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Abstract The sugarbeet root maggot Tetanops myopaeformis (Röder) overwinters as a freeze‐tolerant third‐instar larva. Although most larvae are considered to overwinter for only 1 year, some may exhibit prolonged diapause in the field. In the laboratory, they can live for over 5 years using a combination of diapause and post‐diapause quiescence. In the present study, the cold survival strategies of these larvae during storage is investigated by measuring their supercooling points in combination with survival data. Supercooling points (SCPs) change significantly during storage, highlighted by a marked increase in the range of SCPs recorded, although the ability to tolerate freezing is not affected. Additionally, a freezing event ‘re‐focuses’ the SCPs of aged larvae to levels similar to those seen at diapause initiation. This change in SCPs is dependant not only on the initial freezing event, but also on the parameters of the incubation period between freezing events. Finally, the temperatures of larval overwintering microhabitats are monitored during the 2007–2008 boreal winter. The results indicate that, although overwintering larva are physiologically freeze‐tolerant, they may essentially be freeze avoidant during overwintering via microhabitat selection.  相似文献   
1. Yellow perch (Perca flavescens) are often the only surviving fish species in acidified lakes. We studied four lakes along a gradient of recovery from acidification and that had different food web complexities. All had abundant yellow perch, two had low piscivore abundance, one had a well‐established piscivore population and one was manipulated by introducing piscivorous smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu). We hypothesised that there would be strong effects on perch abundance, behaviour and diet induced by the presence of piscivores. 2. In the manipulated lake, the bass reduced yellow perch abundance by 75% over a 2‐year period. Concomitantly, perch use of the pelagic habitat fell from 48 to 40%. 3. In contrast to findings from less disturbed systems, yellow perch in the littoral zone of the manipulated lake did not strongly shift from zooplankton to benthic food sources after the arrival of piscivores. Diet analysis using stable carbon isotopes revealed a strong continued reliance on zooplankton in all lakes, independent of the degree of piscivory. The failure to switch to benthos in the refuge area of the littoral zone is most likely related to the depauperate benthos communities in these formerly acidified lakes. 4. Yellow perch in lakes recovering from acidification face a considerable ecological challenge as the necessary switch to benthic diet is hindered by a low abundance of benthos. The arrival of piscivores in these recovering lakes imposes further restrictions on perch access to food items. We infer that future recovery of perch populations (and higher trophic levels) will have to be preceded by the re‐establishment of diverse benthic macroinvertebrate communities in these lakes.  相似文献   
In the Midwestern US, perennial rhizomatous grasses (PRGs) are considered one of the most promising vegetation types to be used as a cellulosic feedstock for renewable energy production. The potential widespread use of biomass crops for renewable energy production has sparked numerous environmental concerns, including the impacts of land‐use change on the hydrologic cycle. We predicted that total seasonal evapotranspiration (ET) would be higher for PRGs relative to maize resulting from higher leaf area and a prolonged growing season. We further predicted that, compared with maize, higher aboveground biomass associated with PRGs would offset the higher ET and increase water‐use efficiency (WUE) in the context of biomass harvests for liquid biofuel production. To test these predictions, ET was estimated during the 2007 growing season for replicated plots of Miscanthus×giganteus (miscanthus), Panicum virgatum (switchgrass), and Zea mays (maize) using a residual energy balance approach. The combination of a 25% higher mean latent heat flux (λET) and a longer growing season resulted in miscanthus having ca. 55% higher cumulative ET over the growing season compared with maize. Cumulative ET for switchgrass was also higher than maize despite similar seasonal‐mean λET. Based on total harvested aboveground biomass, WUE was ca. 50% higher for maize relative to miscanthus; however, when WUE calculated from only maize grain biomass was compared with WUE calculated from miscanthus harvested aboveground biomass, this difference disappeared. Although WUE between maize and miscanthus differed postsenescence, there were no differences in incremental WUE throughout the growing season. Despite initial predictions, aboveground biomass for switchgrass was less than maize; thus WUE was substantially lower for switchgrass than for either maize scenario. These results indicate that changes in ET due to large‐scale implementation of PRGs in the Midwestern US would likely influence local and regional hydrologic cycles differently than traditional row crops.  相似文献   
Abstract: Nonlethal alternatives are needed to manage blackbird (Icterids) damage to rice and sunflower production in the United States. We evaluated 4 registered fungicides on rice seeds (i.e., Allegiance® FL, Thiram 42-S, Trilex®, and Vitavax® 200 preplant seed treatments) and 2 foliar pesticides on sunflower seeds (Cobalt™ insecticide and Flock Buster bird repellent) as candidate blackbird repellents. Red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) preferred untreated rice relative to rice treated with Thiram (P < 0.001) and Vitavax (P < 0.001), and untreated sunflower relative to sunflower treated with Cobalt (P < 0.001). Blackbirds preferred untreated sunflower relative to sunflower treated with Flock Buster repellent on day 1 of a 4-day preference test (P < 0.001). We observed no difference in consumption of treated versus untreated rice during the Allegiance preference test (P = 0.928), and blackbirds preferred rice treated with Trilex relative to untreated rice (P = 0.003). Although repellency was positively related to tested concentrations of Thiram (P = 0.010), Trilex (P = 0.026), and Vitavax (P < 0.001), maximum repellency was < 50% during our concentration-response tests of these seed treatments. Repellency was also positively related to tested concentrations of Cobalt (P < 0.001), and we observed >80% repellency of sunflower treated with Cobalt at ≥50% of the label rate. We observed no concentration-response relationship for the Allegiance seed treatment (P = 0.341) and Flock Buster repellent (P = 0.952). We recommend implementation of supplemental field studies to compare laboratory efficacy, repellency, and chemical residues of effective avian repellents throughout periods of needed crop protection.  相似文献   
