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To determine the usefulness of R-wave amplitude changes during exercise testing for the diagnosis of coronary artery disease (CAD) and to understand the discrepancies that have been described in the literature regarding their value, we studied two groups of patients by means of electrocardiographic (EKG) treadmill testing and coronary arteriography. Group I was composed of 149 patients who were studied prospectively. The specificity of R-wave changes measured from preexercise to immediately postexercise (SRV(5)) was 81%, but that of R-wave changes measured from preexercise to peak exercise (URV(5)) was 46%. A group of 156 patients (Group II) evaluated retrospectively showed a high specificity for the SRV(5) (84%) and poor specificity for the URV(5) (39%). The sensitivity of the SRV(5) was 38% in Group I and 42% in Group II. Therefore, if measured during the immediate postexercise period and not at peak exercise, changes in R-wave amplitude may be of value in the diagnosis of coronary artery disease by electrocardiographic exercise testing.  相似文献   
A 50-year-old man presented with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOC) associated with a left ventricular aneurysm and normal coronary arteries. His history revealed no evidence of myocardial infarction or atypical angina. Physical examination disclosed HOC but did not suggest the presence of an aneurysm. Although the patient was treated medically, heart failure ensued, and he died suddenly while working his farm. Subsequent investigation of the patient's family revealed that three of his five children were also affected by cardiomyopathy, which was especially pronounced in the eldest, a 22-year-old man. The possible hemodynamic relationship between HOC and left ventricular aneurysm is discussed, along with probable indications. The role of left ventricular aneurysm is also presented in relation to the natural history of the disease.  相似文献   
Summary Zinc deficiency in rice induced by prolonged water saturation of the soil is widespread in the Philippines. The poor drainage associated with the disorder is mostly due to upwelling of shallow artesian water in footslope areas and to ponding of water from continually flowing artesian wells common in such areas. One toposequence where no Zn deficiency occurred in the highest field and progressively severe Zn deficiency in successive lower fields, was studied in detail. With lower elevation soils showed an increase in organic matter and free carbonate, associated with increased upwelling and ponding of artesian water very high in dissolved Mg and Ca bicarbonate.  相似文献   
Chemotaxis of rat peritoneal cells, of which the eosinophil was the predominant migratory cell type, toward incubates of Trichinella spiralis was studied using a modified Boyden chamber. Excysted muscle larvae, preadults, and adults were incubated in a buffered medium for 20 hr at 37 C. Worms were incubated alone or with serum or spleen cells, or both, from immune and nonimmune rats. Incubates of worm stages alone possessed no chemotactic activity as compared with incubation medium as a negative control and zymosan-activated serum as a positive control. Both normal and immune sera tested alone stimulated cell migration to the same degree. Incubates of spleen cells from either normal or immunized hosts did not show chemotactic activity. Chemotaxis caused by normal and immune sera were not altered by incubation with homologous spleen cells. Addition of larva, preadults, and adult worms to sera, however, enhanced chemotactic activity over sera alone. Chemotaxis caused by larvae plus immune sera was significantly greater than that stimulated by larvae plus normal sera. This difference decreased when preadults were substituted for larvae and was not observed when adult worms were used. Reversal of the chemical gradients showed that active cell migration caused by various incubates was due to Chemotaxis.  相似文献   
Rhodospirillum rubrum strain F24.1 is a spontaneous revertant of nonphototrophic mutant F24 derived from wild-type strain S1. Strain F24 shows no detectable photochemical activity and contains, at most, traces of the photoreaction center polypeptides. Strain F24.1 has a phototrophic growth rate close to that of the wild-type strain (Picorel, R., del Valle-Tascón, S. and Ramírez, J.M. (1977) Arch. Biophys. Biochem. 181, 665–670) but shows little photochemical activity. Light-induced absorbance changes in the near-infrared, photoinduced EPR signals and ferricyanide-elicited absorbance changes indicate that strain F24.1 has a photoreaction center content of 7–8% as compared to strain S1. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of isolated F24.1 chromatophores shows the photoreaction center polypeptides to be present in amounts compatible with this value. Photoreaction center was prepared from strain F24.1 and showed no detectable difference with that of strain S1. It is concluded that strain F24.1 photosynthesis is due entirely to its residual 7–8% of typical photoreaction center.  相似文献   
