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Immunohistochemistry (IHC) is used to detect antibody-specific antigens in tissues; the results depend on the ability of the primary antibodies to bind to their antigens. Therefore, results depend on the quality of preservation of the specimen. Many investigators have overcome the deleterious effects of over-fixation on the binding of primary antibodies to specimen antigens using IHC, but if the specimen is under-fixed or fixation is delayed, false negative results could be obtained despite certified laboratory practices. Microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2) is an abundant microtubule-associate protein that participates in the outgrowth of neuronal processes and synaptic plasticity; it is localized primarily in cell bodies and dendrites of neurons. MAP2 immunolabeling has been reported to be absent in areas of the entorhinal cortex and hippocampus of Alzheimer’s disease brains that were co-localized with the dense-core type of amyloid plaques. It was hypothesized that the lack of MAP2 immunolabeling in these structures was due to the degradation of the MAP2 antigen by the neuronal proteases that were released as the neurons lysed leading to the formation of these plaques. Because MAP2 is sensitive to proteolysis, we hypothesized that changes in MAP2 immunolabeling may be correlated with the degree of fixation of central nervous system (CNS) tissues. We detected normal MAP2 immunolabeling in fixed rat brain tissues, but MAP2 immunolabeling was decreased or lost in unfixed and delayed-fixed rat brain tissues. By contrast, two ubiquitous CNS-specific markers, myelin basic protein and glial fibrillary acidic protein, were unaffected by the degree of fixation in the same tissues. Our observations suggest that preservation of various CNS-specific antigens differs with the degree of fixation and that the lack of MAP2 immunolabeling in the rat brain may indicate inadequate tissue fixation. We recommend applying MAP2 IHC for all CNS tissues as a pre-screen to assess the quality of the tissue preservation and to avoid potentially false negative IHC results.  相似文献   
The α-Proteobacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens has proteins homologous to known regulators that govern cell division and development in Caulobacter crescentus, many of which are also conserved among diverse α-Proteobacteria. In light of recent work demonstrating similarity between the division cycle of C. crescentus and that of A. tumefaciens, the functional conservation for this presumptive control pathway was examined. In C. crescentus the CtrA response regulator serves as the master regulator of cell cycle progression and cell division. CtrA activity is controlled by an integrated pair of multi-component phosphorelays: PleC/DivJ-DivK and CckA-ChpT-CtrA. Although several of the conserved orthologues appear to be essential in A. tumefaciens, deletions in pleC or divK were isolated and resulted in cell division defects, diminished swimming motility, and a decrease in biofilm formation. A. tumefaciens also has two additional pleC/divJ homologue sensor kinases called pdhS1 and pdhS2, absent in C. crescentus. Deletion of pdhS1 phenocopied the ΔpleC and ΔdivK mutants. Cells lacking pdhS2 morphologically resembled wild-type bacteria, but were decreased in swimming motility and elevated for biofilm formation, suggesting that pdhS2 may serve to regulate the motile to non-motile switch in A. tumefaciens. Genetic analysis suggests that the PleC/DivJ-DivK and CckA-ChpT-CtrA phosphorelays in A. tumefaciens are vertically-integrated, as in C. crescentus. A gain-of-function mutation in CckA (Y674D) was identified as a spontaneous suppressor of the ΔpleC motility phenotype. Thus, although the core architecture of the A. tumefaciens pathway resembles that of C. crescentus there are specific differences including additional regulators, divergent pathway architecture, and distinct target functions.  相似文献   
The plant pathogen Agrobacterium tumefaciens encodes predicted iron-responsive regulators, Irr and RirA, that function in several other bacteria to control the response to environmental iron levels. Deletion mutations of irr and rirA, alone and in combination, were evaluated for their impact on cellular iron response. Growth was severely diminished in the Δirr mutant under iron-limiting conditions, but reversed to wild-type levels in an Δirr ΔrirA mutant. The level of uncomplexed iron in the Δirr mutant was decreased, whereas the ΔrirA mutant exhibited elevated iron levels. Sensitivity of the Δirr and ΔrirA mutants to iron-activated antimicrobial compounds generally reflected their uncomplexed-iron levels. Expression of genes that encode iron uptake systems was decreased in the Δirr mutant, whereas that of iron utilization genes was increased. Irr function required a trihistidine repeat likely to mediate interactions with heme. Iron uptake genes were derepressed in the ΔrirA mutant. In the Δirr ΔrirA mutant, iron uptake and utilization genes were derepressed, roughly combining the phenotypes of the single mutants. Siderophore production was elevated in the rirA mutant, but most strongly regulated by an RirA-controlled sigma factor. Expression of rirA itself was regulated by Irr, RirA, and iron availability, in contrast to irr expression, which was relatively stable in the different mutants. These studies suggest that in A. tumefaciens, the Irr protein is most active under low-iron conditions, inhibiting iron utilization and activating iron acquisition, while the RirA protein is active under high-iron conditions, repressing iron uptake.  相似文献   
