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During infection, simian virus 40 (SV40) attempts to take hold of the cell, while the host responds with various defense systems, including the ataxia-telangiectasia mutated/ATM-Rad3 related (ATM/ATR)-mediated DNA damage response pathways. Here we show that upon viral infection, ATR directly activates the p53 isoform Δp53, leading to upregulation of the Cdk inhibitor p21 and downregulation of cyclin A-Cdk2/1 (AK) activity, which force the host to stay in the replicative S phase. Moreover, downregulation of AK activity is a prerequisite for the generation of hypophosphorylated, origin-competent DNA polymerase α-primase (hypo-Polα), which is, unlike AK-phosphorylated Polα (P-Polα), recruited by SV40 large T antigen (T-Ag) to initiate viral DNA replication. Prevention of the downregulation of AK activity by inactivation of ATR-Δp53-p21 signaling significantly reduced the T-Ag-interacting hypo-Polα population and, accordingly, SV40 replication efficiency. Moreover, the ATR-Δp53 pathway facilitates the proteasomal degradation of the 180-kDa catalytic subunit of the non-T-Ag-interacting P-Polα, giving rise to T-Ag-interacting hypo-Polα. Thus, the purpose of activating the ATR-Δp53-p21-mediated intra-S checkpoint is to maintain the host in S phase, an optimal environment for SV40 replication, and to modulate the host DNA replicase, which is indispensable for viral amplification.Infection of quiescent CV-1 cells with the primate polyomavirus simian virus 40 (SV40) induces cell cycle progression and stimulates host cell DNA replication, which is mandatory for viral amplification. SV40 uses only a single viral protein, T antigen (T-Ag), for its own replication; all other components have to be provided by the host. Initially, a specifically phosphorylated subclass of T-Ag binds to a palindromic sequence in the SV40 origin (43), and in the presence of ATP, T-Ag forms a double-hexamer nucleoprotein complex leading to structural distortion and unwinding of origin DNA sequences (5). In concert with the cellular single-strand DNA binding protein RPA and topoisomerase I, the DNA helicase activity of T-Ag promotes more-extensive origin unwinding, forming a preinitiation complex (pre-RC), resulting in an initiation complex (53). Once the initiation complex forms, the primase activity of the heterotetrameric DNA polymerase α-primase (Polα) complex, consisting of the p180 catalytic subunit, the p70 regulatory subunit, and the p48/58 primase subunits, synthesizes a short RNA primer on each template strand, which is extended by the DNA polymerase activity of Polα (6, 17). Immediately after the first nascent RNA/DNA primer is synthesized, the complete replication machinery is assembled, and elongation at both forks by the processive DNA polymerase δ ensues (62). Thus, during the initiation of SV40 replication, T-Ag performs many of the functions attributed to the eukaryotic pre-RC complex proteins, including Orc, Cdc6, Cdt1, and kinase-independent cyclin E, which facilitates loading of the putative replication helicase Mcm2-7 onto the eukaryotic origin (4, 18). Biochemical evidence shows that initiation of SV40 and eukaryotic DNA replication occurs by the physical interaction of Polα with the appropriate pre-RC in the immediate vicinity of the origin. In SV40, Polα is loaded onto the origin by direct physical contact between the helicase T-Ag and its p180 N-terminal domain C (14, 15, 16). In eukaryotes, Cdc45, Mcm10, and And-1 cooperate to recruit Polα to the origin-initiation complex, thereby tethering the replicase to the origin-loaded Mcm2-7 helicase (34, 61).Although SV40 and chromosomal DNA replication share the same essential replication factors that are recruited to the appropriate pre-RC, there are noticeable differences between the SV40 and eukaryotic replication systems. The viral system allows unregulated multiple firing of the origin, whereas in the eukaryotic system, origin-dependent initiation of replication is regulated and restricted to firing only once per cell cycle. Reinitiation at origins within a cell cycle is prevented by the inactivation of pre-RC components in S and G2. The cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks) play a central role in establishing a block to rereplication through phosphorylation of each of the components. At present, several proteins of the mammalian pre-RC, such as Orc1, Cdt1, Cdc6, and the Mcm complex are phosphorylated by cyclin A (cycA)-Cdk2/1 (AK) and, as a result, are degraded or inactivated (1, 26, 30, 33, 40). Nevertheless, not all of the pre-RC components mentioned above are utilized by SV40, and accordingly, not all are involved in viral initiation control. However, in both replication systems, DNA synthesis is initiated by Polα and its initiation activity is regulated by Cdks (55). Moreover, AK-phosphorylated Polα is not recruited to mammalian origins in vivo (13) and is unable to initiate SV40 replication in vitro (47, 57, 58). Considering that cellular mechanisms blocking the rereplication of DNA act by AK phosphorylation of the replication factors mentioned above, especially Polα, it is feasible to suggest that downregulation or even inhibition of this kinase activity promotes dysregulation of replication control in SV40-infected cells.One pathway that leads to downregulation of AK activity in response to cellular stress is the intra-S checkpoint, which employs the novel p53 isoform Δp53 (45). In UV-damaged S-phase cells, ATR (ataxia-telangiectasia mutated [ATM]-Rad3 related)-activated Δp53 upregulates the Cdk inhibitor p21, resulting in a transient reduction in AK activity and decelerated S-phase progression (45). Here we demonstrate that SV40 lytic infection triggers the ATR signaling cascade, leading to the activation of Δp53 and accordingly a p21-mediated drop in AK activity to prevent AK-catalyzed inactivation of the hypophosphorylated, T-Ag-interacting Polα (hypo-Polα) subclass, which is essential for the initiation of viral DNA replication.  相似文献   
