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Hepatic stellate cells are the primary cell type responsible for matrix deposition in liver fibrosis, undergoing a process of transdifferentiation into fibrogenic myofibroblasts. These cells, which undergo a similar transdifferentiation process when cultured in vitro, are a major target of the profibrogenic agent transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta). We have studied activation of the TGF-beta downstream signaling molecules Smads 2, 3, and 4 in hepatic stellate cells (HSC) cultured in vitro for 1, 4, and 7 days, with quiescent, intermediate, and fully transdifferentiated phenotypes, respectively. Total levels of Smad4, common to multiple TGF-beta superfamily signaling pathways, do not change as HSC transdifferentiate, and the protein is found in both nucleus and cytoplasm, independent of treatment with TGF-beta or the nuclear export inhibitor leptomycin B. TGF-beta mediates activation of Smad2 primarily in early cultured cells and that of Smad3 primarily in transdifferentiated cells. The linker protein SARA, which is required for Smad2 signaling, disappears with transdifferentiation. Additionally, day 7 cells demonstrate constitutive phosphorylation and nuclear localization of Smad 2, which is not affected by pretreatment with TGF-beta-neutralizing antibodies, a type I TGF-beta receptor kinase inhibitor, or activin-neutralizing antibodies. These results demonstrate essential differences between TGF-beta-mediated signaling pathways in quiescent and in vitro transdifferentiated hepatic stellate cells.  相似文献   
We conducted laboratory experiments to examine the effects of single versus double exposures of spruce budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) female larvae to various concentrations of a Bacillus thuringiensis variety kurstaki (Btk) commercial formulation (Foray 48B). Our main objective was to document the vulnerability to Btk and the sublethal responses of fifth-instar larvae that survived from a first ingestion of Btk during their fourth stadium and to compare them with insects treated either during their fifth or fourth stadium only. As reported in the literature, fifth-instar larvae were more vulnerable than fourth-instar larvae, but only at low and medium concentrations. Fifth-instar larvae that had survived Btk ingestion during their fourth stadium were more vulnerable to a high concentration of Btk and had a shorter feeding inhibition period than those that had not been exposed during their fourth stadium. Compared with a single treatment at the fourth stadium, a double exposure to Btk further reduced the population by 20-30%, depending on the concentration applied. The second treatment also induced another feeding inhibition period and increased larval development time by 14%. The impact of the different treatments on pupal weight depended on whether treated insects exhibited supernumerary instars. In the absence of developmental polymorphism, a higher concentration, a late, or a double exposure to Btk significantly reduced pupal weight.  相似文献   
This study was conducted to examine the individual developmental stages of Colchicum autumnale. We identified the sclerenchymatic tissue in the middle part of the protuberance. This tissue supports the function of protuberance as a kind of hollow diverticulum. On the boundary of the new corm and the shoot a meristematic layer was recognized. We assume that this abscission zone-like structure can initiate dying back of the above-ground part regularly at the end of annual life-cycle. The major part of starch is reutilized in the mother corm during the autumnal stage, supporting sprouting which takes place in the soil. Decline of starch content is paralleled by increasing of total amylolytic activity. From amylolytic enzymes -amylase, -amylase and -glucosidase have been identified. The presence of pullulanase and starch phosphorylase was not observed. From free sugars glucose, fructose and sucrose were identified in corms. The level of sucrose increased significantly during winter season.  相似文献   
The mechanism of nutrient transfer from the digestive system to the gonad acini and developing oocytes was investigated in the gonad-intestinal loop system of the queen scallop Pecten maximus L. Ferritin was injected directly into the purged intestine of specimens from the wild. Subsequently, a histochemical reaction and transmission electron microscopy were used to localize ferritin in various cell types. Ferritin was rapidly absorbed by the intestinal epithelium, and then appeared in hemocytes in the surrounding connective tissue. In the hemocytes, ferritin was stored in variously sized inclusions, as well as in the general cytoplasm. In all sections examined for the 12 experimental individuals, hemocytes were always found in association with connective tissue fibers extending from the base of the intestinal epithelium to gonad acini. After 30-min incubation, ferritin appeared inside the acini of all individuals. Ferritin-bearing cells were rarely found in association with male acini or gametes, nor with mature female gametes, but often with developing female gametes. Not all individuals showed the same temporal dynamics of ferritin transport, suggesting that nutrient transfer to oocytes is either not a continuous process, or that among individuals, transfer is not synchronized on short time scales. This is the first demonstration of a pathway of nutrient transfer from the intestine, and more generally the digestive system, to developing oocytes in the Bivalvia.  相似文献   
