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The Rvi15 (Vr2) apple scab resistance locus found in the GMAL 2473 accession has been previously mapped to the top of the Linkage Group 2 (LG2) by analyzing 89 progeny plants of a cross between ‘Idared’ and GMAL 2473. A new population of 989 progeny plants, derived from a cross between ‘Golden Delicious’ and GMAL 2473, has been analyzed with the two SSR markers CH02c02a and CH02f06, previously found to be associated with Rvi15 (Vr2), and with two published markers derived from NBS sequences (ARGH17 and ARGH37) estimated to map close to the Rvi15 (Vr2) locus. ARGH17 and ARGH37, were found to be the closest markers to the resistance locus, bracketing it within an interval of 1.5 cM. The SSRs mapped one on each side of Rvi15 (Vr2). CH02f06 mapped at 2.9 cM from ARGH37 while CH02a02a mapped at 1.7 from ARGH17. The position of Rvi15 (Vr2) respect to CH02a02a indicates that Rvi15 (Vr2) and Rvi4 (Vh4), a second apple scab gene mapped on the top of LG2, are two different resistance genes. In order to develop even more tightly linked markers to Rvi15 (Vr2), ARGH17 was used as the starting point for chromosome walking through the Rvi15 (Vr2) homolog region of the cv. ‘Florina’. A single ‘Florina’ BAC clone, 36I17, was sufficient to span the homologous locus in the new population’s recombinant progeny. Sequencing of the 36I17 BAC clone allowed identifying seven putative ORFs, including two showing a TIR-NBS-LRR structure. Ten additional markers could be developed mapping within a 1.8 cM interval around the Rvi15 (Vr2) resistance gene. ARGH17 and GmTNL1 markers, the latter also derived from NBS-LRR resistance gene homolog sequence, are the closest markers to Rvi15 (Vr2) bracketing it within a 0.5 cM interval. The availability of 12 markers within the Rvi15 (Vr2) region, all within a small physical distance (kbp) in ‘Florina’, suggests that cloning of the Rvi15 (Vr2) apple scab resistance gene from GMAL 2473 will be possible.  相似文献   
Brostallicin is a DNA minor groove binder that shows enhanced antitumor activity in cells with high glutathione S-transferase (GST)/glutathione content. Prostate cancer cells present, almost invariably, methylation of the GSTP1 gene promoter and, as a consequence, low levels of GST-pi expression and activity. In these cells, brostallicin shows very little activity. We tested whether pretreatment of heavily GST-methylated prostate cancer cells with demethylating agents could enhance the activity of brostallicin. Human prostate cancer cells LNCaP and DU145 were used for these studies both in vitro and in vivo. The demethylating agent zebularine was used in combination with brostallicin. Methylation specific PCR and pyrosequencing were used to determine the level of GST methylation. Pretreatment with demethylating agents enhanced the in vitro activity of brostallicin in LNCaP cells. Zebularine, in particular, induced an enhancement of activity in vivo comparable to that obtained by transfecting the human GSTP1 gene in LNCaP cells in vitro. Molecular analysis performed on tumor xenografts in mice pretreated with zebularine failed to detect re-expression of GST-pi and demethylation of GSTP1. However, we found demethylation in the GSTM1 gene, with consequent re-expression of GST-mu at the mRNA level. These results indicate that zebularine, both in vitro and in vivo, enhances the activity of brostallicin and that this enhancement correlates with re-expression of GST-pi and GST-mu. These findings highlight the potential therapeutic value of combining demethylating agents and brostallicin in tumors with GST methylation that poorly respond to brostallicin.  相似文献   
The fire blight susceptible apple cultivar Malus × domestica Borkh. cv. ‘Gala’ was transformed with the candidate fire blight resistance gene FB_MR5 originating from the crab apple accession Malus × robusta 5 (Mr5). A total of five different transgenic lines were obtained. All transgenic lines were shown to be stably transformed and originate from different transgenic events. The transgenic lines express the FB_MR5 either driven by the constitutive CaMV 35S promoter and the ocs terminator or by its native promoter and terminator sequences. Phenotyping experiments were performed with Mr5‐virulent and Mr5‐avirulent strains of Erwinia amylovora, the causal agent of fire blight. Significantly less disease symptoms were detected on transgenic lines after inoculation with two different Mr5‐avirulent E. amylovora strains, while significantly more shoot necrosis was observed after inoculation with the Mr5‐virulent mutant strain ZYRKD3_1. The results of these experiments demonstrated the ability of a single gene isolated from the native gene pool of apple to protect a susceptible cultivar from fire blight. Furthermore, this gene is confirmed to be the resistance determinant of Mr5 as the transformed lines undergo the same gene‐for‐gene interaction in the host–pathogen relationship Mr5–E. amylovora.  相似文献   
Using resistance genes from a crossable donor to obtain cultivars resistant to diseases and the use of such cultivars in production appears an economically and environmentally advantageous approach. In apple, introgression of resistance genes by classical breeding results in new cultivars, while introducing cisgenes by biotechnological methods maintains the original cultivar characteristics. Recently, plants of the popular apple ‘Gala’ were genetically modified by inserting the apple scab resistance gene Rvi6 (formerly HcrVf2) under control of its own regulatory sequences. This gene is derived from the scab‐resistant apple ‘Florina’ (originally from the wild apple accession Malus floribunda 821). The vector used for genetic modification allowed a postselection marker gene elimination to achieve cisgenesis. In this work, three cisgenic lines were analysed to assess copy number, integration site, expression level and resistance to apple scab. For two of these lines, a single insertion was observed and, despite a very low expression of 0.07‐ and 0.002‐fold compared with the natural expression of ‘Florina’, this was sufficient to induce plant reaction and reduce fungal growth by 80% compared with the scab‐susceptible ‘Gala’. Similar results for resistance and expression analysis were obtained also for the third line, although it was impossible to determine the copy number and TDNA integration site–such molecular characterization is requested by the (EC) Regulation No. 1829/2003, but may become unnecessary if cisgenic crops become exempt from GMO regulation.  相似文献   
Bone is the most common metastatic site for breast cancer. There is a significant need to understand the molecular mechanisms controlling the engraftment and growth of tumor cells in bone and to discover novel effective therapeutic strategies. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of tivantinib and Zoledronic Acid (ZA) in combination in a breast xenograft model of bone metastases. Cancer cells were intracardially implanted into immunodeficient mice and the effects of drugs alone or in combination on bone metastasis were evaluated by in vivo non-invasive optical and micro-CT imaging technologies. Drugs were administered either before (preventive regimen) or after (therapeutic regimen) bone metastases were detectable. In the preventive regimen, the combination of tivantinib plus ZA was much more effective than single agents in delaying bone metastatic tumor growth. When administered in the therapeutic schedule, the combination delayed metastatic progression and was effective in improving survival. These effects were not ascribed to a direct cytotoxic effect of the combined therapy on breast cancer cells in vitro. The results of this study provide the rationale for the design of new combinatorial strategies with tivantinib and ZA for the treatment of breast cancer bone metastases.  相似文献   
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