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In an earlier study, we found that rice (Oryza sativa) grown in nutrient solution well‐supplied with Zn preferentially took up light 64Zn over 66Zn, probably as a result of kinetic fractionation in membrane transport processes. Here, we measure isotope fractionation by rice in a submerged Zn‐deficient soil with and without Zn fertilizer. We grew the same genotype as in the nutrient solution study plus low‐Zn tolerant and intolerant lines from a recombinant inbred population. In contrast to the nutrient solution, in soil with Zn fertilizer we found little or heavy isotopic enrichment in the plants relative to plant‐available Zn in the soil, and in soil without Zn fertilizer we found consistently heavy enrichment, particularly in the low‐Zn tolerant line. These observations are only explicable by complexation of Zn by a complexing agent released from the roots and uptake of the complexed Zn by specific root transporters. We show with a mathematical model that, for realistic rates of secretion of the phytosiderophore deoxymugineic acid (DMA) by rice, and realistic parameters for the Zn‐solubilizing effect of DMA in soil, solubilization and uptake by this mechanism is necessary and sufficient to account for the measured Zn uptake and the differences between genotypes.  相似文献   
1. Terrestrial leaf‐litter is the dominant energy input to many headwater streams and consequently the nature of the riparian vegetation can have profound effects on in‐stream processes. The impact of conifer plantations on community structure and ecosystem functioning (litter breakdown) was investigated in field experiments in three countries (Britain, Ireland, Poland), each representing a distinct European ecoregion. Twenty‐six streams were used in the trial: half were bordered with broadleaved and the other half with conifer riparian vegetation. 2. In a leaf breakdown study using litter bags, two leaf types (oak and alder) were used to assess the impact of resource quality and two mesh sizes (10 and 0.5 mm aperture) were used to gauge the relative importance of invertebrate detritivores and microbial decomposers respectively. Comparisons were made between vegetation types and among regions; pH varied among individual streams but, unlike many previous studies, it was not confounded with vegetation type, enabling us to isolate the effect of vegetation more effectively. 3. Overall, riparian vegetation type did not affect breakdown rates but strong regional differences were observed. There was also a significant interaction between these two variables, but this disappeared after fitting pH as a covariable, demonstrating its importance in determining breakdown rates and raising the possibility that in previous studies the impacts of conifer plantations might have been confounded with pH. 4. Shredder species composition differed between vegetation types. Small stoneflies were most strongly associated with conifer streams; broadleaved streams generally had a higher proportion of larger taxa, such as limnephilid caddisflies and gammarid shrimps, although the latter were excluded from sites with low pH. However, breakdown rates were maintained irrespective of shredder community composition, suggesting a high degree of functional redundancy in these communities. Similar processing rates were observed between streams with high numbers of nemourids and those with only a few limnephilids or gammarids, suggesting that density compensation among consumers might stabilise process rates. 5. Our results suggest that leaf‐litter breakdown can be an effective proxy for assessing stream ecosystem functioning, as rates differed significantly across spatial scales, from between streams to across regions and responded to an environmental gradient (pH). The litter bag technique can also complement traditional assessment methods by providing valuable information on the composition of consumer guilds, thereby providing an important link between structure and function that is needed to help inform management practices.  相似文献   
Recent observations show that human‐induced climate change (CC) and land transformation (LT) are threatening wildlife globally. Thus, there is a need to assess the sensitivity of wildlife on large spatial scales and evaluate whether national parks (NPs), a key conservation tools used to protect species, will meet their mandate under future CC and LT conditions. Here, we assess the sensitivity of 277 mammals at African scale to CC at 10′ resolution, using static LT assumptions in a ‘first‐cut’ estimate, in the absence of credible future LT trends. We examine the relationship between species' current distribution and macroclimatic variables using generalized additive models, and include LT indirectly as a filter. Future projections are derived using two CC scenarios (for 2050 and 2080) to estimate the spatial patterns of loss and gain in species richness that might ultimately result. We then apply the IUCN Red List criteria A3(c) of potential range loss to evaluate species sensitivity. We finally estimate the sensitivity of 141 NPs in terms of both species richness and turnover. Assuming no spread of species, 10–15% of the species are projected to fall within the critically endangered or extinct categories by 2050 and between 25% and 40% by 2080. Assuming unlimited species spread, less extreme results show proportions dropping to approximately 10–20% by 2080. Spatial patterns of richness loss and gain show contrasting latitudinal patterns with a westward range shift of species around the species‐rich equatorial zone in central Africa, and an eastward shift in southern Africa, mainly because of latitudinal aridity gradients across these ecological transition zones. Xeric shrubland NPs may face significant richness losses not compensated by species influxes. Other NPs might expect substantial losses and influxes of species. On balance, the NPs might ultimately realize a substantial shift in the mammalian species composition of a magnitude unprecedented in recent geological time. To conclude, the effects of global CC and LT on wildlife communities may be most noticeable not as a loss of species from their current ranges, but instead as a fundamental change in community composition.  相似文献   
