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Reintroduction of sanctuary apes to natural habitat is considered an important tool for conservation; however, reintroduction has the potential to endanger resident wild apes through the introduction of human pathogens. We found a high prevalence of drug‐resistant, human‐associated lineages of Staphylococcus aureus in sanctuary chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) from Zambia and Uganda. This pathogen is associated with skin and soft tissue diseases and severe invasive infections (i.e. pneumonia and septicemia). Colonization by this bacterium is difficult to clear due to frequent recolonization. In addition to its pathogenic potential, human‐related S. aureus can serve as an indicator organism for the transmission of other potential pathogens like pneumococci or mycobacteria. Plans to reintroduce sanctuary apes should be reevaluated in light of the high risk of introducing human‐adapted S. aureus into wild ape populations where treatment is impossible. Am. J. Primatol. 74:1071‐1075, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
High mountain ecosystems are defined by low temperatures and are therefore considered to react sensitively to climate warming. Responding to observed changes in plant species richness on high peaks of the European Alps, an extensive setup of 1 m × 1 m permanent plots was established at the alpine‐nival ecotone (between 2900 and 3450 m) on Mount Schrankogel, a GLORIA master site in the central Tyrolean Alps, Austria, in 1994. Recording was repeated in a representative selection of 362 quadrats in 2004. Ten years after the first recording, we observed an average change in vascular plant species richness from 11.4 to 12.7 species per plot, an increase of 11.8% (or of at least 10.6% at a 95% confidence level). The increase in species richness involved 23 species (about 43% of all taxa found at the ecotone), comprising both alpine and nival species and was pronouncedly higher in plots with subnival/nival vegetation than in plots with alpine grassland vegetation. Only three species showed a decrease in plot occupancy: one was an annual species, one was rare, and one a common nival plant that decreased in one part of the area but increased in the uppermost part. Species cover changed in relation to altitudinal preferences of species, showing significant declines of all subnival to nival plants, whereas alpine pioneer species increased in cover. Recent climate warming in the Alps, which has been twice as high as the global average, is considered to be the primary driver of the observed differential changes in species cover. Our results indicate an ongoing range contraction of subnival to nival species at their rear (i.e. lower) edge and a concurrent expansion of alpine pioneer species at their leading edge. Although this was expected from predictive distribution models and different temperature‐related habitat preferences of alpine and nival species, we provide first evidence on – most likely – warming‐induced species declines in the high European Alps. The projected acceleration of climate warming raises concerns that this phenomenon could become the major threat to biodiversity in high mountains.  相似文献   
Global nitrogen (N) deposition rates in terrestrial environments have quadrupled since preindustrial times, causing structural and functional changes of ecosystems. Different emission reduction policies were therefore devised. The aim of our study was to investigate if, and over what timescale, processes of soil organic matter (OM) transformation respond to a decline in atmospheric N deposition. A N‐saturated spruce forest (current N deposition: 34 kg ha?1 yr?1; critical N load: 14 kg ha?1 yr?1), where N deposition has been reduced to 11.5 kg ha?1 yr?1 since 1991, was studied. Besides organic C and organic and inorganic N, noncellulosic carbohydrates, amino sugars and amino acids were determined. A decline in organic N in litter indicated initial effects at plant level. However, there were no changes in biomarkers upon the reduction in N deposition. In addition, inorganic N was not affected by reduced N deposition. The results showed that OM cycling and transformation processes have not responded so far. It was concluded that no direct N deposition effects have occurred due to the large amount of stored organic N, which seems to compensate for the reduction in deposited N. Obviously, the time span of atmospheric N reduction (about 14.5 years) is too short compared with the mean turnover time of litter to cause indirect effects on the composition of organic C and N compounds. It is assumed that ecological processes, such as microbial decomposition or recycling of organic N and C, react slowly, but may start within the next decade with the incorporation of the new litter.  相似文献   
