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Mild mechanical abrasion of tracheal epithelium of Vitamin A deficient rats removed the superficial cells and spared basal cells which divided to repopulate the damaged area. The proliferative cells passed through a period of DNA synthesis with the greatest numbers of thymidine incorporating cells in samples labelled 22 h after injury. A peak of cell division occurred at 32 h and there was no further DNA synthesis or cell division. The area of wounding exhibited squamous metaplasia while normal pseudostratified muco-ciliary structure was retained by adjacent epithelium which had not been injured. The data indicates that squamous metaplasia in the respiratory epithelium in longstanding Vitamin A deficiency is due to redirected differentiation of basal cells and is seen only after mitotic activity has occurred.  相似文献   
Macromolecules in brachiopod shells: characterization and diagenesis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An immunological investigation was conducted of soluble intra-crystalline macromolecules isolated from living and fossil brachiopod shells, which had previously been used for an immunologically based study of phylogeny (serotaxonomy). The soluble intra-crystalline macromolecules comprised 0.03% by weight of the extant shell material. Bulk analysis and gel electrophoresis indicated that the organic material is predominantly glycoprotein, and contains up to 30% by weight carbohydrate. Treatment of the macromolecules with periodate and proteinase K revealed that antibodies were raised predominantly against the carbohydrate moieties. Using a specially adapted dot blot immunobinding assay (DIBA) the decay in immunological signal over geological time was determined. Pleistocene shells have lost between 99 and 99.9% of immunological reactivity, and original antigenic determinants form a declining proportion of total organic matter. It is suggested that condensation reactions between amino acids and sugars account for the rapid destruction of determinants; this has important implications for the direction of future studies on fossil macromolecules. □ Serotaxonomy, biomolecular palaeontology, glycoproteins, melanoidins, brachiopods.  相似文献   
Mapping physiological traits in barley   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
We demonstrate, based on the light, electron microscopic, and immunofluorescence studies carried out on two isolates of Encephalitozoon cuniculi established in culture, that E. cuniculi exhibits di-, tri-, tetra- and octosporous sporogony. We therefore propose that the generic characters of Encephalitozoon should be amended to include tetra-sporous sporogony as generic features. Additionally, the molecular phylogenetic analysis indicates that E. cuniculi, E. hellem, and E. (Septata) intestinalis form a cohesive group.  相似文献   
The geographic pattern of mtDNA variation in lemmings from 13 localities throughout the Eurasian Arctic was studied by using eight restriction enzymes and sequencing of the cytochrome b region. These data are used to reveal the vicariant history of Lemmus , and to examine the effect of the last glaciation on mtDNA variation by comparing diversity in formerly glaciated areas to the diversity in non-glaciated areas. Phylogenetic congruence across different Arctic taxa and association between observed discontinuities, and probable Pleistocene barriers, suggest that glacial-interglacial periods were crucial in the vicariant history of Lemmus. Differences in amount of divergence (2.1–9.1%) across different historical barriers indicate chronologically separate vicariant events during the Quaternary. Populations from a formerly glaciated area are no less variable than those in the non-glaciated area. Regardless of glaciation history, no population structure and high haplotype diversity were found within geographic regions. The lack of population structure indicates that populations with high ancestral haplotype diversity shifted their distribution during the Holocene, and that lemmings tracked a changing environment during the Quaternary without reduction of effective population size.  相似文献   
With representation of the global carbon cycle becoming increasingly complex in climate models, it is important to develop ways to quantitatively evaluate model performance against in situ and remote sensing observations. Here we present a systematic framework, the Carbon‐LAnd Model Intercomparison Project (C‐LAMP), for assessing terrestrial biogeochemistry models coupled to climate models using observations that span a wide range of temporal and spatial scales. As an example of the value of such comparisons, we used this framework to evaluate two biogeochemistry models that are integrated within the Community Climate System Model (CCSM) – Carnegie‐Ames‐Stanford Approach′ (CASA′) and carbon–nitrogen (CN). Both models underestimated the magnitude of net carbon uptake during the growing season