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SYNOPSIS. An electron microscope study of Colpoda maupasi Enriques, isolated from the intestine of the blue-tongued skink Tiliqua nigrolutea, showed that the fine structure of this ciliate is similar in all respects to that of free-living ciliates. The correspondence applies particularly to the structure, distribution and number of mitochondria. This organelle has a rich intramitochondrial structure in the form of microvilli; it is found close to the periphery, near the nuclear apparatus and in other parts of the cytoplasm. It was concluded that the association between Colpoda maupasi and Tiliqua nigrolutea was probably accidental and limited to the cyst stage. Thus electron microscopy confirmed a conclusion arrived at by light microscopy. The presence of numerous food vacuoles made it possible to study stages of digestion within this organelle. Four major types of food vacuole were distinguished. Type 1 food vacuoles are characterized by their large size, the presence of intact bacteria and abundance of water. In type 2 the food vacuole is deprived of water, the bacteria are pressed together and the nuclei have lost their structure. Type 3 food vacuoles contain only bacterial ghosts, cytoplasmic and nuclear material having been digested. Food vacuoles of this type are found only occasionally, suggesting their short duration. It is of interest that during this transient stage the bulk of digestion takes place. In type 4 nothing reminiscent of bacteria is found; there are only myelin figures and vesicles of different sizes. Evaginations and invagnations of the vacuolar membrane and vesicles of different size and structure inside and outside the food vacuoles of types 1, 3 and 4 suggest that extensive communication exists between the cytoplasm and the food vacuole. It seems likely that enzymes are delivered to the food vacuole and digested materials are released from the food vacuole to the cytoplasm.  相似文献   
Some of the following propositions are to be read as suggestions or hypotheses, supported by circumstantial or direct evidence, but not yet rigorously demonstrated. An estimate of the significance to be attached to each should be gathered from the body of the paper rather than from the following brief statements. 1.The problem is posed: how do endophagous parasitoids counteract the haemocytic defence reactions of their usual hosts? 2.It has been demonstrated that the egg and young first-instar larva of Nemeritis canescens have a coating on their surface which enables them to escape the attention of the haemocytes of their usual host, and to develop without exciting a defence reaction. The coating is applied to the egg before it is laid, and to the cuticle of the larva before it hatches. A little evidence suggests that some other ichneumon wasps of the subfamily Ophioninae may use this mechanism of resistance. 3.Older first-instar larvae, and the second and later instars, of many parasitoids, both hymenopterous and dipterous, probably overcome the haemocytic reaction of their host by rapid feeding, which depletes its blood both of cells and of nutrients, and so drains its resources that haematopoiesis is prevented and encapsulation becomes impossible. 4.The common habit of parasitoids of lingering in the first instar, before ingesting much food, while the host goes on developing to another stage or undergoes diapause, may enable the larva to retain a protective coating that would have become ineffective if it had grown. When at length the larva does feed and grow, the preceding mechanism (3) comes into play. 5.The teratocytes and pseudogerms formed by many species in several families of Hymenoptera absorb nutrients on a large scale from the blood of the host. They act quickly, as soon as the larva hatches. I suggest that by their attrition of the host's reserves of food, and its consequent debility, they prevent an effective haemocytic reaction to the young parasitoid. 6.Some dipterous and hymenopterous parasitoids first inhabit the intestine of their host, and do not penetrate the body cavity until they are ready to overwhelm the defence reactions by rapid and gross feeding. 7.Parasitoids that live temporarily inside an organ of the host may there acquire a coating which protects them from reaction by the blood cells. 8.Species of parasitoids that occupy an organ of the host for a long period, and develop inside it, escape a defence reaction because they live within the connective tissue covering the organ, to which the blood cells do not react. 9.Eggs of hymenopterous parasitoids laid within the embryos of their hosts may be treated by the embryonic blood cells as a developing organ, and become covered with connective tissue as those organs are. Thereafter they would not be recognized as foreign bodies. 10.Parasitoid eggs laid in the eggs or the young larvae of their host may be coated with host substances, or covered by connective tissue (9), before the blood of the host be comes capable of vigorousdefence reactions. They would there after escape recognition as foreign bodies. This may be the advantage of the habit of the so-called egg-larval parasitoids. 11.Reasons have been given by Schneider (1950) for his belief that the serosa of the ichneumon wasp Diplazon fissorius secretes something that locally inhibits the defence reactions of its hosts. The trophamnion and pseudoserosa of some parasitoid eggs may have this function. 12. Some parasitoids, especially second- and third-instar larvae of Tachinidae, physically repulse the haemocytes of their host, moulding them into a capsule that serves the maggot as a respiratory sheath.  相似文献   