The reproductive ability of female tephritids can be limited and prevented by denying access to host plants and restricting the dietary precursors of vitellogenesis. The mechanisms underlying the delayed egg production in each case are initiated by different physiological processes that are anticipated to have dissimilar effects on lifespan and reproductive ability later in life. The egg‐laying abilities of laboratory‐reared females of the Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata Wiedmann) and melon fly (Bactrocera cucurbitae Coquillett) from Hawaii are delayed or suppressed by limiting access to host fruits and dietary protein. In each case, this is expected to prevent the loss of lifespan associated with reproduction until protein or hosts are introduced. Two trends are observed in each species: first, access to protein at eclosion leads to a greater probability of survival and a higher reproductive ability than if it is delayed and, second, delayed host access reduces lifetime reproductive ability without improving life expectancy. When host access and protein availability are delayed, the rate of reproductive senescence is reduced in the medfly, whereas the rate of reproductive senescence is generally increased in the melon fly. Overall, delaying reproduction lowers the fitness of females by constraining their fecundity for the remainder of the lifespan without extending the lifespan. © 2013 The Royal Entomological Society  相似文献   
Lepidopteran spermatogenesis is dichotomous, producing eupyrene (nucleated) and apyrene (anucleated) spermatozoa. The eupyrene precedes the apyrene spermatogenesis. The timing of the switchover from eupyrene to apyrene spermatogenesis was determined by cultivating testes of accurately aged codling moth larvae in a medium containing mammalian serum but neither hemolymph nor insect hormones. In cultures, eupyrene spermatogenesis occurred in testes dissected from either 4th or 5th instar larvae, probably due to macromolecular factor-like activity of the serum of the medium. But apyrene spermatogenesis occurred only in testes explanted during or after the fourth day of the 5th instar larva. It is concluded that: (1) An apyrene spermatogenesis inducing factor (ASIF) becomes active on the fourth day of the 5th instar larva in addition to the already existing macromolecular factor. (2) Primary spermatocytes can develop into either eupyrene or apyrene spermatozoa. (3) The apyrene spermatogenesis commitment and pupal commitment of other tissues coincide about the fourth day of the 5th instar larva.  相似文献   
The male postabdomen and the internal parts of the male genital system of Bibio marci (Bibionomorpha) were examined and reconstructed 3‐dimensionally. Several features differ from the presumptive dipteran groundplan. The bases of the gonopods are fused with each other and with tergite IX. The penis is not tube‐shaped and only sclerotized on the ventral side. The vasa deferentia are S‐shaped, and two pairs of accessory glands are present. In contrast to these characteristics, the arrangement of the internal parts is probably close to the ancestral condition. With its specific shape, the penis is well suited for the transfer of a spermatophore. The dorsal sclerite of the copulatory organ probably represents the medially fused parameres. A cladistic analysis of 27 characters of the postabdomen yielded two most parsimonious trees, with the strict consensus as follows: Nannochoristidae (outgroup) + (Culicidae [Culicomorpha] + ((Nymphomyiidae + (Tipulidae + Trichoceridae)) + (Tabanidae [Brachycera] + (Bibionidae, Anisopodidae, Axymyiidae [Bibionomorpha])))). Potential synapomorphies of Bibionomorpha (including Axymyiidae) and Brachycera are the fusion of sternum IX with the gonocoxites, the fusion of the parameres forming the dorsal sclerite and the presence of an entire series of postabdominal muscles (M4, M20, M23, M26, M27, M31, M35 and M37). The results of the analysis are preliminary as it is based on a single‐character system with a limited taxon sampling. However, the main result – a clade Bibionomorpha + Brachycera – is fully compatible with current hypotheses on dipteran phylogeny.  相似文献   
In this study we examined ecosystem respiration (RECO) data from 104 sites belonging to FLUXNET, the global network of eddy covariance flux measurements. The goal was to identify the main factors involved in the variability of RECO: temporally and between sites as affected by climate, vegetation structure and plant functional type (PFT) (evergreen needleleaf, grasslands, etc.). We demonstrated that a model using only climate drivers as predictors of RECO failed to describe part of the temporal variability in the data and that the dependency on gross primary production (GPP) needed to be included as an additional driver of RECO. The maximum seasonal leaf area index (LAIMAX) had an additional effect that explained the spatial variability of reference respiration (the respiration at reference temperature Tref=15 °C, without