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Curarized cutaneous pectoris nerve-muscle preparations from frogs were stimulated at 10/s or at 2/s for periods ranging from 20 min to 4 h. End plate potential were recorded intracellularly and used to estimate the quantity of transmitter secreted during the period of stimulation. At the ends of the periods of stimulation the preparations were either fixed for electron microscopy or treated with black widow spider venom to determine the quantities of transmitter remainind in the terminal. Horseradish peroxidase or dextran was added to the bathing solution and used as a tracer to detect the formation of vesicles from the axolemma. During 4 h of stimulation at 2/s many new vesicles were formed from the axolemma and the quantity of transmitter secreted was several times greater than the quantity in the initial store. After this period of stimulation, the terminals were severely depleted of transmitter, but not of vesicles, and their general morphological organization was normal. During 20 min of stimulation at 10/s the nerve terminals swelled and were severely depleted both of vesicles and of transmitter. During a subsequent hour of rest the changes in morphology were largely reversed, many new vesicles were formed from the axolemma and the stores of transmitter were partially replenished. These results suggest (a) that synaptic vesicles fuse with, and re-form from, the membrane of the nerve terminal during and after stimulation and (b), that the re-formed vesicles can store and release transmitter.  相似文献   
A modification of the classical procedure of fluctuation analysis is used to measure the waveform, w(t), mean amplitude, (h), and mean rate of occurrence, (r), of miniature endplate potentials (MEPPs) at frog cutaneous pectoris neuromuscular junctions treated with black widow spider venom (BWSV). MEPP parameters are determined from the power spectrum of the fluctuating potential and the second (variance), third (skew), and fourth semi-invariants (cumulants) of high-pass-filtered records of the potential. The method gives valid results even when the mean potential undergoes slow changes unrelated to MEPPs and when the MEPP rate is not stationary; it detects changes in the distribution of MEPP amplitudes and corrects for the nonlinear summation of MEPPs. The effects of Ca2+ on BWSV-induced secretion are studied in detail. When Ca2+ is absent, the power spectrum of the fluctuations is shaped like the spectrum of w(t) and secretion is quasi-stationary; (r) rises smoothly to peak values of approximately 1,500/s and then quickly subsides to levels near 10/s. Many relatively small and some "giant" MEPPs occur at the ends of the experiments, and the distribution of MEPP amplitudes broadens. When the effects of this broadening are corrected for, we find that approximately 0.7 X 10(6) MEPPs occurred during the 30 min of intense secretion. Since BWSV depletes nerve terminals of their quanta of transmitter and their synaptic vesicles, this figure is an upper limit for the quantal store in a resting terminal. When Ca2+ is present, the noise spectrum deviates from the spectrum of w(t) and secretion is nonstationary; (r) rises to similar peak values but is sustained at levels near 400/s for up to an hour and at least 1.5 X 10(6) quanta are secreted within this period. Thus, the quantal store must have turned over at least twice under this condition. Data previously obtained at junctions treated with La3+ are corrected for nonlinear summation and for the distribution of MEPP amplitudes. The two corrections roughly compensate each other, and the corrected results confirm the previous conclusion that the number of quanta secreted from La3+-treated terminals during 1 h is not strongly dependent upon the extracellular concentration of Ca2+; approximately 2 X 10(6) quanta are released even when Ca2+ is absent.  相似文献   
The intermediate filaments (IF) present in the various cells of human ovaries were studied by immunolocalization using antibodies to cytokeratins (CKs), vimentin, desmin and alpha-smooth muscle (-SM) actin. Oocytes revealed a single paranuclear aggregate, which reacted with antibodies to CKs 8, 18 and 19 both in adult and fetal ovaries. The existence of this aggregate was also documented by electron microscopy. Ovarian surface epithelium and granulosa cells consistently coexpressed CKs 8, 18, 19 and vimentin. During follicle maturation vimentin remained unchanged in the granulosa layer while CKs content decreased, showing variation in the amount and distribution of the different CK-types. Thecal cells of secondary and mature follicles showed -SM actin positivity. These contractile fibres increased in mature follicles. Ordinary fibrous stromal cells showed isolated cells which were desmin and -SM actin positive. A similar pattern of IF expression and distribution existed in all stages of development in fetal and embryonic ovaries. These results indicate that CKs are present in human oocytes and that the coexpression of vimentin and CKs can be regarded as a peculiar feature of all ovarian cell types except oocytes and ordinary stromal cells. Contractile properties have been documented associated with a modification in expression of IF proteins. This is likely to represent an integral part of folliculogenesis along with the functional hormone-dependent changes.  相似文献   