Ammonia overloading was investigated during glucose and fructose metabolism in isolated hepatocytes under a variety of metabolic conditions. In all assay conditions, the glycolytic flux and oxygen uptake was not modified by 10 mM ammonia. In hepatocytes isolated from rats fed as libitum, the presence of ammonia caused a decrease in the production of lactate (pyruvate); this effect was not observed in anaerobic incubations, in hepatocytes isolated from starved animals, or in fetal hepatocytes. In spite of an overproduction of urea, ammonia detoxification also takes place by the synthesis of alanine, glutamate and aspartate. Addition of 1 mM aminooxyacetate, an inhibitor of aminotransferases, to the incubation medium prevents the formation of these amino acids, and also prevents the decrease of lactate in hepatocytes isolated from fed animals.  相似文献   
Effects of DAPI on human leukocytes in vitro.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
DAPI (4'-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole), a fluorochrome specific for AT-rich DNA, was supplied for 24 h at various concentrations to human leukocytes in culture. This treatment caused the appearance on the chromosomes of specific areas lacking spiralization. In particular, the centromeric regions of chromosomes 1,9, and 16, a short region on the long arm of chromosomes 1 and 2, and the distal heterochromatic part of the long arm of the Y chromosome were despiralized. The despiralization pattern of DAPI is compared with those previously obtained with Hoechst 33258 and Distamycin A.  相似文献   
1. Filtrates from cultures of different ages of Botryodiplodia theobromae Pat. were fractionated by gel filtration, ion-exchange chromatography and polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. 2. Five cellulases (C1, C2, C3, C4 and C5) were found, and their molecular weights, estimated by gel filtration, were 46000–48000 (C1), 30000–35000 (C2), 15000–18000 (C3), 10000–11000 (C4) and 4800–5500 (C5). 3. Cellulase C5 was absent from old culture filtrates. 4. Cellulase C1 had little or no activity on CM-cellulose (viscometric assay), but degraded cotton flock and Whatman cellulose powder to give cellobiose only. 5. The other components (C2–C5) produced cellobiose and smaller amounts of glucose and cellotriose from cellulosic substrates and were more active in lowering the viscosity of CM-cellulose. 6. The ratio of activities assayed by viscometry and by the release of reducing sugars from CM-cellulose increased with decrease in the molecular weights of cellulases C2–C5. 7. Cellobiose inhibited the activities of the cellulases, but glucose stimulated at low concentrations although it inhibited at high concentrations. 8. A high-molecular-weight β-glucosidase (component B1, mol.wt. 350000–380000) predominated in filtrates from young cultures, but a low-molecular-weight enzyme (B4, mol.wt. 45000–47000) predominated in older filtrates. 9. Intermediate molecular species of β-glucosidase (B2, mol.wt. 170000–180000; B3, mol.wt. 83000–87000) were also found. 10. Cellulases C2–C5 acted in synergism with C1, particularly in the presence of β-glucosidase.  相似文献   
Fractionation of total adult DNA of five of the seven species of the melanogaster species sub-group of Drosophila in actinomycin D and distamycin A caesium density gradients has revealed the presence of three main-band DNA components, common to all species, and ten satellite DNAs that are distributed between the species. Satellite DNAs are either unique to a species or common to two or more species. The abundance of a common satellite DNA varies between species. There is no simple relationship between the presence of a satellite DNA and a branch point of phylogenetic divergence; nevertheless the arrangement of the species in a phylogeny that is based on the numbers of satellites held in common accurately reflects the pattern of relationships between the same species based on differences in inversions of polytene chromosomes. The species can be similarly arranged according to the compositions of their mitochondrial DNAs. It is possible that the same basic set of sequences, each of low frequency, is common to all species with arbitrary or selected amplification of particular sequences to differing extents in individual species. The conservation of satellites in the group and the close parallel between the distributions of satellites and inversions between the species suggests that either the processes that operate to change both chromosomal phenomena are similarly time-dependent and occurring at relatively low rates or that their rates of change are restricted according to some undetermined functions of these aspects of the genome.  相似文献   
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