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Culture of fetal alveolar epithelial type II cells in serum-free medium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary A serum-free culture medium (defined medium = DM) was elaborated by adding to Eagle’s minimum essential medium (MEM), non-essential amino acids, transferrin, putrescine, tripeptide glycyl-histidyl-lysine, somatostatin, sodium selenite, ethanolamine, phosphoethanolamine, sodium pyruvate, and metal trace elements. This medium was tested for its ability to support sustained surfactant biosynthesis in fetal alveolar epithelial type II cells. For up to 8 days, ultrastructure was maintained with persistance of lamellar inclusion bodies. Thymidine incorporation into DNA was enhanced about 50% in DM as compared with MEM, whereas it was enhanced 300% in 10% fetal bovine serum. With DM, the incorporation of tritiated choline into phosphatidylcholine (PC) of isolated surfactant material was about twice that with MEM. Deletion experiments evidenced the prominent role of pyruvate, transferrin, and selenium in the stimulation of surfactant PC biosynthesis. The addition of biotin to DM enhanced surfactant PC biosynthesis slightly and nonsurfactant PC biosynthesis markedly. The presence of nucleosides seemed unfavorable to the synthesis of surfactant PC. Type II cells responded to the addition of epidermal growth factor and insulinlike growth factor-I both by increased thymidine incorporation into DNA and choline incorporation into PC. It is concluded that DM represents a useful tool for cultivating type II cells without loss of their specialized properties and for studying the regulation of cell proliferation and surfactant biosynthesis in a controlled environment.  相似文献   
Abstract: The controversial taxon Colombitherium tolimense (Mammalia) (probably Late Eocene in age) from Colombia, although known for nearly 40 years, still bears much mystery. Aside from the problematic ordinal attribution of the holotype and only specimen, its determination as an upper or lower jaw remains a highly debated issue. New observations include the presence of a contact facet on the distal face of the most posterior tooth, which indicates that the fragmentary jaw preserves three premolars and two molars; the M3, unpreserved but present, being most probably reduced. This new interpretation completely fits the morphology of the teeth. Furthermore, the shape of these latter and the deeper wear encompassed by their lingual part relative to the labial one is typical of upper dentition. This is in agreement with the internal curving of the roots of the anterior premolars and with several other arguments that lead interpreting the holotype of C. tolimense as a maxillary bearing P2‐M2. This new interpretation deepens the morphological gap between Colombitherium and other pyrotherians (except Proticia) and challenges further its referral to Pyrotheria. The peculiar morphology of Colombitherium relative to other pyrotherians is indeed striking. In fact, Colombitherium has nothing in common with pyrotherians but bilophodont cheek teeth, a feature largely widespread in placental mammals. It is here referred to ?Pyrotheria until additional evidence of its relationships is known. Associated with the putative removal of Proticia from Pyrotheria as argued by some authors, the hypothetical removal of Colombitherium from the order would adjust the widely accepted assumption that the pyrotherian bilophodont cheek teeth originated from bunodont cheek teeth. It would also make an origin from lophodont forms plausible. This in turn would have critical relevance, especially to the hypothesis that pyrotherians are notoungulates.  相似文献   
Stream fish are expected to be significantly influenced by climate change, as they are ectothermic animals whose dispersal is limited within hydrographic networks. Nonetheless, they are also controlled by other physical factors that may prevent them moving to new thermally suitable sites. Using presence–absence records in 655 sites widespread throughout nine French river units, we predicted the potential future distribution of 30 common stream fish species facing temperature warming and change in precipitation regime. We also assessed the potential impacts on fish assemblages' structure and diversity. Only cold-water species, whose diversity is very low in French streams, were predicted to experience a strong reduction in the number of suitable sites. In contrast, most cool-water and warm-water fish species were projected to colonize many newly suitable sites. Considering that cold headwater streams are the most numerous on the Earth's surface, our results suggested that headwater species would undergo a deleterious effect of climate change, whereas downstream species would expand their range by migrating to sites located in intermediate streams or upstream. As a result, local species richness was forecasted to increase greatly and high turnover rates indicated future fundamental changes in assemblages' structure. Changes in assemblage composition were also positively related to the intensity of warming. Overall, these results (1) stressed the importance of accounting for both climatic and topographic factors when assessing the future distribution of riverine fish species and (2) may be viewed as a first estimation of climate change impacts on European freshwater fish assemblages.  相似文献   
1. In many ant species, caste differentiation stems from trophic differences at the larval stage. Adult workers that feed larvae have great control over the allocation of colony resources to growth (production of workers) versus reproduction (production of queens). However, larval caste fate may also be constrained very early on through direct genetic effects or non‐genetic maternal effects. 2. Here, we combined isotopic and genetic analyses to study the developmental origin of queens and workers in a desert‐dwelling ant, Cataglyphis tartessica (Amor & Ortega, 2014). Queens do not found new colonies alone but rather disperse with workers. As the latter are always wingless, selection pressures on specific queen traits such as flight ability have become relaxed. Though the phylogenetically related species, C. emmae (Forel, 1909) only produces winged queens much larger than workers, C. tartessica produces two types of small queens relative to workers: brachypterous (short‐winged) queens and permanently apterous ergatoid (wingless and worker‐like) queens. 3. Upon emergence, workers and ergatoids have similar δ15N isotopic values, which were lower than those of brachypters, suggesting the latter are fed more protein as larvae. Microsatellite analyses indicated that: (i) colonies are mostly monogynous and monandrous; (ii) both ergatoids and brachypters are equally related to workers; and (iii) in the few polyandrous colonies, patrilines were evenly represented across workers, brachypters and ergatoids. 4. Overall, there was no evidence of genetic caste determination. We suggest that, in contrast to brachypters, ergatoids are selfish individuals that escape the nutritional castration carried out by workers and develop into queens in spite of the colony's collective interests.  相似文献   
