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Butterfly migration from and to peninsular Florida   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  • 1 Migrating butterflies were monitored with traps for 10 years at a site in north peninsular Florida, to determine seasonal and annual variation in numbers and directions of flight.
  • 2 In the spring, 81–96% of the principal migrants, Phoebis sennae (L.), Agraulis vanillae (L.), Precis coenia (Hübner) and Urbanus proteits (L.), flew northward; in the autumn, 86–95% flew southward.
  • 3 Estimated mean net numbers of these four species flying northward in spring across each ENE-WSW metre were 3, 6, 69 and <1 respectively; numbers flying southward in autumn were 222, 413, 37 and 146.
  • 4 During a 5-year period, the ratio of highest to lowest seasonal migration for a species did not exceed 9.3.
  • 5 The average median date of spring migration was 27 March for P.sennae, 23 April for P.coenia, and 12 May for A.vanillae. The average median date of autumn migration was 2–5 October except for U.proteus, whose average date was 14 October.
  • 6 The autumn migratory period, as measured by the duration of the middle half of migration, was about 2 weeks in P.coenia and about 4 weeks in the other three species.
  • 7 Compared to previously reported butterfly migrations, the ones studied here were notably uniform in magnitude and regular in timing.
  • 8 These and other data suggest that 4 million or more of these butterflies migrate northward from peninsular Florida almost every spring and that 40 million or more migrate southward to peninsular Florida almost every autumn.
Indirect protein A sandwich ELISA (PAS-ELISA) was used to determine the serological relationship between eight tobamoviruses with antisera to 26 viruses and virus strains within the group. Very distant relationships were determined by trapping virus with heterologous antiserum and detecting it with homologous antiserum, while near and close relationships were differentiated by using heterologous antiserum each time. The results were esssentially consistent with previously recorded relationships determined by tube precipitin and other serological tests. Since PAS-ELISA requires much less antiserum than many conventional tests and does not require the purification of IgG or virus, it may offer many advantages in the detection of serological relationships.  相似文献   
A naturally occurring population of Euglena (Klebs Strain Z)cells, with unusual biological clock properties, has been isolated.The photosynthesis reactions, which are usually controlled bythe biological clock, are uncoupled from the clock in the newpopulation. The rate of oxygen evolution is influenced predominantlyby the environmental growth parameters instead of the biologicalclock. In addition, the rhythm in cellular shape has a differenttiming from the control population and can be temporarily uncoupledfrom the clock by lowering the light intensity used for growth Key words: Biological clock, photosynthesis, Euglena  相似文献   
Mechanistic Approaches to Community Ecology: A New Reductionism   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mechanistic approaches to community ecology are those whichemploy individual— ecological concepts—those ofbehavioral ecology, physiological ecology, and ecomorphology—as theoretical bases for understanding community patterns. Suchapproaches, which began explicitly about a decade ago, are justnow coming into prominence. They stand in contrast to more traditionalapproaches, such as MacArthur and Levins (1967),which interpretcommunity ecology almost strictly in terms of "megaparameters.". Mechanistic approaches can be divided into those which use populationdynamics as a major component of the theory and those whichdo not; examples of the two are about equally common. The firstapproach sacrifices a highly detailed representation of individual—ecological processes; the second sacrifices an explicit representationof the abundance and persistence of populations. Three subdisciplines of ecology—individual, populationand community ecology—form a "perfect" hierarchy in Beckner's(1974) sense. Two other subdisciplines—ecosystem ecologyand evolutionary ecology—lie somewhat laterally to thishierarchy. The modelling of community phenomena using sets ofpopulation-dynamical equations is argued as an attempt at explanationvia the reduction of community to population ecology. Much ofthe debate involving Florida State ecologists is over whetheror not such a relationship is additive (or conjunctive), a verystrong form of reduction. I argue that reduction of communityto individual ecology is plausible via a reduction of populationecology to individual ecology. Approaches that derive the population-dynamicalequations used in population and community ecology from individual-ecologicalconsiderations, and which provide a decomposition of megaparametersinto behavioral and physiological parameters, are cited as illustratinghow the reduction might be done. I argue that "sufficient parameters"generally will not enhance theoretical understanding in communityecology. A major advantage of the mechanistic approach is that variationin population and community patterns can be understood as variationin individual-ecological conditions. In addition to enrichingthe theory, this allows the best functional form to be chosenfor modeling higher-level phenomena, where "best" is definedas biologically most appropriate rather than mathematicallymost convenient. Disadvantages of the mechanistic approach arethat it may portend an overly complex, massive and special theory,and that it naturally tends to avoid many-species phenomenasuch as indirect effects. The paper ends with a scenario fora mechanistic-ecological utopia.  相似文献   
  • 1 The adenylate energy charge (ECA) of microbial communities from streambed sediments was measured during three different seasons, under experimental manipulation and in culture.
