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目的:探讨原发性癫痫患者夜间睡眠呼吸障碍及相关事件的特点.方法:对90例原发性癫痫患者进行夜间多导睡眠图(PSG)检查.分析夜间睡眠呼吸暂停低通气指数、睡眠各期SPO2值及相关腿动事件.结果:本组病人的PSG检测结果表现为SPO2监测显示有26.67%的患者合并有睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合症(SAHS),合并SAHS组与不合并SAHS组在年龄、体重指数、是否合并高血压病方面进行比较P均<0.05,其差异有统计学意义.两组在病程、性别、发作形式、有无痫样放电、有无周期性腿动方面比较P值均>0.05,其差异无统计学意义.SPO2仪显示癫痫患者夜间存在不同程度低氧事件,其中SPO2最低值均发生在REM期.肌电显示孤立性腿动指数增加人数为27例(占30%),周期性腿动指数增加人数为15人(占16.67%),其中因激醒事件及呼吸事件因素而导致腿动指数增加分别占一定比例,且腿动事件主要集中在NREM期.结论:原发性癫痫患者常伴有睡眠呼吸障碍及夜间低氧事件.  相似文献   


Although non-typeable (NT) Haemophilus influenzae and Haemophilus haemolyticus are closely related human commensals, H. haemolyticus is non-pathogenic while NT H. influenzae is an important cause of respiratory tract infections. Phase-variable phosphorylcholine (ChoP) modification of lipooligosaccharide (LOS) is a NT H. influenzae virulence factor that, paradoxically, may also promote complement activation by binding C-reactive protein (CRP). CRP is known to bind more to ChoP positioned distally than proximally in LOS, and the position of ChoP within LOS is dictated by specific licD alleles (designated here as licD I , licD III , and licD IV ) that are present in a lic1 locus. The lic1 locus contains the licA-licD genes, and ChoP-host interactions may also be influenced by a second lic1 locus that allows for dual ChoP substitutions in the same strain, or by the number of licA gene tetranucleotide repeats (5'-CAAT-3') that reflect phase-variation mutation rates.  相似文献   
Variation in the symbiotic function of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AM fungi) has been demonstrated among distinct biotic and abiotic interactions. However, there is little knowledge on how local temperature conditions influence the functional divergence of AM symbionts in alpine ecosystems. Here, we conduct a reciprocal inoculation experiment to explore the three‐way interactions among plants, AM fungal inoculum and temperature at sites of contrasting elevation. Evidence of local adaptation of plant growth was found only under low temperature conditions, with no consistent local versus foreign effect found in AM fungal performance. The origin of either the plant or the inoculum relative to the temperature was important in explaining symbiotic function. Specifically, when inoculum and temperature were sympatric but allopatric to the plant, poor adaptation by the plant to the novel environment was clearly found under both temperature conditions. Further analysis found that the symbiotic function was inversely related to fungal diversity under high temperature conditions. These results suggest that local adaptation represents a powerful factor in the establishment of novel combinations of plant, inoculum and temperature, and confirms the importance of taking into account both biotic and abiotic interactions in the prediction of the response of symbionts to global environmental change.  相似文献   
