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ABSTRACT. Microsporidian spores were developed from cells which were grown in vitro from a human liver lesion which was due to larval Echinococcus multilocularis . The microsporidian spores developed in the same fashion as an Encephalitozoon cuniculi . The Encephalitozoon -like spores were completely separated on Percoll gradients. The separated spores contained DNA capable of amplification by two different primer sets designed for the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of E. multilocularis DNA. However, the cell DNA from which microsporidium developed was thoroughly insensitive to the PCR using the E. multilocularis primer sets. The results strongly suggested that Encephalitozoon should be taken into consideration, when DNA isolated from larval E. multilocularis is analyzed.  相似文献   
Dominant black-eyed white phenotypes are one of the most commonly observed traits in domestic animals. Their genetic control mechanisms, however, have not been elucidated. As the first step to approach the problem, we examined histologically the patterns of the distribution of pigment cells in Shiba goats (two each of day-73-postcoitum and day-112-postcoitum fetuses, and a 15-week-old kid) with the dominant black-eyed white phenotype. Melanocytes were present and fully pigmented in the choroid and the sclera of eyes, as well as in dorsal skin epidermis of the fetuses and of the kid. Melanocytes were also found in approximately 6% of the hair bulbs in the fetal dorsal skin, while the rest (94%) lacked them. Hair follicles of the kid did not harbor melanocytes except for some in the early anagen stage. The results suggest that the survival of melanocytes was inhibited specifically in the hair follicles of the Shiba goat with the dominant black-eyed white phenotype and that the ostensibly similar phenotypes in the Shiba goat and in the SI or W mutants of the mouse, where melanocytes die en route to the hair bulbs, are regulated by different mechanisms.  相似文献   
Abstract. 1. In central Japan, Drosophila curviceps Okada and Kurokawa was collected in spring and autumn but not in summer at lowlands (alt. 500–1200 m), while it was collected only in summer at highlands (1500–2000 m). Experiments on its thermal tolerance suggested that summer heat at the lowlands and winter low temperatures at the highlands were adverse to this species. It is considered that this species escapes from these extreme temperatures by undergoing seasonal migration between the lowlands and the highlands. This species had no photo-periodic diapause and bred at both lowlands and highlands.
2. D.immigrans Sturtevant was less cold-hardy but more heat-tolerant than D.curviceps. It is considered that this species is unable to overwinter outdoors at least in the study areas (i.e. alt. 500m or higher in central Japan) and its populations in these areas originate with migrants from warmer areas.
3. D.albomicans Duda, a subtropical species, was less cold-hardy but more heat-tolerant than the above two species.
4. Climatic adaptations and distributions of these species are discussed with reference to their thermal tolerance.  相似文献   
A new method in growth-electrophysiology: Pressurized intra-organ perfusion   总被引:7,自引:7,他引:0  
Abstract A new experimental system was devised for the simultaneous measurement of elongation rate and the activity of the spatially separate electrogenic ion pumps of a hypocotyl segment excised from a seedling of Vigna unguiculata L. Walp. under enforced intra-organ perfusion by artificial solutions. The pathway of the perfusion medium was apoplastic space, including xylem vessels as main routes. The elongation rate of the segment was highly dependent on the perfusion pressure applied. It was possible to increase the growth rate under pressurized perfusion by 10-30 times as much as that without perfusion. Elongation rate was also dependent on respiration under perfusion, being retarded reversibly by anoxia a few minutes after the activities of the electrogenic ion pumps were stopped. Perfusion pressure had a little influence on the membrane potential (Vpx) below a breakdown level (c. 130 kPa). Perfusion of mannitol or sorbitol solution of appropriate concentration reduced the elongation rate reversibly.  相似文献   
Benzyladenine (BA) was applied to intact bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) leaves at different stages of their growth. Changes in the amounts of cellular constituents resulting from the different treatments were followed and compared. RNA, protein, and chlorophyll contents, dry weight, fresh weight, and leaf area per single leaf continued increasing when leaves were treated with BA from an early stage, whereas in untreated leaves all these values levelled off or declined with advancing age. Besides these changes, BA treatment induced an increase in the DNA content. Changes in RNA content was more remarkable in response to application or deprival of BA treatment than the corresponding ones in protein and chlorophyll contents. The pattern of response to BA varied greatly according to the age at which the leaf received the treatment. As leaves aged, they lost the ability to increase their area and fresh weight in response to BA. However, continuous treatment with BA from an early stage kept the leaves young and able to respond.  相似文献   
Calmodulin activity was detected and assayed in barley aleuronecells. The effect of calmodulin antagonists on GA3-induced enzymesynthesis and secretion in barley aleurone layers was also investigated.These calmodulin antagonists (chlorpromazine, haloperidol) inhibitedonly GA2-induced -amylase secretion. This inhibitory effectwas intensified after 6 h of GA3-incubation. This leads us tosuggest that some calmodulin-controlled mechanism is involvedin GA2-induced -amylase secretion. Hordeum vulgare L., barley aleurone cells, gibberellic acid, -amylase secretion, calmodulin, calmodulin antagonist  相似文献   
本文记述了怪蚤属一新种——长方怪蚤Paradoxopsyllus longiquadraius sp.nov.,其正模及配模标本采自西藏通麦,宿主为白腹巨鼠;在分类讨论中把我国已知的26种怪蚤划分为5个种团。  相似文献   
Acid phosphatase from cotyledons of dark-grown Vigna mungo seedlingswas separated into four forms (la, Ib, Ha and lib) by ion-exchangercolumn chromatographies. Each form of the acid phosphatase wascharacterized for its pH dependency, substrate specificity,thermal stability, activation energy, approximate molecularweight, and the effect of metal ions and other substances onits activity. Each form of the enzyme exhibited high activitytowards ATP and ADP relative to their activity towards p-nitrophenylphosphate,but showed very low activity towards phytate, a major organicphosphate reserve in cotyledons. Among the four forms, lib wasmost distinguishable by its low molecular weight and the thermalenhancement of activity.  相似文献   
为养护渔业资源和修复受损海岸带生态系统,人工鱼礁通常被投放至沿岸海域的海底,为海洋生物提供新的栖息地。于2022年5月(投放后10个月)和10月(投放后15个月)调查了临海东矶人工鱼礁大型底栖动物群落,分析了不同礁龄间大型底栖动物种类组成、密度、生物量和群落结构的差异。两次调查共记录到5类17种大型底栖动物,优势种为猫爪牡蛎Talonostrea talonata和侧花海葵Anthopleura sp.。礁体投放10个月后大型底栖动物群落的平均密度和平均生物量分别为(3519±289)个/m2和(3657±273)g/m2,15个月后平均密度和平均生物量分别为(10056±1858)个/m2和(8300±2045)g/m2,15个月的密度和生物量均显著高于10个月的(P>0.05)。不同礁龄间大型底栖动物群落结构具有显著性差异(Globe R=0.573, P=0.029),导致群落结构差异的物种主要是曲膝薮枝螅Obelia genicutata、侧花海葵、褐蚶Didimarca tenebricum、丽核螺Tritonoharpa leali、双纹须蚶Barbatia bistrigata和疣荔枝螺Thais clavigera。礁体投放10个月后和15个月后人工鱼礁附着猫爪牡蛎的平均密度分别为(2075±37)个/m2和(2194±397)个/m2,不同礁龄间没有显著性差异(P>0.05)。发现临海东矶人工鱼礁表面分布有低物种丰度和高密度的大型底栖动物群落,并发育成为以猫爪牡蛎为造礁种的人工牡蛎礁。  相似文献   
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