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Mitochondria are involved in excitotoxic damage of nerve cells. Following the breakdown of the calcium-buffering ability of mitochondria, mitochondrial calcium overload induces reactive oxygen species (ROS) bursts that produce free radicals and open permeability transition pores, ultimately leading to neuronal cell death. In the present study, we focused on a mitochondrial antioxidant protein, peroxiredoxin-3 (Prx-3), to investigate the mechanism by which toxic properties of ROS were up-regulated in mitochondria of damaged nerve cells. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that Prx-3 protein exists in mitochondria of rat hippocampus, whereas we found a significant decrease in Prx-3 mRNA and protein levels associated with an increase in nitrated proteins in the rat hippocampus injured by microinjection of ibotenic acid. Furthermore, in vivo adenoviral gene transfer of Prx-3 completely inhibited protein nitration and markedly reduced gliosis, a post-neuronal cell death event. Since mitochondrial Prx-3 seems to be neuroprotective against oxidative insults, our findings suggest that Prx-3 up-regulation might be a useful novel approach for the management of neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   
The iron storage protein ferritin from soybean (Glycine max) was expressed in E. coli and crystallized using the hanging drop vapor diffusion method with sodium tartrate as the precipitant. The crystals belong to the tetragonal I4(1)22 space group, with unit cell parameters a=b=324.0, c=182.7 A. The diffraction data were collected up to a resolution of 3.0 A with a multi-wire area detector.  相似文献   
2-Ketoisovalerate ferredoxin oxidoreductase (VOR) is a key enzyme in hyperthermophiles catalyzing the coenzyme A-dependent oxidative decarboxylation of mainly aliphatic amino acid-derived 2-keto acids. The very oxygen-labile enzyme purified under anaerobic conditions from a hyperthermophilic archaeon, Thermococcus profundus, is a hetero-octamer (alphabetagammadelta)(2) consisting of four different subunits, alpha = 45,000, beta = 31,000, gamma = 22,000 and delta = 13,000, respectively. Electron paramagnetic resonance and resonance Raman spectra of the purified enzyme indicate the presence of approximately three [4Fe-4S] clusters per alphabetagammadelta-protomer, although one of the clusters has a tendency to be converted to a [3Fe-4S] form during purification. The optimal temperature for the enzyme activity is 93 +/- 2 degrees C and the cognate [4Fe-4S] ferredoxin serves as an electron acceptor of the enzyme. The purified enzyme is highly oxygen-labile (t(1/2), approximately 5 min at 25 degrees C), and is partly protected in the presence of magnesium ions, thiamine pyrophosphate and sodium chloride (t(1/2), approximately 25 min at 25 degrees C).  相似文献   
The effects of El Niño‐induced droughts on dipterocarp forests must be quantified to evaluate the implications of future global climatic changes for the tropical forests of Southeast Asia. We studied the mortality of trees ≥ 1 cm in diameter in a lowland dipterocarp forest in Borneo before, during, and after the 1997/1998 El Niño drought. The annual mortality rates were 1.30, 1.75, and 1.66 percent/yr for the pre‐drought, drought, and post‐drought periods, respectively. The effect of drought was tree size‐dependent being greater for larger trees. Modified logistic regression analysis revealed a significant interaction effect between species' habitat association and edaphic condition on mortality rates in all periods. For species associated with wet habitat, drought effect was greater in dry conditions than in wet conditions, in both the drought and post‐drought periods. The mortality rates of dry‐habitat species were less affected by the drought both in dry and wet conditions. A similar pattern was also found in common Dipterocarpaceae species; mortality rates increased more in species associated with wet‐habitat in the drought and post‐drought periods. Species and families with higher mortality in the pre‐drought period tended to experience greater mortality increases during the drought and post‐drought periods. These results suggest that changes in drought regimes alter the species composition and spatial distribution of dipterocarp forests.  相似文献   


The goals of this study were to examine the oxemic regulation of Wnt signaling to explore whether Wnt signaling accelerates the age-related degeneration of nucleus pulposus cells, and if so, to define the mechanism underlying this effect. We investigated the expression of Klotho, a newly identified antiaging gene, and whether its regulation is attributable to the suppression of Wnt signaling.


Rat nucleus pulposus cells were cultured under normoxic (21% O2) or hypoxic (2% O2) conditions, and the expression and promoter activity of Wnt signaling and Klotho were evaluated. The effect of Klotho protein was examined with transfection experiments, 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay, senescence-associated β-galactosidase staining, and cell-cycle analysis. To determine the methylation status of the Klotho promoter region, bisulfite genomic sequencing analysis was performed. Its relation with the activation of Wnt signaling was assessed. We also examined whether the expression of Klotho could block the effects of pathological Wnt expression in nucleus pulposus cells.


Nucleus pulposus cells exhibited increased β-catenin mRNA and protein under the hypoxic condition. Klotho protein was expressed in vivo, and protein and messenger RNA expression decreased under the hypoxic condition. Klotho treatment decreased cell proliferation and induced the quiescence of nucleus pulposus cells. In addition, Klotho treatment inhibited expression of β-catenin gene and protein compared with untreated control cells.