A protein-protein association regulated by phosphorylation of serine is examined by NMR studies. Degradation of the HIV receptor CD4 by the proteasome, mediated by the HIV-1 protein Vpu, is crucial for the release of fully infectious virions. Phosphorylation of Vpu at two sites, Ser52 and Ser56, on the motif DSGXXS is required for the interaction of Vpu with the ubiquitin ligase SCF-betaTrCP which triggers CD4 degradation by the proteasome. This motif is conserved in several signaling proteins known to be degraded by the proteasome. To elucidate the basis of beta-TrCP recognition, the bound conformation of the P-Vpu(41-62) peptide was determined by using NMR and MD. The TRNOE intensities provided distance constraints which were used in simulated annealing. The beta-TrCP-bound structure of P-Vpu was found to be similar to the structure of the free peptide in solution and to the structure recognized by its antibody. Residues 50-57 formed a bend while the phosphate groups are pointing away. The binding fragment was studied by STD-NMR spectroscopy. The phosphorylated motif DpS(52)GNEpS(56) was found to make intimate contact with beta-TrCP, and pSer52 displays the strongest binding effect. It is suggested that Ser phosphorylation allows protein-protein association by electrostatic stabilization: an obvious negative binding region of Vpu was recognizable by positive residues (Arg and Lys) of the WD domain of beta-TrCP. The Ile46 residue was also found essential for interaction with the beta-TrCP protein. Leu45 and Ile46 side chains lie in close proximity to a hydrophobic pocket of the WD domain.  相似文献   
We describe the complete embryonic cell lineage of the marine nematode Pellioditis marina (Rhabditidae) up to somatic muscle contraction, resulting in the formation of 638 cells, of which 67 undergo programmed cell death. In comparison with Caenorhabditis elegans, the overall lineage homology is 95.5%; fate homology, however, is only 76.4%. The majority of the differences in fate homology concern nervous, epidermal, and pharyngeal tissues. Gut and, remarkably, somatic muscle is highly conserved in number and position. Partial lineage data from the slower developing Halicephalobus sp. (Panagrolaimidae) reveal a lineage largely, but not exclusively, built up of monoclonal sublineage blocs with identical fates, unlike the polyclonal fate distribution in C. elegans and P. marina. The fate distribution pattern in a cell lineage could be a compromise between minimizing the number of specification events by monoclonal specification and minimizing the need for migrations by forming the cells close at their final position. The latter could contribute to a faster embryonic development. These results reveal that there is more than one way to build a nematode.  相似文献   
To address developmental regulation of pulmonary vascular O(2) sensing, we tested the hypotheses that 1) fetal but not adult pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells (PASMCs) can directly sense an acute increase in O(2), 2) Ca2+-sensitive K(+) (K(Ca)) channel activity decreases with maturation, and 3) PASMC K(Ca) channel expression decreases with maturation. We used fluorescence microscopy to confirm that fetal but not adult PASMCs are able to sense an acute increase in O(2) tension. Acute normoxia induced a 22 +/- 2% decrease in cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+](i)) in fetal PASMCs and no change in ([Ca2+](i)) in adult PASMCs (P < 0.01). The effects of K(+) channel antagonists were studied on fetal and adult PASMC ([Ca2+](i)). Iberiotoxin (10(-9) M) caused PASMC ([Ca2+](i)) to increase by 694 +/- 22% in the fetus and caused no change in adult PASMCs. K(Ca) channel expression and mRNA levels in distal pulmonary arteries from fetal and adult sheep were examined. Both K(Ca) channel protein and mRNA expression in the distal pulmonary vasculature decreased with maturation. We conclude that maturation-dependent changes in PASMC O(2) sensing render the fetal PASMCs uniquely sensitive to an acute increase in O(2) tension at a biologically critical time point.  相似文献   
Female Wistar rats exhibiting a regular 4-day oestrous cycle were included in this study. They were killed on the day of pro-oestrus at 11.00, 14.00, 16.00, 2.00, 22.00 and 24.00 h. The isolated preovulatory follicles were placed individually on a small triple disc of filter paper. They were cut in half and the flowing out follicular fluid (FF) was allowed to soak into the underlying filter paper disc, which was subsequently placed at the bottom of incubation chamber. It was rinsed with the incubation medium and this medium, containing FF, was collected. The remaining follicular wall was incubated for 3h. Some of the incubation media were supplemented with testosterone (T). The steroid content was estimated by radioimmunoassay. The secretion of estradiol (E) by follicular wall was high until 20.00 h while that of androgens until 22.00 h, and both declined thereafter. Relatively low progesterone (P) release rose sharply at 22.00 h and this hormone became the main steroid secreted at 24.00 h. The addition of T always enhanced the release of estradiol. Follicular fluid contained very little estradiol, while prevailing steroids were androgens. Decrease of androgen concentrations was found only at 24.00 h. Progesterone level, much lower than that of androgens, started to rise at 20.00 h and P was the main steroid present in FF at 24.00 h. The present results suggest an existence of selective passage of steroids into FF and show a presence of androgenic milieu surrounding cumulus oophorus in preovulatory FF. The results also indicate that the aromatase activity is sustained until ovulation and stress the role of the P rise observed in the secretion rate of follicular wall and FF content just before ovulation.  相似文献   
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