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Molecular dynamics calculations were carried out on models of two synthetic leucine-serine ion channels: a tetrameric bundle with sequence (LSLLLSL)(3)NH(2) and a hexameric bundle with sequence (LSSLLSL)(3)NH(2). Each protein bundle is inserted in a palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylcholine bilayer membrane and solvated by simple point charge water molecules inside the pore and at both mouths. Both systems appear to be stable in the absence of an electric field during the 4 ns of molecular dynamics simulation. The water motion in the narrow pore of the four-helix bundle is highly restricted and may provide suitable conditions for proton transfer via a water wire mechanism. In the wider hexameric pore, the water diffuses much more slowly than in bulk but is still mobile. This, along with the dimensions of the pore, supports the observation that this peptide is selective for monovalent cations. Reasonable agreement of predicted conductances with experimentally determined values lends support to the validity of the simulations.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between physical fitness and mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in elderly Koreans. This was a cross-sectional study that involved 134 men and 299 women aged 65 to 88 years. Six senior fitness tests were used as independent variables: 30 s chair stand for lower body strength, arm curl for upper body strength, chair-sit-and-reach for lower body flexibility, back scratch for upper body flexibility, 8-ft up-and-go for agility/dynamic balance, and 2-min walk for aerobic endurance. Global cognitive function was assessed using the Korean version of the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). Potential covariates such as age, education levels, blood lipids, and insulin resistance (IR) markers were also assessed. Compared to individuals without MMSE-based MCI, individuals with MMSE-based MCI had poor physical fitness based on the senior fitness test (SFT). There were significant positive trends observed for education level (p=0.001) and MMSE score (p<0.001) across incremental levels of physical fitness in this study population. Individuals with moderate (OR=0.341, p=0.006) and high (OR=0.271, p=0.007) physical fitness based on a composite score of the SFT measures were less likely to have MMSE-based MCI than individuals with low physical fitness (referent, OR=1). The strength of the association between moderate (OR=0.377, p=0.038) or high (OR=0.282, p=0.050) physical fitness and MMSE-based MCI was somewhat attenuated but remained statistically significant even after adjustment for the measured compounding factors. We found that poor physical fitness was independently associated with MMSE-based MCI in elderly Koreans.  相似文献   
Determining the evolutionary potential of a gene   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In addition to information for current functions, the sequence of a gene includes potential information for the evolution of new functions. The wild-type ebgA (evolved beta-galactosidase) gene of Escherichia coli encodes a virtually inactive beta-galactosidase, but that gene has the potential to evolve sufficient activity to replace the lacZ gene for growth on the beta-galactoside sugars lactose and lactulose. Experimental evidence, which has suggested that the evolutionary potential of Ebg enzyme is limited o two specific amino acid replacements, is limited to examining the consequences of single base- substitutions. Thirteen beta-galactosidases homologous with the Ebg beta-galactosidase are widely dispersed, being found in gram-negative and gram-positive eubacteria and in a eukaryote. A comparison of Ebg beta-galactosidase with those 13 beta-galactosidases shows that Ebg is part of an ancient clade that diverged from the paralogous lacZ beta- galactosidase over 2 billion years ago. Ebg differs from other members of its clade at only 2 of the 15 active-site residues, and the two mutations required for full Ebg beta-galactosidase activity bring Ebg into conformity with the other members of its clade. We conclude that either these are the only acceptable amino acids at those positions, or all of the single-base-substitution replacements that must arise as intermediates on the way to other acceptable amino acids are so deleterious that they constitute a deep selective valley that has not been traversed in over 2 billion years. The evolutionary potential of Ebg is thus limited to those two replacements.   相似文献   
Aquaporins (AQP) 1, 2, 3 and 4 belong to the aquaporin water channel family and play an important role in urine concentration by reabsorption of water from renal tubule fluid. Renal AQPs have not been reported in the yak (Bos grunniens), which resides in the Qinghai Tibetan Plateau. We investigated AQPs 1?4 expressions in the kidneys of Yak using immunohistochemical staining. AQP1 was expressed mainly in the basolateral and apical membranes of the proximal tubules and descending thin limb of the loop of Henle. AQP2 was detected in the apical plasma membranes of collecting ducts and distal convoluted tubules. AQP3 was located in the proximal tubule, distal tubule and collecting ducts. AQP4 was located in the collecting ducts, distal straight tubule, glomerular capillaries and peritubular capillaries. The expression pattern of AQPs 1?4 in kidney of yak was different from other species, which possibly is related to kidney function in a high altitude environment.  相似文献   


Neurotrophins and their Trk and p75NTR receptors play an important role in the nervous system. To date, neurotrophins, Trk and p75NTR have only been found concomitantly in deuterostomes. In protostomes, homologues to either neurotrophin, Trk or p75NTR are reported but their phylogenetic relationship to deuterostome neurotrophin signaling components is unclear. Drosophila has neurotrophin homologues called Spätzles (Spz), some of which were recently renamed neurotrophins, but direct proof that these are deuterostome neurotrophin orthologues is lacking. Trks belong to the receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) family and among RTKs, Trks and RORs are closest related. Flies lack Trks but have ROR and ROR-related proteins called NRKs playing a neurotrophic role. Mollusks have so far the most similar proteins to Trks (Lymnaea Trk and Aplysia Trkl) but the exact phylogenetic relationship of mollusk Trks to each other and to vertebrate Trks is unknown. p75NTR belongs to the tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR) superfamily. The divergence of the TNFR families in vertebrates has been suggested to parallel the emergence of the adaptive immune system. Only one TNFR representative, the Drosophila Wengen, has been found in protostomes. To clarify the evolution of neurotrophin signaling components in bilateria, this work analyzes the genome of the crustacean Daphnia pulex as well as new genetic data from protostomes.


The Daphnia genome encodes a neurotrophin, p75NTR and Trk orthologue together with Trkl, ROR, and NRK-RTKs. Drosophila Spz1, 2, 3, 5, 6 orthologues as well as two new groups of Spz proteins (Spz7 and 8) are also found in the Daphnia genome. Searching genbank and the genomes of Capitella, Helobdella and Lottia reveals neurotrophin signaling components in other protostomes.


It appears that a neurotrophin, Trk and p75NTR existed at the protostome/deuterostome split. In protostomes, a "neurotrophin superfamily" includes Spzs and neurotrophins which respectively form two paralogous families. Trks and Trkl proteins also form closely related paralogous families within the protostomian RTKs, whereby Trkls are absent in deuterostomes. The finding of p75NTR in several protostomes suggests that death domain TNFR superfamily proteins appeared early in evolution.  相似文献   
Tests with various clean-up materials after optimisation of different parameters showed that the use of Oasis® material resulted in matrixless chromatograms in HPLC-FLD. The selectivity and detection limit of the method was improved by using LC-MS/MS as the detection system. Mean recovery was 100%, and no negative food matrix effects could be observed.  相似文献   
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