  • 2 The ECA values of sediments (x±S.E.) in the autumn, winter and spring were low and constant; 0.22±0.03 (n=12), 0.32±0.04 (n= 12) and 0.28±0.03 (n=6) respectively.
  • 3 A 5 h exposure of sediments to an algal lysate at 3.0–4.0°C and a 48 h exposure of sediments to tryptone-yeast extract at 8.0–18.0°C failed to increase ECA even though respiration increased 3.7-fold during the latter exposure.
  • 4 The cellular ECA of a bacterial monoculture, sampled in log phase, was 0.90±0.10 (n=3), but cxtracclluhir AMP depressed the total culture ECA to 0.21±0.01 (n=4).
  • 5 Attempts to isolate extracellular AMP from the interstitial waters of sediments were unsuccessful.
  • 6 The data suggest that under natural conditions ECA is of limited use as a monitor of subtle changes in the physiological state of microbial communities in streambed sediments.
SYNOPSIS. Stages in the endogenous cycle of Eimeria confusa from the grey squirrel, Sciurus carolinensis, are described from mixed infections with another species, Eimeria lancasterensis. All corresponding stages were markedly different in the 2 species. In E. confusa infections, the parasites were located below the host cell nuclei of the epithelial cells of the villi of the jejunum and ileum. Mature schizonts were ellipsoidal, averaged 20.9 × 18.6 μm and had 18–30 merozoites. The mature microgamonts measured 34.3 × 24.7 μm and had hundreds of microgametes. Mature macrogametes were ovoid, averaged 31.3 × 25.6 μm, and contained 2 kinds of plastic granules.  相似文献   
Analysis of membrane proteins of Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondria in cycloheximide-inhibited cells shows that they are encoded on mitochondrial DNA.  相似文献   
SUMMARY. 1. Pore water chemistry in peaty sediment was monitored for a year at two representative locations of the eutrophic shallow Loosdrecht lakes. The Netherlands. Phosphorus fluxes over the sediment-water interface were calculated using measured concentration gradients in the pore water and compared to fluxes measured under laboratory conditions. Results were analysed with Redundancy Analysis to detect patterns of variation in pore water chemistry and in measured and calculated fluxes, that could be ascribed to environmental variables.
2. It was demonstrated that phosphorus fluxes measured in long-term laboratory incubations were not correlated to any of the pore water characteristics.
3. Initial phosphorus fluxes measured in sediment columns, which varied between −7.7 and 1330 μmol m−2: day−1, were correlated significantly to the calculated phosphorus flux over the sediment-water interface.
4. The high correlation between calculated fluxes of ammonia, phosphorus and methane and measured initial flux of phosphorus, conclusively pointed to mineralization of organic matter as the driving force for phosphorus release from the sediment.
5. Redundancy Analysis demonstrated that the rates of mineralization and phosphorus release were only weakly related to temperature. They appeared to be especially stimulated by the autumnal decrease in temperature which was probably related to an extra input of organic matter.  相似文献   
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