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GRAHAM R. MARTIN 《Ibis》1986,128(2):266-277
Behavioural studies show that in the eye of the Tawny Owl Strix aluco both absolute visual sensitivity and maximum spatial resolution at low light levels are close to the theoretical limit dictated principally by the quantal nature of light and the physiological limitations on the structure of vertebrate eyes. However, when the owl's visual sensitivity in relation to naturally occurring ligh levels is analysed, it is concluded that at night there will often be occasions when vision can only be used to control the owl's behaviour with respect to large objects.
Owls are capable of detecting and catching prey by hearing alone. However, absolute auditory sensitivity is not superior to that of mammals (including Man), but does appear to have reached the absolute limit on sensitivity in the aerial environment, which is dictated by the minimum ambient sound level.
An explanation of the owl's ability to be active at night based only upon high sensory sensitivity is thus untenable. Many features of the natural behaviour of the Tawny Owl (e.g., the high degree of territoriality, prey catching technique, dietary spectrum) may be interpreted as reflections of an additional requirement for the nocturnal habit beyond high sensory sensitivity: detailed knowledge of local topography.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Competition with barred owls (Strix varia varia) is an important factor contributing to the continued decline of threatened northern spotted owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) populations in the Pacific Northwest, USA, but basic information on habitat selection and space use patterns of barred owls is lacking for much of the region. We investigated space use and habitat selection by tracking radiotagged barred owls in the Eastern Cascade Range of Washington, USA, from 2004 to 2006. We surveyed for barred owls across the 309-km2 study area and confirmed presence of barred owl pairs at 21 sites. We collected movement data on 14 barred owls from 12 sites. Mean annual 95% fixed-kernel home-range size was 194 ha for females (n = 4, SD = 70) and 288 ha for males (n = 5, SD = 114). Home ranges were located more frequently than expected in areas with low topographic position, gentle slopes, large overstory tree-crown diameter, high normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), overstory tree canopy closure >72%, and a moderate amount of solar insolation. Within home ranges, areas that had large tree-crown diameters, low topographic positions, and gentle slopes were used more frequently than expected. The resource selection function we developed for barred owls in our study area indicated that barred owls used areas with the combination of low values for topographic position and slope and higher values for NDVI, solar insolation, and an interaction term for canopy closure and tree-crown diameter. In comparison to published information on northern spotted owls, barred owls used areas with similar canopy closure and tree size classes, but barred owl home ranges were much smaller and more concentrated on gentler slopes in valley bottoms. This information may contribute to the development of management practices that maintain forest characteristics appropriate for spotted owl habitat and prey in areas where spotted owls are least likely to be excluded by territorial barred owls in the Eastern Cascades of Washington.  相似文献   
Two significant functional differences–a more anterior and internally positioned red myo‐tomal muscle mass and modification of the red‐muscle vascular supply to form counter‐current heat exchangers–distinguish the tunas (tribe Thunnini) from other species in the teleost family Scombridae. Neither of these characteristics is found in the bonitos (tribe Sardini), the sister group to the Thunnini. The most recent scombrid classification places the slender tuna, Allothunnus fallai, in the tribe Sardini, but some earlier studies suggested that this species should be a member of the Thunnini. Allothunnus fallai does not possess the lateral subcutaneous arteries and veins or the lateral heat‐exchanging retia typical of tunas. However, we have found that this species has a highly modified central circulation (dorsal aorta, post cardinal vein, and associated branch vessels) similar to the central heat‐exchanging retia of certain tunas, an enlarged haemal arch to accommodate this structure, and the anterior, internal placement of red muscle characteristic of tunas. With these new characters, phylogenetic reconstructions based on parsimony place A. fallai as the sister taxon to the tunas, establish that it is the most basal tuna species, and support the hypothesis that the derivation of tunas from a bonito‐like ancestor occurred through selection for an integrated set of characteristics affecting locomotion and endothermy. The major features of this hypothesis are as follows. (1) Selection for continuous, steady, and efficient swimming resulted in changes in body shape (the result of enlargement of the anterior myotomes, the anterior and internal shift of red muscle, and a narrowing of the caudal peduncle) which increased streamlining and led to the adoption of the thunniform swimming mode unique to the tunas. (2) Alterations in blood