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The ammonia-oxidizing and nitrite-oxidizing bacterial populations occurring in the nitrifying activated sludge of an industrial wastewater treatment plant receiving sewage with high ammonia concentrations were studied by use of a polyphasic approach. In situ hybridization with a set of hierarchical 16S rRNA-targeted probes for ammonia-oxidizing bacteria revealed the dominance of Nitrosococcus mobilis-like bacteria. The phylogenetic affiliation suggested by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) was confirmed by isolation of N. mobilis as the numerically dominant ammonia oxidizer and subsequent comparative 16S rRNA gene (rDNA) sequence and DNA-DNA hybridization analyses. For molecular fine-scale analysis of the ammonia-oxidizing population, a partial stretch of the gene encoding the active-site polypeptide of ammonia monooxygenase (amoA) was amplified from total DNA extracted from ammonia oxidizer isolates and from activated sludge. However, comparative sequence analysis of 13 amoA clone sequences from activated sludge demonstrated that these sequences were highly similar to each other and to the corresponding amoA gene fragments of Nitrosomonas europaea Nm50 and the N. mobilis isolate. The unexpected high sequence similarity between the amoA gene fragments of the N. mobilis isolate and N. europaea indicates a possible lateral gene transfer event. Although a Nitrobacter strain was isolated, members of the nitrite-oxidizing genus Nitrobacter were not detectable in the activated sludge by in situ hybridization. Therefore, we used the rRNA approach to investigate the abundance of other well-known nitrite-oxidizing bacterial genera. Three different methods were used for DNA extraction from the activated sludge. For each DNA preparation, almost full-length genes encoding small-subunit rRNA were separately amplified and used to generate three 16S rDNA libraries. By comparative sequence analysis, 2 of 60 randomly selected clones could be assigned to the nitrite-oxidizing bacteria of the genus Nitrospira. Based on these clone sequences, a specific 16S rRNA-targeted probe was developed. FISH of the activated sludge with this probe demonstrated that Nitrospira-like bacteria were present in significant numbers (9% of the total bacterial counts) and frequently occurred in coaggregated microcolonies with N. mobilis.  相似文献   
Protein kinase C (PKC) isozymes comprise a family of related enzymes that play a central role in many intracellular eukaryotic signaling events. Isozyme specificity is mediated by association of each PKC isozyme with specific anchoring proteins, termed RACKs. The C2 domain of betaPKC contains at least part of the RACK-binding sites. Because the C2 domain contains also a RACK-like sequence (termed pseudo-RACK), it was proposed that this pseudo-RACK site mediates intramolecular interaction with one of the RACK-binding sites in the C2 domain itself, stabilizing the inactive conformation of betaPKC. BetaPKC depends on calcium for its activation, and the C2 domain contains the calcium-binding sites. The x-ray structure of the C2 domain of betaPKC shows that three Ca(2+) ions can be coordinated by two opposing loops at one end of the domain. Starting from this x-ray structure, we have performed molecular dynamics (MD) calculations on the C2 domain of betaPKC bound to three Ca(2+) ions, to two Ca(2+) ions, and in the Ca(2+)-free state, in order to analyze the effect of calcium on the RACK-binding sites and the pseudo-RACK sites, as well as on the loops that constitute the binding site for the Ca(2+) ions. The results show that calcium stabilizes the beta-sandwich structure of the C2 domain and thus affects two of the three RACK-binding sites within the C2 domain. Also, the interactions between the third RACK-binding site and the pseudo-RACK site are not notably modified by the removal of Ca(2+) ions. On that basis, we predict that the pseudo-RACK site within the C2 domain masks a RACK-binding site in another domain of betaPKC, possibly the V5 domain. Finally, the MD modeling shows that two Ca(2+) ions are able to interact with two molecules of O-phospho-l-serine. These data suggest that Ca(2+) ions may be directly involved in PKC binding to phosphatidylserine, an acidic lipid located exclusively on the cytoplasmic face of membranes, that is required for PKC activation.  相似文献   
Cultures of Acetobacterium woodii and Clostridium thermoaceticum growing on fructose or glucose, respectively, were found to produce small, but significant amounts of carbon monoxide. In the gas phase of the cultures up to 53 ppm CO were determined. The carbon monoxide production was completely inhibited by 1 mM cyanide. Cultures and cell suspensions of both acetogens incorporated 14CO specifically into the carboxyl group of acetate. This CO fixation into C1 of acetate was unaffected by cyanide (1 mM). The findings are taken to indicate that CO (in a bound form) is the physiological precursor of the C1 of acetate in acetate synthesis from CO2. The cyanide inhibition experiments support the hypothesis that the cyanide-sensitive carbon monoxide dehydrogenase may serve to reduce CO2 to CO rather than to incorporate the carbonyl into C1 of acetate.  相似文献   
