'-thienyl substituent(s), two rotamers were evidenced whose radiative and photochemical properties were obtained by selective excitation.  相似文献   
Gas1p is a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored plasma membrane glycoprotein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and is a representative of Family GH72 of glycosidases/transglycosidases, which also includes proteins from human fungal pathogens. Gas1p, Phr1-2p from Candida albicans and Gel1p from Aspergillus fumigatus have been shown to be beta-(1,3)-glucanosyltransferases required for proper cell wall assembly and morphogenesis. Gas1p is organized into three modules: a catalytic domain; a cys-rich domain; and a highly O-glycosylated serine-rich region. In order to provide an experimental system for the biochemical and structural analysis of Gas1p, we expressed soluble forms in the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris. Here we report that 48 h after induction with methanol, soluble Gas1p was produced at a yield of approximately 10 mg x L(-1) of medium, and this value was unaffected by the further removal of the serine-rich region or by fusion to a 6 x His tag. Purified soluble Gas1 protein showed beta-(1,3)-glucanosyltransferase activity that was abolished by replacement of the putative catalytic residues, E161 and E262, with glutamine. Spectral studies confirmed that the recombinant soluble Gas1 protein assumed a stable conformation in P. pastoris. Interestingly, thermal denaturation studies demonstrated that Gas1p is highly resistant to heat denaturation, and a complete refolding of the protein following heat treatment was observed. We also showed that Gas1p contains five intrachain disulphide bonds. The effects of the C74S, C103S and C265S substitutions in the membrane-bound Gas1p were analyzed in S. cerevisiae. The Gas1-C74S protein was totally unable to complement the phenotype of the gas1 null mutant. We found that C74 is an essential residue for the proper folding and maturation of Gas1p.  相似文献   
The next-generation sequencing studies of breast cancer have reported that the tumour suppressor P53 (TP53) gene is mutated in more than 40% of the tumours. We studied the levels of oxidative lesions, including 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodG), along the coding strand of the exon 5 in breast cancer patients as well as in a reactive oxygen species (ROS)-attacked breast cancer cell line using the ligation-mediated polymerase chain reaction technique. We detected a significant ‘in vitro’ generation of 8-oxodG between the codons 163 and 175, corresponding to a TP53 region with high mutation prevalence, after treatment with xanthine plus xanthine oxidase, a ROS-generating system. Then, we evaluated the occurrence of oxidative lesions in the DNA-binding domain of the TP53 in the core needle biopsies of 113 of women undergoing breast investigation for diagnostic purpose. An increment of oxidative damage at the −G− residues into the codons 163 and 175 was found in the cancer cases as compared to the controls. We found significant associations with the pathological stage and the histological grade of tumours. As the major news of this study, this largest analysis of genomic footprinting of oxidative lesions at the TP53 sequence level to date provided a first roadmap describing the signatures of oxidative lesions in human breast cancer. Our results provide evidence that the generation of oxidative lesions at single nucleotide resolution is not an event highly stochastic, but causes a characteristic pattern of DNA lesions at the site of mutations in the TP53, suggesting causal relationship between oxidative DNA adducts and breast cancer.  相似文献   
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