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The classical Nicholson-Bailey model for a two species host-parasitoid system with discrete generations assumes random distributions of both hosts and parasitoids, randomly searching parasitoids, and random encounters between the individuals of the two species. Although unstable, this model induced many investigations into more complex host-parasitoid systems. Local linearized stability analysis shows that equilibria of host parasitoid systems within the framework of a generalized Nicholson-Bailey model are generally unstable. Stability is only possible if host fertility does not exceede 4=54.5982 and if superparasitism is unsuccessful. This special situation has already been discovered by Hassell et al. (1983) in their study of the effects of variable sex ratios on host parasitoid dynamics. We discuss global behaviour of the Hassell-Waage-May model using KAM-theory and illustrate its sensitivity to small perturbations, which can give rise to radically different patterns of the population dynamics of interacting hosts and parasitoids.  相似文献   
Techniques for the determination of viability of field-collected vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal spores must be valid for spores of different ages and of varying levels of peridium (outer wall of unispored sporocarp) development. The use of the dehydrogenase-activated stain 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide (MTT) for determining viability of endogonaceous spores was reassessed. Freshly isolated and stored spores of three isolates of Glomus mosseae (Nicol. & Gerd.) Gerd. & Trappe were stained using two different protocols: Miller, Torres, and McClean (Mycological Research, in press) and An and Hendrix (Mycologia 80: 259–261). Time course results from selected experiments were analyzed graphically, and pooled results from all experiments were analyzed by factorial analysis of variance to determine statistically significant differences among the protocols, storage regime of spores, control killing method, and the effect of added cobalt ions. Significant nondehydrogenase-specific staining occurred in both types of controls of freshly isolated spores using Miller, Torres, and McClean's method, rendering it inadequate for viability determination. With An and Hendrix's protocol, fresh nonkilled spores stained significantly more than ethanol-treated spores, although these results underestimated viability as determined by two other assessment procedures, and autoclaving of fresh spores was not a satisfactory control treatment. Addition of cobalt to the incubation solution effectively drove all formazan production to the blue color but did not change the total percentage of colored spores produced, regardless of protocol used. Results corroborate the use of An and Hendrix's protocol with stored spores if color interpretation was corrected to include both blue and red colors as indicators of viability, results were read before nonspecific staining starts, and timing was extended to 75 hours. Both staining methods work with uniformly stored spores using specific incubation times, but not with spores of mixed ages, which could include young spores, making MTT not useful as a viability stain for field-isolated spores.  相似文献   
The ithomiine butterflies (Nymphalidae: Danainae) represent the largest known radiation of Müllerian mimetic butterflies. They dominate by number the mimetic butterfly communities, which include species such as the iconic neotropical Heliconius genus. Recent studies on the ecology and genetics of speciation in Ithomiini have suggested that sexual pheromones, colour pattern and perhaps hostplant could drive reproductive isolation. However, no reference genome was available for Ithomiini, which has hindered further exploration on the genetic architecture of these candidate traits, and more generally on the genomic patterns of divergence. Here, we generated high-quality, chromosome-scale genome assemblies for two Melinaea species, M. marsaeus and M. menophilus, and a draft genome of the species Ithomia salapia. We obtained genomes with a size ranging from 396 to 503 Mb across the three species and scaffold N50 of 40.5 and 23.2 Mb for the two chromosome-scale assemblies. Using collinearity analyses we identified massive rearrangements between the two closely related Melinaea species. An annotation of transposable elements and gene content was performed, as well as a specialist annotation to target chemosensory genes, which is crucial for host plant detection and mate recognition in mimetic species. A comparative genomic approach revealed independent gene expansions in ithomiines and particularly in gustatory receptor genes. These first three genomes of ithomiine mimetic butterflies constitute a valuable addition and a welcome comparison to existing biological models such as Heliconius, and will enable further understanding of the mechanisms of adaptation in butterflies.  相似文献   
Embryonic chick corneal explants were soaked in mild detergent and the anterior corneal epithelium was peeled from its basement membrane, leaving the lamina lucida surface exposed and supported on the subjacent primary stroma. Explants were treated with rabbit anti-laminin IgG, followed by sheep anti-rabbit IgG linked microspheres, and processed for SEM. The lucida surface was heavily decorated with microspheres, whereas controls treated with preimmune rabbit IgG were essentially beadless. Laminin distribution was not regular, appearing denser in some regions than others. However, the connective tissue surface of the basement membrane was never laminin-positive, even after treatment with hyaluronidase. These results suggest the basal lamina of the corneal epithelium is asymmetric, with preferential location of laminin to the lucida surface of the basement membrane.  相似文献   
Multiple recombinant inbred lines, derived from crosses between strains permissive to N-tropic murine leukemia viruses (Fv-1n) and strains permissive to B-tropic murine leukemia viruses (Fv-1b), have been characterized as to Fv-1 genotype and other chromosome 4 markers, including the closely linked hexose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase isozyme locus (Gpd-1). Only one recombinant between Fv-1 and Gpd-1 was found among 45 lines tested. On this basis, the distance between Fv-1 and Gpd-1 is estimated to be 0.6 centimorgans. None of the lines was either resistant or susceptible to both N- and B-tropic viruses. Nineteen other inbred strains, previously untested, were characterized as either Fv-1n or Fv-1b.  相似文献   
Lipoxygenase (LOX) mRNA, enzyme protein, and enzyme activity were found to be induced in leaves of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv Moneymaker) on inoculation with plant pathogenic bacteria. The rate of enzyme activity with linoleic or linolenic acid as substrate was approximately 10 times greater than that with arachidonic acid. Optimum activity was at pH 7.0. In the incompatible interaction, which was associated with a hypersensitive reaction (HR), a single band with relative molecular weight approximately 100,000 was revealed by probing western blots of enzyme extracts with antiserum raised against a pea lipoxygenase. Changes in the intensity of this band reflected the changes observed in LOX enzyme activity after bacterial inoculations. In the hypersensitive reaction, i.e. after inoculation with Pseudomonas syringae pv syringae, LOX mRNA was induced by 3 hours and enzyme activity began to increase between 6 and 12 hours and had reached maximum levels by 24 to 48 hours. In tomato leaves inoculated with P. syringae pv tomato (compatible interaction), LOX mRNA was induced later and enzyme activity changed only marginally in the first 24 hours, then increased steadily up to 72 hours, reaching the levels seen in the HR.  相似文献   
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