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The interaction of bovine prothrombin with Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions was investigated by following H+ release as a function of metal ion concentration at pH 6 and pH 7.4 at high and low ionic strength. Prothrombin Ca2+ and Mg2+ binding is characterized by high- and low-affinity sites. M2+ binding at these sites is associated with intramolecular conformational changes and also with intermolecular self-association. The pH dependence of H+ release by M2+ is bell shaped and consistent with controlling pKa values of 4.8 and 6.5. At pH 6 and low ionic strength, both Ca2+ and Mg2+ titrations following H+ release clearly show independent low- and high-affinity binding sites. Laser light scattering reveals that at pH 7.4 and low ionic strength, and at pH 6.0 and high ionic strength, the prothrombin molecular weight is between 73 and 98 kD. At pH 7.4 and high ionic strength, prothrombin is monomeric in the absence of metal ions, but appears to dimerize in the presence of M2+. At pH 6.0 and low ionic strength prothrombin exists as a dimer in the absence of metal ions and is tetrameric in the presence of Ca2+ and remains dimeric in the presence of Mg2+. These results and those for metal ion-dependent H+ release indicate that H+ release occurs concomitantly with association processes involving prothrombin.Abbreviations GLA -carboxyglutamic acid; fragment 1. amino terminal residues 1–156 of bovine prothrombin - MES 2-(N-morpholino) ethanesulfonic acid - MOPS 3-(N-morpholino) propanesulfonic acid - PS/PC phosphatidylserine/phosphatidylcholine vesicles - ionic strength  相似文献   
Two phototoxic plants of the Asteraceae family were studied in relation to species of phytophagous insects for which they are hosts:Argyrotaenia velutinana Wlk. feeding onChrysanthemum leucanthemum L. andChlorochlamys chloroleucaria (Guenée) colonizingRudbeckia hirta L. The toxicity of these two plants is related to the presence of acetylenes and thiophenes that induce a light-mediated production of deleterious singlet oxygen and other free radicals (phototoxicity). Results showed that females ofA. velutinana laid their eggs preferentially in the shade and the larvae adopted hiding behaviors, such as bending of ligulate corollas and silk spinning to build opaque shelters. By avoiding direct exposure to the sun, both behaviors may reduce phototoxicity associated with ingested plant materials. Furthermore, larvae ofC. chloroleucaria demonstrated a preference in the field for pollen, which constitutes a nonphototoxic tissue of their host plant. Experimental alterations of these specific behaviors induced important biological consequences for larvae of both insects such as mortality or reduction of larval growth rate. These results reinforce the idea that behavior may constitute an efficient adaptation to avoid phototoxicity.  相似文献   
Populations of Periplaneta americana (L.) were exposed for 8–20 week periods in specially designed rooms to 254 nm UV at low intensity (50–115 ergs sec–1cm–2), high intensity (160–220 ergs sec–1cm–2), or to white light. The rooms contained tables and chairs to simulate occupied space, with food and water placed in positions exposed to UV radiation. General irradiation (where the whole room was exposed to UV) at 115 ergs sec–1cm–2 and above was effective in producing high mortality in all stages except 8–10th instar nymphs and adults. Hot-spots irradiation (where UV lamps were placed behind table and chair harborages) produced high mortality only in 1 st-3rd instar nymphs which would result in slower elimination of a population. Crude aggregation pheromone was not successful in holding cockroaches close to radiation sources or substantially increasing mortality under the conditions of the experiments.
