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SYNOPSIS. A procedure was devised for the isolation of purified food vacuoles from Tetrahymena pyriformis fed particles of ferric oxide. Phospholipids extracted from vacuolar membranes were more similar in composition to the lipids of microsomes than to lipids of whole cells, cilia or post-microsomal supernatant. Fractionation of cells grown in the presence of [14C]palmitic acid or [32P]inorganic phosphate also revealed similarities in the specific radioactivities of microsomes and vacuolar membranes. The data suggested that vacuolar membranes arise from a pool of cytoplasmic membranes.  相似文献   
Atmospheric CO2 has more than doubled since the last glacial maximum (LGM) and could double again within this century, largely due to anthropogenic activity. It has been suggested that low [CO2] contributed to reduced tree cover in savanna and grassland biomes at LGM, and that increasing [CO2] over the last century promoted increases in woody plants in these ecosystems over the past few decades. Despite the implications of this idea for understanding global carbon cycle dynamics and key global role of the savanna biome, there are still very few experimental studies quantifying the effects of CO2 on tree growth and demography in savannas and grasslands. In this paper we present photosynthetic, growth and carbon allocation responses of African savanna trees (Acacia karroo and Acacia nilotica) and a C4 grass, Themeda triandra, exposed to a gradient of CO2 concentrations from 180 (typical of LGM) to 1000 µmol mol?1 in open‐top chambers in a glasshouse as a first empirical test of this idea. Photosynthesis, total stem length, total stem diameter, shoot dry weight and root dry weight of the acacias increased significantly across the CO2 gradient, saturating at higher CO2 concentrations. After clipping to simulate fire, plants showed an even greater response in total stem length, total stem diameter and shoot dry weight, signalling the importance of re‐sprouting following disturbances such as fire or herbivory in savanna systems. Root starch (per unit root mass and total root starch per plant) increased steeply along the CO2 gradient, explaining the re‐sprouting response. In contrast to the strong response of tree seedlings to the CO2 gradient, grass productivity showed little variation, even at low CO2 concentrations. These results suggest that CO2 has significant direct effects on tree recruitment in grassy ecosystems, influencing the ability of trees to recover from fire damage and herbivory. Fire and herbivore regimes that were effective in controlling tree increases in grassy ecosystems could thus be much less effective in a CO2‐rich world, but field‐based tests are needed to confirm this suggestion.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. We applied a two-dimensional pulsed-field gel electrophoresis procedure to the genomes of two karyotype variants assigned to two different strains of the microsporidian Encephalitozoon cuniculi , termed D (strain III) and F (strain II). Data obtained for Bss HII and Mlul restriction fragment length polymorphisms in each chromosome are compiled and compared to the reference strain I variant A. Six Insertion/Deletion (InDels) are found in subterminal position, some of these being characteristic of either D or F. Like in strain I, the terminal fragments extending between each telomere and rDNA locus are conserved in length for each chromosome. They are however smaller than in reference variant. This size reduction is estimated to be 2.5 kbp for the strain III isolate and 3.5 kbp for the strain II isolate. We hypothesize that for the three E. cuniculi strains, all chromosome extremities are prone to a constant process of sequence homogenization through mitolic recombination between conserved regions.  相似文献   
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