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The dependence of growth on nickel supply was studied in Chlorella emersonii 211-8b. After transfer to Ni2+ deficient medium containing only 0.5±0.2 g/l of Ni2+, production of biomass or daughter cells dropped to 55±5% of the controls, and the cells became chlorotic. These symptoms of deficiency disappeared completely by supplying adequate amounts of nickel. They were, however, only partially reversible by cobalt. It is concluded that nickel is an essential micronutrient for C. emersonii, although this organism lacks the nickel enzyme, urease.Gratefully dedicated to Prof. Hans Adolf von Stosch on the occasion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   
We report that two species of basidiomycete fungi (Polyporus versicolor and Poria monticola) grow in minimal liquid or solid medium when supplemented with crushed lignite coal. The fungi also grow directly on crushed lignite coal. The growth of both fungi was observed qualitatively as the production and extension of hyphae. No fungal growth occurred in minimal agar medium without coal. The fungi degraded solid lignite coal to a black liquid product which never appeared in cultures unless fungi and coal were present together. Apparently, lignite coal can serve as the principal substrate for the growth of the fungi. Infrared analyses of the liquid products of lignite degradation showed both similarities to and differences from the original lignite.  相似文献   
Laboratory experiments tested whether two economically-important sibling species of tephritid fruit flies have evolved distinct egg-laying responses to chemical stimuli on the fruits of their respective hostplants. The egg-laying preferences displayed by apple maggot flies, R. pomonella, and blueberry maggot flies, R. mendax, on artificial fruits treated with apple and blueberry extract paralleled their egg-laying responses to whole apples and blueberries. R. pomonella flies laid more eggs than R. mendax flies in artificial fruits treated with extract from ripe McIntosh apples, and vice versa for artificial fruits treated with extract from ripe Bluehaven blueberries. Furthermore, both species laid more eggs in artificial fruits treated with extract from their respective host fruits than control artificial fruits which were not treated with fruit extract. Prior electroantennogram recordings from R. mendax and R. pomonella flies exposed to volatiles from pentane extracts of apples and blueberries indicate that the antennal sensitivity of both species is selectively tuned to their respective host fruit odors. This differentiation in their olfactory responses to fruit odors could be important in mediating their distinct ovipositional responses to blueberry and apple fruits. Extract from unripe McIntosh apples also elicited egg laying by R. pomonella flies, however, artificial fruits treated with unripe apple extract received 1.9 times fewer eggs than those treated with ripe apple extract. Moreover, the numbers of R. pomonella ovipositor punctures and eggs placed in wax artificial fruits were increased when the artificial fruits were treated with a blend of 7 identified apple esters. Black coloration on these artificial fruits and the presence of apple esters had a synergistic effect on the egg-laying behavior of R. pomonella flies, which caused them to lay substantially more eggs per black fruit than white fruit treated with the same concentration of apple esters. In summary, our results indicate that the egg-laying responses of R. pomonella flies are mediated by the integration of information from fruit chemical and visual cues, and that R. mendax and R. pomonella flies have evolved divergent egg-laying responses to chemical stimuli on the fruits of their respective hostplants. These findings are discussed in the context of other studies on plant compounds which influence the ovipositional behavior of phytophagous Diptera.
Stimuli chimiques des pommes et des myrtilles induisant la ponte des espèces jumelles, Rhagoletis pomonella et R. mendax
Résumé Des fruits artificiels en cire traités avec des extraits de fruits ont provoqué chez les espèces jumelles de R. mendax (Curran) et R. pomonella (Walsh) des réactions de ponte différentes suivant les stimulations chimiques par les fruits. Le comportement de ponte sur des fruits artificiels traités avec des extraits au pentane des myrtilles mûres (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) et de pommes mûres (Malus pumila Miller = Pyrus malus L.), est le même que sur des fruits naturels, ce qui montre que la réponse aux stimulations chimiques provenant du fruit constitue un aspect important de la reconnaissance de l'hôte. R. pomonella pond plus d'ufs que R. mendax sur les fruits artificiels traités à l'extrait de pommes mûres; c'est l'inverse pour les fruits traités aux extraits de myrtille. Les fruits artificiels traités avec des pommes ou des myrtilles provoquent la ponte de R. pomonella, tandis que les myrtilles mûres seules provoquent la ponte de R. mendax. Les extraits de pommes vertes stimulent la ponte de R. pomonella mais elle est alors 2 fois plus faible qu'avec des extraits de pommes mûres. Un mélange de 7 esters identifiés dans l'extrait de pomme induit aussi la ponte de R. pomonella. Le nombre de piqûres de tarièresfli dans les fruits artificiels en cire et le nombre d'ufs par fruit ont été augmentés par addition d'esters de pommes à des fruits blancs ou noirs. La couleur des fruits artificiels influence aussi la réaction de ponte de R. pomonella; la fréquence des piqûres de tarière contenant un uf et le nombre d'ufs par fruit étaient significativement plus élevés sur les fruits noirs que sur les fruits blancs traités avec la même concentration d'esters de pomme. Les fruits artificiels noirs traités avec la concentration la plus stimulante d'esters de pommes ont reçu 2, 3 fois plus d'ufs que les fruits blancs avec les mêmes concentrations en esters. Ces résultats montrent que les esters de pomme et la couleur noire stimulent synergiquement la ponte de R. pomonella sur des fruits artificiels.
