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Acclimation is a common phenotypic response to environmentalchange. Acclimation is often thought to enhance performanceand thus to be adaptive. This view has recently been formalizedas the "Beneficial Acclimation Hypothesis" and predicts thatindividuals acclimated to one environment perform better inthat environment than do individuals acclimated to a differentenvironment. Although Beneficial Acclimation is appealing andwidely supported, recent studies with E. coli and Drosophilahave challenged its general validity. Although these challengescould be dismissed as mere exceptions, they encourage a re-evaluationof the adaptive significance of acclimation. Our philosophicalapproach differs from that of most previous studies of acclimation,in which the prediction derived from a Beneficial Acclimationperspective (e.g., heat tolerance is positively correlated withacclimation temperature) is tested against the null hypothesis("single hypothesis approach"). Instead, we follow Huey andBerrigan (1996) in advocating a strong inference approach (sensuPlatt, 1964), which recognizes that Beneficial Acclimation isactually one of a set of competing hypotheses that make differentpredictions as to how developmental temperature influences thethermal sensitivity of adults ("developmental acclimation").Using this perspective, Huey and Berrigan proposed a factorialexperimental design (3 developmental by 3 adult temperatures)designed to discriminate among all competing hypotheses. Wenow derive a formal statistical model (ANOVA with orthogonalpolynomial contrasts) for this experimental design and use itto evaluate simultaneously the relative impact of each competinghypothesis. We then apply this model to several case studies(Drosophila, Volvox, Trichogramma), and we review also a recentstudy with E. coli. The influence of Beneficial Acclimationis supported (albeit often weakly) in most cases. Nevertheless,other hypotheses (especially the Optimal Developmental TemperatureHypothesis) often have a greater impact. Even so, however, BeneficialAcclimation usually predicts relative performance at extremetest temperatures. We conclude that, although rumors of itsdeath are premature, Beneficial Acclimation cannot be viewedas the dominant expectation, at least with regard to developmentaltemperature acclimation. Moreover, our findings reinforce theview that a strong inference approach provides a more comprehensiveportrait of complex biological responses than do single-hypothesisapproaches.  相似文献   
IN VITRO studies have suggested that adenosine 3′,′-monophosphate (cyclic AMP) regulates cell morphology. During treatment with the dibutyryl analogue of cyclic AMP, N6,O2′-dibutyryl cyclic AMP, transformed fibroblasts acquire several morphological characteristics of untransformed fibroblasts1,3. Cell processes are extended, the cells occupy a greater surface area and in some cases there is a parallel alignment of cells. Chinese hamster ovary cells are affected in the same way. In neuroblastoma cells5, dibutyryl cyclic AMP induces neurite extension and increases the activity of acetylcholinesterase, an indicator of biochemical differentiation6. Cyclic AMP is known to control the dispersion of melanin7,8 and the differentiation of melanoblasts into melanocytes. We have now found that during treatment with dibutyryl cyclic AMP, melanoma cells spread out, appear larger and produce considerably more pigment than untreated cells.  相似文献   
Little is known about the evolutionary history of most complex multi‐trophic insect communities. Widespread species from different trophic levels might evolve in parallel, showing similar spatial patterns and either congruent temporal patterns (Contemporary Host‐tracking) or later divergence in higher trophic levels (Delayed Host‐tracking). Alternatively, host shifts by natural enemies among communities centred on different host resources could disrupt any common community phylogeographic pattern. We examined these alternative models using two Megastigmus parasitoid morphospecies associated with oak cynipid galls sampled throughout their Western Palaearctic distributions. Based on existing host cynipid data, a parallel evolution model predicts that eastern regions of the Western Palaearctic should contain ancestral populations with range expansions across Europe about 1.6 million years ago and deeper species‐level divergence at both 8–9 and 4–5 million years ago. Sequence data from mitochondrial cytochrome b and multiple nuclear genes showed similar phylogenetic patterns and revealed cryptic genetic species within both morphospecies, indicating greater diversity in these communities than previously thought. Phylogeographic divergence was apparent in most cryptic species between relatively stable, diverse, putatively ancestral populations in Asia Minor and the Middle East, and genetically depauperate, rapidly expanding populations in Europe, paralleling patterns in host gallwasp species. Mitochondrial and nuclear data also suggested that Europe may have been colonized multiple times from eastern source populations since the late Miocene. Temporal patterns of lineage divergence were congruent within and across trophic levels, supporting the Contemporary Host‐tracking Hypothesis for community evolution.  相似文献   
Changes in the major alcohol-soluble, low molecular weight carbohydratesof P. purpurea, O--D-galactopyranosyl-(1-2)-glycerol (‘floridoside’)and O--D-galactopyranosyl-(1-1)-glycerol (‘isofloridoside’),have been examined in response to salinity variation. ‘Floridoside’is shown to vary in absolute amount, increasing in hypersalineand decreasing in hyposaline media. ‘Isofloridoside’content per cell does not change in a similar manner. Responsesare almost identical under light or dark conditions, ‘floridoside’changes being complete within 24 h. Decreasing the externalwater potential using ionic and non-ionic solutes has the sameeffect upon galactosyl-glycerol content. The amount of ‘floridoside’synthesized, and degraded under hypersaline and hyposaline conditionsrespectively is shown to be insufficient to restore cell volumeto its original value. It is therefore suggested that the primaryfunction of ‘floridoside’ increases in concentratedsea-waters is that of a compatible solute, serving to protectthe cell during periods when the external salt content is increaseddramatically.  相似文献   
