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We used cutinase from the filamentous fungi Aspergillus oryzae to produce dairy flavors. Secretory and displayed forms of cutinase were investigated using salt-free butter, which is composed mostly of triacylglycerides, as the substrate. The secretory form of cutinase, which was produced in recombinant A. oryzae, was suitable for producing butyric acids (16.8 mol%). Also, cutinase displayed on the cell surface of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a fusion protein with α-agglutinin released butyric acid at a 2.7-fold rate (45.4 mol%) higher than that of the secreted form. Yeasts carrying two copies of cutinase genes into their chromosomes, which were constructed using the HELOH method, released free fatty acids rapidly and showed 2-fold higher lipase activity compared with yeasts carrying one copy of the cutinase gene.  相似文献   
The bioadsorption of metal ions using microorganisms is an attractive technology for the recovery of rare metal ions as well as removal of toxic heavy metal ions from aqueous solution. In initial attempts, microorganisms with the ability to accumulate metal ions were isolated from nature and intracellular accumulation was enhanced by the overproduction of metal-binding proteins in the cytoplasm. As an alternative, the cell surface design of microorganisms by cell surface engineering is an emerging strategy for bioadsorption and recovery of metal ions. Cell surface engineering was firstly applied to the construction of a bioadsorbent to adsorb heavy metal ions for bioremediation. Cell surface adsorption of metal ions is rapid and reversible. Therefore, adsorbed metal ions can be easily recovered without cell breakage, and the bioadsorbent can be reused or regenerated. These advantages are suitable for the recovery of rare metal ions. Actually, the cell surface display of a molybdate-binding protein on yeast led to the enhanced adsorption of molybdate, one of the rare metal ions. An additional advantage is that the cell surface display system allows high-throughput screening of protein/peptide libraries owing to the direct evaluation of the displayed protein/peptide without purification and concentration. Therefore, the creation of novel metal-binding protein/peptide and engineering of microorganisms towards the recovery of rare metal ions could be simultaneously achieved.  相似文献   
Clostridium cellulovorans 743B was isolated from a wood chip pile and is an anaerobic and mesophilic spore-forming bacterium. This organism degrades native substrates in soft biomass such as corn fiber and rice straw efficiently by producing an extracellular enzyme complex called the cellulosome. Here we report the genome sequence of C. cellulovorans 743B.The biotechnological potential of polysaccharolytic enzymes has resulted in the isolation and characterization of a large number of anaerobic, Gram-positive, spore-forming bacteria, the majority of which have been allocated to the genus Clostridium. Among clostridia, the cellulosomes produced by Clostridium species are particularly designed for efficient degradation of plant cell wall polysaccharides. The component parts of the multicomponent complex are integrated by virtue of a unique family of integrating modules, the cohesins and the dockerins, whose distribution and specificity dictate the overall cellulosome architecture (3). The cellulosome system in Clostridium cellulovorans 743B (ATCC 35296) has been studied extensively for the last 20 years and has resulted in providing basic information about mesophilic cellulosomes. This organism was isolated from a wood chip pile and is an anaerobic spore-forming bacterium whose optimal growth temperature is 37°C (9). It has the ability to utilize cellulose, xylan, pectin, cellobiose, glucose, fructose, galactose, and mannose as carbon sources for growth. Its fermentation products include H2, CO2, acetate, butyrate, formate, lactate, and ethanol. When it is grown in the presence of cellulose, electron micrographs have shown that large protuberances are present on its cell surface (4), while small or no protuberances are evident when cells are grown in the presence of glucose or cellobiose (5).We sequenced a total length of 101,749,598 bp and analyzed 381,514 reads by Genome Sequencer FLX 454./Roche sequencing (8) (GS-FLX version) to highly oversample the genome (20× coverage) and generated 123,892 paired-end sequence tags, to enable the assembly of all tags using the GS De Novo Assembler version (Roche Diagnostics) and the Genome Analyzer II and sequencing