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In the presence of dATP, glycerol, and Tris buffer, the DNA primase isolated from Thermococcus kodakaraensis catalyzed the formation of dAMP and two products that were identified as dAMP-glycerol and dAMP-Tris. These products were formed by the T. kodakaraensis p41 catalytic subunit alone and the T. kodakaraensis p41-p46 complex in the absence of a DNA template. They were not formed with preparations containing the catalytically inactive p41 subunit. Similar glycerol and Tris derivatives as well as dNMPs were also formed with dGTP, dCTP, or dTTP. The mechanism contributing to the formation of these products and its implications in the initiation reaction catalyzed by the T. kodakaraensis primase are discussed.  相似文献   
Considerable interest has been focused on the role of myosin light chain LC(2) in the contraction of vertebrate striated muscle. A study was undertaken to further our investigations (Moss, R.L., G.G. Giulian, and M.L. Greaser, 1981, J. Biol. Chem., 257:8588-8591) of the effects of LC(2) removal upon contraction in skinned fibers from rabbit psoas muscles. Isometric tension and maximum velocity of shortening, V(max), were measured in fiber segments prior to LC(2) removal. The segments were then bathed at 30 degrees C for up to 240 min in a buffer solution containing 20 mM EDTA in order to extract up to 60 percent of the LC(2). Troponin C (TnC) was also partially removed by this procedure. Mechanical measurements were done following the EDTA extraction and the readditions of first TnC and then LC(2) to the segments. The protein subunit compositions of the same fiber segments were determined following each of these procedures by SDS PAGE of small pieces of the fiber. V(max) was found to decrease as the LC(2) content of the fiber segments was reduced by increasing the duration of extraction. EDTA treatment also resulted in substantial reductions in tension due mainly to the loss of TnC, though smaller reductions due to the extraction of LC(2) were also observed. Reversal of the order of recombination of LC(2) and TnC indicated that the reduction in V(max) following EDTA treatment was a specific effect of LC(2) removal. These results strongly suggest that LC(2) may have roles in determining the kinetics and extent of interaction between myosin and actin.  相似文献   
The activation of contraction in vertebrate skeletal muscle involves the binding of Ca2+ to low-affinity binding sites on the troponin C (TnC) subunit of the regulatory protein troponin. The present study is an investigation of possible cooperative interactions between adjacent functional groups, composed of seven actin monomers, one tropomyosin, and one troponin, along the same thin filament. Single skinned fibers were obtained from rabbit psoas muscles and were then placed in an experimental chamber containing relaxing solution maintained at 15 degrees C. Isometric tension was measured in solutions containing maximally and submaximally activating levels of free Ca2+ (a) in control fiber segments, (b) in the same segments after partial extraction of TnC, and finally (c) after recombination of TnC into the segments. The extraction was done at 11-13 degrees C in 20 mM Tris, 5 mM EDTA, pH 7.85 or 8.3, a procedure derived from that of Cox et al. (1981. Biochem. J. 195:205). Extraction of TnC was quantitated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the control and experimental samples. Partial extraction of TnC resulted in reductions in tension during maximal Ca activation and in a shift of the relative tension-pCa (i.e., -log[Ca2+]) relationship to lower pCa's. The readdition of TnC to the extracted fiber segments resulted in a recovery of tension to near-control levels and in the return of the tension-pCa relation to its original position. On the basis of these findings, we conclude that the sensitivity to Ca2+ of a functional group within the thin filament may vary depending upon the state of activation of immediately adjacent groups.  相似文献   
The number of pore complexes per nucleus was determined for a wide variety of cultured cells selected for their variable DNA content over a range of 1-5,6000. The pore number was compared to DNA content, nuclear surface area, and nuclear volume. Values for pore frequency (pores/square micrometer) were relatively constant in the species studied. When the pore to DNA ratio was plotted against the DNA content, there was a remarkable correlation which decreased exponentially for the cells of vertebrae origin. Exceptions were the heteroploid mammalian cells which had the same ratio as the diploid mammalian cells despite higher DNA content. The results are interpreted to mean that neither the nuclear surface, the nuclear volume, nor the DNA content alone determines the pore number of the nucleus, but rather an as yet undetermined combination of different factors. The surface and volume of vertebrate nuclei do not decrease with decreasing DNA content below a given value. The following speculation is suggested to account for the anomalous size changes of the nucleus relative to DNA content in vertebrates. Species with small DNA complements have a relatively large proportion of active chromatin which determines the limits of the physical parameters of the nucleus. The amount of active chromatin maybe the same for at least the vertebrates with low DNA content, At high DNA content, the nuclear parameters may be determined by the relatively high proportion of inactive condensed chromatin which increases the nuclear surface and volume.  相似文献   
Glia-promoting factors (GPFs) are brain peptides which stimulate growth of specific macroglial populations in vitro. To identify the cellular sources of GPFs, we examined enriched brain cell cultures and cell lines derived from the nervous system for the production of growth factors. Ameboid microglia secreted astroglia-stimulating peptides, while growing neurons were the best source of the oligodendroglia-stimulating factors. These secretion products co-purified by gel filtration, anion exchange chromatography, and reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography with GPFs isolated from goldfish and rat brain. Our findings suggest that glial growth in the central nervous system is regulated in part by a signaled release of peptides from specific secretory cells.  相似文献   
The enzyme, 2':3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphodiesterase (2':3'-cNMP-3'-ase) has been used as a marker in the nervous system for the presence of myelin membrane or myelin-producing glial cells. In this study, goldfish and bovine neural retinas are found to have high levels of such a diesterase activity. Analysis of retinal tissue incubated with 2':3'-cAMP shows only 2'-AMP as the reaction product, indicating the selective hydrolysis of the cyclic nucleotide. Microdissection of the goldfish retina demonstrates the highest 2':3'-cNMP-3'-ase activity in the region of the photoreceptors. A fraction enriched in bovine rod outer segments has about a 5-fold increase in specific enzyme activity when compared to whole retina preparations. These data suggest that 2':3'-cNMP-3'-ase is either closely associated with or is an intrinsic feature of vertebrate photoreceptor elements. The retina, which contains this enzyme, may serve as a model to investigate the influence of 2':3'-cyclic nucleotides on a function of the nervous system.  相似文献   
Binding of Ca2+ to the troponin C (TnC) subunit of troponin is necessary for tension development in skeletal and cardiac muscles. Tension was measured in skinned fibers from rabbit skeletal muscle at various [Ca2+] before and after partial substitution of skeletal TnC with cardiac TnC. Following substitution, the tension-pCa relationship was altered in a manner consistent with the differences in the number of low-affinity Ca2+-binding sites on the two types of TnC and their affinities for Ca2+. The alterations in the tension-pCa relationship were for the most part reversed by reextraction of cardiac TnC and readdition of skeletal TnC into the fiber segments. These findings indicate that the type of TnC present plays an important role in determining the Ca2+ dependence of tension development in striated muscle.  相似文献   