Pygidial segmentation in the trilobite Flexicalymene senaria changes with time (as measured in relation to bentonite beds) and with depth (as measured along downslopc transects along bentomtc beds and as measured by gradient analysis of fossil assemblages) along a 'fossil' depth gradient in the Middle Ordovician Trenton Group in central New York State. The pattern of strictly temporal change resembles a 'punctuation' between 'equilibria'. This evolutionary episode, a 106 year interval of continuous change, may represent parapatric speciation. The clinal gradient is strongest during this episode and is weak or not apparent outside it. Strictly temporal change takes place by way of temporal change in the cline's shape. □ Evolution, geographic variation and dines, gradient analysis. Middle Ordovician, morphometry, speciation, Trilobita.  相似文献   
Soil microorganisms, the central drivers of terrestrial Antarctic ecosystems, are being confronted with increasing temperatures as parts of the continent experience considerable warming. Here we determined short‐term temperature dependencies of Antarctic soil bacterial community growth rates, using the leucine incorporation technique, in order to predict future changes in temperature sensitivity of resident soil bacterial communities. Soil samples were collected along a climate gradient consisting of locations on the Antarctic Peninsula (Anchorage Island, 67 °34′S, 68 °08′W), Signy Island (60 °43′S, 45 °38′W) and the Falkland Islands (51 °76′S 59 °03′W). At each location, experimental plots were subjected to warming by open top chambers (OTCs) and paired with control plots on vegetated and fell‐field habitats. The bacterial communities were adapted to the mean annual temperature of their environment, as shown by a significant correlation between the mean annual soil temperature and the minimum temperature for bacterial growth (Tmin). Every 1 °C rise in soil temperature was estimated to increase Tmin by 0.24–0.38 °C. The optimum temperature for bacterial growth varied less and did not have as clear a relationship with soil temperature. Temperature sensitivity, indicated by Q10 values, increased with mean annual soil temperature, suggesting that bacterial communities from colder regions were less temperature sensitive than those from the warmer regions. The OTC warming (generally <1 °C temperature increases) over 3 years had no effects on temperature relationship of the soil bacterial community. We estimate that the predicted temperature increase of 2.6 °C for the Antarctic Peninsula would increase Tmin by 0.6–1 °C and Q10 (0–10 °C) by 0.5 units.  相似文献   
It has been estimated that Lake Malawi, Africa, contains 500–650 endemic species of cichlid fishes, the largest number of vertebrate species endemic to any comparable sized area on the planet. As many of these putative species cannot be distinguished anatomically, these estimates of species richness depend to a great extent on the assumption that sympatrically occurring male colour morphs represent biological species. We have tested this assumption using a combination of behavioural observations of courtship and microsatellite DNA analysis for six putative species of the Pseudotropheus ( Tropheops ) complex and three of the Pseudotropheus ( Maylandia ) complex occurring sympatrically at Nkhata Bay. We were unable to demonstrate assortative courtship for the species pairs Pseudotropheus ( Maylandia ) zebra / P . 'gold zebra' or P. ( Tropheops ) 'band'/ P. ( T .) 'rust' because we were unable to distinguish between the females of these taxa. All other taxa showed clear assortative courtship, except for P. ( T .) 'deep', a deep-water species which was rarely observed. Fixation indices (θST for the infinite allele model, and R ST for the stepwise mutation model) calculated from six microsatellite DNA loci demonstrated significant deviations from panmixia in all pairwise comparisons of putative species, indicating little or no gene flow between populations. All taxa showed high levels of allelic diversity providing evidence that genetic bottlenecking may have been of limited importance in the speciation process. Assortative mating among taxa differing only in male colouration is supportive of theories that speciation in these fishes has been driven by sexual selection by female choice.  相似文献   
Projected temperature increases under global warming could benefit southern tree species by providing them the optimal growing temperature and could be detrimental to northern species by exposing them to the supra optimal growing temperatures. This benefit-detriment trade-off could increase the competitive advantage of southern species in the northern species range and cause the increase or even dominance of southern species in the northern domain. However, the optimum temperature for photosynthesis of C3 plants may increase due to CO2 enrichment. An increase in the optimum temperature could greatly reduce the benefit-detriment effect. In this study, we coupled a forest ecosystem process model (PnET-II) and a forest GAP model (LINKAGES) with a spatially dynamic forest landscape model (LANDIS-II) to study how an optimum temperature increase could affect forest landscape response due to global warming. We simulated 360 years of forest landscape change in the Boundary Water Canoe Area (BWCA) in northern Minnesota, which is transitional between boreal and temperate forest. Our results showed that, under the control scenario of continuing the historic 1984–1993 mean climate (mainly temperature, precipitation and CO2), the BWCA will become a spruce-fir dominated boreal forest. However, under the scenario of predicted climatic change [the 2000–2099 climates are predicted by Canadian Climate Center (CCC), followed by 200 years of continuing the predicted 2090–2099 mean climate], the BWCA will become a pine-dominated mixed forest. If the optimum temperature increases gradually with [CO2] (the increase in optimum temperature is assumed to change gradually from 0 °C in year 2000 to 5 °C in year 2099 when [CO2] reaches 711 ppm and stabilizes at 5 °C after year 2099), the BWCA would remain a fir-dominated boreal forest in areas with relatively high water-holding capacity, but not in areas with relatively low water-holding capacity. Our results suggest that the [CO2] induced increases in optimum temperature could substantially reduce forest landscape change caused by global warming. However, not all tree species would be able to successfully adapt to future warming as predicted by CCC, regardless of optimum temperature acclimations.  相似文献   
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