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Some benthic invertebrates in streams make frequent, short journeys downstream in the water column (=drifting). In most streams there are larger numbers of invertebrates in the drift at night than during the day. We tested the hypothesis that nocturnal drifting is a response to avoid predation from fish that feed in the water column during the day. We surveyed diel patterns of drifting by nymphs of the mayfly Baetis coelestis in several streams containing (n=5) and lacking (n=7) populations of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Drifting was more nocturnal in the presence of trout (85% of daily drift occurred at night) than in their absence (50% of daily drift occurred at night). This shift in periodicity is due to reduced daytime drifting in streams with trout, because at a given nighttime drift density, the daytime drift density of B. coelestis was lower in streams occupied by trout than in troutless streams. Large size classes of B. coelestis were underrepresented in the daytime drift in trout streams compared to nighttime drift in trout streams, and to both day and night drift in troutless streams. Differences in daytime drift density between streams with and without trout were the result of differences in mayfly drift behaviour among streams because predation rates by trout were too low to significantly reduce densities of drifting B. coelestis. We tested for rapid (over 3 days) phenotypic responses to trout presence by adding trout in cages to three of the troutless streams. Nighttime drifting was unaffected by the addition of trout, but daytime drift densities were reduced by 28% below cages containing trout relative to control cages (lacking trout) placed upstream. Drift responses were measured 15 m downstream of the cages suggesting that mayflies detected trout using chemical cues. Overall, these data support the hypothesis that infrequent daytime drifting is an avoidance response to fish that feed in the water column during the day. Avoidance is more pronounced in large individuals and is, at least partially, a phenotypic response mediated by chemical cues.  相似文献   
We report differences in the thermal biology, elevational, temporal and geographic distributions of sympatric clones of the widespread asexual house gecko, Lepidodactylus lugubris. The two most common L. lugubris clones in Fiji, clones 2NA and 2NB, differ significantly in preferred temperature as measured in a laboratory heat gradient, but were similar in critical thermal maximum and minimum. Significant differences were found in the relative frequency of clones 2NA, 2NB, and a third Fijian clone, clone 3NB, at seven sites along an elevational gradient in Fiji. Clone 2NB was not collected at sites above 235 m, consistent with its higher preferred temperature, whereas clone 2NA was captured as high as 835 m. Clone 3NB was extremely rare at sealevel (1% of all individuals at three sites below 100 m), but predominated at the two highest-elevation sites (42% and 100%). Clones 2NA and 2NB did not differ significantly in their activity time or ambient activity temperature at low-elevation sites. Clone 3NB however, was active on significantly cooler nights at two of those sites. These significant inter-clonal differences in spatial and temporal distribution should allow a more complete utilization of resources by the assemblage of clones than by any single clonal genotype, and may promote coexistence of clones at a within-island and within-site scale. Clone 2NA, which is the most common clone in Fiji and has the broadest elevational distribution, also has the widest geographic distribution. It was the predominant clone at 27 of 34 sites surveyed in nine Pacific archipelagoes. This suggests that the ecological attributes that favor this clone in Fiji also favor it elsewhere in the Pacific despite differing environmental conditions and clonal composition in those areas.  相似文献   
Summary The rational design of ligands for the substrate-binding site of a homology-modelled trypanothione reductase (TR) was performed. Peptides were designed to be selective for TR over human glutathione reductase (GR). The design process capitalized on the proposed differences between the activesites of TR and human GR, subsequently confirmed by the TR crystal structure. Enzyme kinetics confirmed that forT. cruzi TR benzoyl-Leu-Arg-Arg-ß-naphthylamide was an inhibitor (Ki 13.8µM) linearly competitive with the native substrate, trypanothione disulphide, and did not inhibit glutathione reductase.  相似文献   
The potency of venom from Bracon hebetor against lepidopterous larvae has been known for over 40 years, but previous attempts to purify and characterize individual protein toxins have been largely unsuccessful. Three protein toxins were purified from venom of this small parasitic wasp and the amino acid sequences of 22–31 consecutive residues at the amino-terminus were determined. These relatively large toxins (apparent molecular mass 73 kDa) were labile under many isolation techniques, but anion-exchange chromatography allowed purification with retention of biological activity. Two purified toxins were quite insecticidal (LD50 < 0.3μg/g) when injected into six species of lepidopterous larvae. On a molar basis, one toxin (Brh-I) has the highest known biocidal activity against Heliothis virescens (LD50 = 2 pmol/g).  相似文献   
