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Summary To investigate calcium distribution in cardiac muscle cells, two methods, one using oxalate and another using lead acetate, were used concomitantly to determine the subcellular localization of calcium. Particular attention was paid to the specificity of the methods employed. Chemical and physical analyses of the electron-opaque deposits of the reaction end-products was performed by chelation with EGTA or X-ray and electron diffraction. Results obtained show that the distribution of the calcium deposits in the cardiac muscle cells is more complex than that described for striated muscle fibers. The implications of these findings are discussed and an original viewpoint on the calcium distribution and movement in cardiac muscle cells is presented.  相似文献   
Accumulation of DNA damage may play an essential role in both cellular senescence and organismal aging. The ability of cells to sense and repair DNA damage declines with age. However, the underlying molecular mechanism for this age-dependent decline is still elusive. To understand quantitative and qualitative changes in the DNA damage response during human aging, DNA damage-induced foci of phosphorylated histone H2AX (γ-H2AX), which occurs specifically at sites of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) and eroded telomeres, were examined in human young and senescing fibroblasts, and in lymphocytes of peripheral blood. Here, we show that the incidence of endogenous γ-H2AX foci increases with age. Fibroblasts taken from patients with Werner syndrome, a disorder associated with premature aging, genomic instability and increased incidence of cancer, exhibited considerably higher incidence of γ-H2AX foci than those taken from normal donors of comparable age. Further increases in γ-H2AX focal incidence occurred in culture as both normal and Werner syndrome fibroblasts progressed toward senescence. The rates of recruitment of DSB repair proteins to γ-H2AX foci correlated inversely with age for both normal and Werner syndrome donors, perhaps due in part to the slower growth of γ-H2AX foci in older donors. Because genomic stability may depend on the efficient processing of DSBs, and hence the rapid formation of γ-H2AX foci and the rapid accumulation of DSB repair proteins on these foci at sites of nascent DSBs, our findings suggest that decreasing efficiency in these processes may contribute to genome instability associated with normal and pathological aging.  相似文献   
This work focuses on the photocatalytic performances and antibacterial activity of nitrogen doped TiO2 nanosystems with three and five layers obtained by a sol-gel route, followed by thermal treatment in oxygen or ammonia atmosphere at temperatures between 400 and 1000°C. Subsequently, the antibacterial activity of the obtained nanosystems on the Escherichia coli cells are determined and discussed. The obtained results show a significant dependence of the functional performances on the system’s composition. In particular, the antimicrobial activity of nitrogen-doped TiO2 films is correlated with the temperature of thermal treatment and illumination time with visible artificial light.  相似文献   
Autophagy is an intracellular process in which a cell digests its own constituents via lysosomal degradative pathway. Though autophagy has been shown in several cardiac diseases like heart failure, hypertrophy and ischaemic cardiomyopathy, the role and the regulation of autophagy is still largely unknown. Bcl-2-associated athanogene (BAG-1) is a multifunctional pro-survival molecule that binds with Hsp70/Hsc70. In this study, myocardial adaptation to ischaemia by repeated brief episodes of ischaemia and reperfusion (I/R) prior to lethal I/R enhanced the expression of autophagosomal membrane specific protein light chain 3 (LC3)-II, and Beclin-1, a molecule involved in autophagy and BAG-1. Autophagosomes structures were found in the adapted myocardium through electron microscopy. Co-immunoprecipitation and co-immunofluorescence analyses revealed that LC3-II was bound with BAG-1. Inhibition of autophagy by treating rats with Wortmannin (15 μg/kg; intraperitoneally) abolished the ischaemic adaptation-induced induction of LC3-II, Beclin-1, BAG-1 and cardioprotection. Intramyocardial injection of BAG-1 siRNA attenuated the induction of LC3-II, and abolished the cardioprotection achieved by adaptation. Furthermore, hypoxic adaptation in cardiac myoblast cells induced LC3-II and BAG-1. BAG-1 siRNA treatment attenuated hypoxic adaptation-induced LC3-II and BAG-1, and abolished improvement in cardiac cell survival and reduction of cell death. These results clearly indicate that myocardial protection elicited by adaptation is mediated at least in part via up-regulation of autophagy in association with BAG-1 protein.  相似文献   
Cells of the female reproductive tract are subject to hormonal control via sex steroid genomic receptors expressed at nuclear level. We previously showed that interstitial Cajal-like cells (ICLC) of human myometrium expressed estrogen and progesterone receptors (ER/PR). Our aim, based on these results, was to see if ER and/or PR could be found also in tubal ICLC. Indeed, we present here immunohistochemical evidence that ICLC of human Fallopian tube (isthmic region) have such receptors. Stromal ICLC, as well as ICLC among smooth muscle layers, were identified in tissue sections by their morphological features (e.g. several very long, moniliform, prolongations of cell body) as well as by c-kit positivity, vital staining with methylene blue or silver impregnation. Additional evidence was provided by sequential staining for c-kit and for PR on the same cell, by ‘sandwich method’. In vitro, the 4th passage cell cultures from Fallopian tube muscularis exhibiting ICLC morphology showed the presence of ER-alpha and/or PR-A by immunofluorescence. In conclusion, our data suggest that ICLC could function as steroid sensors, and might be implicated in Fallopian tube motility (via gap junctions or juxta- and/or paracrine mechanisms).  相似文献   