Gonadal hormones have been shown to exert modulatory effects on nociception and analgesia. To investigate the role of gonadal hormones in the response by female rats to both phasic and persistent nociceptive stimulation, we evaluated the effects of long-term ovariectomy (OVX, 6 months) on the thermal pain threshold and on formalin-induced responses. The thermal pain threshold was evaluated with the plantar test apparatus, while persistent pain was induced by a subcutaneous injection of dilute formalin (50 microliter, 10%) in the dorsal hind paw. The formalin test was carried out in an open field apparatus where the animal's spontaneous behavior and formalin-induced responses (licking duration, flinching frequency and flexing duration of the injected paw) were recorded for 60 min. Estradiol and corticosterone plasma levels were determined in blood collected from the anesthetized animals at the end of the test. In OVX females, the duration of formalin-induced licking was longer than in Intact females during both the first and the second phase; flinching and flexing did not differ from Intact. The thermal pain threshold was only slightly affected by OVX. Estradiol and corticosterone were lower in OVX females than Intact ones. These data indicate that long-term depletion of gonadal hormones in female rats modulates the pain-induced behavioral responses related to supraspinal neural circuits (licking of the injected paw) rather than more spinally mediated responses such as formalin-induced flinching and withdrawal latency in the plantar test.  相似文献   
It has been suggested that the mechanical competence of the proximal femur is preserved with respect to physiological loading conditions rather than accidental overloading, but the consequences of this adaptation for fracture risk in the elderly remain unclear. The goal of the present study was to analyse the safety factor of the human femur in the two most frequent daily activities, level walking and stair climbing, and to understand the dependence, if any, of this safety factor on age, volumetric bone mineral density (vBMD), and gender.  相似文献   
Active Cdc42 GTPase, a key regulator of cell polarity, displays oscillatory dynamics that are anticorrelated at the two cell tips in fission yeast. Anticorrelation suggests competition for active Cdc42 or for its effectors. Here we show how 14-3-3 protein Rad24 associates with Cdc42 guanine exchange factor (GEF) Gef1, limiting Gef1 availability to promote Cdc42 activation. Phosphorylation of Gef1 by conserved NDR kinase Orb6 promotes Gef1 binding to Rad24. Loss of Rad24–Gef1 interaction increases Gef1 protein localization and Cdc42 activation at the cell tips and reduces the anticorrelation of active Cdc42 oscillations. Increased Cdc42 activation promotes precocious bipolar growth activation, bypassing the normal requirement for an intact microtubule cytoskeleton and for microtubule-dependent polarity landmark Tea4-PP1. Further, increased Cdc42 activation by Gef1 widens cell diameter and alters tip curvature, countering the effects of Cdc42 GTPase-activating protein Rga4. The respective levels of Gef1 and Rga4 proteins at the membrane define dynamically the growing area at each cell tip. Our findings show how the 14-3-3 protein Rad24 modulates the availability of Cdc42 GEF Gef1, a homologue of mammalian Cdc42 GEF DNMBP/TUBA, to spatially control Cdc42 GTPase activity and promote cell polarization and cell shape emergence.  相似文献   
The catalytic mechanism proposed for ferredoxin-NADP(+) reductase (FNR) is initiated by reduction of its flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) cofactor by the obligatory one-electron carriers ferredoxin (Fd) or flavodoxin (Fld) in the presence of oxidized nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP(+)). The C-terminal tyrosine of FNR, which stacks onto its flavin ring, modulates the enzyme affinity for NADP(+)/H, being removed from this stacking position during turnover to allow productive docking of the nicotinamide and hydride transfer. Due to its location at the substrate-binding site, this residue might also affect electron transfer between FNR and its protein partners. We therefore studied the interactions and electron-transfer properties of FNR proteins mutated at their C-termini. The results obtained with the homologous reductases from pea and Anabaena PCC7119 indicate that interactions with Fd or Fld are hardly affected by replacement of this tyrosine by tryptophan, phenylalanine, or serine. In contrast, electron exchange is impaired in all mutants, especially in the nonconservative substitutions, without major differences between the eukaryotic and the bacterial FNR. Introduction of a serine residue shifts the flavin reduction potential to less negative values, whereas semiquinone stabilization is severely hampered, introducing further constraints to the one-electron-transfer processes. Thus, the C-terminal tyrosine of FNR plays distinct and complementary roles during the catalytic cycle, (i) by lowering the affinity for NADP(+)/H to levels compatible with steady-state turnover, (ii) by contributing to the flavin semiquinone stabilization required for electron splitting, and (iii) by modulating the rates of electron exchange with the protein partners.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to investigate the genetic diversity of barley accessions.Additionally,association trait analysis was conducted for grain yield under salinity,heading date and plant height.For this purpose,48 barley genotypes were analyzed with 22 microsatellite simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers.Four of the 22 markers (Bmac316,scssr03907,HVM67 and Bmag770) were able to differentiate all barley genotypes.Cluster and principal coordinate analysis allowed a clear grouping between countries from the same region.The genotypes used in this study have been evaluated for agronomic performance in different environments.Conducting association analysis for grain yield under salinity conditions using TASSEL software revealed a close association of the marker Bmag749 (2H,bin 13) in two different environments with common significant alleles (175,177),whereas the HVHOTR1 marker (2H,bin 3) was only significant in Sakhar_Egypt with alleles size being 158 and 161.Heading date also showed an association with scssr03907 through the common significant specific allele 111 and EBmacO415 markers in three different agro climatic locations,whereas HVCMA,scssr00103 and HVM67 were linked to heading date in the Egyptian environment only.The plant height association analysis revealed significant markers Bmag770 via the significant allele 152 and scssr09398.  相似文献   
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