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Recent studies of island biotas have suggested that the impact of man on indigenous flora and fauna is much greater than previously suspected. This impact resulted in the introduction of many new species and the extinction of many unique life-forms. Henderson Island, in the Pitcairn Group, has been found to be an excellent laboratory for the study of natural faunal turnover and the impact of people on the natural environment. This was principally due to the island's remote location and its limestone structure, which resulted in the excellent preservation of fossil remains. During the Sir Peter Scott Commemorative Expedition to the Pitcairn Islands, extensive excavations were undertaken resulting in the collection of 42213 bird bones. It was possible to identify 31%. Of the 31 taxa identified, four seabirds appear to be vagrants, a surprisingly high number illustrating that the uncritical evaluation of fossil bird lists from other islands risks over-estimating the number of indigenous species. As a result of the arrival of Polynesian people during the first half of this millennium, half of Henderson's endemic landbirds became extinct, as did most of the small ground-nesting seabirds. The lower sea level during cold stages creates many temporary limestone 'high' islands. This results in many 'former-atolls' developing geological and ecological similarity to Henderson. Hence lower sea-level greatly facilitates the movement of flora and fauna between currently isolated oceanic 'high' islands.  相似文献   
Abstract Invasion of grasslands by woody plants following the introduction of domestic stock is a worldwide phenomenon. Burning is frequently recommended as a remedial measure but for a pastoral enterprise it is costly and the frequency of the fires required is of critical economic importance. The size and longevity of the soil seed-bank is an essential part of the response of shrub populations to prescribed fire regimes. In this study the seed-bank of the semi-arid zone shrub Dodonaea attenuata in Eragrostis eriopoda tussock grassland was examined in relation to harvesting by ants and the burning history of the sites. On unburnt sites, more than 3500 seeds per m2 entered the seed-bank in the summer 1984–85 but sites burnt 5 years previously produced less than one-third of that number. Burnt shrubs did not flower for 5 years and no seeds survived in the soil through to 1985. Burning immediately prior to seed ripening destroyed the seed crop but burning after seed-fall stimulated a greater germination in the following spring than on unburnt treatments. Ants rapidly harvested most of the seeds produced and after 20 months the combined effects of ant harvesting and germination had reduced the seed-bank at unburnt sites to 8–21 seeds per m2 and at sites burnt 7 years previously to less than two seeds per m2. Seeds were initially harvested in summer by Pheidole spp. of ants for their elaiosome and then discarded in middens outside the entrance to the ant nest. During the subsequent cool season the seeds were taken back into the nest and stored at depths ranging from 2 to 30cm. It was concluded that ants provided short-range dispersal (< 10 m) and promoted the contagious distribution of D. attenuata, which is advantageous for a fire-susceptible, arid-zone shrub invading a grassland liable to be burnt: seedlings derived from seeds in ant storage chambers near the soil surface and in sparse grass situations caused by competition from shrubs may obtain some survival advantage. Prescribed fire has potential as a management tool for controlling population density of D. attenuata because, depending upon season and frequency, it reduces seed rain by killing shrubs, suppresses flowering activity and destroys seed crops on the plant. Under the influence of a regime of regular burning, such as prevailed prior to the European pastoral industry, the limited soil seed-bank would have been a major constraint on D. attenuata populations.  相似文献   
Spiders from 13 widely separated populations of Misgolas hubbardi Wishart are shown to exhibit distinct phenotypic and genotypic differences in the first such study on ground dwelling spiders in Australia. Electrophoretic analysis also supports the conclusion that the syntopic and morphologically constituted M. hubbardi Wishart, M. dereki Wishart and M. robertsi (Main and Mascord) are valid species. While M. hubbardi can be reliably determined from male palpal characters, the shape of the embolic apophysis and the ventum pigmentation pattern are variable and valid diagnostic characters only for particular populations and where the locality is known. the morphological differences in M. hubbardi populations are summarised and its distribution compared to the geology of the region.  相似文献   
We have studied reciprocal transplant gardens involving the hybrid zone between basin and mountain big sagebrush ( Artemisia tridentata ) in Salt Creek Canyon, Utah, for 9 years. Previously, we showed that the parental taxa and hybrids had superior reproductive and vegetative performance in their native garden. These earlier data supported the Bounded Hybrid Superiority model. Now, after 9 years, we find that the mountain seed source plants have greater relative fitness than middle hybrid zone seed source plants in the middle hybrid zone garden. These results may be due to plant density and climatic factors more conducive to mountain seed source growth than that of either basin or middle hybrid zone seed source plants. On the other hand, these fitness estimates do not take into account the timing of reproduction, which together with the age-specific survival rate, can profoundly affect lifetime fitness. The intrinsic rate of increase ( r ) takes both of these factors into account, providing another estimate of fitness. Middle hybrid zone seed source plants had the greatest rate of increase in both the middle hybrid zone and mountain gardens and a greater rate of increase than either parent in the basin garden. This is most likely due to the greater reproductive performance of middle hybrid zone plants earlier in life than either parental taxon. These results partly support the Bounded Hybrid Superiority model and show the importance of long- term studies of hybrid fitness.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 86 , 213–225.  相似文献   
