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Although ruptured atherosclerotic plaques have been extensively analyzed, the composition of thrombi causing arterial occlusion in patients with ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction has been less thoroughly investigated. We sought to investigate whether coagulant active tissue factor can be retrieved in thrombi of patients with STEMI undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention.


Nineteen patients with ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction referred for primary percutaneous coronary intervention were enrolled in this study. Coronary thrombi aspirated from coronary arteries were routinely processed for paraffin embedding and histological evaluation (4 patients) or immediately snap frozen for evaluation of tissue factor activity using a modified aPTT test (15 patients). Immunoprecipitation followed by immunoblotting was also performed in 12 patients.


Thrombi aspirated from coronary arteries showed large and irregular areas of tissue factor staining within platelet aggregates, and in close contact with inflammatory cells. Some platelet aggregates stained positive for tissue factor, whereas others did not. Monocytes consistently stained strongly for tissue factor, neutrophils had a more variable and irregular tissue factor staining, and red blood cells did not demonstrate staining for tissue factor. Median clotting time of plasma samples containing homogenized thrombi incubated with a monoclonal antibody that specifically inhibits tissue factor-mediated coagulation activity (mAb 5G9) were significantly longer than their respective controls (88.9 seconds versus 76.5 seconds, respectively; p<0.001). Tissue factor was also identified by immunoprecipitation in 10 patients, with significant variability among band intensities.


Active tissue factor is present in coronary artery thrombi of patients with ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction, suggesting that it contributes to activate the coagulation cascade ensuing in coronary thrombosis.  相似文献   
The analysis of soil fungal communities by molecular fingerprinting and subsequent identification of the underlying populations require the amplification of a phylogenetically informative gene fragment. In this study we tested the reliability and suitability of the previously published fungal primer combination (NS1/FR1-GC) that amplifies almost the entire 18S rRNA gene for the DGGE analysis of fungal communities in soil samples from 36 sites. This direct PCR system failed to amplify the fragment of interest from the total DNA extracted from most of the soils tested. Thus, we developed a new semi-nested PCR system based on the initial amplification of over 1,700 bp of the 18S rRNA gene with a new primer combination, followed by a subsequent amplification with NS1/FR1-GC. By means of the PCR approach developed in this study distinct 18S rRNA gene amplicons could be reproducibly generated for all soil samples. Amplification tests with 101 soil fungal isolates showed that with the new semi-nested system 18S rRNA gene fragments could be obtained from more fungi than with the direct approach. The subsequent DGGE separation of community amplicons resulted in a high resolution and revealed reproducible complex soil fungal communities specific for each site, despite a minor variability between replicates of the same sample. The semi-nested PCR system developed in this study, coupled with DGGE fingerprinting, offers a robust, reliable and sensitive tool for the analysis of soil fungal community structure.  相似文献   
Orangutans are amongst the most craniometrically variable of the extant great apes, yet there has been no attempt to explicitly link this morphological variation with observed differences in behavioral ecology. This study explores the relationship between feeding behavior, diet, and mandibular morphology in orangutans. All orangutans prefer ripe, pulpy fruit when available. However, some populations of Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus morio and P. p. wurmbii) rely more heavily on bark and relatively tough vegetation during periods of low fruit yield than do Sumatran orangutans (Pongo abelii). I tested the hypothesis that Bornean orangutans exhibit structural features of the mandible that provide greater load resistance abilities to masticatory and incisal forces. Compared to P. abelii, P. p. morio exhibits greater load resistance abilities as reflected in a relatively deeper mandibular corpus, deeper and wider mandibular symphysis, and relatively greater condylar area. P. p. wurmbii exhibits most of these same morphologies, and in all comparisons is either comparable in jaw proportions to P. p. morio, or intermediate between P. p. morio and P. abelii. These data indicate that P. p. morio and P. p. wurmbii are better suited to resisting large and/or frequent jaw loads than P. abelii. Using these results, I evaluated mandibular morphology in P. p. pygmaeus, a Bornean orangutan population whose behavioral ecology is poorly known. Pongo p. pygmaeus generally exhibits relatively greater load resistance capabilities than P. abelii, but less than P. p. morio. These results suggest that P. p. pygmaeus may consume greater amounts of tougher and/or more obdurate foods than P. abelii, and that consumption of such foods may intensify amongst Bornean orangutan populations. Finally, data from this study are used to evaluate variation in