We present a phylogeographical analysis of four genera of Mesoamerican primary freshwater fish ( Brycon , Bryconamericus , Eretmobrycon , and Cyphocharax ). Three hundred and thirty-nine individuals were genotyped into one of 31 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) based on the nucleotide sequence of their mitochondrial ATPase 6 & 8 genes (842–839 bp). Contrary to inference based on the species-level taxonomy of these genera, molecular data identified only a single case of sympatry between closely related OTUs, despite extensive parapatry. Polytomies dominate the mtDNA-based phylogenies and demonstrate multiple, noncontemporaneous waves of rapid expansion across Mesoamerica from South American sources. Analyses based on genetic distances observed among congeneric species of Mesoamerican primary freshwater fishes in comparison to divergence between transisthmian marine fishes permit the strong inference that the Pliocene rise of the Panama land bridge provided the first opportunity for the colonization of Mesoamerica by Characiform fishes. We develop a priority-effect model, based on the assumption that genetically closely related OTUs share similar ecological niches, to reconcile the general lack of contemporary sympatry between closely related OTUs with the substantial historical connectivity among Mesoamerican drainages demonstrated by the rapid expansion of Brycon , Bryconamericus , and Cyphocharax . Finally, in most cases, we infer that the westerly limits of freshwater fish distributions in Mesoamerica are more consistent with being defined by ecological factors rather than by dispersal limitation.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 88 , 235–255.  相似文献   
Abstract:  Climate warming at the Palaeocene/Eocene boundary ( c . 55.8 Ma) had significant permanent affects on paratropical and warm-adapted vegetation types. Pollen and spore records which document vegetation turnover from the eastern US Gulf Coast have all been taken from sediments of marginal marine depositional environments. Pollen and spores (sporomorphs) are preserved excellently in these marginal marine depositional environments but these assemblages contain grains transported from many different vegetation types and over huge geographic distances. Currently it is unclear whether the turnover from important paratropical areas like the US Gulf Coast is a reflection on actual vegetation change in the local region or from source areas far away in the continental interior. Sporomorph data from 20 former swamps (lignites) from the Nanafalia, Tuscahoma and Hatchetigbee formations in Mississippi and Alabama, USA, are used to test the fidelity of the marine sporomorph record across the Palaeocene–Eocene transition. Data show that extinction is noted in the swamp record (≥7 per cent of Palaeocene taxa) and that swamps were susceptible to immigration in the Early Eocene with the first occurrences of Brosipollis spp. (Burseraceae), Dicolpopollis spp. (Palmae), Nuxpollenites psilatus (Loranthaceae) and Platycarya spp. (Juglandaceae). Swamps have higher within-sample diversity in the Eocene but higher among-sample diversity in latest Palaeocene–earliest Eocene samples, which parallels exactly diversity trends estimated from marine sporomorph assemblages. Palms also increase in abundance in the Eocene. The swamp data demonstrate that the flora growing in these ancient paratropical forests was diverse ( c. 120 taxonomic groups) but incorporated an unusual admixture of plants with modern tropical affinities together with those that now live in modern temperate to subtropical North America.  相似文献   
Laflamme, M., Schiffbauer, J.D., Narbonne, G.M., & Briggs, D.E.G. 2011: Microbial biofilms and the preservation of the Ediacara biota. Lethaia, Vol. 44, pp. 203–213. The terminal Neoproterozoic Ediacaran Period is typified by the Ediacara biota (ca. 579–542 Ma), which includes the first morphologically complex macroscopic organisms. Both the taphonomic setting that promoted the preservation of the soft‐bodied Ediacara biota in coarse‐grained sediments, and the influence of associated microbial coatings on this process, have generated debate. Specimens of Ediacaran discs (Aspidella) from the Fermeuse Formation of Newfoundland, Canada, were analysed using environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) and focused ion beam electron microscopy (FIB‐EM) to determine the relationship between the fossil specimens and the surrounding sediment. The presence of chemically distinct (Al–Mg–Fe–K‐ and to a lesser extent S‐rich), finer‐grained sediment (with organized iron sulphides) surrounding the upper and lower margins of the Ediacaran fossils is consistent with elemental analyses of well preserved bacterial biofilms from other localities. ESEM analyses reveal a contrast in the composition of the sediment bound within the discs, which contains a higher concentration of Al, Ca and K, and the purer Si‐rich sediment that forms the surrounding matrix. This suggests that the coarse grained sediment was incorporated into the organism during life. Ediacaran discs were likely surrounded by a bacterial biofilm or thin microbial mat composed primarily of extracellular polymeric substances (or exopolysaccharide) during life, which added structural stability to these frond holdfasts, and facilitated their fossilization. Microbially mediated preservation in Fermeuse‐style Ediacaran taphonomy provides an explanation for the dominance of Aspidella holdfasts in these settings, and suggests that preservation of Ediacaran fossils in the round may be much more prevalent than previously recognized. We suggest that the overwhelming dominance of circular to bulbous forms such as Aspidella in Ediacaran biotas around the world is a direct result of the interplay between microbial ecology and microbially mediated taphonomy. □Aspidella, Ediacaran preservation, environmental scanning electron microscopy, focused ion beam electron microscopy, palaeoecology, taphonomic bias.  相似文献   
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