stimulation introduced by photosynthetic activity and without water limitations), with a statistically significant linear relationship (r2=0.52, P<0.001, n=104) even within each PFT. Besides LAIMAX, we found that reference respiration may be explained partially by total soil carbon content (SoilC). For undisturbed temperate and boreal forests a negative control of total nitrogen deposition (Ndepo) on reference respiration was also identified. We developed a new semiempirical model incorporating abiotic factors (climate), recent productivity (daily GPP), general site productivity and canopy structure (LAIMAX) which performed well in predicting the spatio‐temporal variability of RECO, explaining >70% of the variance for most vegetation types. Exceptions include tropical and Mediterranean broadleaf forests and deciduous broadleaf forests. Part of the variability in respiration that could not be described by our model may be attributed to a series of factors, including phenology in deciduous broadleaf forests and management practices in grasslands and croplands.  相似文献   
SUMMARY. 1. To investigate the contribution of hatchlings from lake- Daphnia resting eggs (ephippia) to population and community structure, hatching was monitored in situ from April to November 1986 in two north German lakes. Hatching traps were placed on the sediments and the incidence, genetic and species composition of ephippial hatchlings determined twice-weekly.
2. Hatching began in April after the thawing of ice. and continued for 3–4 weeks until the lakes stratified. There was no obvious relationship between the onset and duration of hatching and the environmental variables recorded, namely Secchi depth, surface temperature, temperature and oxygen concentration at the sediment-water interface.
3. Among the hatchlings were D. galeata, D. hyalina and their interspecific hybrid.
4. In the lake which contained overwintering animals the number of ephippial hatchlings was approximately one third of the total number of juveniles present in the lake.
5. In the second lake, no adults were recorded during winter and the population was probably founded by ephippial hatchlings alone. There was good agreement, in the short term, between the proportion of each species represented among hatchlings and the subsequent species composition in the lake.
6. The hatchlings were genetically diverse, and alleles were representative of those alleles present in contemporary populations.  相似文献   
Abstract. Aggressive behaviour occurring in intrasexual competition is an important trait for animal fitness. Although female intrasexual aggression is reported in several insect species, little is known about female competition and aggressive interactions in polygynous male lekking species. The interactions of female Mediterranean fruit flies, Ceratitis capitata (a male lekking species), with other females and mating pairs under laboratory conditions are investigated. Mature, unmated (virgin) females are aggressive against each other and against mating pairs, whereas immature females are not. Female aggression against other females decreases dramatically after mating; however, mated females maintain aggression against mating pairs. In addition, higher intrasexual aggression rates are observed for mature, virgin females than for virgin males of the same age. The results show that female aggressiveness is virginity related, suggesting female competition for mates. These findings have important implications for understanding the physiological aspects of a complex social behaviour such as aggression and should stimulate further research on female agonistic behaviour in male lekking mating systems.  相似文献   
Amoebae were isolated from a natural thermal water source in Michoacaan, Mexico, in September 1986. Two 500-ml samples were taken from pools with water at 45°C and 46°C and concentrated at 2,000 g for 15 min. The sediment was seeded on nonnutritive agar plates and incubated at 42°C. The isolates were axenized in bactocasitone-serum medium. The identification of the isolates was based on their morphology, total protein and isoenzyme patterns by agarose isoelectric focusing, serology, fine structure, agglutination with Concanavalin A, sensitivity to trimethoprim, capacity to kill mice, and their cytopathic effect in Vero cells. The results showed several morphophysiological, biochemical and serological differences between the isolates and the type strain Aq/9/1/ 45D of Naegleria lovaniensis. These remarkable differences provide sufficient evidence to consider one of the isolates a new subspecies, and the other one a morphological variant of N. l. lovaniensis, which can be differentiated from other Naegleriae by their morphology, biochemistry, serology and physiology. The authors propose the name tarasca for the subspecies and purepecha for the morphological variant.  相似文献   
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