This present study identifies a number of azolyl-substituted indoles as potent inhibitors of aromatase. In the sub-series of 3-(azolylmethyl)-1H-indoles, four imidazole derivatives and their triazole analogues were tested. Imidazole derivatives 11 and 14 in which the benzyl moiety was substituted by 2-chloro and 4-cyano groups, respectively, were the most active, with IC50 values ranging between 0.054 and 0.050 μM. In the other sub-series, eight 3-(α-azolylbenzyl)-1H-indoles were prepared and tested. Compound 30, the N-ethyl imidazole derivative, proved to be an aromatase inhibitor, showing an IC50 value of 0.052 μM. All target compounds were further evaluated against 17α-hydroxylase/C17,20-lyase to determine their selectivity profile.  相似文献   
Whole‐genome duplication, or polyploidy, is common in many plant species and often leads to better adaptation to adverse environmental condition. However, little is known about the physiological and molecular determinants underlying adaptation. We examined the drought tolerance in diploid (2x) and autotetraploid (4x) clones of Rangpur lime (Citrus limonia) rootstocks grafted with 2x Valencia Delta sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) scions, named V/2xRL and V/4xRL, respectively. Physiological experiments to study root–shoot communication associated with gene expression studies in roots and leaves were performed. V/4xRL was much more tolerant to water deficit than V/2xRL. Gene expression analysis in leaves and roots showed that more genes related to the response to water stress were differentially expressed in V/2xRL than in V/4xRL. Prior to the stress, when comparing V/4xRL to V/2xRL, V/4xRL leaves had lower stomatal conductance and greater abscisic acid (ABA) content. In roots, ABA content was higher in V/4xRL and was associated to a greater expression of drought responsive genes, including CsNCED1, a pivotal regulatory gene of ABA biosynthesis. We conclude that tetraploidy modifies the expression of genes in Rangpur lime citrus roots to regulate long‐distance ABA signalling and adaptation to stress.  相似文献   
1. The patterns of multiple paternity among the progeny of females are key properties of genetic mating systems. Female multiple mating should evolve due to direct or indirect benefits, but it may also partly be driven by the encounter rate with different potential mates. 2. In this study this hypothesis was experimentally tested in the European earwig (Forficula auricularia L.) by establishing experimental mating groups that differed in the number of males and females (i.e. density). The number of sires and mean sibling relatedness in each clutch were estimated using microsatellite‐based paternity analysis. 3. As predicted, the mean number of sires per clutch was significantly increased, and sibling relatedness decreased, in the higher density treatment where more potential male mates were available. This change was less than proportional to the number of males in the mating groups, indicating that mechanisms limiting multiple paternity in large mating groups were involved. There were no significant relationships between female reproductive success or male siring success with morphology (body size, weight, and forceps size). 4. The present results show that multiple paternity in F. auricularia clutches is partly determined by the availability of male mates and suggest that this effect is modulated by mechanisms in males and/or females that limit multiple paternity.  相似文献   
Natural fires annually decimate up to 1% of the forested area in the boreal region of Québec, and represent a major structuring force in the region, creating a mosaic of watersheds characterized by large variations in vegetation structure and composition. Here, we investigate the possible connections between this fire‐induced watershed heterogeneity and lake metabolism and CO2 dynamics. Plankton respiration, and water–air CO2 fluxes were measured in the epilimnia of 50 lakes, selected to lie within distinct watershed types in terms of postfire terrestrial succession in the boreal region of Northern Québec. Plankton respiration varied widely among lakes (from 21 to 211 μg C L?1 day?1), was negatively related to lake area, and positively related to dissolved organic carbon (DOC). All lakes were supersaturated in CO2 and the resulting carbon (C) flux to the atmosphere (150 to over 3000 mg C m2 day?1) was negatively related to lake area and positively to DOC concentration. CO2 fluxes were positively related to integrated water column respiration, suggesting a biological component in this flux. Both respiration and CO2 fluxes were strongly negatively related to years after the last fire in the basin, such that lakes in recently burnt basins had significantly higher C emissions, even after the influence of lake size was removed. No significant differences were found in nutrients, chlorophyll, and DOC between lakes in different basin types, suggesting that the fire‐induced watershed features influence other, more subtle aspects, such as the quality of the organic C reaching lakes. The fire‐induced enhancement of lake organic C mineralization and C emissions represents a long‐term impact that increases the overall C loss from the landscape as the result of fire, but which has never been included in current regional C budgets and future projections. The need to account for this additional fire‐induced C loss becomes critical in the face of predictions of increasing incidence of fire in the circumboreal landscape.  相似文献   
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