Zusammenfassung Populationen von Periplaneta americana (L.), die hinsichtlich ihrer Alterszusammensetzung (2.–3.; 5–6.; 8.–10. und adultes Stadium) und der Anzahlen in jedem Stadium festgelegt waren, wurden für 8–20 Wochenperioden in speziell dafür entworfenen Räumen einer 254 nm UV-Bestrahlung mit geringer (50–115 erg sec–1cm–2) oder hoher (160–220 erg sec–1cm–2) Intensität oder weißem Licht (als Kontrolle) ausgesetzt. Die Räume enthielten Tische und Stühle, um bewohnten Raum mit natürlichen Zufluchtsstätten mit Nahrung und Wasser an Stellen, die der UV-Bestrahlung unterlagen, zu simulieren. Ganzraumbestrahlung mit 115 erg sec–1cm–2 und darüber erzeugte hohe Mortalität bei 1.–3. und 5.–6.-Larvenstadien, örtliche Bestrahlung (UV-Lampen hinter Tisch- und Stuhl-Zufluchtsstätten) dagegen nur beim 1.–3.-Stadium, was zu einer langsameren Ausrottung einer Population führen würde. Ungereinigtes Aggregationspheromon als Zusatz, um Schaben dicht an die UV-Quellen zu locken und sie hier zu halten, war offenbar unwirksam, da eben die Mortalität nicht signifikant zunahm. Dieses Versagen war in erster Linie auf die Konkurrenz mit der Fülle von natürlichem Pheromon, das von den gewohnten Zufluchtsstätten ausging, zurückzuführen, verbunden mit der dem UV-Licht innewohnenden Abschreckung. Dennoch darf man annehmen, daß UV-Bestrahlung einen bedeutsamen Wert für die Verhinderung eines Populationswachstums (durch Ausschalten junger Larvenstadien) besitzt, besonders dort, wo chemische Bekämpfung aus Gesundheits- und Sicherheitsgründen oder wegen gesetzlichen Einschränkungen nur begrenzt möglich ist.
The serology of candidiasis is complicated by the use of poorly defined antigens. Total extracts of the yeast phase have been commonly used as cytoplasmic antigen, without regard to the significant amounts of carbohydrate that may contaminate such preparations. This is particularly true in the case of commercially available antigens that have been used as cytoplasmic antigens but actually are richer in carbohydrate than in protein. Affinity chromatography in concanavalin A — Sepharose provides a simple procedure to separate carbohydrates, mainly mannan, from protein antigens in whole Candida extracts. By using mannan-poor antigens, the specificity of serological reactions can be increased considerably, since both the positive reactions seen in asymptomatic donors and the cross-reactions seen in patients infected with other fungi are due to anti-mannan antibodies. In contrast, both anti-mannan and anti-cytoplasmic antigen antibodies can be detected in patients suspected of systemic candidiasis. On the other hand, absolute specificity may never be achieved for systemic candidiasis. We have found antibodies against cytoplasmic antigen in a patient allergic to C. albicans, in whom the microorganism was isolated from fecal material. It appears that, under favorable conditions, mucosal sensitization may also trigger a systemic reaction directed against both mannan and cytoplasmic antigens.Publication no. 341 from The Department of Basic and Clinical Immunology and Microbiology, Medical University of South Carolina.  相似文献   
Summary Antibody raised in mice was used in attempting to identify proteins responsible for the conductive chloride transport that can be measured in porcine ileal brush border membrane vesicles. Ileal brush-border membrane vesicle protein from pig was separated into five different molecular mass fractions by preparative SDS polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis. Separated protein fractions were used to immunize mice. Antibody was screened for reactivity with antigen by Western blotting, and for effects on conductive chloride transport in ileal brush border membrane vesicles. Immunization with brush-border protein from fraction I proteins (>110 kDa) produced polyclonal antisera which specifically inhibited the conductive component of chloride uptake by ileal brush border vesicle preparations. Western blotting of the antigen showed the presence of several protein species of molecular mass >100 kDa that were recognized by immune serum. Spleen cells from a mouse producing antiserum that inhibited conductive chloride transport were fused with a myeloma cell line. The resulting hybridoma colonies produced antibody that reacted with at least seven distinct protein bands by Western blot assay and inhibited chloride conductance in brush-border membrane vesicles.  相似文献   
2-carboxyarabinitol 1-phosphate (CA 1-P) is a naturally occurring inhibitor of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco). Members of the Fabaceae exhibit a particularly wide range in the extent of CA 1-P accumulation during darkness and include Phaseolus vulgaris, whose dark/light regulation of Rubisco activity is principally achieved by synthesis/degradation of CA 1-P. An extensive survey of the degree of dark inhibition of Rubisco was undertaken for the subfamily Papilionoideae to elucidate evolutionary patterns in the occurrence of this regulatory mechanism. Seventy-five species from 21 tribes were examined. Dark inhibition of Rubisco was found in ancestral tribes such as the Sophoreae, but was substantially reduced or absent in representative species of three more recently evolved tribes, Cicereae, Hedysareae and Vicieae. We conclude that regulation of Rubisco by CA 1-P is neither of recent origin nor of restricted distribution among the Papilionoideae. On the contrary, it becomes lost or less pronounced only in a minority of the more evolutionarily advanced species in this important subfamily.  相似文献   
