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The ability of dividing cells to produce daughters with different fates is an important developmental mechanism conserved from bacteria to fungi, plants, and metazoan animals. Asymmetric outcomes of a cell division can be specified by two general mechanisms: asymmetric segregation of intrinsic fate determinants or asymmetric placement of daughter cells into microenvironments that provide extrinsic signals that direct cells to different states. For both, spindle orientation must be coordinated with the localization of intrinsic determinants or source of extrinsic signals to achieve the proper asymmetric outcome. Recent work on spindle orientation in Drosophila melanogaster male germline stem cells and neuroblasts has brought into sharp focus the key role of differential centrosome behavior in developmentally programmed asymmetric division (for reviews see Cabernard, C., and C.Q. Doe. 2007. Curr. Biol. 17:R465-R467; Gonzalez, C. 2007. Nat. Rev. Genet. 8:462-472). These findings provide new insights and suggest intriguing new models for how cells coordinate spindle orientation with their cellular microenvironment to regulate and direct cell fate decisions within tissues.  相似文献   
Normal dentin mineralization requires two highly acidic proteins, dentin sialoprotein (DSP) and phosphophoryn (PP). DSP and PP are synthesized as part of a single secreted precursor, DSP-PP, which is conserved in marsupial and placental mammals. Using a baculovirus expression system, we previously found that DSP-PP is accurately cleaved into DSP and PP after secretion into medium by an endogenous, secreted, zinc-dependent Sf9 cell activity. Here we report that mutation of conserved residues near and distant from the G447↓D448 cleavage site in DSP-PP240 had dramatic effects on cleavage efficiency by the endogenous Sf9 cell processing enzyme. We found that: 1) mutation of residues flanking the cleavage site from P4 to P4′ blocked, impaired, or enhanced DSP-PP240 cleavage; 2) certain conserved amino acids distant from the cleavage site were important for precursor cleavage; 3) modification of the C terminus by appending a C-terminal tag altered the pattern of processing; and 4) mutations in DSP-PP240 had similar effects on cleavage by recombinant human BMP1, a candidate physiological processing enzyme, as was seen with the endogenous Sf9 cell activity. An analysis of a partial TLR1 cDNA from Sf9 cells indicates that residues that line the substrate-binding cleft of Sf9 TLR1 and human BMP1 are nearly perfectly conserved, offering an explanation of why Sf9 cells so accurately process mammalian DSP-PP. The fact that several mutations in DSP-PP240 significantly modified the amount of PP240 product generated from DSP-PP240 precursor protein cleavage suggests that such mutation may affect the mineralization process.  相似文献   
Phospholemman (PLM), the principal sarcolemmal substrate for protein kinases A and C in the heart, regulates the cardiac sodium pump. We investigated post-translational modifications of PLM additional to phosphorylation in adult rat ventricular myocytes (ARVM). LC-MS/MS of tryptically digested PLM immunoprecipitated from ARVM identified cysteine 40 as palmitoylated in some peptides, but no information was obtained regarding the palmitoylation status of cysteine 42. PLM palmitoylation was confirmed by immunoprecipitating PLM from ARVM loaded with [(3)H]palmitic acid and immunoblotting following streptavidin affinity purification from ARVM lysates subjected to fatty acyl biotin exchange. Mutagenesis identified both Cys-40 and Cys-42 of PLM as palmitoylated. Phosphorylation of PLM at serine 68 by PKA in ARVM or transiently transfected HEK cells increased its palmitoylation, but PKA activation did not increase the palmitoylation of S68A PLM-YFP in HEK cells. Wild type and unpalmitoylatable PLM-YFP were all correctly targeted to the cell surface membrane, but the half-life of unpalmitoylatable PLM was reduced compared with wild type. In cells stably expressing inducible PLM, PLM expression inhibited the sodium pump, but PLM did not inhibit the sodium pump when palmitoylation was inhibited. Hence, palmitoylation of PLM controls its turnover, and palmitoylated PLM inhibits the sodium pump. Surprisingly, phosphorylation of PLM enhances its palmitoylation, probably through the enhanced mobility of the phosphorylated intracellular domain increasing the accessibility of cysteines for the palmitoylating enzyme, with interesting theoretical implications. All FXYD proteins have conserved intracellular cysteines, so FXYD protein palmitoylation may be a universal means to regulate the sodium pump.  相似文献   
