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Thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI), also known as carboxypeptidase R, has been implicated as an important negative regulator of the fibrinolytic system. In addition, TAFI is able to inactivate inflammatory peptides such as complement factors C3a and C5a. To determine the role of TAFI in the hemostatic and innate immune response to abdominal sepsis, TAFI gene-deficient (TAFI-/-) and normal wild-type mice received an i.p. injection with Escherichia coli. Liver TAFI mRNA and TAFI protein concentrations increased during sepsis. In contrast to the presumptive role of TAFI as a natural inhibitor of fibrinolysis, TAFI-/- mice did not show any difference in E. coli-induced activation of coagulation or fibrinolysis, as measured by plasma levels of thrombin-anti-thrombin complexes and D-dimer and the extent of fibrin depositions in lung and liver tissues. However, TAFI-/- mice were protected from liver necrosis as indicated by histopathology and clinical chemistry. Furthermore, TAFI-/- mice displayed an altered immune response to sepsis, as indicated by an increased neutrophil recruitment to the peritoneal cavity and a transiently increased bacterial outgrowth together with higher plasma TNF-alpha and IL-6 levels. These data argue against an important part for TAFI in the regulation of the procoagulant-fibrinolytic balance in sepsis and reveals a thus far unknown role of TAFI in the occurrence of hepatic necrosis.  相似文献   
The need for information on the reproductive physiology of different wildlife species is important for ex situ conservation using such methods as in vitro fertilization (IVF). Information on species reproductive physiology and evaluation of sperm quality using accurate, objective, repeatable methods, such as computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA) for ex situ conservation has become a priority. The aim of this study was to evaluate motility patterns of antelope epididymal spermatozoa incubated for 4 h under conditions that support bovine IVF using CASA. Cauda epididymal spermatozoa were collected postmortem from testicles of springbok (N = 38), impala (N = 26), and blesbok (N = 42), and cryopreserved in biladyl containing 7% glycerol. Spermatozoa were thawed and incubated in Capacitation media and modified Tyrode lactate (m-TL) IVF media using a protocol developed for domestic cattle IVF. The study evaluates 14 motility characteristics of the antelope epididymal sperm at six time points using CASA. Species differences in CASA parameters evaluated under similar conditions were observed. Several differences in individual motility parameters at the time points were reported for each species. Epididymal sperm of the different antelope species responded differently to capacitation agents exhibiting variations in hyperactivity. Motility parameters that describe the vigor of sperm decreased over time. Spermatozoa from the different antelope species have different physiological and optimal capacitation and in vitro culture requirements. The interspecies comparison of kinematic parameters of spermatozoa between the antelopes over several end points contributes to comparative sperm physiology which forms an important step in the development of species specific assisted reproductive techniques (ARTs) for ex situ conservation of these species.  相似文献   
Wagenaar DA 《PloS one》2012,7(1):e29822
Neuroscience research increasingly relies on optical methods for evoking neuronal activity as well as for measuring it, making bright and stable light sources critical building blocks of modern experimental setups. This paper presents a method to control the brightness of a high-power light emitting diode (LED) light source to an unprecedented level of stability. By continuously monitoring the actual light output of the LED with a photodiode and feeding the result back to the LED's driver by way of a proportional-integral controller, drift was reduced to as little as 0.007% per hour over a 12-h period, and short-term fluctuations to 0.005% root-mean-square over 10 seconds. The LED can be switched on and off completely within 100 μs, a feature that is crucial when visual stimuli and light for optical recording need to be interleaved to obtain artifact-free recordings. The utility of the system is demonstrated by recording visual responses in the central nervous system of the medicinal leech Hirudo verbana using voltage-sensitive dyes.  相似文献   


We compared factors associated with low HIV/AIDS knowledge among internet-using MSM in South Africa and the United States.


1,154 MSM in the US and 439 MSM in South Africa, recruited through Facebook.com, completed an online survey using a US-validated HIV knowledge scale (HIV-KQ-18). Separate multivariable logistic regression models were built, one for the US and one for South Africa, using a dichotomized variable of scoring less than and equal to 13/18 (“low knowledge”) on the HIV-KQ-18 as outcome.


