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通过改进的亨盖特(Hungate)厌氧技术,从越冬猪粪发酵沼气池中分离到1株产甲烷菌菌株SH01。该菌呈弯曲杆状,革兰氏阴性,有运动性,形成淡黄色菌落,能利用二氧化碳和甲酸钠作为碳源,但不能利用甲醇、乙酸钠和三甲胺。该菌最适生长pH为6.8~7.2,最适生长温度为35~40℃,最适Na 浓度低于0.1mol/L。通过生理、形态结构特征与16S rDNA序列的同源性分析,表明菌株SH01是甲烷螺菌属中的一个成员,为亨氏甲烷螺菌(Methanospirllum hungatei)。  相似文献   
Melittin, which is known to stimulate phospholipase A , in many cells, caused as much elevation of fertilization membranes and increase in respiration of unfertilized eggs of the sea urchins Anthocidaris crassispina and Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus as normal fertilization.
In melittin-activated eggs, amino acid transport was decreased to less than that of unfertilized eggs, nucleoside transport was only slightly, activated, protein synthesis was rather inhibited and neither DNA synthesis nor cleavage was observed. It is concluded that although melittin induces the cortical reaction and activation of respiration in unfertilized eggs, its cytotoxicity prevents any "late changes".  相似文献   
植物的生活史由其有性生殖构件和营养体构件相互作用共同完成,克隆整合作为克隆植物的重要特征,其与有性生殖特征的相互作用关系却所知很少。该研究通过同质园种植实验,分析了空心莲子草的分株表型、生理、性别等与克隆整合的关系。结果表明:(1)克隆整合以及分株间是否连接对空心莲子草的表型特征、气体交换等生理性状和性别特征均有显著影响。(2)克隆整合显著缩小了雌雄同花和雄蕊心皮化两种性别植株间表型特征的差距,后代的性别特征与营养体表型特征显著相关。(3)在贫瘠的沙土基质中克隆整合明显增加了空心莲子草的营养体生长特征和气体交换等光合生理指标,但这种增加在富含有机质的塘泥基质中不明显。(4)居于不同土壤基质分株间的联系会减少分株表型特征和气体交换对生长环境的响应,并保持母体性别特征不受环境的影响,但单独居于沙土或塘泥单一土壤基质的分株性别特征却因受到环境影响而改变。因此,克隆整合有利于空心莲子草性别特征的稳定。  相似文献   
穗醛栗叶片中黄酮类物质的研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
本试验以小浆果类果树穗醋栗(黑、红、白)的叶片为试材,利用分光光度法。测定了三种穗醋栗叶(鲜样、干样)中总黄酮的含量及不同提取次数下总黄酮的浸提率,确定了最佳提取次数。结果表明:白穗醋栗叶片中总黄酮含量最高,鲜样785.10mg/100g,干样189.01mg/100g;红穗醋栗叶片次之,鲜样393.22mg/100g,干样1597.73mg/100g;黑穗醋栗叶片中总黄酮含量相对较少,鲜样151.59mg/100g,干样265.03mg/100g。三种穗醋栗叶片浸提三次,总黄酮的浸提率可达到97%以上。此外,利用定性试验(颜色反应)并和标准品芦丁的试验做比较,初步确定三种穗醋栗叶片所含的黄酮类化合物主要是黄酮和黄酮醇两类。  相似文献   
Tobacco callus fed L-tyrosine-UL?14C was sampled at 3-day intervals for 15 days, homogenized and studied with respect to distribution of incorporated radioactivity. The supernatant obtained by centrifuging of the homogenates at 270 g contained the bulk of the radioactivity although significant activity was also detected in the pellet. Sucrose density gradient centrifugation of the supernatant showed over 90% of the recovered label to be associated with a fraction designated as “less dense than mitochondria”, with the remainder being found in the fraction identified as “mitochondria”. During tissue culture, virtually all of the radioactivity in the fraction “less dense than mitochondria” was recovered in the supernatant obtained by centrifugation at 100,000 g. From 4 to 18% of the labeling in the 100,000 g supernatant fraction was attributable to tyrosine-containing protein, and the rest to free tyrosine and unidentified anionic constituents. The highest proportions of radio-activity in the 270 g pellet were associated with substances extractable with NaCl, pronase, 4.6 N NaOH, and acetolyzing reagent. Low but substantial labeling characterized the extracts obtained with Triton X-100 and 1 N NaOH. The final unextractable residue contained 20% of the 270 g pellet radioactivity.  相似文献   
Esashi, Y., Hase, S. and Kojima, K. 1987. Light actions in thegermination of cocklebur seeds. V. Effects of ethylene, carbondioxide and oxygen on germination in relation to light.–J.exp. Bot. 38: 702–710. Effects of ethylene, CO2 and O2 on the germination of after-ripenedupper cocklebur (Xanthium pennsylvanicum Wallr.) seeds wereexamined in relation to pre-irradiation by red (R) or far-red(FR) light In order to remove the pre-existing Pfr, seeds weresoaked in the dark for various periods prior to light irradiationand gas treatments. Regardless of light, 0.3 Pa C2H4 promotedgermination at 23 ?C, but it strongly inhibited germinationwhen applied at 33 ?C, the optimal temperature for the germinationof this seed. However, delayed application of C2H4 during 33?C incubation stimulated germination independently of lightin a similar manner to