craniomandibular morphology in Khoratpithecus piriyai, possibly the earliest relative of Pongo from the late Miocene of Thailand, and the late Pleistocene Hoa Binh subfossil orangutan recovered from Vietnam. With the exception of a relatively thicker M(3) mandibular corpus, K. piriyai has jaw proportions that would be expected for an extant orangutan of comparable jaw size. Likewise, the Hoa Binh subfossil does not differ in skull proportions from extant Pongo, independent of the effects of increase in jaw size. These results indicate that differences in skull and mandibular proportions between these fossil and subfossil orangutans and extant Pongo are allometric. Furthermore, the ability of K. piriyai to resist jaw loads appears to have been comparable to that of extant orangutans. However, the similarity in jaw proportions between P. abelii and K. piriyai suggest the latter may have been dietarily more similar to Sumatran orangutans.  相似文献   
The white-rot basidiomycete Phanerochaete chrysosporium employs extracellular enzymes to completely degrade the major polymers of wood: cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. Analysis of a total of 10,048 v2.1 gene models predicts 769 secreted proteins, a substantial increase over the 268 models identified in the earlier database (v1.0). Within the v2.1 'computational secretome,' 43% showed no significant similarity to known proteins, but were structurally related to other hypothetical protein sequences. In contrast, 53% showed significant similarity to known protein sequences including 87 models assigned to 33 glycoside hydrolase families and 52 sequences distributed among 13 peptidase families. When grown under standard ligninolytic conditions, peptides corresponding to 11 peptidase genes were identified in culture filtrates by mass spectrometry (LS-MS/MS). Five peptidases were members of a large family of aspartyl proteases, many of which were localized to gene clusters. Consistent with a role in dephosphorylation of lignin peroxidase, a mannose-6-phosphatase (M6Pase) was also identified in carbon-starved cultures. Beyond proteases and M6Pase, 28 specific gene products were identified including several representatives of gene families. These included 4 lignin peroxidases, 3 lipases, 2 carboxylesterases, and 8 glycosyl hydrolases. The results underscore the rich genetic diversity and complexity of P. chrysosporium's extracellular enzyme systems.  相似文献   
The blood-brain barrier contributes to maintain brain cholesterol metabolism and protects this uniquely balanced system from exchange with plasma lipoprotein cholesterol. Brain capillary endothelial cells, representing a physiological barrier to the central nervous system, express apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I, the major high-density lipoprotein (HDL)-associated apolipoprotein), ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 (ABCA1), and scavenger receptor, class B, type I (SR-BI), proteins that promote cellular cholesterol mobilization. Liver X receptors (LXRs) and peroxisome-proliferator activated receptors (PPARs) are regulators of cholesterol transport, and activation of LXRs and PPARs has potential therapeutic implications for lipid-related neurodegenerative diseases. To clarify the functional impact of LXR/PPAR activation, sterol transport along the: (i) ABCA1/apoA-I and (ii) SR-BI/HDL pathway was investigated in primary, polarized brain capillary endothelial cells, an in vitro model of the blood-brain barrier. Activation of LXR (24(S)OH-cholesterol, TO901317), PPARalpha (bezafibrate, fenofibrate), and PPARgamma (troglitazone, pioglitazone) modulated expression of apoA-I, ABCA1, and SR-BI on mRNA and/or protein levels without compromising transendothelial electrical resistance or tight junction protein expression. LXR-agonists and troglitazone enhanced basolateral-to-apical cholesterol mobilization in the absence of exogenous sterol acceptors. Along with the induction of cell surface-located ABCA1, several agonists enhanced cholesterol mobilization in the presence of exogenous apoA-I, while efflux of 24(S)OH-cholesterol (the major brain cholesterol metabolite) in the presence of exogenous HDL remained unaffected. Summarizing, in cerebrovascular endothelial cells apoA-I, ABCA1, and SR-BI represent drug targets for LXR and PPAR-agonists to interfere with cholesterol homeostasis at the periphery of the central nervous system.  相似文献   
The microphthalmia with linear skin defects syndrome (MLS, or MIDAS) is an X-linked dominant male-lethal disorder almost invariably associated with segmental monosomy of the Xp22 region. In two female patients, from two families, with MLS and a normal karyotype, we identified heterozygous de novo point mutations--a missense mutation (p.R217C) and a nonsense mutation (p.R197X)--in the HCCS gene. HCCS encodes the mitochondrial holocytochrome c-type synthase that functions as heme lyase by covalently adding the prosthetic heme group to both apocytochrome c and c(1). We investigated a third family, displaying phenotypic variability, in which the mother and two of her daughters carry an 8.6-kb submicroscopic deletion encompassing part of the HCCS gene. Functional analysis demonstrates that both mutant proteins (R217C and Delta 197-268) were unable to complement a Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant deficient for the HCCS orthologue Cyc3p, in contrast to wild-type HCCS. Moreover, ectopically expressed HCCS wild-type and the R217C mutant protein are targeted to mitochondria in CHO-K1 cells, whereas the C-terminal-truncated Delta 197-268 mutant failed to be sorted to mitochondria. Cytochrome c, the final product of holocytochrome c-type synthase activity, is implicated in both oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) and apoptosis. We hypothesize that the inability of HCCS-deficient cells to undergo cytochrome c-mediated apoptosis may push cell death toward necrosis that gives rise to severe deterioration of the affected tissues. In summary, we suggest that disturbance of both OXPHOS and the balance between apoptosis and necrosis, as well as the X-inactivation pattern, may contribute to the variable phenotype observed in patients with MLS.  相似文献   