Copper (Cu) is one of the most abundant trace metals in all organisms, involved in a plethora of cellular processes. Yet elevated concentrations of the element are harmful, and interestingly prokaryotes are more sensitive for environmental Cu stress than humans. Various transport systems are present to maintain intracellular Cu homeostasis, including the prokaryotic plasmid‐encoded multiprotein pco operon, which is generally assigned as a defense mechanism against elevated Cu concentrations. Here we structurally and functionally characterize the outer membrane component of the Pco system, PcoB, recovering a 2.0 Å structure, revealing a classical β‐barrel architecture. Unexpectedly, we identify a large opening on the extracellular side, linked to a considerably electronegative funnel that becomes narrower towards the periplasm, defining an ion‐conducting pathway as also supported by metal binding quantification via inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. However, the structure is partially obstructed towards the periplasmic side, and yet flux is permitted in the presence of a Cu gradient as shown by functional characterization in vitro. Complementary in vivo experiments demonstrate that isolated PcoB confers increased sensitivity towards Cu. Aggregated, our findings indicate that PcoB serves to permit Cu import. Thus, it is possible the Pco system physiologically accumulates Cu in the periplasm as a part of an unorthodox defense mechanism against metal stress. These results point to a previously unrecognized principle of maintaining Cu homeostasis and may as such also assist in the understanding and in efforts towards combatting bacterial infections of Pco‐harboring pathogens.  相似文献   
To study the effects of enhanced smooth muscle cell (SMC) proliferation on arterial vessel geometry in the absence of vessel trauma, we developed a transgenic mouse model expressing SV40 large T antigen under control of the 2.3-kb smooth muscle-myosin heavy chain promoter. Transgenic mice studied at ages from 3 to 13 wk showed a 3.2-fold increase in arterial wall SMC density, with 28% of SMC exhibiting proliferative cell nuclear antigen staining, confirming enhanced SMC proliferation, which was accompanied by two- to threefold increases in arterial wall areas (P < 0.05). Remarkably, despite increased vessel wall mass, the lumen area was not compromised, but rather was increased. A tightly conserved linear relationship was found between arterial circumference and wall thickness with slopes of 0.036 for both transgenics (r = 0.93, P < 0.01) and controls (r = 0.77, P < 0.01), suggesting the hypothesis that the conservation of wall stress functions as a primary determinant of adaptive arterial remodeling. This establishes a new model of adaptive vessel remodeling occurring in response to a proliferative input in the absence of mechanical injury or primary flow perturbation.  相似文献   
Over the last decade, a number of distinct mutations in the mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) have been found to be associated with both syndromic and non-syndromic forms of hearing impairment. Their real incidence as a cause of deafness is poorly understood and generally underestimated. Among the known mtDNA mutations, the A1555G mutation in the 12S gene has been identified to be one of the most common genetic cause of deafness, and it has been described to be both associated to non-syndromic progressive SNHL (sensorineural hearing loss) and to aminoglycoside-induced SNHL. In the present study, we have investigated the presence of mtDNA alterations in patients affected by idiopathic non-syndromic SNHL, both familiar and sporadic, in order to evaluate the frequency of mtDNA alterations as a cause of deafness and to describe the audiological manifestations of mitochondrial non-syndromic SNHL. In agreement with previous studies, we found the A1555G mutation to be responsible for a relevant percentage (5.4%) of cases affected with isolated idiopathic sensorineural hearing impairment.  相似文献   
Spatial self-organization is a hallmark of surface-associated microbial communities that is governed by local environmental conditions and further modified by interspecific interactions. Here, we hypothesize that spatial patterns of microbial cell-types can stabilize the composition of cross-feeding microbial communities under fluctuating environmental conditions. We tested this hypothesis by studying the growth and spatial self-organization of microbial co-cultures consisting of two metabolically interacting strains of the bacterium Pseudomonas stutzeri. We inoculated the co-cultures onto agar surfaces and allowed them to expand (i.e. range expansion) while fluctuating environmental conditions that alter the dependency between the two strains. We alternated between anoxic conditions that induce a mutualistic interaction and oxic conditions that induce a competitive interaction. We observed co-occurrence of both strains in rare and highly localized clusters (referred to as “spatial jackpot events”) that persist during environmental fluctuations. To resolve the underlying mechanisms for the emergence of spatial jackpot events, we used a mechanistic agent-based mathematical model that resolves growth and dispersal at the scale relevant to individual cells. While co-culture composition varied with the strength of the mutualistic interaction and across environmental fluctuations, the model provides insights into the formation of spatially resolved substrate landscapes with localized niches that support the co-occurrence of the two strains and secure co-culture function. This study highlights that in addition to spatial patterns that emerge in response to environmental fluctuations, localized spatial jackpot events ensure persistence of strains across dynamic conditions.Subject terms: Microbial ecology, Biofilms  相似文献   
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