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Vishton PM  Fabre E 《Spatial Vision》2003,16(3-4):377-392
Many studies have suggested that visually-guided action is largely immune to the effects of several pictorial illusions that strongly influence perceptual judgments. The judgments in these experiments, however, have usually involved comparisons of multiple elements within a display, whereas the visually-guided actions have typically involved a pincer grip directed to only one display element. The three experiments presented here assess the influence of this confound on the perception versus action illusion dissociation. In general, the studies suggest (a) that the confound affects perceptual judgment but not grasping or manual estimation, and (b) that difficult visuomotor tasks are more affected by the Ebbinghaus illusion than easier tasks. In Experiment 1, participants reached for or made judgments about plastic disks placed in the center of the Ebbinghaus illusion display. Some participants reached for or made judgments about only the disk on the right, whereas others reached for or judged both disks simultaneously. A large effect of the illusion was found for grasping and comparative judgment, but not for manual estimation or metric judgment. In Experiment 2, the disks were elevated slightly to make gripping the targets easier, and the effects of the illusion on grasping were greatly reduced. For Experiment 3, participants performed the manual estimation task while the hands were placed in view, on the surface of the table, and the effects of the illusion were significantly increased. Taken together, the experiments indicate that task difficulty and hand visibility affect whether a task will be influenced by pictorial illusions or not. One- and two-handed grasping seem to be affected approximately equally.  相似文献   
SHP (small heterodimer partner, NR1I0) is an atypical orphan member of the nuclear receptor subfamily in that it lacks a DNA-binding domain. It is mostly expressed in the liver, where it binds to and inhibits the function of nuclear receptors. SHP is up-regulated by primary bile acids, through the activation of their receptor farnesoid X receptor, leading to the repression of cholesterol 7alpha-hydroxylase (CYP7alpha) expression, the rate-limiting enzyme in bile acid production from cholesterol. PXR (pregnane X receptor, NR1I2) is a broad-specificity sensor that recognizes a wide variety of synthetic drugs as well as endogenous compounds such as bile acid precursors. Upon activation, PXR induces CYP3A and inhibits CYP7alpha, suggesting that PXR can act on both bile acid synthesis and elimination. Indeed, CYP7alpha and CYP3A are involved in biochemical pathways leading to cholesterol conversion into primary bile acids, whereas CYP3A is also involved in the detoxification of toxic secondary bile acid derivatives. Here, we show that PXR is a target for SHP. Using pull-down assays, we show that SHP interacts with both murine and human PXR in a ligand-dependent manner. From transient transfection assays, SHP is shown to be a potent repressor of PXR transactivation. Furthermore, we report that chenodeoxycholic acid and cholic acid, two farnesoid X receptor ligands, induce up-regulation of SHP and provoke a repression of PXR-mediated CYP3A induction in human hepatocytes as well as in vivo in mice. These results reveal an elaborate regulatory cascade, tightly controlled by SHP, for both the maintenance of bile acid production and detoxification in the liver.  相似文献   
In this survey conducted in southern Cameroon, we compared ant-Hemiptera associations on plantations treated with insecticides, on plantations 2 years after insecticide treatments ceased, and on control lots that never received insecticide treatments. By eliminating arboreal-nesting ants, insecticides favored the presence of "ecologically dominant" ground-nesting, arboreal-foraging species that occupied the tree crowns. The reinstallation of arboreal ants was slow as 2 yr after insecticide treatment ceased differences with the control lots were significant. This intermediary period also illustrated that arboreal ants can found and develop colonies on trees occupied by ground-nesting species. Certain arboreal species were more frequent during this intermediary period than on the control lots, showing that the period of installation in the trees was followed by competition between arboreal ants. We confirm that ground-nesting ants tend a wide range of hemipteran families, including well known agricultural pests, whereas arboreal ants, particularly dominant species, were mostly associated with Coccidae and Stictococcidae that do not pose problems to the supporting trees. A tree effect was also noted for both ant and hemipteran distribution. We concluded that because of insecticide use, ground-nesting ants pose problems through their associated Hemiptera. On the contrary, dominant arboreal ants, strong predators, benefit their supporting trees by excluding ground-nesting species and tending mostly nonpest Hemiptera. Nevertheless, certain of them, carpenter species or species likely to tend Pseudococcidae, have to be eliminated through integrated management.  相似文献   
The relative attractiveness of six commercially available protein hydrolysates and the influence of their concentration were evaluated in field cages by a release-capture method of lab-reared melon fly adults, Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillett). Buminal, Corn Steepwater, Hym-Lure, Pinnacle, Nulure, and SolBait were tested for both sexes of the melon fly. The tested products exhibited clear differences in attractiveness. SolBait was the most effective protein hydrolysate. Pinnacle and Corn Steepwater also gave promising results. A general tendency for an increase in effectiveness with increasing concentration within the range 0.5 to 10% was shown. This study will allow pest control practitioners to choose more effective attractants for use in bait sprays to control the melon fly thus reducing the intensive use of insecticides currently practiced in Reunion island and enabling the development of Integrated pest management (IPM) methods for cucurbit crops.  相似文献   