Montelukast and Zafirlukast are known leukotriene receptor antagonists prescribed in asthma treatment. However, these fall short as mono therapy and are frequently used in combination with inhaled glucocorticosteroids with or without long acting beta 2 agonists. Therefore, it is of interest to apply ligand and structure based virtual screening strategies to identify compounds akin to lead compounds Montelukast and Zafirlukast. Hence, compounds with structures having 95% similarity to these compounds were retrieved from NCBI׳s PubChem database. Compounds similar to lead were grouped and docked at the antagonist binding site of cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 1. This exercise identified compounds UNII 70RV86E50Q (Pub Cid 71587778) and Sure CN 9587085 (Pub Cid 19793614) with higher predicted binding compared to Montelukast and Zafirlukast. It is shown that the compound Sure CN 9587085 showed appreciable ligand receptor interaction compared to UNII 70RV86E50Q. Thus, the compound Sure CN 9587085 is selected as a potent antagonist to cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 1 for further consideration in vitro and in vivo validation.  相似文献   
Wildlife data gathered by different monitoring techniques are often combined to estimate animal density. However, methods to check whether different types of data provide consistent information (i.e., can information from one data type be used to predict responses in the other?) before combining them are lacking. We used generalized linear models and generalized linear mixed-effects models to relate camera trap probabilities for marked animals to independent space use from telemetry relocations using 2 years of data for fishers (Pekania pennanti) as a case study. We evaluated (1) camera trap efficacy by estimating how camera detection probabilities are related to nearby telemetry relocations and (2) whether home range utilization density estimated from telemetry data adequately predicts camera detection probabilities, which would indicate consistency of the two data types. The number of telemetry relocations within 250 and 500 m from camera traps predicted detection probability well. For the same number of relocations, females were more likely to be detected during the first year. During the second year, all fishers were more likely to be detected during the fall/winter season. Models predicting camera detection probability and photo counts solely from telemetry utilization density had the best or nearly best Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), suggesting that telemetry and camera traps provide consistent information on space use. Given the same utilization density, males were more likely to be photo-captured due to larger home ranges and higher movement rates. Although methods that combine data types (spatially explicit capture–recapture) make simple assumptions about home range shapes, it is reasonable to conclude that in our case, camera trap data do reflect space use in a manner consistent with telemetry data. However, differences between the 2 years of data suggest that camera efficacy is not fully consistent across ecological conditions and make the case for integrating other sources of space-use data.  相似文献   
The assessment of caveolin-1 (Cav-1) as a marker of tumor aggressiveness in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). In this study, we examined the expression of Cav-1 in 34 human PDAC tissue samples and the associated peritumoral tissues by immunohistochemistry and western blot. Additionally, we correlated Cav-1 expression with other tissue (Ki-67, p53) and serum (CA 19-9) tumor markers. In the tumor-derived tissue, both tumor cells and blood vessels expressed Cav-1. In contrast, in peritumoral tissue, Cav-1 expression was confined mainly to blood vessels and was only occasionally expressed in ductal or parenchymal cells. Western blot analysis confirmed the overexpression of Cav-1 in pancreatic tumors compared with peritumoral tissue. Cav-1 expression in tumor tissues was correlated with both the Ki-67 LI (r = 0.95, P < 0.0001) and p53 expression (χ2 = 9.91, P < 0.005). Overexpression of Cav-1 was associated with tumor size, grade and stage and Cav-1 expression in tumors was correlated with an increased serum level of CA 19-9 (r = 0.795, P < 0.001). Based on the results of this study, the inclusion of Cav-1 in a putative panel of biomarkers predicting pancreatic cancer aggressiveness is warranted.  相似文献   
A novel approach was used to assess the role of phosphoinositide hydrolysis in the mitogenic action of phytohemagglutinin (PHA) or concanavalin A (ConA). The treatment of human peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL) with monospecific antibodies against phospholipase C (PLC) produced a dose-dependent inhibition (up to 100%) of PHA (10 g/ml) or ConA (25 g/ml) proliferative effects. Thus, the activation of membrane-bound PLC is asine-qua-non condition for lectin-induced proliferation of T lymphocytes. The key-role of PLC versus protein kinase C (PKC) is stressed by the fact that the inhibition of PKC with Hidaka's compound H-7 (40 M) produced only a partial blockade (about 25%) of lectin mitogenic effect.To whom correspondence should be addressed.  相似文献   
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