These data indicate that Wnt signaling and Klotho form a negative-feedback loop in nucleus pulposus cells. These results suggest that the expression of Klotho is regulated by the balance between upregulation and downregulation of Wnt signaling.  相似文献   
The relationships between oxidation-specific epitopes (OSE) and lipoprotein (a) [Lp(a)] and progressive atherosclerosis and plaque rupture have not been determined. Coronary artery sections from sudden death victims and carotid endarterectomy specimens were immunostained for apoB-100, oxidized phospholipids (OxPL), apo(a), malondialdehyde-lysine (MDA), and MDA-related epitopes detected by antibody IK17 and macrophage markers. The presence of OxPL captured in carotid and saphenous vein graft distal protection devices was determined with LC-MS/MS. In coronary arteries, OSE and apo(a) were absent in normal coronary arteries and minimally present in early lesions. As lesions progressed, apoB and MDA epitopes did not increase, whereas macrophage, apo(a), OxPL, and IK17 epitopes increased proportionally, but they differed according to plaque type and plaque components. Apo(a) epitopes were present throughout early and late lesions, especially in macrophages and the necrotic core. IK17 and OxPL epitopes were strongest in late lesions in macrophage-rich areas, lipid pools, and the necrotic core, and they were most specifically associated with unstable and ruptured plaques. Specific OxPL were present in distal protection devices. Human atherosclerotic lesions manifest a differential expression of OSEs and apo(a) as they progress, rupture, and become clinically symptomatic. These findings provide a rationale for targeting OSE for biotheranostic applications in humans.Oxidative pathways in the subendothelial space activate pro-inflammatory, immunogenic, and atherogenic processes, resulting in endothelial dysfunction, plaque growth and destabilization, platelet activation, and thrombosis, ultimately leading to clinical events (1). A variety of oxidation-specific epitopes (OSE) are generated during oxidative modification of plaque components. These epitopes are not only expressed on modified lipoproteins but also on apoptotic cells and proteins in the extracellular matrix of atherosclerotic vessels (2).Extensive experimental data exists defining the role of oxidation in both progression and regression of atherosclerosis. Atherosclerotic lesions of hypercholesterolemic animal models, which represent primarily early and intermediate stage atherosclerosis, contain significant amounts of OSE, often in proportion to plaque burden. OSE in the vessel wall of atherosclerotic animals can also be imaged with nuclear and magnetic resonance techniques using murine and human oxidation-specific antibodies, such as MDA2, E06, and IK17 (35). Dietary interventions in hypercholesterolemic animals that promote regression result in more rapid removal of OSE than apoB, which occurs prior to plaques diminishing significantly in size, and is associated with markers of plaque stabilization, such as increased collagen and smooth muscle cell (SMC) expression, and a decrease in reactive oxygen species and macrophages (68).Despite this wealth of animal data on the relationship of OSE and atherosclerosis, relatively little is known about their relationship to clinically relevant advanced, unstable, or ruptured plaques. Furthermore, a systematic analysis of the presence of OSE in human lesions has not been performed to date. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the presence and relative distribution of well-characterized OSE in various stages of human atherosclerotic lesions, including native coronary lesions, carotid endarterectomy samples, and material from carotid and saphenous vein graft (SVG) embolic protection filters. Such knowledge may have significant clinical implications with the emergence in the clinical and translational arenas of oxidative biomarkers, molecular imaging, and therapeutic approaches, including immune modulation and vaccine approaches targeting these moieties (912), broadly characterized as “biotheranostic” (biomarker, therapeutic, diagnostic imaging) applications.  相似文献   
We prepared an iron-substituted form of recombinant human manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) by using guanidine hydrochloride for the first time as a model of iron-misincorporated MnSOD, the formation of which has been reported by M. Yang et al. upon disruption of mitochondrial metal homeostasis in yeast (Yang et al. 2006, EMBO J. 25, 1775-1783). The iron-substituted enzyme contained 0.79 g atoms of Fe/mol of subunits and had a specific activity of 80 units/mg protein/g atom of Fe/mol of subunit, which was less than 3% of the activity of the purified MnSOD. Fe-substituted MnSOD (Fe-MnSOD) showed the same absorption spectrum as that of bacterial Fe-MnSODs reported, a similar pH-dependent change of the enzymatic activity, and a similar electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum. Fe-MnSOD showed more thermal stability than native MnSOD. The Fe-substituted enzyme showed a hydrogen-peroxide-mediated radical-generating activity, which was monitored by a cation radical of 2,2'-azinobis-(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulfonate) formation similar to that of Cu,ZnSOD, but native human MnSOD and FeSOD showed no radical-generation ability. This evidence suggests that a substitution of Mn to Fe in human MnSOD in mitochondria may produce a disadvantage for oxidative stress in three ways: loss of the enzymatic activity, increase of stability, and gain of radical-generating ability.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to examine HRQOL depending on whether the participants have family members with disabilities or not. In addition, we examined the relationship between HRQOL and social networks among family caregivers in Japan.  相似文献   
Many masting species switch resources between vegetative growth and reproduction in mast and non-mast years. Although masting of oak species is well known, there have been few investigations of the relationship between vegetative growth and reproduction based on long-term monitoring data, especially in evergreen oaks of subgenus Cyclobalanopsis. We investigated annual variations over 13?years in acorn and leaf production of three evergreen oak species in subgenus Cyclobalanopsis, genus Quercus (Fagaceae)??Q. acuta, Q. salicina and Q. sessilifolia??in western Japan. In these species, the maturation of acorns occurs in the second autumn after flowering, which is known as a biennial-fruiting habit. We found a pattern of acorn production and masting in alternate years that was synchronized in all three species. Masting was not correlated with temperature and precipitation. Annual leaf-fall also showed 2-year cycle in the three oak species; peak years were synchronized between species and peak leaf-fall alternated with acorn production in all three species. Furthermore, there was a significant negative correlation between acorn and leaf production in all three species. Data showing 2-year cycles of acorn and leaf production and the negative correlation between them supports the hypothesis of resource switching between vegetative growth and reproduction. The 2-year cycle might be the basic, intrinsic rhythm of resource allocation in biennial-fruiting Cyclobalanopsis species.  相似文献   
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