F_(IO_2)(吸入气氧浓度)为12.35、9.87及7.7l%,分别吸入10、8及5min时,心功能呈代偿性增强改变。F_(IO_2)为9.37%、吸入20min时心功能的变化趋势与9.87%8min时仍基本相同。继发性缺二氧化碳对缺氧引起的心功能代偿性增强,在一定程度上起抵消作用。F_(IO_2)为9.87%时的缺氧程度约相当于18km高空加压供氧总压值为15.3kPa(115mmHg)时的缺氧。单纯从缺氧因素考虑,将总压值由常用的17.3kPa(130mmHg)降低为15.3kPa是可允许的。  相似文献   
从土壤中分离得到一株放线菌AR1148,其代谢产物对万古霉素耐药肠球菌有较明显的抑菌活性。该菌株的基内菌丝无横隔,气生菌丝丰茂,分枝较好,孢子椭圆形,表面光滑。菌丝细胞壁工型,含有L-2,6-二氨基庚二酸(LL-DAP)和甘氨酸。菌株AR1148归属于链霉菌属金色类群。根据16SrDNA序列分析,该菌株与现有种差异明显,聚类在不同的分支。定名为Streptomyces sp.AR1148。  相似文献   
紫杉醇产生菌HU1353的鉴定   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
通过对紫杉醇产生菌HU1 35 3群体形态的观察 ,以及个体形态包括菌丝、分生孢子梗、分生孢子、产孢细胞、是否具喙等特征的研究 ,确定了HU1 35 3的分类地位 ,为链格孢属一新种 ,命名为红豆杉链格孢。  相似文献   
Shi Y  Zhai H  Wang X  Han Z  Liu C  Lan M  Du J  Guo C  Zhang Y  Wu K  Fan D 《Experimental cell research》2004,296(2):337-346
Ribosomal proteins (RP) S13 and RPL23 were previously identified as two upregulated genes in a multidrug-resistant gastric cancer cell line SGC7901/VCR compared to its parental cell SGC7901 by differential display PCR. The aim of this study was to explore the roles of RPS13 and RPL23 in multidrug resistance (MDR) in gastric cancer cells. RPS13 and RPL23 were genetically overexpressed in SGC7901 cells, respectively. Either RPS13 or RPL23 enhanced resistance of SGC7901 cells to vincristine, adriamycin, and 5-fludrouracil. RPL23 also enhanced resistance of SGC7901 cells to cisplatin. Overexpression of either RPS13 or RPL23 did not alter the population doubling time, [3H]leucine incorporation, and intracellular adriamycin accumulation of SGC7901 cells. However, either RPS13 or RPL23 could protect SGC7901 cells from undergoing vincristine-induced apoptosis. Western blot analysis revealed that both RPS13 and RPL23 significantly increased the expression level of Bcl-2 and Bcl-2/Bax ratio in SGC7901 cells. In addition, overexpression of RPL23 enhanced glutathione S-transferase (GST) activity and intracellular glutathione content in SGC7901 cells. Together, this work demonstrates that either RPS13 or RPL23 can promote MDR in gastric cancer cells by suppressing drug-induced apoptosis, and that RPL23 may also promote MDR in gastric cancer cells through regulation of glutathione S-transferase-mediated drug-detoxifying system.  相似文献   
响应面法优化黑曲霉HDF05产β-葡萄糖苷酶过程参数   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
为获得黑曲霉Aspergillus niger HDF05菌株较高的β-葡萄糖苷酶酶活,对其发酵条件进行了优化。采用Plackett-Burman实验设计考察关键发酵操作参数对产酶的影响。继而采用最陡爬坡路径逼近最大响应区域,并结合中心组合实验和响应面对4个显著性因素进行分析。Plackett-Burman实验结果表明,发酵温度、装液量、麦麸和 (NH4)2SO4浓度对β-葡萄糖苷酶合成影响显著。通过响应面分析得到一元二阶方程,对方程求解得到优化的发酵过程参数:发酵温度为28 ℃,装液量为71.4 mL/250 mL,麸皮浓度为36 g/L,(NH4)2SO4浓度为5.5 g/L。采用该优化的过程参数,菌株的最大产β-葡萄糖苷酶活力可达60.06 U/mL,较优化前提高了23.9%。将黑曲霉HDF05产生的β-葡萄糖苷酶用于酸解玉米芯纤维残渣的酶解实验中,可明显降低纤维二糖的积累,48 h内可使玉米芯纤维素残渣酶解得率达到80.4%。  相似文献   
海草床是近岸海域中生产力极高的生态系统,是许多海洋水生动物的重要育幼场所。从生物幼体的密度、生长率、存活率和生境迁移4个方面阐述海草床育幼功能,并从食源和捕食压力两个方面探讨海草床育幼功能机理。许多生物幼体在海草床都呈现出较高的密度、生长率和存活率,并且在个体发育到一定阶段从海草床向成体栖息环境迁移。丰富的食物来源或较低的捕食压力可能是海草床具有育幼功能的主要原因,但不同的生物幼体对海草床的利用有差异,海草床育幼功能的机理在不同环境条件下也存在差异。提出未来海草床育幼功能的重点研究方向:(1)量化海草床对成体栖息环境贡献量;(2)全球气候变化和人类活动对海草床育幼功能的影响;(3)海草床育幼功能对海草床斑块效应和边缘效应的响应,以期为促进我国海草床育幼研究和海草床生态系统保护提供依据。  相似文献   
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