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1. We analysed a cacti‐syrphid community focusing on the exploitation of decaying cacti resources by the flies, i.e. if exploitation exhibited a nested topology as a structural pattern, or whether it was temporally random. If availability of cactus resources was predictable during the rainy season, it would then be exploited by a more structured community, or as resource availability would be unpredictable during the dry season, we should expect it to be exploited by a random community. 2. We registered 12 Copestylum species (9 in dry and 11 in rainy season). Four cactus species were recorded per season, three were shared between seasons. 3. The community of Copestylum larvae in the rainy season was not randomly assembled but highly nested, revealing a highly structured pattern of resource use. It exhibited a random organization for the dry season. The high nestedness value obtained for the rainy season suggests that factors along with competition must play a major role in determining community structure. 4. Succession in the cacti‐syrphid community mediated by microorganisms involved in necrosis is an important factor structuring nested subsets. The studied networks were small, which may limit the power of the analysis, and strong conclusions could also be limited.  相似文献   
Molecular evidence suggests that climatic fluctuations in the peninsulas of southern European during the Miocene and Pleistocene resulted in considerable genetic differentiation of organisms, probably following a ‘refugia within refugia’ model. We examined morphometric and meristic characters in museum specimens from the three Iberian clades of the smooth snake Coronella austriaca, previously described by molecular markers. We found sexual and interclade differences in scale counts and head shape. Sexes were dimorphic in the number of ventral and subcaudal scales, although sexual disparities in scale counts differed among clades. Moreover, discriminant and canonical analyses showed higher interclade differences in males than in females. The results obtained in the present study match those from molecular markers and confirm the population structure identified within Iberian C. austriaca. The observed sex discrepancy in this pattern suggests that males and females are subjected to different selective pressures along their Iberian distribution. In light of the above, C. austriaca may offer a useful model system in which to explore phylogeographical patterns in southern Europe, as well as the conflicts between processes driving morphological sexual divergence. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 210–223.  相似文献   
The spatial association between the specially protected cacti Coryphanta durangensis, Echinocereus longisetus and Peniocereus greggii and potential nurse plants was evaluated, as was their relative position to the sun under the crown of the latter in the southern Chihuahuan Desert. The soil temperature under potential nurse plants was lower than under direct sunlight. There was more nitrogen and organic matter in the soil under Prosopis laevigata trees than in soil under direct sunlight. There were 68 plants of C. durangensis, 59 plants of E. longisetus and 157 of P. greggii. Only one individual of C. durangensis and one of E. longisetus grew outside the shade of the crown of other plants. Echinocereus longisetus was not associated with any particular species, but grew more often than expected by chance in the northern segment of the crown (i.e. the area most shaded in the afternoon). Coryphanta durangensis and P. greggii grew more often under P. laevigata than expected by chance. The effect of other plants, and P. laevigata in particular, on the facilitation of growth of protected cacti species should be considered in management plans of the Chihuahuan Desert, where mesquite (P. laevigata) is often harvested for charcoal production.  相似文献   
We studied 42 species of saprophagous, Neotropical Copestylum (Diptera, Syrphidae) reared from decaying Cactaceae and Agavaceae. Thirty‐three species were reared during fieldwork in Bolivia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, and Trinidad from 1998–2007. Nine species came from museum and private collections. Seven were new species. We describe these new species and the third stage larva and/or puparium and breeding sites of 40 species. Not described are two apparent species related to Copestylum apicale (Loew, 1866) reared from Cactaceae. Resolution of their status was beyond the scope of this paper but reference is made to their distinctive larval morphology. Based on early stage characters all reared species can be placed in ten species groups, all but three of which have been recognized previously on the basis of adult characters. A high level of congruence was found between adult and larval characters in terms of these species groups. Eight of the groups appear to be related closely and may represent a monophyletic lineage within Copestylum that has diversified in xeric habitats. Early stage morphology varied within and amongst groups but two trends in functional morphology are recognizable. One trend is towards feeding in watery decay and the other towards feeding in firmer decay. The latter trend is characterized by species that scoop food and use grinding mills in their head