Zoos and related facilities in North America currently manage five species in the primate family Lorisidae: the greater (Nycticebus coucang), Bengal (N. bengalensis) and pygmy (N. pygmaeus) slow lorises, red slender loris (Loris tardigradus), and potto (Perodicticus potto). We used an online survey to describe institutional housing and husbandry practices for these species and assess the extent to which practices are consistent with established guidelines. Our results show that most captive lorisids are housed solitarily or in pairs. Most individuals occupy a single exhibit space in a building dedicated to nocturnal animals. Facilities are commonly meeting recommendations for abiotic exhibit design and are providing animals with an enriched environment. However, pottos and slender lorises currently occupy exhibit spaces smaller than the recommended minimum, and the impact of cleaning protocols on olfactory communication should be critically evaluated. Few facilities are taking advantage of the benefits of positive reinforcement training for promoting animal welfare. Research is greatly needed on the effects of exhibit lighting on behavior, health, and reproduction; and to determine how best to manage the social needs of lorisids with naturally dispersed social structures. Although captive populations of slender lorises, pottos, and slow lorises are declining, we suggest that improved husbandry knowledge has the potential to positively influence population sustainability and to enhance future efforts to manage the growing pygmy loris population. Zoo Biol. 32:88‐100, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. Population and individual colony characteristics of Nasutitermes acajutlae on St John, U.S. Virgin Islands were studied over a 5-year period.
2. Four habitat types (dry forests, moist forests, sparse vegetation, and woodlands) were sampled for N. acajutlae , using quadrat-based methods. Lying dead wood was also quantified in the same sites.
3. Habitats differed significantly in the volume of lying dead wood, and total termite nest volume within quadrats was positively related to wood volume. It was hypothesised that the volume of dead wood affected growth, reproduction, and yearly survival of individual colonies.
4. In a sample of > 100 colonies assessed in 1998, 2000, 2001, and 2002, no significant differences in the growth rate of colonies (= increase in nest volume) could be found between habitat types; however, colonies in sparse vegetation were smaller, less likely to survive, and reproduced at a smaller size compared with those in the other three habitats.
5. Overall nest volume in sparse vegetation was high, compared with dry and moist forest, but colonies showed, on average, poorer survival (interpreted as lower fitness), and produced alates at an early stage of development. Optimum habitat characteristics for N. acajutlae may include not only favourable microclimate but also the reliable acquisition of new dead wood after storms.  相似文献   
Vegetative and developed amoebae of Dictyostelium discoideum gain traction and move rapidly on a wide range of substrata without forming focal adhesions. We used two independent assays to quantify cell-substrate adhesion in mutants and in wild-type cells as a function of development. Using a microfluidic device that generates a range of hydrodynamic shear stress, we found that substratum adhesion decreases at least 10 fold during the first 6 hr of development of wild type cells. This result was confirmed using a single-cell assay in which cells were attached to the cantilever of an atomic force probe and allowed to adhere to untreated glass surfaces before being retracted. Both of these assays showed that the decrease in substratum adhesion was dependent on the cAMP receptor CAR1 which triggers development. Vegetative cells missing talin as the result of a mutation in talA exhibited slightly reduced adhesive properties compared to vegetative wild-type cells. In sharp contrast to wild-type cells, however, these talA mutant cells did not show further reduction of adhesion during development such that after 5 hr of development they were significantly more adhesive than developed wild type cells. In addition, both assays showed that substrate adhesion was reduced in 0 hr cells when the actin cytoskeleton was disrupted by latrunculin. Consistent with previous observations, substrate adhesion was also reduced in 0 hr cells lacking the membrane proteins SadA or SibA as the result of mutations in sadA or sibA. However, there was no difference in the adhesion properties between wild type AX3 cells and these mutant cells after 6 hr of development, suggesting that neither SibA nor SadA play an essential role in substratum adhesion during aggregation. Our results provide a quantitative framework for further studies of cell substratum adhesion in Dictyostelium.  相似文献   
In parallel with our work on solution-phase parallel synthesis of ligands for the rotamase enzyme FKBP12, we herein report a methodology for the solid-phase synthesis of two classes of inhibitor, N-sulfonyl and N-carbamoylprolyl and pipecolyl amides along with their in vitro/in vivo biological results.  相似文献   
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