that seen at 23 ?C. It is, therefore,suggested that the germination-regulating action of C2H4 iscompletely independent of phytochrome. In contrast, the germination-promoting effect of 3–0 kPaCO2 was pronounced only when the seeds were previously irradiatedby R, regardless of temperature, suggesting that CO2 actionto promote germination depends upon Pfr. A synergism betweenCO2 and C2H4 at 23 ?C was observed only in the germination ofseeds pre-irradiated by R, while at 33 ?C an antagonism occurredindependently of light. The stimulation of C2H4 production byCO2 was most striking in the cotyledonary tissue pre-irradiatedby R. However, the R-dependent enhancement of CO2-stimulatedC2H4 production was negated by the subsequent FR and it wasnot found in the presence of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylicacid (ACC). Moreover, the R dependency of the germination-promotingCO2 effect disappeared in the presence of C2H4. The R-dependentC2H4 production enhanced by CO2 may thus be involved, at leastpartially, in some step of conversion from methionine to ACC. The germination-promoting effect of C2H4, but not CO2, was enhancedby O2 enrichment regardless of light. However, the germination-promotingeffect of pure O2 itself appeared to depend upon pre-irradiationwith R Key words: Carbon dioxide, cocklebur seed, ethylene, far-red light, germination, oxygen, red light, Xanthium pennsyloanicum  相似文献   
Morphological differences in body shape between females of different reproductive conditions (in terms of insemination and ovarian development) were examined in two species of the Neotropical polistine genus Parachartergus: P. smithii and P. fraternus. The present study shows, for the first time, that non‐size‐based morphological divergence between queens and workers occurs in Parachartergus, an epiponine genus once believed to have little or no morphological caste differences. In the P. smithii colony examined, queens were significantly larger than workers in five of the eight body parts measured (head width, eye width, genal width, mesosomal length, wing length, first metasomal tergum width, and width and length of the second tergum), but the mean values of wing length and first and second tergum widths were not significantly different between them. The queen : worker size ratios tended to be greater anteriorly and smaller posteriorly, although the size ratio was greatest in second tergum length. Analysis of covariance (ancova ) with mesosomal length as covariate showed that queens had proportionally wider heads and narrower first terga than did workers. In the P. fraternus colony, size differences between queens and workers were not significant, and there was little or no difference in shape, but queens had significantly proportionally wider first terga than did workers.  相似文献   
自然保护区管理快速评价和优先性确定方法及应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
自然保护区管理有效性评价现已成为关注的焦点,它是保证自然保护区管理质量,实现保护区管理目标的有效途径,自然保护区管理快速评价和优先性确定(RAPPAM)方法是其中应用比较广泛的方法之一。本文在对RAPPAM方法的评价指标和评价特点研究的基础上,结合8个国家的应用实例,对此方法评价范围、评价目的、评价结果及对策建议进行了分析。结果表明,通过此评价方法可以:1)快速确定保护区系统面临的威胁和保护区系统的功能;2)提出和制定后续行动及建议;3)为政策制定者提供依据。因此,RAPPAM方法的认识与应用,对于了解和改善我国自然保护区的管理现状具有重要意义。  相似文献   
广州市城市化过程的景观动态格局及尺度效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市化过程直接改变了城市区域的景观结构,引起了景观格局的变化.该文以四期Landsat TM 遥感影像为数据源,运用景观格局指数分析了1990-2005 年广州市景观格局的动态变化特征,并利用空隙度指数对广州市景观格局的尺度效应进行了研究.研究结果表明:广州市在快速城市化的进程中,城市景观结构的变化主要表现为耕地、林地、草地等自然或半自然景观向城镇、农村居民点用地等人文景观转变;耕地大面积被城镇用地和工矿建设用地侵占,斑块数量增多,空隙度指数增大;城镇用地的空隙度指数一直呈现出下降的趋势,表明城镇用地景观中较小的斑块被合并,空间分布趋向集中.因此,综合运用景观格局指数和空间尺度分析,可以获得对城市景观动态过程较为全面的认识.  相似文献   
密度制约作用对箭叶淫羊藿有性繁殖时期形态特征的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
运用回归分析和非参数检验方法,研究了箭叶淫羊藿(Epimedium sagittatum)在有性繁殖的三个时期克隆片段密度对其各个形态特征的影响,以揭示其资源和繁殖投资情况。结果表明:箭叶淫羊藿在三个有性繁殖期间克隆片段密度对其各个形态特征的影响显著。从回归分析的R2指数来看,其克隆片段密度增大对三个生长时期的制约作用是由弱到强,同时在有性繁殖期间随克隆片段密度的增加其资源投资趋向于有性繁殖;从非参数检验结果来看,有性繁殖期间箭叶淫羊藿明显增加其叶数、叶宽等来获取更多的资源用于提高其繁殖能力,以取得生存。  相似文献   
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