skeletons to break it up. They also have armoured thoraces with varying arrangements of sclerotized spicules or stiffened setae for gripping and protection during tunnelling, a short anal segment, and a short posterior breathing tube for protecting the openings. The former trend is characterized by species with opposite and contrasting features. They filter food and have well‐developed pre‐oral setal filters but they lack grinding mills or only have poorly developed grinding mills. They have reduced thoracic armature, elongate anal segments, and posterior breathing tubes which facilitates simultaneous feeding and respiration. Comparison with 23 Copestylum species reared from bromeliads (Bromeliaceae) suggests a common pattern of diversification in that species groups with the largest body sizes are more specialized.  相似文献   
Twenty‐two chromosome counts are reported in 16 species, four subspecies and two varieties of the genus Centaurea. These are mostly Turkish local endemics of section Cheirolepis, a complicated group from the Eastern clade of the Jacea group. Twenty‐one reports are new. Prevalence of the basic chromosome number x = 9 among the eastern sections of the Jacea group is confirmed. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 159 , 280–286.  相似文献   
We carried out a simulation study to compare the efficiency of three alternative programs (dfdist , detseld and bayescan ) to detect loci under directional selection from genome‐wide scans using dominant markers. We also evaluated the efficiency of correcting for multiple testing those methods that use a classical probability approach. Under a wide range of scenarios, we conclude that bayescan appears to be more efficient than the other methods, detecting a usually high percentage of true selective loci as well as less than 1% of outliers (false positives) under a fully neutral model. In addition, the percentage of outliers detected by this software is always correlated with the true percentage of selective loci in the genome. Our results show, nevertheless, that false positives are common even with a combination of methods and multitest correction, suggesting that conclusions obtained from this approach should be taken with extreme caution.  相似文献   
Cyclical parthenogens, which combine asexual and sexual reproduction, are good models for research into the ecological and population processes affecting the evolutionary maintenance of sex. Sex in cyclically parthenogenetic rotifers is necessary for diapausing egg production, which is essential to survive adverse conditions between planktonic growing seasons. However, within a planktonic season sexual reproduction prevents clonal proliferation. Hence, clones with a low propensity for sex should be selected, becoming dominant in the population as the growing season progresses. In this context, we studied the dynamics of the heritable variation in propensity for sexual reproduction among clones of a Brachionus plicatilis rotifer population in a temporary Mediterranean pond during the period the species occurred in plankton. Clonal isolates displayed high heritable variation in their propensity for sex. Moreover, the frequency of clones with low propensity for sex increased during the growing season, which supports the hypothesized short‐term selection for low investment in sex within a growing season. These results demonstrate (1) the inherent instability of the cyclical parthenogenetic life cycle, (2) the cost of sexual reproduction in cyclical parthenogens where sex produces diapausing eggs and (3) the role of the association between sexual reproduction and diapause in maintaining sex in these cyclical parthenogens.  相似文献   
A common feature of many birds breeding in seasonal environments is that fitness‐related parameters such as nestling mass or survival decline as the breeding season progresses. Consequently, there is a tendency for early breeders to have better reproductive performance than individuals breeding later in the season. This variation could be caused by factors associated with the date of laying, such as changing environmental conditions (date hypothesis), or by differences in parental quality between early and late breeders (parent quality hypothesis). To evaluate the relative importance of both hypotheses, we manipulated hatch dates of Blue Tits Cyanistes caeruleus by exchanging clutches with different incubation stages and assessed the impact on nestling mass, nestling diet and provisioning rates. Mean nestling mass declined significantly over the season. This was the combined result of differences in parental quality, which dominated in the early part of the season, and the influence of hatching date (date effect per se), which prevailed later in the season. Nestling diet composition was apparently uninfluenced by the manipulation, suggesting that deteriorating food supplies are the primary reason for the seasonal variation in the nestling diet. Counter to the date hypothesis, delayed parents did not feed their young less than control pairs did, but in fact exhibited higher provisioning rates. Our results suggest that in this population, parental quality seems to constrain post‐hatching reproductive performance and such intrinsic limitations may help to explain why certain individuals breed later.  相似文献   
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