Studying the effects of the loss of a specific cell type is a powerful approach in biology. Here we present a method based on the controlled activation of the apoptotic machinery. We expressed a modified caspase-3-containing chemical inducer of dimerization (CID)-binding sites in the livers of transgenic mice. In the absence of CID, no liver injury was detectable, underlining the absence of leakage in our system. In contrast, injection of the CID produced activation of the chimeric caspase-3, which led to a dose-dependent pure hepatocyte ablation with subsequent regeneration. This method is effective in both growing and nongrowing cells, and is therefore applicable to a wide range of cells and tissues. Moreover, because apoptosis has been described in numerous pathological circumstances, this system is useful for generating mouse models of human disorders as well as for studying the recovery or regeneration of tissues after cell loss.  相似文献   
The hypocretins (hcrt1 and hcrt2), also known as orexins, are two neuropeptides derived from the same precursor, expressed in a few thousand cells in the lateral hypothalamus. Hypocretin-containing cells project throughout the brain, including ascending projections to the olfactory bulb and cerebral cortex, through the medial septum and the nucleus accumbens. Here, we have studied the interactions of the hypocretins with different neurotransmitters by patch clamp recording of acutely dissociated cells from the nucleus accumbens. Application of hcrt1 or hcrt2 decreased postsynaptic NMDA currents, enhanced GABA currents but did not affect glycine-activated conductances. Our results strongly suggest that the hypocretin peptides may be inhibitory peptides, probably via binding hcrt receptor 2.  相似文献   
The anatomic topography of the perforators within the rectus muscle and the anterior fascia largely determines the time needed to harvest the perforator free flap and the difficulty of the procedure. In 100 consecutive cases, the topographic patterns of the perforators were investigated. In 65 percent, a short intramuscular course was seen. In 16 percent, a perforator at the tendinous intersection was encountered. In 9 percent, the largest perforator was found to have a long intramuscular course. In 5 percent, a subfascial course was found, and in another 5 percent, a paramedian course was found. In 74 percent of flaps, just one perforator was used, whereas two perforators were dissected in 20 percent. Only in 6 percent of flaps were three perforators used. A long intramuscular course (>4 cm) lengthens the dissection substantially, especially when the intramuscular course is in a step-wise pattern. The subfascial course requires precarious attention at the early stage of the perforator dissection when splitting the fascia. The perforators at the tendinous intersections are the most accessible and require a short but intense dissection in the fibrotic tissue of intersection. A paramedian perforator, medial to the rectus muscle, is a septocutaneous rather than a musculocutaneous perforator. The straightforward dissection almost extends up to the midline. Therefore, dissection always is performed at one side and, if no good perforators are present, continued at the intact contralateral side. The size of these perforators and their location in the flap determine the choice. One perforator with significant flow can perfuse the whole flap. If in doubt, two perforators can be harvested, especially if they show a linear anatomy so that muscle fibers can be split. The only interference with the muscle exists in splitting the muscle fibers. A perforator that lies in the middle of the flap is preferable. For a large flap, a perforator of the medial row provides better perfusion to zone 4 than one of the lateral row because of the extra choke vessel for the lateral row perforators. The clinical appearance of the perforators is the key element in the dissection of the perforator flap. Perforator topography determines the overall length and difficulty of the procedure.  相似文献   
Protein structure and tissue type are known to influence glycosylationof proteins. We have previously investigated the N-glycans ateach of the three glycosylation sites of the cell surface glycoproteinThy-1 when isolated from rat brain and thymocytes. Here we reporta comparative analysis of the site-specific N-glycosylationpatterns from rat (Asn 23, 74, 98), mouse (Asn 23, 75, 99) andhuman (Asn 23, 60, 100) neural Thy-1. Despite considerable differencesin amino acid sequence, the results show a remarkable conservationof the pattern of N-glycans at corresponding sites between thethree species, as judged by chromatographic comparisons andglycosidase susceptibility. This is particularly marked forsites at Asn 74/75 in rat/mouse and the equivalent site at 60in human Thy-1, as well as for sites at Asn 98/99 and 100, respectively.The sites at Asn 23 in rat/mouse also contained almost identicalglycosylation paterns, but at this site human Thy-1 showed significantlydifferent glycosylation patterns. These site glycosylation patternsare discussed in relation to the likely accessibility of theoligosaccharides for processing. It is known that within a species,the glycosylation of Thy-1 is tissue specific; therefore, thisdegree of conservation of glycosylation of Thy-1 expressed inthe same tissue in different species is all the more striking,given the known variation between species in the amino acidsequence of Thy-1. It is therefore proposed that neural cellshave a particular requirement for specific surface carbohydratesand that the Thy-1 polypep-tide serves as an appropriate carrierfor these structures. glycosylation site-specific Thy-1  相似文献   
It would be of great interest to obtain permanent T-cell lines retaining specific activity without either allogeneic or xenogeneic stimulation. Functionally active hybrids between cytolytic T cells and thymoma were previously reported, but they had to be selected in a TCGF-containing medium. This study contains new results and reports the preparation of a hybrid cell from a cytolytic T cell and a polyoma virus-infected fibroblast, in which the T-cell characteristics dominate over the polyoma-transformed characteristics. A differentiated T-cell function (i.e., cytolysis) persists and the differentiated line does not require TCGF. The loss of cytolytic activity during in vitro evolution may be due to a selection favouring transformed cells, as suggested by concomitant enhancement of the transformed phenotype and chromosome loss.  相似文献   
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