in temperate and boreal forest ecosystems, based on comparison with atmospheric CO2 measurements and eddy covariance measurements of net ecosystem exchange. Comparison with MODerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) measurements show that this low bias in model fluxes was caused, at least in part, by 1–3 month delays in the timing of maximum leaf area. In the tropics, the models overestimated carbon storage in woody biomass based on comparison with datasets from the Amazon. Reducing this model bias will probably weaken the sensitivity of terrestrial carbon fluxes to both atmospheric CO2 and climate. Global carbon sinks during the 1990s differed by a factor of two (2.4 Pg C yr?1 for CASA′ vs. 1.2 Pg C yr?1 for CN), with fluxes from both models compatible with the atmospheric budget given uncertainties in other terms. The models captured some of the timing of interannual global terrestrial carbon exchange during 1988–2004 based on comparison with atmospheric inversion results from TRANSCOM (r=0.66 for CASA′ and r=0.73 for CN). Adding (CASA′) or improving (CN) the representation of deforestation fires may further increase agreement with the atmospheric record. Information from C‐LAMP has enhanced model performance within CCSM and serves as a benchmark for future development. We propose that an open source, community‐wide platform for model‐data intercomparison is needed to speed model development and to strengthen ties between modeling and measurement communities. Important next steps include the design and analysis of land use change simulations (in both uncoupled and coupled modes), and the entrainment of additional ecological and earth system observations. Model results from C‐LAMP are publicly available on the Earth System Grid.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Conservation and management of small mammals requires reliable knowledge of population size. We investigated precision of mark-recapture and removal abundance estimates generated from live-trapping and snap-trapping data collected at sites on Guam (n = 7), Rota (n = 4), Saipan (n = 5), and Tinian (n = 3), in the Mariana Islands. We also evaluated a common index, captures per unit effort (CPUE), as a predictor of abundance. In addition, we evaluated cost and time associated with implementing live-trapping and snap-trapping and compared species-specific capture rates of selected live- and snap-traps. For all species, mark-recapture estimates were consistently more precise than removal estimates based on coefficients of variation and 95% confidence intervals. The predictive utility of CPUE was poor but improved with increasing sampling duration. Nonetheless, modeling of sampling data revealed that underlying assumptions critical to application of an index of abundance, such as constant capture probability across space, time, and individuals, were not met. Although snap-trapping was cheaper and faster than live-trapping, the time difference was negligible when site preparation time was considered. Rattus diardii spp. captures were greatest in Haguruma live-traps (Standard Trading Co., Honolulu, HI) and Victor snap-traps (Woodstream Corporation, Lititz, PA), whereas Suncus murinus and Mus musculus captures were greatest in Sherman live-traps (H. B. Sherman Traps, Inc., Tallahassee, FL) and Museum Special snap-traps (Woodstream Corporation). Although snap-trapping and CPUE may have utility after validation against more rigorous methods, validation should occur across the full range of study conditions. Resources required for this level of validation would likely be better allocated towards implementing rigorous and robust methods.  相似文献   
Autoimmunity, microangiopathy and tissue fibrosis are hallmarks of systemic sclerosis (SSc). Vascular alterations and reduced capillary density decrease blood flow and impair tissue oxygenation in SSc. Oxygen supply is further reduced by accumulation of extracellular matrix (ECM), which increases diffusion distances from blood vessels to cells. Therefore, severe hypoxia is a characteristic feature of SSc and might contribute directly to the progression of the disease. Hypoxia stimulates the production of ECM proteins by SSc fibroblasts in a transforming growth factor-β-dependent manner. The induction of ECM proteins by hypoxia is mediated via hypoxia-inducible factor-1α-dependent and -independent pathways. Hypoxia may also aggravate vascular disease in SSc by perturbing vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) receptor signalling. Hypoxia is a potent inducer of VEGF and may cause chronic VEGF over-expression in SSc. Uncontrolled over-expression of VEGF has been shown to have deleterious effects on angiogenesis because it leads to the formation of chaotic vessels with decreased blood flow. Altogether, hypoxia might play a central role in pathogenesis of SSc by augmenting vascular disease and tissue fibrosis.  相似文献   
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