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Fish assemblage patterns in the littoral zone of a European reservoir   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Although reservoirs are common aquatic habitats in Europe, there is little quantitative information on the spatial organisation of fish assemblages inhabiting their littoral zones. Consequently, we characterised fish assemblage structure in the littoral zone of a reservoir (Lake Pareloup) in SW France during late spring, summer and early autumn (the growing season).
2. We measured the relative abundance of fish weekly, from mid-May to mid-October, using point abundance sampling by electrofishing. We identified temporal patterns in assemblage structure using hierarchical cluster analysis, and then characterised the spatial distribution of 17 defined ecospecies using a Kohonen self-organising map (SOM, an unsupervised Artificial Neural Network).
3. Our analyses revealed three distinct faunal structures within the littoral zone. From mid-May to mid-July, adults and young-of-the-year (0+) occupied separate habitats, with most 0+ fish in vegetated habitats and adults in open water. From mid-July to late August, some 0+ co-occurred with adults, but most 0+ fishes remained in vegetated areas. Finally, from late August to mid-October, most fish (both 0+ and adults) left the vegetation for unvegetated littoral habitats, the exception being fish species known to be dependent on macrophytes.
4. Contrary to patterns for adult fishes, the 0+ fish assemblage was dynamic. These dynamics were driven by ontogenetic species-specific habitat changes. Consequently, there was little evidence of stable assemblages or strong assemblage–habitat relationships that would be expected of an 'interactive' assemblage. It is likely that the patterns observed are a result of species-specific response to habitat availability in the lake.  相似文献   
1. Novel hosts present phytophagous insects with nutritional challenges which can cause host‐associated divergence. 2. The performance of the Bog gum‐Victorian metapopulation of Ctenarytaina bipartita Burckhardt et al. (Psylloidea:Aphalaridae), a psyllid whose range is being expanded by tree planting, on five species and genotypes of Eucalyptus endemic to south‐eastern Australia was quantified. Settling of females on two non‐hosts was also tested. 3. Female C. bipartita exhibited significant host‐associated plasticity in proctiger length (the body part used for oviposition into apical buds). Psyllids with longer wings and proctigers arose from a primary host. Fecundity varied significantly among hosts and was highest on a novel host. Hosts did not differ significantly in free amino acids (FAAs) but did differ in concentrations of essential amino acids (EAAs). However, nymphs did not differ significantly in EAAs. Surprisingly, fecundity was not related to total FAAs, availability of EAAs or concentrations of EAAs but was related to concentrations of four non‐EAAs. Mean fecundity per host was also positively related to the relative abundance of galloyl groups (associated with hydrolysable tannins). 4. Leaf age was more important to settling than eucalypt species; females settled on young leaves but this response was not related to leaf water content. 5. Planting the rare Eucalyptus kitsoniana in new habitats will expand the range of Bog gum‐Victorian C. bipartita and provide a bridge for the colonisation of novel eucalypts with buds suitable for oviposition. Host expansion by this metapopulation is not constrained by nutritional quality and may result in morphological divergence.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT The amount of the major component of the cuticular sex pheromone, 3, 11-dimethyl-2-nonacosanone, on individual female German cockroaches, Blattella germanica (L.), as a function of age was determined by gas-liquid-chromatographic analysis. Accumulation of phermone increased with age in both virgin and mated females. During the first gono-trophic cycle, the pheromone accumulated most rapidly when oocyte growth rates were maximal (days 5–10), and least rapidly while the female carried an ootheca (days 11–32). Pheromone accumulation was similar in virgin and mated females when the same physiological stages (determined by oocyte maturation) were considered. Inhibition of Juvenile Hormone release, through allatectomy, chemicals (precocene or fluoromevalonate), or through mechanical egg case implants, suppressed or delayed pheromone production and oocyte growth. The Juvenile Hormone analogue ZR512 induced allatectomized or head-ligated females and females with chemically or mechanically inhibited corpora allata to produce pheromone and enlarge their basal oocytes. Finally, ZR512 applied to intact females stimulated pheromone production in a dose-dependent manner.  相似文献   
Klug, C., Kröger, B., Kiessling, W., Mullins, G.L., Servais, T., Frýda, J., Korn, D. & Turner, S. 2009: The Devonian nekton revolution. Lethaia, 10.1111/j.1502‐3931.2009.00206.x Traditional analyses of Early Phanerozoic marine diversity at the genus level show an explosive radiation of marine life until the Late Ordovician, followed by a phase of erratic decline continuing until the end of the Palaeozoic, whereas a more recent analysis extends the duration of this early radiation into the Devonian. This catch‐all approach hides an evolutionary and ecological key event long after the Ordovician radiation: the rapid occupation of the free water column by animals during the Devonian. Here, we explore the timing of the occupation of the water column in the Palaeozoic and test the hypothesis that ecological escalation led to fundamental evolutionary changes in the mid‐Palaeozoic marine water column. According to our analyses, demersal and nektonic modes of life were probably initially driven by competition in the diversity‐saturated benthic habitats together with the availability of abundant planktonic food. Escalatory feedback then promoted the rapid rise of nekton in the Devonian as suggested by the sequence and tempo of water‐column occupation. □Devonian, diversity, ecology, food webs, nekton, plankton, radiation.  相似文献   