Suppression of root rot diseases of ornamental plants is a potential benefit of formulating soilless container media with compost. A green compost (green nursery compost, GNC), obtained by a circular-economy approach from residues of pruning of woody plants and grass clippings during the nursery activities was analysed for its suppressiveness of root rot diseases using lavender. To this end, a bioassay was develop by formulating potting mixes containing GNC with two rates of peat substitution (25% and 50%) and infested with the root rot pathogens Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Rhizoctonia solani and Phytophthora nicotianae. Contrasting results were obtained by using both substrates with a significant reduction of root rot by S. sclerotiorum, no effect on the containment of that by P. nicotianae, and an increase of symptoms caused by R. solani. The specific suppressiveness observed may be attributed to the colonisation of compost by specific groups of antagonistic microorganisms. This hypothesis was investigated by the analysis of culturable fungal community, which resulted in the isolation of Trichoderma harzianum and T. atroviride as preponderant fungal species. Trichoderma representative isolates exerted in vitro antagonistic activities against the target pathogens with varying efficiencies indicating the employment of multiple complementary mechanisms, which may have contributed to the observed specific suppressiveness. Both substrates containing GNC resulted suitable for nursery cultivation of lavender, showing a growth performance similar to that obtained with peat-based substrate. Present results indicate that on-farm compost is a suitable component of mixed-peat substrates capable to support plant growth and provide specific disease suppression.  相似文献   
The genital morphology of female Pholcus phalangioidesis examined to clarify the composition of the uterus externus and the place of sperm storage in this species. Two conspicuous pore plates serve as exits for glandular secretion that gets discharged into the uterus externus. The secretion accumulates close to the pore plates and to some extent in the region of the heavily sclerotized valve that separates the uterus externus from the uterus internus. During copulation, the male transfers spermatozoa and male secretions into the female genital tract where they are embedded and stored in the female secretion. As Ph. phalangioidesdoes not possess any separate sperm storage organs such as receptacula seminis, the glandular secretion serves to store and fix the sperm mass in a specific position within the uterus externus itself.  相似文献   
The SNARE protein vti1a is proposed to drive fusion of intracellular organelles, but recent data also implicated vti1a in exocytosis. Here we show that vti1a is absent from mature secretory vesicles in adrenal chromaffin cells, but localizes to a compartment near the trans‐Golgi network, partially overlapping with syntaxin‐6. Exocytosis is impaired in vti1a null cells, partly due to fewer Ca2+‐channels at the plasma membrane, partly due to fewer vesicles of reduced size and synaptobrevin‐2 content. In contrast, release kinetics and Ca2+‐sensitivity remain unchanged, indicating that the final fusion reaction leading to transmitter release is unperturbed. Additional deletion of the closest related SNARE, vti1b, does not exacerbate the vti1a phenotype, and vti1b null cells show no secretion defects, indicating that vti1b does not participate in exocytosis. Long‐term re‐expression of vti1a (days) was necessary for restoration of secretory capacity, whereas strong short‐term expression (hours) was ineffective, consistent with vti1a involvement in an upstream step related to vesicle generation, rather than in fusion. We conclude that vti1a functions in vesicle generation and Ca2+‐channel trafficking, but is dispensable for transmitter release.  相似文献   
The workshop-hackathon was convened by the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) at its secretariat in Copenhagen over 22-24 May 2013 with additional support from several projects (RCN4GSC, EAGER, VertNet, BiSciCol, GGBN, and Micro B3). It assembled a team of experts to address the challenge of adapting the Darwin Core standard for a wide variety of sample data. Topics addressed in the workshop included 1) a review of outstanding issues in the Darwin Core standard, 2) issues relating to publishing of biodiversity data through Darwin Core Archives, 3) use of Darwin Core Archives for publishing sample and monitoring data, 4) the case for modifying the Darwin Core Text Guide specification to support many-to-many relations, and 5) the generalization of the Darwin Core Archive to a “Biodiversity Data Archive”. A wide variety of use cases were assembled and discussed in order to inform further developments.  相似文献   