supply necessitated by the anterior shift in red muscle led to the interdigitation of numerous arterial and venous branches which set the stage for heat conservation. (3) The evolution of endothermy, together with thunniform swimming, contributed significantly to the ecological radiation and diversification of tunas during the Early Tertiary Period. Our studies of A fall thus suggest that the shift in red muscle position and changes in central circulation preerded the evolution of red‐muscle endothermy. Co‐evolutionary changes in red muscle quantity and distribution and in vascular specializations for heat conservation have led to different macroevolutionary trajectories among the now five genera and 14 tuna species of tunas and appear to reflect the influence of changing paleocological and paleoccanographic conditions, including cooling, that occurred in the Tertiary  相似文献   
An animal's pattern of habitat use can reveal how different parts of its environment vary in quality based on the costs (such as predation risk) and benefits (such as food intake) of using each habitat. We studied klipspringer habitat use in Augrabies Falls National Park, South Africa using giving‐up densities (GUDs; the amount of food remaining in a resource patch following exploitation) in experimental food patches. We tested hypotheses related to how salient habitat variables might influence klipspringers' perceptions of foraging costs. At small spatial scales (3–4 m), klipspringer GUDs did not vary with cover and open microhabitats, or with the four cardinal aspects (shading) around shrubs. Adding water adjacent to food patches did not influence GUDs, showing that water is not a limiting complementary resource to food. Generally, klipspringers do not appear to be physiologically constrained. There was no difference in GUDs between four daily time periods, or between summer and winter; however, a significant interaction effect of time‐of‐day with season resulted from GUDs during the midday time period in winter being significantly higher (perceived value lower) than during the same time period in summer. At moderate spatial scales (10–60 m), klipspringer GUDs increased with distance from rocks because of increased predation risk. Based on GUDs collected at the largest scale (two 4.41‐ha grids), klipspringers preferred foraging at greater distances from drainage lines and on pebble and cobble substrates. Overall, this study has shown the efficacy of measuring GUDs to determine klipspringers' habitat utilization while foraging.  相似文献   
Abstract Recent energy development has resulted in rapid and large-scale changes to western shrub-steppe ecosystems without a complete understanding of its potential impacts on wildlife populations. We modeled winter habitat use by female greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) in the Powder River Basin (PRB) of Wyoming and Montana, USA, to 1) identify landscape features that influenced sage-grouse habitat selection, 2) assess the scale at which selection occurred, 3) spatially depict winter habitat quality in a Geographic Information System, and 4) assess the effect of coal-bed natural gas (CBNG) development on winter habitat selection. We developed a model of winter habitat selection based on 435 aerial relocations of 200 radiomarked female sage-grouse obtained during the winters of 2005 and 2006. Percent sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) cover on the landscape was an important predictor of use by sage-grouse in winter. The strength of habitat selection between sage-grouse and sagebrush was strongest at a 4-km2 scale. Sage-grouse avoided coniferous habitats at a 0.65-km2 scale and riparian areas at a 4-km2 scale. A roughness index showed that sage-grouse selected gentle topography in winter. After controlling for vegetation and topography, the addition of a variable that quantified the density of CBNG wells within 4 km2 improved model fit by 6.66 Akaike's Information Criterion points (Akaike wt = 0.965). The odds ratio for each additional well in a 4-km2 area (0.877; 95% CI = 0.834- 0.923) indicated that sage-grouse avoid CBNG development in otherwise suitable winter habitat. Sage-grouse were 1.3 times more likely to occupy sagebrush habitats that lacked CBNG wells within a 4-km2 area, compared to those that had the maximum density of 12.3 wells per 4 km2 allowed on federal lands. We validated the model with 74 locations from 74 radiomarked individuals obtained during the winters of 2004 and 2007. This winter habitat model based on vegetation, topography, and CBNG avoidance was highly predictive (validation R2 = 0.984). Our spatially explicit model can be used to identify areas that provide the best remaining habitat for wintering sage-grouse in the PRB to mitigate impacts of energy development.  相似文献   