Human airway cilia contain soluble adenylyl cyclase (sAC) that produces cAMP upon HCO3/CO2 stimulation to increase ciliary beat frequency (CBF). Because apical HCO3 exchange depends on cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), malfunctioning CFTR might impair sAC-mediated CBF regulation in cells from patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). By Western blot, sAC isoforms are equally expressed in normal and CF airway epithelial cells, but CBF decreased more in CF than normal cells upon increased apical HCO3/CO2 exposure in part because of greater intracellular acidification from unbalanced CO2 influx (estimated by 2′,7′-bis(2-carboxyethyl)-5(6)-carboxyfluorescein (BCECF) fluorescence). Importantly, ciliated cell-specific cAMP production (estimated by FRET fluorescence ratio changes of tagged cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) subunits expressed under a ciliated cell-specific promoter) in response to increased apical HCO3/CO2 perfusion was higher in normal compared with CF cells. Inhibition of bicarbonate influx via CFTR (CFTRinh172) and inhibition of sAC (KH7) and PKA activation (H89) led to larger CBF declines in normal cells, now comparable with changes seen in CF cells. These inhibitors also reduced FRET changes in normal cells to the level of CF cells with the expected exception of H89, which does not prevent dissociation of the fluorescently tagged PKA subunits. Basolateral permeabilization and subsequent perfusion with HCO3/CO2 rescued CBF and FRET changes in CF cells to the level of normal cells. These results suggest that CBF regulation by sAC-produced cAMP could be impaired in CF, thereby possibly contributing to mucociliary dysfunction in this disease, at least during disease exacerbations when airway acidification is common.  相似文献   
Our previous studies demonstrated that, in gracilis muscle arterioles of male mice deficient in the gene for endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), flow-induced dilation (FID) is mediated by endothelial PGs. Thus the present study aimed to identify the specific isoform of cyclooxygenase (COX) responsible for the compensatory mediation of FID in arterioles of eNOS-knockout (KO) mice. Experiments were conducted on gracilis muscle arterioles of male eNOS-KO and wild-type (WT) mice. Basal tone and magnitude of FID of arterioles were comparable in the two strains of mice. A role for COX isoforms in the mediation of the responses was assessed by use of valeryl salicylate (3 mM) and NS-398 (10 microM), inhibitors of COX-1 and COX-2, respectively. In eNOS-KO arterioles, valeryl salicylate or NS-398 alone inhibited FID (at maximal flow rate) by approximately 51% and approximately 58%, respectively. Administration of both inhibitors eliminated the dilation. In WT arterioles, inhibition of COX-2 did not significantly affect FID, whereas inhibition of COX-1 decreased the dilation by approximately 57%. The residual portion of the response was abolished by additional administration of Nomega-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester. Western blot analysis indicated a comparable content of COX-1 protein in arterioles of WT and eNOS-KO mice. COX-2 protein, which was not detectable in arterioles of WT mice, was strongly expressed in arterioles of eNOS-KO mice, together with an upregulation of COX-2 gene expression. Immunohistochemical staining confirmed the presence of COX-2 in the endothelium of eNOS-KO arterioles. In conclusion, COX-2-derived PGs are the mediators responsible for maintenance of FID in arterioles of eNOS-deficient mice.  相似文献   
Abnormalities in serotonin receptor subtypes have been observed in the postmortem brain of suicide victims. We examined the regional distribution of serotonin (5HT)(2C) receptor mRNA in several areas of the human brain and also compared its protein and mRNA expression in the prefrontal cortex (PFC), hippocampus, and choroid plexus between suicide victims and normal control subjects. 5HT(2C) receptors were found to be distributed in several areas of the human brain (in order of abundance): highly concentrated and richest in choroid plexus; hypothalamus; nucleus accumbens; with the lowest abundance in PFC and cerebellum. Comparison of 5HT(2C) receptors between suicide victims and control subjects showed higher protein levels in the PFC but not the hippocampus or choroid plexus of suicide victims. However, there were no significant differences in mRNA levels between suicide victims and control subjects in these brain areas. These results suggest that 5HT(2C) receptors are richly distributed throughout the brain with the highest level in the choroid plexus and that abnormalities in protein expression of 5HT(2C) receptors in the PFC may be associated with suicide.  相似文献   