Leaf-fall, leaf-flush (newly expanded leaves), flowering and fruiting were recorded monthly between April 1982 and May 1985 in 703 individuals of 99 species of trees, shrubs and herbs in a logged lowland, complex rainforest. Weekly water availability and demand were modelled using pan evaporation, rainfall, and a range of estimated maximum soil water storage. The water balance model indicated that rainfall distribution was an inadequate measure of the seasonal availability of water for growth and reproduction. Intermittent shortages in available water were predicted between October and February, well into what is the wettest season of the year in terms of long-term rainfall averages. Adequate water was available in soil water stores through most of the August–October ‘dry season’. Leaf-fall, flowering, and fruiting all followed distinct seasonal patterns although appreciable levels of activity occurred in all months. Community leaf-fall increased rapidly following an annual low in the very wet, February–May period, to a peak in August. The rapid increase in leaf-fall activity was accompanied by pronounced depressions in flowering and leaf-flushing and coincided with the period of minimum temperatures and insolation. There was no evidence to suggest that this leaf-fall peak was accompanied or induced by drought. This ‘winter’ was followed by rising temperatures and insolation at a time when adequate soil water was usually available, and flowering activity (number of species, number of individuals, and total abundance) increased rapidly in August and peaked from September to October. The flowering peak was accompanied by a major leaf-flush. Leaf-flushing continued intermittently from October to February, a period characterized by maximum temperature, maximum insolation, and periods of predicted water stress when soil water stores were depleted during short, rainless periods. A second peak in leaf-flushing coincided with the wet in March-April. This was accompanied by a relatively small increase in leaf-fall activity. Fruiting showed a bimodal peak from October to April each year. Prediction of functional relationships between climate and species and individual behaviour from community phenological patterns was considered to be inappropriate.  相似文献   
1. The eggs of many mammalian species show signs of early parthenogenetic development as they age after ovulation and oocytes may form transplantable terato-carcinomas. These cases of apparently spontaneous parthenogenetic development suggest that the cells of the female germ line have an inherent tendency to divide and differentiate. 2. The ovulated eggs of virgin female mammals may be stimulated to start parthenogenetic development by a wide variety of treatments. Most of these damage the egg so that it does not develop beyond the 4 cell stage. However if the eggs are exposed to electrical activation, hyaluronidase treatment, or temperature shock then in many cases they will develop into blastocysts. 3. These blastocysts may be either haploid or diploid. Haploid blastocysts may be formed either by the egg extruding the nucleus of the second polar body or by the egg dividing in half, so that the female pronucleus is in one cell and the nucleus of the second polar body is in another cell. Diploid blastocysts are formed by the retention of the nucleus of the second polar body within the egg. The way in which the egg develops may be controlled by altering the osmolarity of the culture medium, the age of the egg at the time of activation, or the strain of animal used. 4. The action of the sperm on the egg can be defined by comparing the events of normal fertilization and parthenogenetic activation. Both these stimuli cause the egg to expose binding sites for Concanavalin A to synthesize DNA and to divide. However, the release of cortical granules, which occurs after fertilization, does not appear to be induced by parthenogenetic activation, and it is significant that parthenogenones lack the sperm nucleus and mitochondria. 5. The majority of parthenogenones die soon after implantation. Death at this time occurs with parthenogenones obtained from the activated eggs of both inbred and outbred stocks. Death might be caused by recessive lethal mutations or by extra-genetic effects of the maternal chromosomes. 6. Parthenogenones contain endogenous A-type particles which shows that these bodies are inherited through the female germ line. 7. Parthenogenones may in the future provide both a method for chromosome mapping and a source of haploid cells. At present the use of mammalian parthenogenones in biological research is restricted by the heavy embryonic losses which occur around the time of implantation. This means that the role of the sperm, gene activity and virus expression must be studied during a very limited period. Part of the mortality before implantation is the consequence of the damage which the egg suffers during activation and it should be possible to reduce this loss by improving the techniques for activation. It may also be possible to increase the quantity of cells derived from haploid and diploid mammalian embryos by deriving teratocarcinomas from them.  相似文献   
The paper concerns the circumstances surrounding the collection of ivory from dead elephants, with particular reference to Murchison Falls National Park. The characteristics of the interval between death and complete disintegration of an elephant are described. These, combined with observations of known age skeletons, comprised the criteria used in classifying skeletons found from the air into three relative age classes. Average annual mortality is estimated for the population north of the Nile (MFPN) at 147 animals yielding 1945 kg of ivory, and for that south of the Nile (MFPS) at 474 animals yielding 7497 kg ivory. Park-found ivory records are analyzed for the 11 y 1959–69. The expected age distribution of deaths is compared with the observed. For MFPN a bias in favour of large (male) tusks is present, explicable by the concentration of ranger search effort in areas of known high male density. For MFPS a bias towards small tusks is thought to be caused by elephants wounded outside the park dying inside it. The National Park recovers an average of 27.6 % of its available ivory per annum, with large annual fluctuations probably correlated with the incidence of wounding outside the park. High losses to poachers are evident. An aerial search for ivory showed a tendency for elephants to die near watercourses. A finding rate of one carcass every 4.3 km of watercourse was obtained. As only 5 % of carcasses still had tusks the aerial searching was prematurely terminated. The results indicated a finding efficiency of 26.4% of the available current year carcasses. Comparative costing suggests that ground searching would be a more efficient method of finding ivory than aerial searching. The high value of the available ivory in Murchison and other areas justifies intensive searching. The low collection rates prevailing in East Africa are largely attributable to the absence of appropriate search efforts.  相似文献   
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