Median knowledge scores were 16/18 for both groups of respondents. For South African MSM, factors associated with low knowledge were: a high school education or less (adjusted odds ratio [aOR]: 2.5, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.4–4.6), not using condom-compatible lubrication during last anal sex with another man (aOR: 1.9, CI: 1.0–3.5), number of gay or bisexual acquaintances (aOR: 0.89, CI: 0.81–0.99), being unemployed (aOR: 2.2, CI: 1.0–4.6), and testing HIV negative (aOR: 0.30, CI: 0.16–0.59) or testing HIV positive (aOR: 0.15, CI: 0.03–0.74) compared to those never HIV tested. For US MSM, associated factors were: a high school education or less (aOR: 2.7, CI: 1.9–3.8), low pride and acceptance of homosexuality (aOR: 1.3, CI: 1.2–1.5), age 18–24 (aOR: 2.3, CI: 1.3–3.8) or age 50+ (aOR: 3.2, CI: 1.6–6.3) compared to age 25–29, Hispanic ethnicity compared to white non-Hispanic (aOR: 1.9, CI: 1.1–3.2), and testing HIV positive (aOR: 0.34, CI: 0.16–0.69) or testing HIV negative (aOR: 0.59, CI: 0.39–0.89) compared to those tested.


Those developing programs for MSM in South Africa should weigh these data and other relevant factors, and might consider focusing education services towards MSM with limited education, less integration into gay/bisexual communities, no HIV testing history, limited use of condom-compatible lube, and the unemployed. In the United States, Hispanic MSM, those with limited education, no HIV testing history, low pride/acceptance of homosexuality, and those aged 18–24 or 50+ may be at risk for gaps in HIV knowledge.  相似文献   
Phosphodiesterase (PDE) 4 inhibitors are potent anti-inflammatory drugs with antihypertensive properties, and their therapeutic role in bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) is still controversial. We studied the role of PDE4 inhibition with piclamilast on normal lung development and its therapeutic value on pulmonary hypertension (PH) and right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH) in neonatal rats with hyperoxia-induced lung injury, a valuable model for premature infants with severe BPD. The cardiopulmonary effects of piclamilast treatment (5 mg·kg(-1)·day(-1)) were investigated in two models of experimental BPD: 1) daily treatment during continuous exposure to hyperoxia for 10 days; and 2) late treatment and injury-recovery in which pups were exposed to hyperoxia or room air for 9 days, followed by 9 or 42 days of recovery in room air combined with treatment started on day 6 of oxygen exposure until day 18. Prophylactic piclamilast treatment reduced pulmonary fibrin deposition, septum thickness, arteriolar wall thickness, arteriolar vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation and RVH, and prolonged survival. In the late treatment and injury-recovery model, hyperoxia caused persistent aberrant alveolar and vascular development, PH, and RVH. Treatment with piclamilast in both models reduced arteriolar wall thickness, attenuated RVH, and improved right ventricular function in the injury recovery model, but did not restore alveolarization or angiogenesis. Treatment with piclamilast did not show adverse cardiopulmonary effects in room air controls in both models. In conclusion, PDE4 inhibition attenuated and partially reversed PH and RVH, but did not advance alveolar development in neonatal rats with hyperoxic lung injury or affect normal lung and heart development.  相似文献   


Due partly to physicians’ unawareness, many adults with Pompe disease are diagnosed with great delay. Besides, it is not well known which factors influence the rate of disease progression, and thus disease outcome. We delineated the specific clinical features of Pompe disease in adults, and mapped out the distribution and severity of muscle weakness, and the sequence of involvement of the individual muscle groups. Furthermore, we defined the natural disease course and identified prognostic factors for disease progression.


We conducted a single-center, prospective, observational study. Muscle strength (manual muscle testing, and hand-held dynamometry), muscle function (quick motor function test), and pulmonary function (forced vital capacity in sitting and supine positions) were assessed every 3–6 months and analyzed using repeated-measures ANOVA.