Abstract: We examined the use of Lake Christina, Minnesota, USA, by nongame waterbirds following an autumn 2003 application of rotenone to eliminate its fish base and enhance migrating canvasback (Aythya valisineria) habitat. The only nongame waterbirds observed attempting to nest in 2004 were black terns (Chlidonias niger), but they failed to hatch any young. We recorded 246 Western grebes (Aechmophorus occidentalis) on Lake Christina in the spring of 2004, but by mid-June most had left the lake. During this period, few fish were available, and we suggest that although the emergent vegetation was suitable for nesting, the lack of food prevented colony formation. In spring 2005, small fish were again available on the lake, and numbers of all nongame species were greater than in 2004. We located 315 western grebe nests, of which 198 hatched ≥1 young (63% of all attempts). Landscape-level manipulation may enhance habitat for some species but also has the potential to exclude trophic levels from future use and should be considered when manipulating large-scale systems.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT An important assumption of mark—recapture studies is that individuals retain their marks, which has not been assessed for goose reward bands. We estimated aluminum leg band retention probabilities and modeled how band retention varied with band type (standard vs. reward band), band age (1–40 months), and goose characteristics (species and size class) for Canada (Branta canadensis), cackling (Branta hutchinsii), snow (Chen caerulescens), and Ross's (Chen rossii) geese that field coordinators double-leg banded during a North American goose reward band study (N = 40,999 individuals from 15 populations). We conditioned all models in this analysis on geese that were encountered with ≥1 leg band still attached (n = 5,747 dead recoveries and live recaptures). Retention probabilities for standard aluminum leg bands were high ( = 0.9995, SE < 0.001) and constant over 1–40 months. In contrast, apparent retention probabilities for reward bands demonstrated an interactive relationship between 5 size and species classes (small cackling, medium Canada, large Canada, snow, and Ross's geese). In addition, apparent retention probabilities for each of the 5 classes varied quadratically with time, being lower immediately after banding and at older age classes. The differential retention probabilities among band type (reward vs. standard) that we observed suggests that 1) models estimating reporting probability should incorporate differential band loss if it is nontrivial, 2) goose managers should consider the costs and benefits of double-banding geese on an operational basis, and 3) the United States Geological Survey Bird Banding Lab should modify protocols for receiving recovery data.  相似文献   
While plant responses to herbivores and pathogens are well characterized, responses to attack by other plants remain largely unexplored. We measured phytohormones and C18 fatty acids in tomato attacked by the parasitic plant Cuscuta pentagona, and used transgenic and mutant plants to explore the roles of the defence‐related phytohormones salicylic acid (SA) and jasmonic acid (JA). Parasite attachment to 10‐day‐old tomato plants elicited few biochemical changes, but a second attachment 10 d later elicited a 60‐fold increase in JA, a 30‐fold increase in SA and a hypersensitive‐like response (HLR). Host age also influenced the response: neither Cuscuta seedlings nor established vines elicited a HLR in 10‐day‐old hosts, but both did in 20‐day‐old hosts. Parasites grew larger on hosts deficient in SA (NahG) or insensitive to JA [jasmonic acid‐insensitive1 (jai1) ], suggesting that both phytohormones mediate effective defences. Moreover, amounts of JA peaked 12 h before SA, indicating that defences may be coordinated via sequential induction of these hormones. Parasitism also induced increases in free linolenic and linoleic acids and abscisic acid. These findings provide the first documentation of plant hormonal signalling induced by a parasitic plant and show that tomato responses to C. pentagona display characteristics similar to both herbivore‐ and pathogen‐induced responses.  相似文献   
Although many bone adaptation theories have been formulated to address both trabecular and cortical adaptation, most applications have focused on trabecular adaptation. Thus far, no thorough investigations of the influence of different types of loading on predicted patterns of long bone cross-sectional adaptation have been reported. In the current study, we present a new model for long bone cross-sectional adaptation that incorporates axial, bending and torsional loading components. We found that bending moments have a strong potential to modulate cross-sectional geometry, but can produce unforseen (and unrealistic) geometric instabilities. Torsional moments have the ability to suppress these instabilities, suggesting that torsion may play a more significant role in guiding long bone development than previously recognized. Our results also call into question the concept of strict “remodeling equilibrium,” suggesting that long bones do not necessarily approach a state of uniform mechanical stimulation. This modeling approach provides an additional perspective on experimental studies, and may lead to a greater understanding of the interaction between mechanics and biology in long bone adaptation.  相似文献   
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