kit 36-Cycle Run (Illumina). Finally, we assembled 30 scaffolds (sets of 601 ordered and oriented contigs; total length of 5,123,527 bp) to generate approximately 5.1 Mbp of nearly contiguous Clostridium botulinum E3 strain Alaska E43 (accession no. NC_010723) complete genome sequence. We analyzed a number of predicted genes included in the C. cellulovorans genome using CRITICA (version 1.05b) (2) and Glimmer 2 (version 2.10) (6) to find regions in proteins with known functions. We annotated and classified according to Gene Ontology (GO) (1). In silico Molecular Cloning Genomic Edition ver. 3.0.26 software (In Silico Biology, Co., Ltd., Japan) was used for individual genomic analysis.The C. cellulovorans 743B (ATCC 35296) genome consists of 5,123,527 bp. A total of 4,220 polypeptide-encoding open reading frames (ORFs) were identified using CRITICA, while 4,297 ORFs were identified using Glimmer 2. The number of ORFs identical between CRITICA and Glimmer 2 was 2,773. Sixty-three tRNAs and 33 anticodons were also identified using tRNAscan-SE (7). In comparison of the genome sizes among cellulosomal clostridia such as Clostridium cellulolyticum H10 (4.07 Mbp) (GenBank accession no. CP001348) and Clostridium thermocellum ATCC 27405 (3.84 Mbp) (GenBank accession no. CP000568), the C. cellulovorans genome was over 1 Mbp larger than the other genomes. Moreover, the number of predicted genes (4,220 by CRITICA) in the C. cellulovorans genome was the largest among them. On the other hand, the G+C content in C. cellulovorans was 31.1%, similar to that (30.9%) in Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC 824 (GenBank accession no. AE001437), while the G+C contents in C. cellulolyticum and C. thermocellum were 37.7% and 39.0%, respectively.A protein BLAST search against the database of clusters of orthologous groups (COGs) of proteins indicated that 4,171 genes were annotated by 4,220 predicted coding sequences using CRITICA while 4,098 genes were identified by 4,297 predicted coding sequences using Glimmer 2. On the other hand, a protein BLAST search against the NCBI nr database indicated that 4,184 genes were annotated by 4,220 predicted coding sequences using CRITICA while 4,071 genes were identified by 4,297 predicted coding sequences using Glimmer 2. Interestingly, 57 cellulosomal genes were found in the C. cellulovorans genome and coded for not only carbohydrate-active enzymes but also lipases, peptidases, and proteinase inhibitors. Moreover, two novel genes encoding a scaffolding protein were found in the genome. Thus, by examining genome sequences from multiple Clostridium species, comparative genomics offers new insight into genome evolution and the way in which natural selection molds functional DNA sequence evolution. Our analysis, coupled with the genome sequence data, will provide a road map for constructing enhanced cellulosome-producing Clostridium strains for industrial applications such as biofuel production.  相似文献   
As avian brood parasitism usually reduces hosts'' reproductive success, hosts often exhibit strong defence mechanisms. While such host defences at the egg stage (especially egg rejection) have been extensively studied, defence mechanisms at the nestling stage have been reported only recently. We found a previously unknown anti-parasitism behaviour in the large-billed Gerygone, which is a host species of the little bronze-cuckoo, a host-evicting brood parasite. The hosts forcibly pulled resisting nestlings out of their nests and dumped them. Although it has been suggested that defence mechanisms at the nestling stage may evolve when host defence at the egg stage is evaded by the parasite, the studied host seems to lack an anti-parasitism strategy at the egg stage. This suggests that the evolutionary pathway may be quite different from those of previously studied cuckoo–host systems. Future research on this unique system may give us new insights into the evolution of avian brood parasitism.  相似文献   
