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After a photoperiod of 8.25 h during which the youngest fullyexpanded leaf of uniculm barley plants was allowed to assimilate14CO2 for 30 min, groups of plants were transfered either tocontinuous light or to continuous dark. Plants were harvestedover a 72 h period to examine the effect of the treatments (comparedwith control plants growing in normal light/dark cycles) onthe transport of 14C from the exposed leaf, the distributionof 14C assimilates to the rest of the plant, and the chemicalfate of assimilated 14C. In continuous light a substantial quantity (22% at 72 h) ofthe 14C assimilated by the leaf remained in that leaf in theform of starch and neutral sugars compared with only 4% in thecontrol fed leaf. Also the total amount of 14C respired fromplants maintained in continuous light was significantly less(c. 18% of the total originally fixed by 24 h) than that respiredfrom control plants (c. 36%). The result was that approximatelyequal amounts of 14C were accumulated in the growing leavesand roots of plants given continuous light or normal light/darkcycles. In continuous dark the fate of 14C was similar to that of controlplants. This is probably because the two treatments shared acommon light/dark environment for the first 22 h, during whichtime almost complete distribution and utilization of 14C occurred.  相似文献   
Analysis of growth during geotropic curvature in seedling hypocotyls   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
Abstract. The patterns of growth in organs curving under the influence of gravity were analysed by time-lapse photography of cress and cucumber hypocotyls which were delimited into 1 mm zones by ion-exchange beads. Geotropic curvature resulted from changes in growth rate on both sides of the organ. Growth inhibition of varying degrees of intensity occurred in all the previously growing zones of the upper (concave) side. An absolute reduction in length due to compression frequently occurred in some zones. Also, in both species growth stimulation was observed on the lower (convex) side. The disparity in growth rate between the upper and lower surfaces varied with time, being more apparent in the subapical region in the first hour of curvature. A later promotion of growth rate on the lower surface subsequently increased the curvature of the more basal zones. Autotropic straightening occurred as a consequence of growth changes, both inhibitory and stimulatory, in the apical zones. These events indicate a polarity of response in which apical zones have precedence over basal zones.  相似文献   
Extremely variable pedicle morphology is described in a large sample of the Recent articulate brachiopod Terebratulina septentrionalis (Couthouy) from off the coast of Nova Scotia. The majority of these specimens were attached to the shells of living or dead scaphopods by a dense network of pedicle rootlets. Other brachiopods had been lying on the sea-floor anchored solely by the weight of sediment enmeshed within the bush-like network of pedicle rootlets. Some brachiopod larvae had settled on the exposed pedicle rootlets of adults, presumably because of the scarcity of other suitable substrate. Such a mode of life is thought 'to indicate that these brachiopods could survive a further reduction in the available substrate and it is suggested that, should such conditions persist, changes in hard-part morphology would enable descendants of the species to adopt a predominantly free-lying mode of life. Likely morphological adaptions are suggested, based on examples from the fossil record. This evolutionary trend, from attached to free-lying and perhaps vice versa, has occurred many times in the history of the Phylum Brachiopoda, and it is suggested that the mode of life of this T. septentrionalis population provides an important insight into at least one of the possible evolutionary pathways which bring about such transformations.  相似文献   
  • 1 A population of Tipula sacra was studied intensively from 1969 to 1974 in a series of abandoned beaver ponds. Beavers recolonized the ponds from 1974 to 1976 and again in 1978.
  • 2 The basic life-cycle is of 2 years duration, but cohort-splitting occurs in the autumn as a result of some larvae growing faster and completing the life-cycle in 1 year.
  • 3 Some periods are more favourable for growth than others and the size of the fast-growing cohort varies from year to year. This insight allows some anomalies in the estimates of population size to be explained and life budgets have been produced for three year-classes.
  • 4 The short-fall in realization of egg potential is massive, apparently due to heavy female mortality by predation and the prevention of oviposition by inclement weather.
  • 5 Mortality rate is relatively low and constant from stage II larvae until pupation, but increases to adult emergence. There is a correlation between larval density and mortality rate.
  • 6 Certain aspects of the life-history (e.g. high fecundity, variability in growth rate) appear to fit the species to life in a temporally unstable habitat.
Analysis of growth during light-induced hook opening in cress   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Abstract. Growth in various regions of the hypocotyls of dark-grown cress seedlings before and after exposure lo continuous white light has been analysed by time-lapse photography. In the dark, growth in the hook was minimal, the upward growth of the seedling being sustained by extension of the shank, especially the uppermost zones. Following irradiation, the hook and the remainder of the hypocotyl showed dissimilar growth responses. Previously growing regions of the shank were inhibited while zones within the hook, especially the apical end of the inner (concave) side, showed marked growth stimulation. These changes in growth rates commenced within 1 h from exposure to the light stimulus and thus considerably preceded any observable changes in hook angle.  相似文献   
The present study investigates the effects of triacontanol (CH3(CH2)28CH2OH),on plant growth (root and stem), peroxidase activity (apicalmeristem tissue), and auxin destruction (apical meristem tissue)in ‘Little Marvel’ dwarf (LM) and ‘Alaska’peas (AP). Triacontanol inhibited root growth in LM comparedto untreated controls. However, root growth in AP tissue wasenhanced by 1.0 mg I–1 triacontanol and inhibited by allother treatments, in comparison to untreated controls. Wateruptake in triacontanol-treated AP plants was greater than inuntreated controls, with the converse being the case for LM.Triacontanol treatment caused an increase in peroxidase activityin both LM and AP plants compared to untreated controls. Interms of (1–14C)IAA destruction, GA3 + 0.01 mg 1–1triacontanol caused appreciable auxin breakdown (40%) in LMtissue, with GA3 + 0.1 mg 1–1 triacontanol giving a 43%decrease compared to untreated controls. In AP tissue, 10 µMGA3 increased auxin destruction by 188% whereas 0.1 mg I–1triacontanol caused a 20% decrease compared to untreated controls.The effects of triacontanol on root and stem growth, peroxidaseactivity, and auxin destruction appear to be cultivar-specific,with respect to LM and AP varieties of peas.  相似文献   
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