GRAHAM, S. A., CRISCI, J. V. & HOCH, P. C, 1993. Cladistic analysis of the Lythraceae sensu lato based on morphological characters. The Lythraceae s. I. comprise 31 mostly highly distinctive genera distributed worldwide. Cladistic analyses of the family were undertaken using 26 characters from anatomy, floral morphology, pollen, and seed morphology. Of four outgroup hypotheses, the Onagraceae offered the best heuristic assessment, generating 3746 trees with a tree length of 83 and consistency index and (C.I.) of 0.41. A strict consensus tree from the 3746 trees produced a basal monophyletic group of five genera (Sonneratia, Duabanga, Punka, Lagerstroemia, Lawsonia) characterized by anthotelic (determinate) inflorescences and wet stigmas, and a second clade with blastotelic (indeterminate) inflorescences, dry stigmas, and reduced carpel number. Successive weighting with Onagraceae as outgroup generated five most parsimonious trees with a tree length of 164 and C.I. of 0.75. Internal branches are weakly supported by only seven non-homoplasious characters. Significant results of the analysis include: (1) recognition of the two major clades and a total of seven monophyletic groups within the family; (2) the paraphyly of subfamily Lythroideae (Lythraceae s. s .); and (3) indication that genera endemic to the New World have been derived from more than one ancient Old World evolutionary line. The current taxonomic classification of the family is not closely correlated with results of the cladistic analysis.  相似文献   
The diversity and adaptive radiations of modern Arcoidea, here considered to contain the families Arcidae, Noetiidae, Cucullaeidae, and Glycymerididae, are reviewed. Most fall into either epibyssate or endobyssate life habits with only the Glycymerididae living as free burrowers. The phenetic characters of the families within the Arcoida are reviewed and the families are shown to be supported by very few synapomorphic characters. Homoplasy is shown to be widespread and is illustrated in a series of discussions on the ligament, epibyssate–endobyssate radiations, and possible parallelism within genera, and in a review of arcoid anatomical characters. Previously published molecular data are reviewed and these support the inclusion of the Glycymerididae in the Arcoidea. They also indicate, however, that polyphyly is probably widespread at the subfamily level.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 148 , 237–251.  相似文献   
The emergence of midges (Diptera: Chironomidae) from a wet gravel-pit   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
SUMMARY. Emerging adult chironomids were captured from a wet gravel-pit in the Midlands in 1975 and 1976. The emergence period in 1976 was earlier than in 1975 and this change was attributed to the higher temperatures during the early part of 1976. Forty-seven species were identified of which twenty-one were found in both years. However, only eighteen species represented more than 5% of the monthly emergence from any one trap. The timing and location of emergence of the common species is discussed in relation to the physical parameters of substratum, depth of water and vegetation at each trap site. Similarity indices were used to compare samples from each trap site and revealed a progressive change in the chironomid assemblage with depth, caused by a succession of species and a change in the structure of the assemblage with 'equitability' decreasing with increasing depth. The predominant species in 1975 were Cricotopus sylvestris, C. intersectus and Procladius choreus with a number of Chironominae present in both May and June. A trap in the littoral zone caught maximum numbers earlier than traps in open water. In 1976 the above species were still predominant and Tanypus punctipennis and T. vilipennis were also numerous. The Chironominae became proportionally more abundant as the season progressed. The abundance of emerging midges was low compared with other surveys due to the restricted emergence period, imagines being abundant only in June, and also due to the low numbers emerging.  相似文献   
Blue Ducks Hymenolaimus malacorhynchos (Anatidae), an IUCN Red Listed Endangered species, reside in headwaters of New Zealand rivers and feed primarily on aquatic invertebrates. However, whether such food items are detected by tactile or visual cues is unknown. That Blue Ducks may use tactile cues when foraging is suggested by the presence of specialized flaps of thickened, keratinized epidermis containing Herbst's corpuscles along the ventral margins of the upper mandibles near the bill tip. Similar bill flaps are found only in one other duck species, Pink-eared Ducks Malacorhynchus membranaceus , that surface filter-feed on a range of planktonic organisms. Using an ophthalmoscopic reflex technique we determined the visual fields of both species. In Blue Ducks the eyes are frontally placed resulting in a relatively wide binocular field into which the narrow tapering bill intrudes. There is a large blind area to the rear of the head. This visual field topography is similar to that of other visually guided foragers including those that take mobile prey from the water column, e.g. penguins (Spheniscidae). By contrast, Pink-eared Duck visual fields show features found in other tactile feeding ducks: a narrow frontal binocular field with the bill falling at the periphery, and comprehensive visual coverage of the celestial hemisphere. We conclude that although Blue Ducks may take prey from rock surfaces they are primarily visual feeders of the water column and we suggest therefore that their foraging may be significantly disrupted by changes in water clarity. This introduces a previously unconsidered factor into the selection of sites for population enhancement or re-introductions, a current conservation focus.  相似文献   
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