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Media and Nation Building: How the Iban Became Malaysian . John Postill. New York: Berghahn, 2006. 231 pp.  相似文献   
Biotypes of Trichogramma australicum were reared on artificial diet "A", Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (natural host) eggs and Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier) (factitious host) eggs. We evaluated the quality of these biotypes by comparing their oviposition behaviour and reproductive performance on H. armigera eggs. Female T. australicum reared in vitro accepted H. armigera eggs for oviposition and displayed similar behavioural components of oviposition to females reared on natural hosts. However, handling time during oviposition in H. armigera eggs by females from in vitro rearing was significantly longer than handling time of females reared on the natural host because the females needed a significantly longer time for host feeding. In vitro reared females produced significantly more progeny and parasitised more H. armigera eggs than the females reared on S. cerealella. Improvements to the artificial diet for T. australicum may reduce handling time of the in vitro reared females and increase the female population. These improvements may include changes in nutrient content and size of the artificial eggs.  相似文献   
Mitchell, L., Curry, G.B. & Fallick, A.E. 1995 11 30: Stable-isotope and amino acid profiles of the New Zealand giant Pliocene oyster Crassostrea ingens .
Oxygen and carbon stable-isotope profiles and intracrystalline amino acid profiles (free and total) were determined for the New Zealand giant Pliocene oyster Crassostrea ingens by sampling annual growth increments along a sagittal section. These profiles reflect both ontogenetic and environmental change over the life-time of the oyster (approximately 20 years). There is a gradual increase in δ18O from the umbo towards the shell margin and a subsequent levelling-off about halfway along the shell. This pattern probably reflects a decrease in the growth rate of the oyster rather than a temperature effect. The δ13C profile initially increases sharply at the umbo and then gradually decreases towards the shell margin. This may be due to kinetic or metabolic effects associated with the development of a fast-growing juvenile into a slower-growing, sexually mature adult, or it may be due to the influence of 13C-depleted carbon derived from the oxidation of organic matter in the surrounding sediment. The amino acid profile reveals a gradual decrease in abundance from the umbo to the shell margin, indicative of a progressive increase in the relative amounts of inorganic carbonate to protein over the life of the oyster, that may also be a consequence of decreasing growth rate. Glycine and alanine are the two most common amino acids in both the free and total amino acid profiles: free (i.e. naturally hydrolysed) amino acids account for about three quarters of the total amino acids present. □ Biogeochemistiy, stable isotopes, amino acids, environment, ontogeny .  相似文献   
An account is given of the behaviour, host specificity and potential as a biological control agent of Comperia merceti, a hymenopterous parasite of cockroach oothecae.  相似文献   
SEVERAL endocrine cell lines established in recent years show a functional response to hormones in vitro1 but, except for one mammary cell line2, none of them exhibits the normal hormone requirement for growth in vivo. We have now isolated a rat ovarian cell line whose growth in vitro is markedly stimulated by bovine luteinizing hormone (LH-NIH-B7), a pituitary gonadotrophin and by dexamethasone, a synthetic glucocorticoid. This cell line provides the first permanent in vitro system for studying the growth stimulation of gonadal cells by hormones.  相似文献   
1. The species composition and spatial distribution of small insects (Hemiptera, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera) and arachnids (Araneae, Opiliones, and Pseudoscorpiones) were investigated in three indigenous, upland grasslands identified as the National Vegetation Classification Festuca–Agrostis–Galium typical subcommunity (code U4a), Festuca–Agrostis–Galium, Vaccinium–Deschampsia subcommunity (code U4e), and Nardus stricta species-poor sub-community (code U5a), on which grazing management was manipulated experimentally. 2. Two hypotheses were tested that predicted arthropod diversity in upland grasslands. The habitat heterogeneity hypothesis predicts that the species number and abundance of arthropods will have an asymptotic relationship with increasing numbers of plant species and greater structural heterogeneity in the vegetation. The symbiosis between patches hypothesis states that the species number and abundance of arthropods will express a unimodal relationship with the grain size of sward patches created by grazing. The sward patches must be large enough to be apparent to, and support populations of, arthropods, but small enough that interspersed tussocks provide shelter from weather and a deterrent to disturbance by grazers. 