Ricinus communis L. seedlings exuded pure phloem sap from the cut hypocotyl for several hours. Throughout the entire exudation period proteins were present in the phloem exudate at a constant concentration ranging from 0.11 to 0.41 mg·ml–1 depending on the culture conditions and the age of the seedlings. Manipulation of the nutrient supply at the cotyledons after removal of the endosperm did not change the protein concentration in the exudate. Comparison of sieve-tube exudate proteins (STEPs) with soluble proteins extracted from the hypocotyl and the cotyledons showed a unique abundance of small proteins in the exudate, with molecular weights ranging from 10 to 25 kDa. Bands at 18, 19 and 20 kDa were especially dominant. The proteins found transiently in the xylem exudate, which might represent proteins secreted at the wound surface, were different in pattern. Two-dimensional separation of STEPs revealed that more than 100 distinct polypeptides occurred in the sieve-tube exudate, most of them slightly acidic with isoelectric points ranging from 4 to 6 and a few basic ones around 8. [35S]Methionine fed to the cotyledons led to labelling of STEPs, demonstrating their rapid synthesis. It is concluded that there is a continuous synthesis and translocation of specific sieve-tube proteins, whose function is unknown.Abbreviations IEF isoelectric focussing - pI isoelectric point - STEP sieve-tube exudate protein - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - TCA trichloroacetic acid We wish to thank Pia Großmann and Libuse Badewitz for technical help.  相似文献   
The interaction between v-SNAREs on transport vesicles and t-SNAREs on target membranes is required for membrane traffic in eukaryotic cells. Here we identify Vti1p as the first v-SNARE protein found to be required for biosynthetic traffic into the yeast vacuole, the equivalent of the mammalian lysosome. Certain vti1-ts yeast mutants are defective in alkaline phosphatase transport from the Golgi to the vacuole and in targeting of aminopeptidase I from the cytosol to the vacuole. VTI1 interacts genetically with the vacuolar t-SNARE VAM3, which is required for transport of both alkaline phosphatase and aminopeptidase I to the vacuole. The v-SNARE Nyv1p forms a SNARE complex with Vam3p in homotypic vacuolar fusion; however, we find that Nyv1p is not required for any of the three biosynthetic pathways to the vacuole. v-SNAREs were thought to ensure specificity in membrane traffic. However, Vti1p also functions in two additional membrane traffic pathways: Vti1p interacts with the t-SNAREs Pep12p in traffic from the TGN to the prevacuolar compartment and with Sed5p in retrograde traffic to the cis-Golgi. The ability of Vti1p to mediate multiple fusion steps requires additional proteins to ensure specificity in membrane traffic.  相似文献   
The sensitivity and response of northern hemisphere altitudinal and polar treelines to environmental change are increasingly discussed in terms of climate change, often forgetting that climate is only one aspect of environmental variation. As treeline heterogeneity increases from global to regional and smaller scales, assessment of treeline sensitivity at the landscape and local scales requires a more complex approach than at the global scale. The time scale (short‐, medium‐, long‐term) also plays an important role when considering treeline sensitivity. The sensitivity of the treeline to a changing environment varies among different types of treeline. Treelines controlled mainly by orographic influences are not very susceptible to the effects of warming climates. Greatest sensitivity can be expected in anthropogenic treelines after the cessation of human activity. However, tree invasion into former forested areas above the anthropogenic forest limit is controlled by site conditions, and in particular, by microclimates and soils. Apart from changes in tree physiognomy, the spontaneous advance of young growth of forest‐forming tree species into present treeless areas within the treeline ecotone and beyond the tree limit is considered to be the best indicator of treeline sensitivity to environmental change. The sensitivity of climatic treelines to climate warming varies both in the local and regional topographical conditions. Furthermore, treeline history and its after‐effects also play an important role. The sensitivity of treelines to changes in given factors (e.g. winter snow pack, soil moisture, temperature, evaporation, etc.) may vary among areas with differing climatic characteristics. In general, forest will not advance in a closed front but will follow sites that became more favourable to tree establishment under the changed climatic conditions.  相似文献   
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