Wheat roots growing in a saturated atmosphere were treated 5min with various concentrations of calcium sulfate and the growthresponse recorded. Roots treated with optimum calcium followedby a delayed treatment with inorganic fluoride, or the reversesequence of treatments, caused responses very similar to thoseresulting from calcium deficiency. Potassium oxalate, sodiumethylenediaminetetraacetate and sodium monofluoroacetate allcaused responses that corresponded to various states of calciumdeficiency. Results suggest but do not confirm that the majoradverse effects of inorganic fluoride are the result of precipitationand depletion of available calcium in cells. Response of monofluoroacetatemight also in part be attributed to its release of inorganicfluoride in vivo. Results also indicate a depletion of a criticalconcentration of calcium from the elongation zone of roots bya 5-min treatment in any solution low in calcium will initiatechanges which cannot be reversed by treatment of calcium, andwhich will result in tissue damage. The meristematic cells areless sensitive. 1This research was supported in part by Public Health ServiceGrant AP 00276-01 from the Division of Air Pollution. Journalpaper no. 761. Utah Agricultural Experiment Station. 2Present address: Department of Water Science and Engineering,University of California, Davis. (Received April 19, 1969; )  相似文献   
SUMMARY. This paper describes the design, construction and testing of a portable monitoring system capable of measuring water temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, light attenuation and depth of operation. The unit is powered by rechargeable batteries and can be used to provide instantaneous readings or continuous records of each variable when used with a suitable chart recorder. Circuits for measuring conductivity and light-ratio are of a novel design. The conductivity circuit measures conductance by the voltage drop across a low-value resistor connected in series with the conductivity cell. The light-ratio circuit measures light intensities by digitizing signals from two photocells and comparing their ratios over short periods of time. The paper includes examples of results obtained with the instrument in a wide range of applications and compares the performance of the Mackereth oxygen electrode with, and without, a small water-circulating attachment.  相似文献   
SUMMARY. The vertical and horizontal distribution of electrical conductivity, soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), total phosphorus, ammonia-nitrogen and nitrate-nitrogen in the South Basin of Windermere is described and related, where possible, to spatial variations in phytoplankton and zooplankton. For most variables, the maximum range of horizontal variation on a single day was greater than the maximum range of seasonal variation measured at a single station over a full year. Horizontal variations in SRP and ammonia were particularly high, with coefficients of variation often exceeding 100%. The errors associated with sampling at a single station were most pronounced when local accumulations of zooplankton or phytoplankton occurred in the lake. Horizontal variations in conductivity were primarily influenced by the discharge of treated sewage effluent into the central region and the mass transport of water from the more oligotrophic North Basin. Occasionally, more widespread variations in conductivity appeared to be related to spatial variations in photosynthetic activity. The major factor influencing the horizontal distribution of SRP was the discharge of treated effluent into the central region. Despite the intensive recycling of phosphorus, SRP concentrations were nearly always 10–30% higher near the sewage works than elsewhere in the basin. On a few occasions, significant horizontal differences in SRP concentration were also detected within downwind accumulations of crustacean zooplankton. Horizontal variations in total phosphorus were produced by spatial differences in SRP concentration or by local accumulations of phytoplankton or zooplankton. Horizontal differences in ammonia concentration appeared to be produced, both by the effluent discharge and by the turbulent transfer of nutrients from sediments in shallow water. Observations of effluent movement and dispersion demonstrate that wind-induced water movements tend to recirculate nutrient-rich water in the central region and limit mixing along the axis of the basin. The statistical implications of nutrient heterogeneity are discussed in relation to sampling strategy and the possible effects of persistent nutrient concentration gradients on phytoplankton patch formation are assessed.  相似文献   
The genetic relationships among 30 populations of 11 species and five genera of North American Unionidae were assessed by using standard allozyme procedures. Emphasis was on relationships among populations and species of Elliptio and Fusconaia. Multi-dimensional scaling based on a matrix of Nei's (1972) genetic distances substantiated the immunoelectrophoretic results of Davis&Fuller 1981, which demonstrated the distinct and divergent taxonomic groups Anodontinae, Margaritiferinae, and Ambleminae, plus die close relationship of Elliptio and Fusconaia , which justifies their inclusion within the same tribe. Genetic distance appears to increase regularly with time since divergence of taxa. The E. complanata species group is an apparently recent radiation and probably is actively radiating today. The I values among species of this group range from 0.90 to 0.99. Considerable heterozygosity, numerous polymorphic loci, and much interpopuladon phenotypic diversity was also recorded for this group. Some taxa mat have been considered synonyms are demonstrated to be valid species. Reasons for the low genetic distances among unionid taxa are discussed. Standard allozyme analyses are shown to be of great value for assessing relationships among unionid taxa.  相似文献   
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