1. The effect of mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) predation on the invertebrate community in a hypereutrophic constructed treatment wetland in southern California was investigated at two nutrient levels that influenced sestonic food abundance. 2. Gambusia affinis and insect predators in the wetland had a significant impact on larval mosquito density in the wetland irrespective of nutrient level. At the end of the 5‐month study, cladoceran abundance in predator exclusion enclosures was 2–3 orders of magnitude greater than in the treatments that allowed access by planktivores. Chironomids were the most abundant insect group collected in emergence traps, and midge production from the high nutrient location of the wetland was greater than from the low nutrient location, but was not affected significantly by G. affinis. The presence of abundant alternative prey in this highly enriched wetland may have weakened the predation impact of G. affinis on mosquitoes. 3. The abundances of six invertebrate groups in dipper samples and of four insect groups in emergence trap collections were analysed using a multivariate distance‐based linear model. Fish treatment and location interactions with sampling date explained significant amounts of the variation in the abundance of invertebrate groups. 4. Multivariate multiple regression analysis showed that chlorophyll‐a concentration explained a large portion of the variability in non‐predatory insect and zooplankton abundance at the high nutrient location, whereas bacterial density explained a large portion of the variability in the abundances of these taxa at the low nutrient location. Predatory insects were not directly coupled to the bottom‐up influence of bacterial abundance and chlorophyll‐a.  相似文献   
Abstract: Basic knowledge of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) hearing can improve understanding of deer behavior and may assist in the development of effective deterrent strategies. Using auditory brainstem response testing, we determined that white-tailed deer hear within the range of frequencies we tested, between 0.25–30 kilohertz (kHz), with best sensitivity between 4–8 kHz. The upper limit of human hearing lies at about 20 kHz, whereas we demonstrated that white-tailed deer detected frequencies to at least 30 kHz. This difference suggests that research on the use of ultrasonic (frequencies >20 kHz) auditory deterrents is justified as a possible means of reducing deer—human conflicts.  相似文献   
Abstract: We describe a method to convert continuously collected time-depth data from archival time-depth recorders (TDRs) into activity budgets for a benthic-foraging marine mammal. We used data from 14 TDRs to estimate activity-specific time budgets in sea otters (Enhydra lutris) residing near Cross Sound, southeast Alaska, USA. From the TDRs we constructed a continuous record of behavior for each individual over 39-46 days during summer of 1999. Behaviors were classified as foraging (diving to the bottom), other diving (traveling, grooming, interacting), and nondiving (assumed resting). The overall average activity budget (proportion of 24-hr/d) was 0.37 foraging (8.9 hr/d), 0.11 in other diving (2.6 hr/d), and 0.52 nondiving time (12.5 hr/d). We detected significant differences in activity budgets among individuals and between groups within our sample. Historically, the sea otter population in our study area had been expanding and sequentially reoccupying vacant habitat since their reintroduction to the area in the 1960s, and our study animals resided in 2 adjacent yet distinct locations. Males (n = 5) and individuals residing in recently occupied habitat (n = 4) spent 0.28-0.30 of their time foraging (6.7-7.2 hr/d), 0.17-0.18 of their time in other diving behaviors (4.1-4.3 hr/d), and 0.53-0.54 of their time resting (12.7-13.0 hr/d). In contrast, females (n = 9) and individuals residing in longer occupied habitat (n = 10) spent 0.40 of their time foraging (9.6 hr/d), 0.08-0.09 of their time in other diving behaviors (1.9-2.2 hr/d), and 0.51-0.52 of their time resting (12.2-12.5 hr/d). Consistent with these differences, sea otters residing in more recently occupied habitat captured more and larger clams (Saxidomus spp., Protothaca spp., Macoma spp., Mya spp., Clinocardium spp.) and other prey, and intertidal clams were more abundant and larger in this area. We found that TDRs provided data useful for measuring activity time budgets and behavior patterns in a diving mammal over long and continuous time periods. Fortuitous contrasts in time budgets between areas where our study animals resided suggest that activity time budgets estimated from TDRs may be a sensitive indicator of population status, particularly in relation to prey availability.  相似文献   
Abstract Native vegetation has been destroyed or dramatically modified throughout agricultural regions of southern Australia. Extensive restoration of native perennial vegetation is likely to be crucial in these areas for the persistence of native plant and animal species, to ameliorate dryland salinity and soil degradation, and to maintain long‐term agricultural production. The long‐term resilience of these systems will be dependent on the ability of key functional taxa, such as perennial shrubs, to recruit and persist. In this study, we examine the factors limiting establishment of two perennial shrubs in formerly cropped land, the rare Maireana rohrlachii and the common Maireana decalvans. Field and laboratory observations suggest that establishment of both species is not limited by life‐history traits following cultivation. Both species established and persisted under varying levels of plant competition. Similarities existed between species in their initial germination rates. Weak differences were found between species in the growth and survival rates under different levels of competition. The main difference between the two species was in the decline of germinability of fruits with increasing fruit age. From the data, it is difficult to determine what factors limit the establishment of perennial shrubs in these landscapes. The main hypothesis that can be advanced is that establishment of shrub species appears to be limited by propagule availability and this is likely to be a function of past and present grazing management rather than cultivation per se. Further investigation of these land‐use practices may give greater insight into the factors affecting the establishment of this life form across these landscapes.  相似文献   
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