Juvenile salmon have an olfactory ability to imprint their natal stream odors, but neither the odor properties of natal stream water nor the imprinting timing and duration have been clarified as yet. Here we show, using electrophysiological and behavioral experiments, that one-year-old lacustrine sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) can be imprinted around the stage of parr-smolt transformation (PST) by a single amino acid, 1 µM L-proline (Pro), or L-glutamic acid (Glu). We also show by real-time PCR that changes occur in mRNA levels of the salmon olfactory imprinting-related gene (SOIG) around PST. The electro-olfactogram (EOG) responses of test fish exposed to Pro in March (before PST) and April–June (during PST) for 2 weeks were significantly (1.7-fold) greater than those of non-exposed control fish, but not those of test fish exposed in July (after PST). When Pro and control water were added to the water inlets of a two-choice test tank during the spawning season 2 years after the test water exposure, 80% of maturing and matured test fish exposed before and during PST showed a preference for Pro, whereas those exposed after PST did not. The EOG response of test fish exposed to Pro or Glu for 1 hour, 6 hours, 1 day, 7 days, or 14 days in May revealed that only the response after 14 days of exposure was significantly (1.8-fold) greater than the control. The expression levels of SOIG mRNA increased before and during PST, and decreased after PST. We conclude that one-year-old lacustrine sockeye salmon can be imprinted by a single amino acid before and during PST, and that imprinting requires exposure for at least 14 days.  相似文献   
Treatment of Nylon wool-passed cells (NWC) prepared from the spleen of C57BL/6 mice with IL-18 and IL-12, but not with IL-18 alone, resulted in induction of IFN-gamma, a Th1 cytokine, and GM-CSF at 24 h, and IL-13, a Th2 cytokine at 72 h. The induction of IL-13 was suppressed by anti-GM-CSF antibody, indicating involvement of GM-CSF in IL-13 production. When NWC incubated with IL-18 and IL-12 for 72 h ("primary treatment") were treated again with the same cytokines ("secondary treatment"), IL-13 was induced much more quickly than observed in the primary treatment. Flow cytometric analysis of NWC after the primary treatment showed marked increases in the CD4(-)CD8(-) non-T cell population bearing CD25(+), CD45RB(super high) and CD122(+). These cells were positive for CD49b but negative for NK1.1, indicating that they were not typical but NK-like cells. The NK-like cells produced IL-13 in response to the treatment with IL-18 alone, indicating that the generation of these cells in the primary treatment likely accounts for the quick production of IL-13 in the secondary treatment. These results show that IL-18 and IL-12 generates the NK-like cells in NWC by a process mediated by GM-CSF that are ready for producing IL-13.  相似文献   
The bio-nanocapsule (BNC) is our concept of artificial hollow nanoparticles that have been designed and produced through biotechnological procedures. We proposed an empty virus-like particle, which consists of a recombinant L envelope protein of hepatitis B virus (HBV) and a lipid derived from the host cell, as an engineered BNC. Although this BNC was first developed as an immunogen of hepatitis B vaccine, the pre-S1 region in N-terminus of L envelope protein confers hepatocyte specific infectivity of HBV on the BNC. This recombinant BNC is now being developed as a novel platform of drug delivery system (DDS) vector for selective delivery.  相似文献   
MOTIVATION: Carbohydrate sugar chains, or glycans, are considered the third major class of biomolecules after DNA and proteins. They consist of branching monosaccharides, starting from a single monosaccharide. They are extremely vital to the development and functioning of multicellular organisms because they are recognized by various proteins to allow them to perform specific functions. Our motivation is to study this recognition mechanism using informatics techniques from the data available. Previously, we introduced a probabilistic sibling-dependent tree Markov model (PSTMM), which we showed could be efficiently trained on sibling-dependent tree structures and return the most likely state paths. However, it had some limitations in that the extra dependency between siblings caused overfitting problems. The retrieval of the patterns from the trained model also involved manually extracting the patterns from the most likely state paths. Thus we introduce a profilePSTMM model which avoids these problems, incorporating a novel concept of different types of state transitions to handle parent-child and sibling dependencies differently. RESULTS: Our new algorithms are more efficient and able to extract the patterns more easily. We tested the profilePSTMM model on both synthetic (controlled) data as well as glycan data from the KEGG GLYCAN database. Additionally, we tested it on glycans which are known to be recognized and bound to proteins at various binding affinities, and we show that our results correlate with results published in the literature.  相似文献   
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