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Abstract Establishing what are the underlying causes of species range limits is of fundamental interest in ecology. We followed the fate of individually mapped plants of three endemic New Zealand high‐alpine species of Myosotis, over a period of 9 years. The species provide contrasts in their geographical range and their demography. Myosotis oreophila Petrie is rare and extremely localized (c. 0.5 ha extent), Myosotis cheesemanii Petrie is regionally endemic, and Myosotis pulvinaris Hook. f. is more widespread. All three occur on the Dunstan Mountains, Central Otago, South Island, New Zealand within a 1‐km radius, and individual plants were followed in four permanent plots. The three species differed in their longevity and in population variability, with the most widespread species (M. pulvinaris) having the lowest survival (61% per year), the fewest old plants (only 3% of plants present in 1993 surviving until 2001), no increase in survival rates with age, and the most variability in total numbers across years. Both of the rare species, M. oreophila and M. cheesemanii, had higher survival (75% and 88%, respectively, per year) especially for older plants, many older plants (20% and 59%, respectively, of 1993 plants surviving until 2001), and lower variability in total numbers across years. These results are consistent with other studies showing that rare plant species tend to have higher inertia than more common congeners. The range limits of M. oreophila showed a high level of spatial constancy on a scale of metres over the 9 years, despite 80% turnover in plants during that time. The M. oreophila population showed lower mean densities of plants near to the population boundaries, identical age‐specific survival rates, but lower flowering probabilities, than the core of the population. We were unable to detect any abiotic differences between inside and outside the M. oreophila range in terms of topography, soil parent materials, microclimate or through manipulation of snow cover. Disturbance may be a factor affecting the distribution of M. cheesemanii but limiting factors for M. oreophila and M. pulvinaris are likely to be biotic (competition, seed limitation, dispersal capacity) and/or historic. Further experimentation is recommended.  相似文献   
Female choice is thought to increase the fitness returns of females. The complementary choice model states that the best mate depends on the particular genotype of a female. Aculeate Hymenoptera represent a special case of complementary female choice because males should be chosen on the basis of their allele at the sex determination locus. The prevalent sex determination mechanism in bees and wasps (single-locus complementary sex determination) requires that, to produce a daughter, diploid offspring are heterozygous at the sex determination locus. Otherwise, infertile diploid males result. Inevitably, the proportion of diploid males increases with the rate of inbreeding. In the European Beewolf, males scent mark territories to attract mates and the composition of the pheromone might provide a basis for female choice. One crucial prerequisite for females to be able to discriminate against brothers and avoid inbreeding is that the male sex pheromone varies with familial affiliation. This hypothesis was tested by analysing the pheromone of male progeny of eight mothers using gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. A significantly higher similarity was found among brothers than among unrelated individuals. Such a genetic component of a male sex pheromone has not yet been described from aculeate Hymenoptera.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 89 , 433–442.  相似文献   
Experiments on the effect of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn, suppliedas single salt solutions between 10 µM and 0·1M, on the moss Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus showed little alterationto respiratory rates but reduced photosynthetic rates, and somemembrane damage as assessed by K leakage. Two distinct morphologicalforms of the moss showed different responses to supplied heavymetal. Storage of material, after 30 mins exposure to heavymetals, resulted in a further decrease in the photosyntheticrate. Expressing the photosynthetic decline relative to thetotal heavy metal recovered from the moss showed a similar pattern.Transfer of metal from extracellular exchange sites into theprotoplast was also demonstrated with storage after exposure.An approximately linear relationship was demonstrated betweenphotosynthetic decline and intracellular heavy-metal concentration,irrespective of the duration of exposure or morphological natureof the material used. Photosynthetic decline on storage is concludedto be a response to additional metal stress rather than a progressivedeterioration of the physiological process. Cadmium, copper, lead, nickel, zinc, photosynthesis, respiration, membrane damage, intracellular metals, Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus (Hedw.) Warnst  相似文献   
Patelloida nigrosulcata on intertidal platforms in the Perthmetropolitan area live on the backs of shells of living abalone,Haliotis roei. Over 95% of abalone 30 mm have one or more limpets,and there is a close relationship between abalone and limpetdensity. Sexes are usually separate in P. nigrosulcata, butabout 4% of the population in hermaphroditic. The animals spawntwice annually in winter (May–June) and spring (October–November).The reproductive periodicity of P. nigrosulata is compared toother published data on acmaeids. *Present address: Australian Institute of Marine Science, PMBNo. 3, Townsville, Queensland 4810, Australia (Received 23 March 1987;  相似文献   
Abstract. 1. Energetic expenditure and predicted requirements for overwintering metabolism were determined for monarch butterflies ( Danaus plexippus L.) in southern California.
2. Fat content of butterflies declined steadily from a maximum of 71% lean dry weight in late November to a minimum of 36% lean dry weight in late January. The energy expenditure measured by fat depletion over a 61 day period from 24 November to 25 January was 26.05 joules per day.
3. Butterflies were generally the same temperature as the air at any time they were inactive, whether they were part of a large cluster or roosting solitarily.
4. Oxygen consumption of butterflies increased in a curvilinear fashion with increasing air temperature. Thus, the predicted metabolic requirements for an inactive butterfly during their quiescent period from late November to late January was 30.32 joules per day.
5. In contrast to the steady depletion of fat reserves during their quiescent period in December and January, low and stable fat levels of butterflies in late February coincide with high levels of flight activity, mating and emigration of females from the colony.
6. Progressive tightening of the energy balance due to increasing nocturnal temperatures from northern to southern California coastal areas may limit the southern distribution and duration of overwintering aggregations.  相似文献   
A review of Schizopera Sars indicates that four species are so much more primitive in the antenna and leg setation that they should be removed to a new genus, Eoschizopera, which can be considered as a direct and immediate ancestor of Schizopera. A further, new, species is described in this new genus. The relationships within this branch of the family Diosaccidae are discussed and the scheme of family evolution proposed by Lang is modified to include Eoschizopera and other genera not considered by him (Goffinella, Protopsammotopa, Psammotopa, Actopsyllus, Balucopsylla, Schizoperoides). Actopsyllus hartmannorum Kunz is removed to a further new genus- Helmutkunzia.  相似文献   
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