The X-ray crystal structure of a 19 kDa active fragment of human fibroblast collagenase has been determined by the multiple isomorphous replacement method and refined at 1.56 Å resolution to an R-factor of 17.4%. The current structure includes a bound hydroxamate inhibitor, 88 waters and three metal atoms (two zincs and a calcium). The overall topology of the enzyme, comprised of a five stranded β-sheet and three α-helices, is similar to the thermolysin-like metalloproteinases. There are some important differences between the collagenase and thermolysin families of enzymes. The active site zinc ligands are all histidines (His-218, His-222, and His-228). The presence of a second zinc ion in a structural role is a unique feature of the matrix metalloproteinases. The binding properties of the active site cleft are more dependent on the main chain conformation of the enzyme (and substrate) compared with thermolysin. A mechanism of action for peptide cleavage similar to that of thermolysin is proposed for fibroblast collagenase. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Abstract: Changes in the extracellular levels of excitatory and inhibitory amino acid transmitters were studied in the rat striatum during penumbral ischaemia using intracerebral microdialysis. Effects of penumbral forebrain ischaemia were compared with those of ischaemia with sustained anoxic depolarisation and K+ (100 m M ). Comparisons were also made between different groups of animals at 2 and 24 h after dialysis probe implantation. The K+ stimulus did not provoke any release of excitatory amino acids in the 24-h group, probably reflecting a decrease of functional synapses adjacent to the probe. During 30 min of penumbral ischaemia, excitatory amino acids did not reach critical concentrations in the extracellular fluid, and increases in levels of inhibitory/modulatory amino acids were similar. On the other hand, severe transient ischaemia resulted in massive synchronous release of many neuroactive excitatory and inhibitory compounds, in both the 2- and 24-h groups. These and other data suggest that changes during severe ischaemia may arise from both neurotransmitter and metabolic pools. It is concluded that is- chaemic damage in the penumbra may not be related to extracellular neuroactive amino acid changes generated within this region.  相似文献   
Expression of SPARC (secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine), a 43-kDa extracellular matrix-associated glycoprotein involved in tissue remodeling, was quantitated during normal human keratinocyte (NHK) growth in culture and as a function of sodium n-butyrate (NaB)-induced differentiation to mature enucleate cornified envelopes (CEs). Low levels of SPARC expression were observed in the basal-like cells of control NHKs, with isolated cells showing intense SPARC expression on the ventral surface. After addition of NaB, SPARC expression increased and the pattern of expression shifted to one involving predominantly suprabasal cells (i.e., spinous cells, pre-CEs, and mature CEs). Dense deposits of SPARC often surrounded the mature CEs. Flow cytometric analysis indicated that approximately 13% of NHKs expressed SPARC within 24 h of seeding into culture. This fraction of SPARC+ cells increased with time and peaked immediately postconfluence (31.3 ± 6.3% SPARC+). Cellular SPARC expression then decreased to baseline levels during entrance into plateau phase growth. SPARC was detectable in all phases of the cell cycle. SPARC levels were more intense and heterogeneous within the G2/M and G1 phases while S phase cells exhibited relatively homogeneous, low intensity, SPARC expression. During NaB-induced NHK differentiation, SPARC intracellular content increased prior to the onset of CE formation (i.e., 2 days after its addition) followed by a period of extracellular accumulation which coincided with the time of maximal CE generation (i.e., Days 4 and 5 after NaB addition). Correlation of cell size with anti-SPARC immunoreactivity revealed a predominance of SPARC expression in cells with a suprabasal phenotype. NHKs cultured on fibronectin (FN), an established modulator of epidermal cell maturation in vitro, showed a similar response to NaB. In general, however, the level of NaB-induced SPARC expression was considerably reduced in FN cultures correlating with a lower efficiency of CE formation. Induced SPARC expression was, in large part, dependent on autocrine transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) production since incubation in the presence of NaB + neutralizing antibodies to TGF-β inhibited both the expression of SPARC by 72% and development of mature CEs.  相似文献   
Cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL)-mediated lysis is accompanied by fragmentation of target cell DNA into an oligonucleosome ladder, a hallmark of apoptosis. Is this a fortuitous coincidence, or could CTL be inducing lysis by activation of the suicide signal? In this report we demonstrate that CTL-mediated target cell death can be blocked with the drug aurintricarboxylic acid (ATA). The abrogation of death correlates with the inhibition of DNA fragmentation. While ATA prevented DNA fragmentation, it failed to significantly alter protein, RNA, or DNA synthesis in the cell lines over the dose range used. In addition, there was no inhibition of cell-cell interaction or granule exocytosis during CTL-mediated killing. ATA also significantly inhibited the cytolysis and DNA fragmentation mediated by isolated cytolytic granules, as well as the granular protein fragmentin. We developed an assay in which target cells could be separated from CTL after binding and programming for lysis. Once they had received the "kiss of death," target cells could be rescued from lysis (as indicated by inhibition of DNA fragmentation and increased target cell viability) by treatment with ATA. These results suggest that ATA blocks target cell death by inhibition of DNA fragmentation, and further, that chromatin degradation is a cause rather than a result of cell death in CTL-mediated lysis.  相似文献   
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