Relationships between host and microbial diversity have important ecological and applied implications. Theory predicts that these relationships will depend on the spatio-temporal scale of the analysis and the niche breadth of the organisms in question, but representative data on host-microbial community assemblage in nature is lacking. We employed a natural gradient of rodent species richness and quantified bacterial communities in rodent blood at several hierarchical spatial scales to test the hypothesis that associations between host and microbial species diversity will be positive in communities dominated by organisms with broad niches sampled at large scales. Following pyrosequencing of rodent blood samples, bacterial communities were found to be comprised primarily of broad niche lineages. These communities exhibited positive correlations between host diversity, microbial diversity and the likelihood for rare pathogens at the regional scale but not at finer scales. These findings demonstrate how microbial diversity is affected by host diversity at different spatial scales and suggest that the relationships between host diversity and overall disease risk are not always negative, as the dilution hypothesis predicts.  相似文献   


Phylogenetic analyses of the Annonaceae consistently identify four clades: a basal clade consisting of Anaxagorea, and a small 'ambavioid' clade that is sister to two main clades, the 'long branch clade' (LBC) and 'short branch clade' (SBC). Divergence times in the family have previously been estimated using non-parametric rate smoothing (NPRS) and penalized likelihood (PL). Here we use an uncorrelated lognormal (UCLD) relaxed molecular clock in BEAST to estimate diversification times of the main clades within the family with a focus on the Asian genus Pseuduvaria within the SBC. Two fossil calibration points are applied, including the first use of the recently discovered Annonaceae fossil Futabanthus. The taxonomy and morphology of Pseuduvaria have been well documented, although no previous dating or biogeographical studies have been undertaken. Ancestral areas at internal nodes within Pseuduvaria are determined using dispersal-vicariance analysis (DIVA) and weighted ancestral area analysis (WAAA).  相似文献   


Citrus canker is a disease caused by the phytopathogens Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri, Xanthomonas fuscans subsp. aurantifolli and Xanthomonas alfalfae subsp. citrumelonis. The first of the three species, which causes citrus bacterial canker type A, is the most widely spread and severe, attacking all citrus species. In Brazil, this species is the most important, being found in practically all areas where citrus canker has been detected. Like most phytobacterioses, there is no efficient way to control citrus canker. Considering the importance of the disease worldwide, investigation is needed to accurately detect which genes are related to the pathogen-host adaptation process and which are associated with pathogenesis.  相似文献   
Rhizobium sp. strain NGR234 forms symbiotic, nitrogen-fixing nodules on a wide range of legumes via functions largely encoded by the plasmid pNGR234a. The pNGR234a sequence revealed a region encoding plasmid replication (rep) and conjugal transfer (tra) functions similar to those encoded by the rep and tra genes from the tumor-inducing (Ti) plasmids of Agrobacterium tumefaciens, including homologues of the Ti plasmid quorum-sensing regulators TraI, TraR, and TraM. In A. tumefaciens, TraI, a LuxI-type protein, catalyzes synthesis of the acylated homoserine lactone (acyl-HSL) N-3-oxo-octanoyl-L-homoserine lactone (3-oxo-C8-HSL). TraR binds 3-oxo-C8-HSL and activates expression of Ti plasmid tra and rep genes, increasing conjugation and copy number at high population densities. TraM prevents this activation under noninducing conditions. Although the pNGR234a TraR, TraI, and TraM appear to function similarly to their A. tumefaciens counterparts, the TraR and TraM orthologues are not cross-functional, and the quorum-sensing systems have differences. NGR234 TraI synthesizes an acyl-HSL likely to be 3-oxo-C8-HSL, but traI mutants and a pNGR234a-cured derivative produce low levels of a similar acyl-HSL and another, more hydrophobic signal molecule. TraR activates expression of several pNGR234a tra operons in response to 3-oxo-C8-HSL and is inhibited by TraM. However, one of the pNGR234a tra operons is not activated by TraR, and conjugal efficiency is not affected by TraR and 3-oxo-C8-HSL. The growth rate of NGR234 is significantly decreased by TraR and 3-oxo-C8-HSL through functions encoded elsewhere in the NGR234 genome.  相似文献   
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