Previous attempts to model the joint action of selection and mutation in finite populations have treated population size as being independent of the mutation load. However, the accumulation of deleterious mutations is expected to cause a gradual reduction in population size. Consequently, in small populations random genetic drift will progressively overpower selection making it easier to fix future mutations. This synergistic interaction, which we refer to as a mutational melt-down, ultimately leads to population extinction. For many conditions, the coefficient of variation of extinction time is less than 0.1, and for species that reproduce by binary fission, the expected extinction time is quite insensitive to population carrying capacity. These results are consistent with observations that many cultures of ciliated protozoans and vertebrate fibroblasts have characteristic extinction times. The model also predicts that clonal lineages are unlikely to survive more than 104 to 105 generations, which is consistent with existing data on parthenogenetic animals. Contrary to the usual view that Muller's ratchet does more damage when selection is weak, we show that the mean extinction time declines as mutations become more deleterious. Although very small sexual populations, such as self-fertilized lines, are subject to mutational meltdowns, recombination effectively eliminates the process when the effective population size exceeds a dozen or so. The concept of the effective mutation load is developed, and several procedures for estimating it are described. It is shown that this load can be reduced substantially when mutational effects are highly variable.  相似文献   
J L Gabriel  G W Plaut 《Biochemistry》1990,29(14):3528-3535
The specificity of yeast NAD-specific isocitrate dehydrogenase for the structures of the allosteric effector 5'-AMP was examined with analogues modified in the purine ring, pentosyl group, and 5'-phosphate group. An unsubstituted 6-amino group was essential for activation as was the phosphoryl group at the 5'-position. Activity was retained when an oxygen function of the 5'-phosphoryl was replaced by sulfur (Murry & Atkinson, 1968) or by nitrogen (phosphoramidates). 2-NH2-AMP, 2-azido-AMP, and 8-NH2-AMP were active; 8-azido-AMP and 8-Br-AMP were inactive. The configuration or nature of substituents about carbons 2' and 3' of the pentosyl portion of AMP was not critical for allosteric activation since AMP analogues containing, e.g., 2',3'-dideoxyribose or the bulky 2',3'-O-(2,4,6-trinitrocyclo-hexadienylidene) substituent (TNP-AMP) were active. TNP-AMP was bound to the enzyme with fluorescence enhancement and had an S0.5 for activation similar to the S0.5 for AMP. Positive effector activity was decreased when the pentosyl moiety of 5'-AMP was replaced by the six-membered nitrogen-containing morpholine group, indicating that the pentosyl group may be critical as a spacer for the proper geometry of binding to enzyme at the 6-amino and 5'-phosphoryl groups of 5'-AMP. A comparison of molecular models of 5'-AMP with 8,5'-cycloAMP suggests that the species of 5'-AMP required for binding to the enzyme contains the purine and ribose moieties in an anti conformation and positioning of the 5'-phosphate trans with respect to carbon 4'.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Rhodospirillum rubrum strain F24.1 is a spontaneous revertant of nonphototrophic mutant F24 derived from wild-type strain S1. Strain F24 shows no detectable photochemical activity and contains, at most, traces of the photoreaction center polypeptides. Strain F24.1 has a phototrophic growth rate close to that of the wild-type strain (Picorel, R., del Valle-Tascón, S. and Ramírez, J.M. (1977) Arch. Biophys. Biochem. 181, 665–670) but shows little photochemical activity. Light-induced absorbance changes in the near-infrared, photoinduced EPR signals and ferricyanide-elicited absorbance changes indicate that strain F24.1 has a photoreaction center content of 7–8% as compared to strain S1. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of isolated F24.1 chromatophores shows the photoreaction center polypeptides to be present in amounts compatible with this value. Photoreaction center was prepared from strain F24.1 and showed no detectable difference with that of strain S1. It is concluded that strain F24.1 photosynthesis is due entirely to its residual 7–8% of typical photoreaction center.  相似文献   
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