Histolysis refers to a widespread disintegration of tissues that is morphologically distinct from apoptosis and often associated with the stimulation of autophagy. Here, we establish that a component of the apoptosome, and pivotal regulator of apoptosis, is also required for histolytic cell death. Using in vivo and ex vivo assays, we demonstrate a global apoptogenic requirement for dark, the fly ortholog of Apaf1, and show that a required focus of dark(-) organismal lethality maps to the central nervous system. We further demonstrate that the Dark protein itself is a caspase substrate and find that alterations of this cleavage site produced the first hypermorphic point mutation within the Apaf1/Ced-4 gene family. In a model of ;autophagic cell death', dark was essential for histolysis but dispensable for characteristic features of the autophagic program, indicating that the induction of autophagy occurs upstream or parallel to histolytic cell death. These results demonstrate that stimulation of autophagy per se is not a ;killing event' and, at the same time, establish that common effector pathways, regulated by the apoptosome, can underlie morphologically distinct forms of programmed cell death.  相似文献   
Stress-activated protein (SAP) kinases and the mitochondrial pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 protein Bak are important regulators of apoptosis. Reduced expression of Bak increases cellular resistance to the anticancer agent cisplatin, and we report here that mouse embryo fibroblasts deficient in the SAP kinase jnk1 are highly resistant to apoptosis induced by cisplatin. When human melanoma cells were treated with cisplatin, Bak function was found to be regulated in two distinct steps by two SAP kinases, MEKK1 and JNK1. The first of these steps involves MEKK1-controlled conformational activation of Bak. The second step leads to formation of 80-170 kDa Bak complexes correlating with apoptosis, and is controlled by JNK1. Inhibition of MEKK1 blocked the initial Bak conformational activation but did not block JNK1 activation, and deficiency in, or inhibition of, JNK1 did not prevent conformational activation of Bak. Furthermore, inducible expression of a constitutively active form of MEKK1 led to Bak conformational activation, but not to 80-170 kDa complexes. Consequently, apoptosis was delayed unless JNK was exogenously stimulated, indicating that Bak conformational activation is not necessarily an apoptotic marker. The two-step regulation of Bak revealed here may be important for tight control of mitochondrial factor release and apoptosis.  相似文献   
Evolution has led to the development of a gigantic repertoire of microbial genes that can be exploited for industrial purposes. Due to microevolutionary processes, this gene pool is constantly varied and adapted to the prevalent environmental and physiological conditions. It though remains unclear to what extent gene variants coexist in natural habitats and to what extent they vanish due to competition. Here, we tapped the pool of gene variants of the serine protease Subtilisin Carlsberg present in soil habitats, demonstrating a high degree of (micro) diversity on a genetic level, as well as on a functional level. A set of 51 mature enzyme variants each carrying two to eight amino acid changes were recovered. While some mutations were only present in single variants, other changes appear to be rather conserved even across different habitats. The observed spectrum of biochemical properties makes persistent gene variants a potent source for biotechnologically relevant enzymes, expanding the toolbox of metagenomic approaches.  相似文献   
Molecular mechanisms behind the etiology and pathophysiology of major depressive disorder and suicide remain largely unknown. Recent molecular studies of expression of serotonin, GABA and CRH receptors in various brain regions have demonstrated that molecular factors may contribute to the development of depressive disorder and suicide behaviour. Here, we used microarray analysis to examine the expression of genes in brain tissue (frontopolar cortex) of individuals who had been diagnosed with major depressive disorder and died by suicide, and those who had died suddenly without a history of depression. We analyzed the list of differentially expressed genes using pathway analysis, which is an assumption-free approach to analyze microarray data. Our analysis revealed that the differentially expressed genes formed functional networks that were implicated in cell to cell signaling related to synapse maturation, neuronal growth and neuronal complexity. We further validated these data by randomly choosing (100 times) similarly sized gene lists and subjecting these lists to the same analyses. Random gene lists did not provide highly connected gene networks like those generated by the differentially expressed list derived from our samples. We also found through correlational analysis that the gene expression of control participants was more highly coordinated than in the MDD/suicide group. These data suggest that among depressed individuals who died by suicide, wide ranging perturbations of gene expression exist that are critical for normal synaptic connectively, morphology and cell to cell communication.  相似文献   
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