Hypoxia is a pro-fibrotic stimulus, which is associated with enhanced collagen synthesis, as well as with augmented collagen prolyl 4-hydroxylase (C-P4H) activity. C-P4H activity is controlled mainly by regulated expression of the alpha C-P4H subunit. In this study we demonstrate that the increased synthesis of C-P4H-alpha(I) protein in human HT1080 fibroblasts under long term hypoxia (36 h, 1% oxygen) is controlled at the translational level. This is mediated by an interaction of RNA-binding protein nucleolin (approximately 64 kDa form) at the 5'- and 3'-untranslated regions (UTR) of the mRNA. The 5'/3'-UTR-dependent mechanism elevates the C-P4H-alpha(I) expression rate 2.3-fold, and participates in a 5.3-fold increased protein level under long term hypoxia. The interaction of nucleolin at the 5'-UTR occurs directly and depends on the existence of an AU-rich element. Statistical evaluation of the approximately 64-kDa nucleolin/RNA interaction studies revealed a core binding sequence, corresponding to UAAAUC or AAAUCU. At the 3'-UTR, nucleolin assembles indirectly via protein/protein interaction, with the help of another 3'-UTR-binding protein, presumably annexin A2. The increased protein level of the approximately 64-kDa nucleolin under hypoxia can be attributed to an autocatalytic cleavage of a high molecular weight nucleolin form, without alterations in nucleolin mRNA concentration. Thus, the alteration of translational efficiency by nucleolin, which occurs through a hypoxia inducible factor independent pathway, is an important step in C-P4H-alpha(I) regulation under hypoxia.  相似文献   
Recently, the nucleotide sequences of entire genomes became available. This information combined with older sequencing data discloses the exact chromosomal location of millions of nucleotide markers stored in the databases at NCBI, EMBO or DDBJ. Despite having resolved the intron/exon structures of all described genes within these genomes with a stroke of a pen, the sequencing data opens up other interesting possibilities. For example, the genomic mapping of the end sequences of the human, murine and rat BAC libraries generated at The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR), reveals now the entire encompassed sequence of the inserts for more than a million of these clones. Since these clones are individually stored, they are now an invaluable source for experiments which depend on genomic DNA. Isolation of smaller fragments from such clones with standard methods is a time consuming process. We describe here a reliable one-step cloning technique to obtain a DNA fragment with a defined size and sequence from larger genomic clones in less than 48 hours using a standard vector with a multiple cloning site, and common restriction enzymes and equipment. The only prerequisites are the sequences of ends of the insert and of the underlying genome.  相似文献   
The pituitary corticotrope-derived AtT20 D16V cell line responds to nerve growth factor (NGF) by extending neurite-like processes and differentiating into neurosecretory-like cells. The aim of this work is the study of the effect of extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMF) at a frequency of 50 Hz on these differentiation activities. To establish whether exposure to the field could influence the molecular biology of the cells, they were exposed to a magnetic flux density of 2 milli-Tesla (mT). Intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i) and intracellular pH (pHi) were monitored in single exposed AtT20 D16V cells using fluorophores Indo-1 and SNARF for [Ca2+]i and pHi, respectively. Single-cell fluorescence microscopy showed a statistically significant increase in [Ca2+]i followed by a drop in pHi in exposed cells. Both scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission microscopy of exposed AtT20 D16V cells show morphological changes in plasma membrane compared to non-exposed cells; this modification was accompanied by a rearrangement in actin filament distribution and the emergence of properties typical of peptidergic neuronal cells-the appearance of secretory-like granules in the cytosol and the increase of synaptophysin in synaptic vesicles, changes typical of neurosecretory-like cells. Using a monoclonal antibody toward the neurofilament protein NF-200 gave additional evidence that exposed cells were in an early stage of differentiation compared to control. Pre-treatment with 0.3 microM nifedipine, which specifically blocks L-type Ca2+ channels, prevented NF-200 expression in AtT20 D16V exposed cells. The above findings demonstrate that exposure to 50 Hz ELF-EMF is responsible for the premature differentiation in AtT20 D 16 V cells.  相似文献   
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