Between October 2004 and August 2009, 94 patients aged between 25 and 75 years were included in the study. Although skeletal muscle weakness was typically distributed in a limb-girdle pattern, many patients had unfamiliar features such as ptosis (23%), bulbar weakness (28%), and scapular winging (33%). During follow-up (average 1.6 years, range 0.5-4.2 years), skeletal muscle strength deteriorated significantly (mean declines of ?1.3% point/year for manual muscle testing and of ?2.6% points/year for hand-held dynamometry; both p<0.001). Longer disease duration (>15 years) and pulmonary involvement (forced vital capacity in sitting position <80%) at study entry predicted faster decline. On average, forced vital capacity in supine position deteriorated by 1.3% points per year (p=0.02). Decline in pulmonary function was consistent across subgroups. Ten percent of patients declined unexpectedly fast.


Recognizing patterns of common and less familiar characteristics in adults with Pompe disease facilitates timely diagnosis. Longer disease duration and reduced pulmonary function stand out as predictors of rapid disease progression, and aid in deciding whether to initiate enzyme replacement therapy, or when.
The clinical applications of cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging with contrast enhancement are expanding. Besides the direct visualisation of viable and non-viable myocardium, this technique is increasingly used in a variety of cardiac disorders to determine the exact aetiology, guide proper treatment, and predict outcome and prognosis. In this review, we discuss the value of cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging with contrast enhancement in a range of cardiac disorders, in which this technique may provide insights beyond the scope of myocardial viability.  相似文献   
Thermal elution chromatography of nucleic acids on hydroxylapatite was studied from a technical standpoint. It is shown that current methods for selecting elution buffers are inadequate. The construction of window diagrams for the purpose of determining suitable conditions is demonstrated. The resolving ability of various buffer-hydroxylapatite systems was studied in some detail. The best system for resolving single- from double-stranded nucleic acids was found to be the use of potassium phosphate together with Bio-Rad HTP (non-DNA grade) which has been preheated in phosphate buffer. Sodium phosphate gives the best resolution among various species of double-stranded nucleic acid.  相似文献   
Troelstra  S.R.  Wagenaar  R.  Smant  W. 《Plant and Soil》1997,197(1):41-53
High deposition levels of atmospheric ammonia in the Netherlands have led to the major replacement of dwarf shrubs by grasses and to elevated nitrification rates in acid heathland soils. In order to study the efficacy of a naturally established grass-heath of Deschampsia flexuosa at capturing NO- 3, an outdoor 'mesocosm' lysimeter experiment was set up with relatively large and undisturbed soil columns from two Deschampsia-dominated heathland sites. One of the sites (Ede) had a relatively high rate of nitrate production, whereas the other (Hoorneboeg [HB]) showed practically no nitrate formation. For part of the Ede columns, the fate of labeled nitrate, split-applied at two rates (30 or 150 kg ha-1 yr-1) during two seasons, was studied. D. flexuosa was highly effective in acquiring fertilizer nitrate, as demonstrated by (1) distinct rises in foliar NRA, especially at high N; (2) increased 15N enrichments in all plant components with N rate; (3) significant increases in organic-N and carboxylate concentration in several plant compartments; and (4) clear shifts in biomass allocation in favour of the aboveground tissues.After 18 months at low N, an average 39 and 23% of the applied N was immobilized in the plant and soil compartments, respectively; at high N rate, corresponding recoveries were 33 and 20%. Total leaching of nitrate (beyond a depth of 35 cm) from the unfertilized Ede columns corresponded to an annual loss of 1.9 kmol N ha-1, whereas leaching was virtually zero from HB columns. Relatively high amounts of N leached from the fertilized columns with apparent fertilizer recovery in the leachate reaching an average 60% at high N. However,15 N analyses revealed only recoveries of 2.0% (low N) and 7.2% (high N) of the applied N in the leachate. From columns where the plant cover had been removed, apparent and real leaching losses reached values of >100 and 10% of the applied N, respectively. Hence, soil-derived N appeared by far the major source of leaching. Unplanted and unfertilized HB columns displayed high rates of nitrification and leached high amounts of nitrate, suggesting a plant-induced repression of the in situ nitrification at this site.On average, planted columns had lost 37% (low N) and 40% (high N) of the applied N, whereas unplanted lysimeters had lost 89% (for both low and high N). The N not recovered was presumed lost by denitrification due to favourable conditions with respect to nitrate concentration, moisture, carbon supply, and temperature.  相似文献   
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