3. The hypotheses were tested by sampling arthropods from the geometrical patterns represented by the individual tussocks and intermediate sward components of three indigenous grasslands produced by different grazing treatments. Paired samples of arthropods were taken by motorized suction sampler, the first of the pair from the grazed sward and the second, the accumulated samples from the surrounding triad of tussocks (U4a and U5a grasslands) or hummocks (U4e grassland). The paired samples were taken from six randomly-selected locations across both replicates of each of the grazing treatments. 4. Arthropod species composition and abundance were compared between the paired sward and tussock samples and in turn with measures of the vertical and horizontal components of vegetation structure, i.e. the variance in vegetation height per unit area and the area covered by tussock compared with sward. 5. There were consistently more species and a greater abundance of arthropods associated with tussocks than with swards and the average species number and abundance for the combined pair of samples declined with increased grazing pressure. The relationship between vertical and horizontal components of vegetation structure and the species number and abundance of selected arthropods was asymptotic as opposed to unimodal, supporting the habitat heterogeneity hypothesis, rather than the symbiosis between patches hypothesis. 6. Small and relatively sedentary insects and arachnids are more sensitive to grazing intensity and species of grazer in these upland, indigenous grasslands than are larger Coleoptera and Araneae, which respond less directly to varied grazing management. The overall linear reduction of small herbivorous and predatory arthropods with increased grazing intensity was buffered in grasslands with substantial tussock patches.  相似文献   
1. Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) returning to streams deliver substantial quantities of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) that may stimulate primary production. Salmon can also affect the phytobenthos negatively via physical disturbance during nest excavation, a process that may counteract the positive effects of salmon‐derived nutrients on benthic algae. The ability of salmon to disturb benthic habitats may be a function of substratum particle size, and therefore, the geomorphology of streams could determine the net effect of salmon on benthic communities. 2. Based on surveys of 17 streams in southwest Alaska before the salmon run and during peak salmon density, we identified size thresholds for the disturbance of substratum particles by salmon and classified particles as vulnerable (<60 mm B‐axis), invulnerable (>110 mm) or transitional (61–110 mm). At the scale of individual rocks, algal biomass on vulnerable substrata decreased at peak spawning (relative to values before the run) as a power function of salmon density; transitional and invulnerable substrata showed no quantifiable pattern. However, invulnerable substrata in streams with more than 0.11 salmon m?2 showed net algal accrual, or relatively smaller declines in algal biomass, than vulnerable substrata, indicating that large rocks provide refuge for benthic algae from salmon disturbance. 3. We expected that streams with proportionally larger rocks would respond positively to salmon at the whole‐stream scale, after accounting for the relative abundance of rocks of different sizes within streams. Invulnerable rocks made up only 0–12% of the total substratum particle size distribution in salmon‐bearing streams, however, and algal accrual on invulnerable substrata did not outweigh the strong disturbance effects on the more spatially extensive vulnerable substrata. The change in whole‐stream benthic algal biomass among streams was negatively related to salmon density. 4. Stable isotopes of nitrogen (δ15N) were used to track nutrients from salmon into benthic biota. Periphyton δ15N on rocks of all size classes was higher at peak salmon spawning than before the salmon run, indicating the uptake of salmon‐derived nitrogen. Peak δ15N values were positively related to salmon abundance and followed a two‐isotope mixing relationship. The per cent of N from salmon in periphyton was also related to salmon density and was best explained by a saturating relationship. Spring δ15N was unrelated to salmon returns in the previous year, suggesting little annual carryover of salmon nutrients.  相似文献   
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