Virus-induced exacerbations of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) are a significant health burden and occur even in those receiving the best current therapies. Rhinovirus (RV) infections are responsible for half of all COPD exacerbations. The mechanism by which exacerbations occur remains undefined, however it is likely to be due to virus-induced inflammation. Given that phophodiesterase 4 (PDE4) inhibitors have an anti-inflammatory effect in patients with COPD they present a potential therapy prior to, and during, these exacerbations.


In the present study we investigated whether the PDE4 inhibitor piclamilast (10-6 M) could alter RV or viral mimetic (5 μg/mL of imiquimod or poly I:C) induced inflammation and RV replication in primary human airway smooth muscle cells (ASMC) and bronchial epithelial cells (HBEC). The mediators IL-6, IL-8, prostaglandin E2 and cAMP production were assayed by ELISA and RV replication was assayed by viral titration.


We found that in ASMCs the TLR3 agonist poly I:C induced IL-8 release was reduced while induced IL-6 release by the TLR7/8 agonist imiquimod was further increased by the presence of piclamilast. However, in RV infected ASMCs, virus replication and induced mediator release were unaltered by piclamilast, as was also found in HBECs. The novel findings of this study reveal that although PDE inhibitors may not influence RV-induced cytokine production in ASMCs and replication in either ASMCs or HBECs, they have the capacity to be anti-inflammatory during TLR activation by modulating the induction of these chemotactic cytokines.


By extrapolating our in vitro findings to exacerbations of COPD in vivo this suggests that PDE4 inhibitors may have beneficial anti-inflammatory properties when patients are infected with bacteria or viruses other than RV.  相似文献   
Nine out of 22 microsatellite primers tested were successfully amplified on three samples of cod Gadus morhua L. (two contemporary and one archived otolith samples). All loci were polymorphic (5–23 alleles/locus). The average observed heterozygosity across loci and samples was 0.625, ranging from 0.294 to 0.895 at each locus. All loci were under Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, except PGmo56 that showed significant excess of heterozygotes in all studied samples. The isolated loci were suitable for degraded DNA and therefore useful for conducting a long‐term temporal study with DNA obtained from archived otoliths of cod.  相似文献   
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